#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ FIXME 1) feed_mode_scan doesn't find feed for https://www.blender.org/ even though it should be according to the pathnames dictionary. TODO 0) Improve function http to return sensible value (the list is not good enough) 1) Support Gemini and Gopher. 2) Check also for HTML, not only feed.bozo. 3) Add "if utility.is_feed(url, feed)" to view_entry and view_feed 4) Replace sqlite.remove_nonexistent_entries by sqlite.check_entry_exist Same check, just reverse. 5) Support protocol Gopher See project /michael-lazar/pygopherd See project /gopherball/gb 6) Support ActivityPub @person@domain (see Tip Of The Day). 7) See project /offpunk/offblocklist.py """ from aiohttp import ClientError, ClientSession, ClientTimeout from asyncio import TimeoutError # from asyncio.exceptions import IncompleteReadError # from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # from http.client import IncompleteRead import logging # from lxml import html # from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree, ParseError import requests import slixfeed.config as config try: from magnet2torrent import Magnet2Torrent, FailedToFetchException except: logging.info( "Package magnet2torrent was not found.\n" "BitTorrent is disabled.") # class FetchDat: # async def dat(): # class FetchFtp: # async def ftp(): # class FetchGemini: # async def gemini(): # class FetchGopher: # async def gopher(): # class FetchHttp: # async def http(): # class FetchIpfs: # async def ipfs(): def http_response(url): """ Download response headers. Parameters ---------- url : str URL. Returns ------- response: requests.models.Response HTTP Header Response. Result would contain these: response.encoding response.headers response.history response.reason response.status_code response.url """ user_agent = ( config.get_value( "settings", "Network", "user-agent") ) or 'Slixfeed/0.1' headers = { "User-Agent": user_agent } try: # Don't use HEAD request because quite a few websites may deny it # response = requests.head(url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=True) response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=True) except Exception as e: logging.error(str(e)) response = None return response async def http(url): """ Download content of given URL. Parameters ---------- url : list URL. Returns ------- msg: list or str Document or error message. """ user_agent = (config.get_value("settings", "Network", "user-agent") or 'Slixfeed/0.1') headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent} proxy = (config.get_value("settings", "Network", "http_proxy") or '') timeout = ClientTimeout(total=10) async with ClientSession(headers=headers) as session: # async with ClientSession(trust_env=True) as session: try: async with session.get(url, proxy=proxy, # proxy_auth=(proxy_username, proxy_password), timeout=timeout ) as response: status = response.status if status == 200: try: document = await response.text() result = {'charset': response.charset, 'content': document, 'content_length': response.content_length, 'content_type': response.content_type, 'error': False, 'message': None, 'original_url': url, 'status_code': status, 'response_url': response.url} except: result = {'error': True, 'message': 'Could not get document.', 'original_url': url, 'status_code': status, 'response_url': response.url} else: result = {'error': True, 'message': 'HTTP Error:' + str(status), 'original_url': url, 'status_code': status, 'response_url': response.url} except ClientError as e: result = {'error': True, 'message': 'Error:' + str(e), 'original_url': url} except TimeoutError as e: result = {'error': True, 'message': 'Timeout:' + str(e), 'original_url': url} return result async def magnet(link): m2t = Magnet2Torrent(link) try: filename, torrent_data = await m2t.retrieve_torrent() except FailedToFetchException: logging.debug("Failed")