2024-01-09 12:34:10 +00:00

359 lines
11 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
1.1) Do not compose messages.
Only return results.
See: # TODO return feeds
1.2) Return URLs, nothing else other (e.g. processed messages).
1.3) NOTE: Correction of URLs is aceptable.
2) Consider merging with module
from aiohttp import ClientError, ClientSession, ClientTimeout
from feedparser import parse
import logging
from lxml import html
import slixfeed.config as config
from slixfeed.fetch import download_feed
from slixfeed.url import complete_url, join_url, trim_url
from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit
# TODO Use boolean as a flag to determine whether a single URL was found
# async def probe_page(
# callback, url, document, num=None, db_file=None):
# result = None
# try:
# # tree = etree.fromstring(res[0]) # etree is for xml
# tree = html.fromstring(document)
# except:
# result = (
# "> {}\nFailed to parse URL as feed."
# ).format(url)
# if not result:
# print("RSS Auto-Discovery Engaged")
# result = await feed_mode_auto_discovery(url, tree)
# if not result:
# print("RSS Scan Mode Engaged")
# result = await feed_mode_scan(url, tree)
# if not result:
# print("RSS Arbitrary Mode Engaged")
# result = await feed_mode_request(url, tree)
# if not result:
# result = (
# "> {}\nNo news feeds were found for URL."
# ).format(url)
# # elif msg:
# else:
# if isinstance(result, str):
# return result
# elif isinstance(result, list):
# url = result[0]
# if db_file:
# # print("if db_file", db_file)
# return await callback(db_file, url)
# elif num:
# return await callback(url, num)
# else:
# return await callback(url)
async def probe_page(url, document):
url : str
document : TYPE
result : list or str
Single URL as list or selection of URLs as str.
result = None
# tree = etree.fromstring(res[0]) # etree is for xml
tree = html.fromstring(document)
result = (
"> {}\nFailed to parse URL as feed."
if not result:
"Feed auto-discovery engaged for {}".format(url))
result = await feed_mode_auto_discovery(url, tree)
if not result:
"Feed link scan mode engaged for {}".format(url))
result = await feed_mode_scan(url, tree)
if not result:
"Feed arbitrary mode engaged for {}".format(url))
result = await feed_mode_guess(url, tree)
if not result:
"No feeds were found for {}".format(url))
result = (
"> {}\nNo news feeds were found for URL."
return result
# TODO Improve scan by gradual decreasing of path
async def feed_mode_guess(url, tree):
Lookup for feeds by pathname using HTTP Requests.
db_file : str
Path to database file.
url : str
tree : TYPE
msg : str
Message with URLs.
urls = []
parted_url = urlsplit(url)
paths = config.get_list("lists.yaml", "pathnames")
# Check whether URL has path (i.e. not root)
# Check parted_url.path to avoid error in case root wasn't given
# TODO Make more tests
if parted_url.path and parted_url.path.split('/')[1]:
[".atom", ".feed", ".rdf", ".rss"]
) if '.rss' not in paths else -1
# if paths.index('.rss'):
# paths.extend([".atom", ".feed", ".rdf", ".rss"])
for path in paths:
address = join_url(url, parted_url.path.split('/')[1] + path)
if address not in urls:
# breakpoint()
# print("feed_mode_guess")
urls = await process_feed_selection(url, urls)
return urls
async def feed_mode_scan(url, tree):
Scan page for potential feeds by pathname.
db_file : str
Path to database file.
url : str
tree : TYPE
msg : str
Message with URLs.
urls = []
paths = config.get_list("lists.yaml", "pathnames")
for path in paths:
# xpath_query = "//*[@*[contains(.,'{}')]]".format(path)
# xpath_query = "//a[contains(@href,'{}')]".format(path)
num = 5
xpath_query = "(//a[contains(@href,'{}')])[position()<={}]".format(path, num)
addresses = tree.xpath(xpath_query)
xpath_query = "(//a[contains(@href,'{}')])[position()>last()-{}]".format(path, num)
addresses += tree.xpath(xpath_query)
# NOTE Should number of addresses be limited or
# perhaps be N from the start and N from the end
for address in addresses:
address = join_url(url, address.xpath('@href')[0])
if address not in urls:
# breakpoint()
# print("feed_mode_scan")
urls = await process_feed_selection(url, urls)
return urls
async def feed_mode_auto_discovery(url, tree):
Lookup for feeds using RSS autodiscovery technique.
