[[about]] title = "About" subtitle = "Slixfeed, slixmpp and more" [[about]] name = "Slixfeed" about = "XMPP news bot" info = [""" Slixfeed is a news broker bot for syndicated news which aims to be \ an easy to use and fully-featured news aggregating bot. Slixfeed provides a convenient access to Blogs, News websites and \ even Fediverse instances (provided they provide syndication feeds), \ along with filtering and other privacy driven functionalities. Slixfeed is designed primarily for the XMPP communication network \ (aka Jabber). Visit https://xmpp.org/software/ for more information. You can run your own Slixfeed instance as a client or Jabber server \ component, from your own computer, server, and even from a Linux phone \ (i.e. Droidian, Kupfer, Mobian, NixOS, postmarketOS), as well as from Termux. All you need is one of the above and an XMPP account to connect \ Slixfeed with. Good luck! """] filetypes = "Atom, JSON, RDF, RSS, XML." platforms = "XMPP" # platforms = "ActivityPub, Briar, DeltaChat, Email, IRC, LXMF, MQTT, Nostr, Session, Tox." comment = "For ideal experience, we recommend using XMPP." # Nostr, Session or DeltaChat url = "https://gitgud.io/sjehuda/slixfeed" [[about]] name = "slixmpp" about = "Slixmpp XMPP Library" info = [""" Slixmpp is an MIT licensed XMPP library for Python 3.7+. It is a fork of \ SleekXMPP. Slixmpp's goals is to only rewrite the core of the SleekXMPP library \ (the low level socket handling, the timers, the events dispatching) \ in order to remove all threads. """] url = "https://codeberg.org/poezio/slixmpp" [[about]] name = "SleekXMPP" about = "SleekXMPP XMPP Library" info = [""" SleekXMPP is an MIT licensed XMPP library for Python 2.6/3.1+, and is \ featured in examples in the book XMPP: The Definitive Guide by Kevin Smith, \ Remko Tronçon, and Peter Saint-Andre. """] url = "https://codeberg.org/fritzy/SleekXMPP" [[about]] name = "XMPP" about = "Previously known as Jabber" info = [""" XMPP is the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol, a set of open \ technologies for instant messaging, presence, multi-party chat, voice and \ video calls, collaboration, lightweight middleware, content syndication, and \ generalized routing of XML data. """] url = "https://xmpp.org/about" [[about]] name = "RSS Task Force" about = "Swiss Organization" info = [""" The RSS Task Force (previously known as The Syndication Society) is an \ international organization headquartered in Switzerland. It was originally formed to maintain, serve and improve data flow to and \ from small and medium enterprises, namely rural farms and long distance \ taxi drivers from Austria, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. Thanks to a joint effort of transport and travel companies, in 2021 we have \ expanded our cause towards all entities of all types and sorts. The RSS Task Force was founded by two taxicab drivers in 2018. """] [[authors]] title = "Authors" subtitle = "The people who have made Slixfeed" [[authors]] name = "Schimon Zackary" role = "Author and Creator" info = [""" A middle eastern cowboy, farmer, pianist and lawyer who engages in criminal \ and corporate law, and who took a decision to make a syndication bot for XMPP. """] url = "http://schimon.i2p" [[authors]] name = "Laura Lapina" alias = "lauranna" role = "Co-Author, Instructor and Mentor" info = [""" The woman who instructed the author during a period of a couple of years, \ and who has made progress possible, once again, after a hiatus of 6 months \ made by the author. She is responsible for many parts of the project, with significant help in \ important core parts, amongst these are: * AsyncIO; * AsyncIO lock mechanism for SQLite; and * SQLite. """] [[contributors]] title = "Contributors" subtitle = "People who have contributed to Slixfeed" [[contributors]] name = "grym from #python" role = "Contributor" info = [""" Correcting code structure to be better prepared for packaging 18c93083. """] [[contributors]] name = "Guus der Kinderen" role = "XMPP server administrator" info = [""" Providing OpenFire server for testing various