#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ FIXME 1) Do not handle base64 https://www.lilithsaintcrow.com/2024/02/love-anonymous/  https://www.lilithsaintcrow.com/2024/02/love-anonymous//image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABaAAAAeAAQAAAAAQ6M16AAAAAnRSTlMAAHaTzTgAAAFmSURBVBgZ7cEBAQAAAIKg/q92SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADgWE3LAAGyZmPPAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC TODO 1) ActivityPub URL revealer activitypub_to_http. 2) SQLite preference "instance" for preferred instances. """ from email.utils import parseaddr import logging import os import random import slixfeed.config as config import slixfeed.fetch as fetch from urllib.parse import ( parse_qs, urlencode, urljoin, # urlparse, urlsplit, urlunsplit ) # NOTE # hostname and protocol are listed as one in file proxies.toml. # Perhaps a better practice would be to have them separated. # NOTE # File proxies.toml will remain as it is, in order to be # coordinated with the dataset of project LibRedirect, even # though rule-sets might be adopted (see )Privacy Redirect). def get_hostname(url): parted_url = urlsplit(url) hostname = parted_url.netloc if hostname.startswith('www.'): hostname = hostname.replace('www.', '') return hostname def replace_hostname(url, url_type): """ Replace hostname. Parameters ---------- url : str URL. url_type : str "feed" or "link". Returns ------- url : str URL. """ url_new = None parted_url = urlsplit(url) # protocol = parted_url.scheme hostname = parted_url.netloc hostname = hostname.replace('www.','') pathname = parted_url.path queries = parted_url.query fragment = parted_url.fragment proxies = config.open_config_file('proxies.toml')['proxies'] for proxy_name in proxies: proxy = proxies[proxy_name] if hostname in proxy['hostname'] and url_type in proxy['type']: while not url_new: proxy_type = 'clearnet' proxy_list = proxy[proxy_type] if len(proxy_list): # proxy_list = proxies[proxy_name][proxy_type] proxy_url = random.choice(proxy_list) parted_proxy_url = urlsplit(proxy_url) protocol_new = parted_proxy_url.scheme hostname_new = parted_proxy_url.netloc url_new = urlunsplit([protocol_new, hostname_new, pathname, queries, fragment]) response = fetch.http_response(url_new) if (response and response.status_code == 200 and response.reason == 'OK' and url_new.startswith(proxy_url)): break else: config_dir = config.get_default_config_directory() proxies_obsolete_file = config_dir + '/proxies_obsolete.toml' proxies_file = config_dir + '/proxies.toml' if not os.path.isfile(proxies_obsolete_file): config.create_skeleton(proxies_file) config.backup_obsolete(proxies_obsolete_file, proxy_name, proxy_type, proxy_url) config.update_proxies(proxies_file, proxy_name, proxy_type, proxy_url) url_new = None else: logging.warning( "No proxy URLs for {}." "Update proxies.toml".format(proxy_name)) url_new = url break return url_new def remove_tracking_parameters(url): """ Remove queries with tracking parameters. Parameters ---------- url : str URL. Returns ------- url : str URL. """ if url.startswith('data:') and ';base64,' in url: return url parted_url = urlsplit(url) protocol = parted_url.scheme hostname = parted_url.netloc pathname = parted_url.path queries = parse_qs(parted_url.query) fragment = parted_url.fragment trackers = config.open_config_file('queries.toml')['trackers'] for tracker in trackers: if tracker in queries: del queries[tracker] queries_new = urlencode(queries, doseq=True) url = urlunsplit([protocol, hostname, pathname, queries_new, fragment]) return url def feed_to_http(url): """ Replace scheme FEED by HTTP. Parameters ---------- url : str URL. Returns ------- new_url : str URL. """ par_url = urlsplit(url) new_url = urlunsplit(['http', par_url.netloc, par_url.path, par_url.query, par_url.fragment]) return new_url def check_xmpp_uri(uri): """ Check validity of XMPP URI. Parameters ---------- uri : str URI. Returns ------- jid : str JID or None. """ jid = urlsplit(uri).path if parseaddr(jid)[1] != jid: jid = False return jid # NOTE Read the documentation # https://docs.python.org/3/library/urllib.parse.html#urllib.parse.urljoin def complete_url(source, link): """ Check if URL is pathname and complete it into URL. Parameters ---------- source : str Feed URL. link : str Link URL or pathname. Returns ------- str URL. """ if link.startswith('data:') and ';base64,' in link: return link if link.startswith('www.'): return 'http://' + link parted_link = urlsplit(link) parted_feed = urlsplit(source) if parted_link.scheme == 'magnet' and parted_link.query: return link if parted_link.scheme and parted_link.netloc: return link if link.startswith('//'): if parted_link.netloc and parted_link.path: new_link = urlunsplit([parted_feed.scheme, parted_link.netloc, parted_link.path, parted_link.query, parted_link.fragment]) elif link.startswith('/'): new_link = urlunsplit([parted_feed.scheme, parted_feed.netloc, parted_link.path, parted_link.query, parted_link.fragment]) elif link.startswith('../'): pathlink = parted_link.path.split('/') pathfeed = parted_feed.path.split('/') for i in pathlink: if i == '..': if pathlink.index('..') == 0: pathfeed.pop() else: break while pathlink.count('..'): if pathlink.index('..') == 0: pathlink.remove('..') else: break pathlink = '/'.join(pathlink) pathfeed.extend([pathlink]) new_link = urlunsplit([parted_feed.scheme, parted_feed.netloc, '/'.join(pathfeed), parted_link.query, parted_link.fragment]) else: pathlink = parted_link.path.split('/') pathfeed = parted_feed.path.split('/') if link.startswith('./'): pathlink.remove('.') if not source.endswith('/'): pathfeed.pop() pathlink = '/'.join(pathlink) pathfeed.extend([pathlink]) new_link = urlunsplit([parted_feed.scheme, parted_feed.netloc, '/'.join(pathfeed), parted_link.query, parted_link.fragment]) return new_link # TODO # Feed https://www.ocaml.org/feed.xml # Link %20https://frama-c.com/fc-versions/cobalt.html%20 # FIXME # Feed https://cyber.dabamos.de/blog/feed.rss # Link https://cyber.dabamos.de/blog/#article-2022-07-15 def join_url(source, link): """ Join base URL with given pathname. Parameters ---------- source : str Feed URL. link : str Link URL or pathname. Returns ------- str URL. """ if link.startswith('data:') and ';base64,' in link: return link if link.startswith('www.'): new_link = 'http://' + link elif link.startswith('%20') and link.endswith('%20'): old_link = link.split('%20') del old_link[0] old_link.pop() new_link = ''.join(old_link) else: new_link = urljoin(source, link) return new_link def trim_url(url): """ Check URL pathname for double slash. Parameters ---------- url : str URL. Returns ------- url : str URL. """ if url.startswith('data:') and ';base64,' in url: return url parted_url = urlsplit(url) protocol = parted_url.scheme hostname = parted_url.netloc pathname = parted_url.path queries = parted_url.query fragment = parted_url.fragment while '//' in pathname: pathname = pathname.replace('//', '/') url = urlunsplit([protocol, hostname, pathname, queries, fragment]) return url def activitypub_to_http(namespace): """ Replace ActivityPub namespace by HTTP. Parameters ---------- namespace : str Namespace. Returns ------- new_url : str URL. """