db_file : str
Path to database file.
url : str
tree : TYPE
msg : str
Message with URLs.
xpath_query = (
'//link[(@rel="alternate") and '
'(@type="application/atom+xml" or '
'@type="application/rdf+xml" or '
# xpath_query = """//link[(@rel="alternate") and (@type="application/atom+xml" or @type="application/rdf+xml" or @type="application/rss+xml")]/@href"""
# xpath_query = "//link[@rel='alternate' and @type='application/atom+xml' or @rel='alternate' and @type='application/rss+xml' or @rel='alternate' and @type='application/rdf+xml']/@href"
feeds = tree.xpath(xpath_query)
if feeds:
urls = []
for feed in feeds:
# # The following code works;
# # The following code will catch
# # only valid resources (i.e. not 404);
# # The following code requires more bandwidth.
# res = await download_feed(feed)
# if res[0]:
# disco = parse(res[0])
# title = disco["feed"]["title"]
# msg += "{} \n {} \n\n".format(title, feed)
# feed_name = feed.xpath('@title')[0]
# feed_addr = join_url(url, feed.xpath('@href')[0])
# if feed_addr.startswith("/"):
# feed_addr = url + feed_addr
address = join_url(url, feed.xpath('@href')[0])
if address not in urls:
# breakpoint()
# print("feed_mode_auto_discovery")
urls = await process_feed_selection(url, urls)
return urls
# TODO Segregate function into function that returns
# URLs (string) and Feeds (dict) and function that
# composes text message (string).
# Maybe that's not necessary.
async def process_feed_selection(url, urls):
feeds = {}
for i in urls:
res = await download_feed(i)
if res[1] == 200:
feeds[i] = [parse(res[0])]
message = (
"Web feeds found for {}\n\n```\n"
counter = 0
feed_url_mark = 0
for feed_url in feeds:
# try:
# res = await download_feed(feed)
# except:
# continue
feed_name = None
if "title" in feeds[feed_url][0]["feed"].keys():
feed_name = feeds[feed_url][0].feed.title
feed_name = feed_name if feed_name else "Untitled"
# feed_name = feed_name if feed_name else urlsplit(feed_url).netloc
# AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'entries'
if "entries" in feeds[feed_url][0].keys():
feed_amnt = feeds[feed_url][0].entries
if feed_amnt:
# NOTE Because there could be many false positives
# which are revealed in second phase of scan, we
# could end with a single feed, which would be
# listed instead of fetched, so feed_url_mark is
# utilized in order to make fetch possible.
feed_url_mark = [feed_url]
counter += 1
message += (
"Title : {}\n"
"Link : {}\n"
).format(feed_name, feed_url)
if counter > 1:
message += (
"```\nTotal of {} feeds."
result = message
elif feed_url_mark:
result = feed_url_mark
result = None
return result
# def get_discovered_feeds(url, urls):
# message = (
# "Found {} web feeds:\n\n```\n"
# ).format(len(urls))
# if len(urls) > 1:
# for urls in urls:
# message += (
# "Title : {}\n"
# "Link : {}\n"
# "\n"
# ).format(url, url.title)
# message += (
# "```\nThe above feeds were extracted from\n{}"
# ).format(url)
# elif len(urls) > 0:
# result = urls
# else:
# message = (
# "No feeds were found for {}"
# ).format(url)
# return result
# Test module
# TODO ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'slixfeed'
# import slixfeed.fetch as fetch
# from slixfeed.action import is_feed, process_feed_selection
# async def start(url):
# while True:
# result = await fetch.download_feed(url)
# document = result[0]
# status = result[1]
# if document:
# feed = parse(document)
# if is_feed(feed):
# print(url)
# else:
# urls = await probe_page(
# url, document)
# if len(urls) > 1:
# await process_feed_selection(urls)
# elif urls:
# url = urls[0]
# else:
# response = (
# "> {}\nFailed to load URL. Reason: {}"
# ).format(url, status)
# break
# return response
# url = ""
# start(url)