of features. XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe XEP-0114: Jabber Component Protocol XEP-0472: Pubsub Social Feed """] url = "http://goodbytes.im" [[contributors]] name = "Stephen Paul Weber" role = "Contributor and forms coordinator" info = [""" Coordinating and enhancing appearance of forms with Cheogram. XEP-0004: Data Forms XEP-0050: Ad-Hoc Commands XEP-0122: Data Forms Validation """] [[friends]] title = "Similar Projects" subtitle = """ From Argentina to Germany. Syndication bots made by our counterparts. \ It is obvious that Slixfeed may not be as useful as other news bots, as \ each project is formed namely by peculiar design and political principles. \ You are encouraged to review the following projects and pick the one that \ fits best to you. """ [[friends]] name = "Morbot" info = [""" Morbo is a simple Slixmpp bot that will take new articles from listed RSS \ feeds and send them to assigned XMPP MUCs (groupchats). """] interface = "Groupchat" url = "https://codeberg.org/TheCoffeMaker/Morbot" [[friends]] name = "feed-to-muc" info = [""" An XMPP bot which posts to a MUC (groupchat) if there is an update in \ newsfeeds. """] interface = "Groupchat" url = "https://salsa.debian.org/mdosch/feed-to-muc" [[friends]] name = "Jabber RSS Transport" info = [""" Jabber RSS Transport is one of the possibilities to read news in Jabber \ via RSS, which allows you not to use a separate program, but to receive \ them directly in your favorite Jabber client. """] interface = "Chat" url = "https://jabberworld.info/Jabber_RSS_Transport" [[friends]] name = "JabRSS by Christof" info = [""" A simple RSS (RDF Site Summary) headline notification service for Jabber/XMPP. """] interface = "Chat" instance = "xmpp:jabrss@cmeerw.net?message" url = "https://dev.cmeerw.org/Projects/jabrss" [[friends]] name = "JabRSS by Jens W. Wulf" info = [""" Never miss a headline again! JabRSS is a simple RSS (RDF Site Summary) \ headline notification service for Jabber. The code is based on jabrss@cmeerw.net from Christof. It was restructured \ and offers additional features (see help, help filter and show plugins). """] interface = "Chat" instance = "xmpp:jabrss@jotwewe.de?message" url = "http://www.jotwewe.de/de/xmpp/jabrss/jabrss_en.htm" [[friends]] name = "AtomToPubsub" info = [""" AtomToPubsub is a simple Python script that parses Atom + RSS feeds and \ pushes the entries to a designated XMPP PubSub Node. """] interface = "Publish-Subscribe" url = "https://github.com/imattau/atomtopubsub" [[friends]] name = "err-rssreader (Errbot plugin)" info = [""" A port of old Brutal's RSS Reader for Errbot. """] url = "https://github.com/errbotters/err-rssreader" [[friends]] name = "XMPP Bot" info = [""" XMPP Bot is a tiny little bot making the link between XMPP conversations \ and webhooks. User ⇄ XMPP client ⇄ XMPP Server ⇄ XMPP Bot ⇄ REST API """] interface = "Groupchat" url = "https://github.com/nioc/xmpp-bot" [[legal]] title = "Legal" subtitle = "Legal Notice" [[legal]] info = [""" Slixfeed is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the \ terms of the MIT License. Slixfeed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY \ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR \ A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the MIT License for more details. """] link = "https://gitgud.io/sjehuda/slixfeed" [[license]] title = "License" subtitle = "MIT License" [[license]] info = [""" Copyright 2022 - 2024 Schimon Jehudah Zackary Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy \ of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal \ in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights \ to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell \ copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is \ furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in \ all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR \ IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, \ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE \ AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER \ LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING \ FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS \ IN THE SOFTWARE. """] owner = "Schimon Zackary" [[support]] title = "Support" subtitle = "Slixfeed Support Groupchat" [[support]] jid = "xmpp:slixfeed@chat.woodpeckersnest.space?join" lang = "de, en, fr, nl" [[thanks]] title = "Thanks" subtitle = """ From SalixOS to Gajim. A journey of 15 years. \ The people who have made all this possible. """ [[thanks]] name = "Alixander Court" country = "Utah" url = "https://alixandercourt.com" [[thanks]] name = "Arne-Brün Vogelsang" country = "Germany" project = "monocles" url = "https://monocles.eu/more" [[thanks]] name = "Chris Farrell" alias = "timcowchip" country = "Oregon" project = "SalixOS" [[thanks]] name = "Christian Dersch" alias = "christian" project = "SalixOS" [[thanks]] name = "Cyrille Pontvieux" alias = "JRD" country = "France" project = "SalixOS" url = "http://animeka.com http://enialis.net" jabber = "xmpp:jrd@jabber.cz?message" [[thanks]] name = "Denis Fomin" alias = "Dicson" country = "Russia" project = "Gajim" url = "https://juick.com/dicson" [[thanks]] name = "Dimitris Tzemos" alias = "djemos" country = "Greece" projects = "SalixOS, Slackel" url = "http://slackel.gr" jabber = "xmpp:djemos@jabber.org?message" [[thanks]] name = "Emmanuel Gil Peyrot" alias = "Link mauve" country = "France" projects = "Poezio, slixmpp" jabber = "xmpp:linkmauve@linkmauve.fr?message" url = "https://linkmauve.fr" [[thanks]] name = "Florent Le Coz" alias = "louiz" country = "France" projects = "Poezio, slixmpp" jabber = "xmpp:louiz@louiz.org?message" url = "https://louiz.org" [[thanks]] name = "George Vlahavas" alias = "gapan" country = "Greece" project = "SalixOS" url = "https://salixos.org https://vlahavas.com" [[thanks]] name = "Guus der Kinderen" country = "Netherlands" project = "Openfire" url = "https://igniterealtime.org" [[thanks]] name = "habnabit_" alias = "habnabit_" irc = "irc://irc.libera.chat/#python" [[thanks]] name = "Imar van Erven Dorens" country = "Netherlands" project = "SalixOS" url = "https://simplicit.nl" [[thanks]] name = "imattau" alias = "imattau" project = "atomtopubsub" [[thanks]] name = "Jaussoin Timothée" alias = "edhelas" country = "France" projects = "atomtopubsub, Movim" url = "https://mov.im" [[thanks]] name = "Justin Karneges" country = "California" project = "Psi" url = "https://jblog.andbit.net https://psi-im.org" [[thanks]] name = "Kevin Smith" alias = "Kev" country = "Wales" projects = "Psi, SleekXMPP, Swift IM" url = "http://kismith.co.uk https://isode.com https://swift.im" [[thanks]] name = "Lars Windolf" alias = "lwindolf" country = "Germany" project = "Liferea" url = "https://lzone.de" [[thanks]] name = "Luis Henrique Mello" alias = "lmello" country = "Brazil" project = "SalixOS" [[thanks]] name = "magicfelix" alias = "magicfelix" [[thanks]] name = "Markus Muttilainen" alias = "stillborn" project = "SalixOS" [[thanks]] name = "Martin" alias = "debacle" country = "Germany" projects = "Debian, sms4you" email = "mailto:debacle@debian.org" [[thanks]] name = "Mathieu Pasquet" alias = "mathieui" country = "France" project = "slixmpp" jabber = "xmpp:mathieui@mathieui.net?message" url = "https://blog.mathieui.net" [[thanks]] name = "Maxime Buquet" alias = "pep" country = "France" project = "slixmpp" jabber = "xmpp:pep@bouah.net?message" url = "https://bouah.net" [[thanks]] name = "mirux" alias = "mirux" country = "Germany" [[thanks]] name = "Phillip Watkins" alias = "pwatk" country = "England" project = "SalixOS" [[thanks]] name = "Pierrick Le Brun" alias = "akuna" country = "France" project = "SalixOS" url = "https://mossieur-ballon.com" [[thanks]] name = "Raphael Groner" alias = "rapgro" country = "Germany" project = "Fedora" [[thanks]] name = "Remko Tronçon" country = "Belgium" projects = "Psi, SleekXMPP, Swift IM" url = "http://el-tramo.be https://mko.re https://psi-im.org" [[thanks]] name = "Richard Lapointe" alias = "laprjns" country = "Connecticut" projects = "SalixOS, Zenwalk" [[thanks]] name = "Simone Canaletti" alias = "roughnecks" country = "Italy" url = "https://woodpeckersnest.space" [[thanks]] name = "Stephen Paul Weber" alias = "singpolyma" projects = "Cheogram, JMP, Sopranica" url = "https://singpolyma.net" [[thanks]] name = "Strix from Loqi" alias = "Strix" [[thanks]] name = "Thibaud Guerin" alias = "guth" project = "SalixOS" [[thanks]] name = "Thorsten Fröhlich" country = "France" [[thanks]] name = "Thorsten Mühlfelder" alias = "thenktor" country = "Germany" project = "SalixOS" [[thanks]] name = "Tim Beech" alias = "mimosa" country = "Brazil" project = "SalixOS" url = "https://apipucos.wordpress.com" [[thanks]] name = "Tomoki Tsuchiya" alias = "tsuren" project = "SalixOS" [[thanks]] name = "Yann Leboulanger" alias = "asterix" country = "France" project = "Gajim" jabber = "xmpp:asterix@jabber.lagaule.org?message" url = "https://gajim.org" [[thanks]] name = "#python" info = "IRC Channel" note = "Thank you gentlemen for your help and support!" irc = "irc://irc.libera.chat/#python" [[thanks]] name = "The Salix Team" info = [""" Previously part of the Zenwalk team. The stubbornness of the Salix OS team members, and their determination to the \ cause, no matter whether popular or else, you are the people who have lead \ the creator of this software to the XMPP network. It may well be said, that without you, gentlemen, and without your kind \ honesty, sincerity and even the arguments however difficult these arguments \ were, Slixfeed would have never been existed today. All this from an XMPP groupchat that started out from 5 to 8 participants, \ fifteen years ago (2009). Thank you. """] irc = "irc://irc.libera.chat/#salix" jabber = "xmpp:salix@chat.meticul.eu?join" url = "https://docs.salixos.org/wiki/Salix_OS:Team" [[thanks]] name = "The XMPP Community" info = [""" For over a couple of decades, the people of XMPP form a strong community \ which strives to provide you and your loved ones, private, secure and \ stable communication experience. While we are for private property and high standard of living, in the XMPP \ realm we cooperate and we compete together to provide you with the best \ communication platform in the world. With governments and intelligence agencies around the world making an \ extensive - and sometimes exclusive - use of XMPP, you can be rest assured \ that you can never be wrong by making XMPP your prime and premier choice \ for communications. We are XMPP. Join us! """] [[operators]] title = "Operators" subtitle = "Slixfeed Operators" [[operators]] name = "Mr. Operator" info = "No operator was specified for this instance." [[policies]] title = "Policies" subtitle = "Terms of service" [[policies]] name = "Terms and Conditions" info = [""" You are bound to these terms. """] [[policies]] name = "Privacy Policy" info = [""" All your data belongs to us. """] [[clients]] title = "Recommended Clients" subtitle = """ As a chat bot, Slixfeed works with any XMPP messenger, yet we have deemed it \ appropriate to list the software that work best with Slixfeed, namely those \ that provide support for XEP-0050: Ad-Hoc Commands. """ [[clients]] name = "Cheogram" info = "XMPP client for mobile" url = "https://cheogram.com" # [[clients]] # name = "Conversations" # info = "XMPP client for mobile" # url = "https://conversations.im" [[clients]] name = "Converse" info = "XMPP client for desktop and mobile" url = "https://conversejs.org" # [[clients]] # name = "Gajim" # info = "XMPP client for desktop" # url = "https://gajim.org" # [[clients]] # name = "Monal IM" # info = "XMPP client for desktop and mobile" # url = "https://monal-im.org" [[clients]] name = "monocles chat" info = "XMPP client for mobile" url = "https://monocles.chat" [[clients]] name = "Movim" info = "XMPP client for desktop and mobile" url = "https://mov.im" # [[clients]] # name = "Moxxy" # info = "XMPP client for mobile" # url = "https://moxxy.org" [[clients]] name = "Poezio" info = "XMPP client for console" url = "https://poez.io" [[clients]] name = "Psi" info = "XMPP client for desktop" url = "https://psi-im.org" [[clients]] name = "Psi+" info = "XMPP client for desktop" url = "https://psi-plus.com" # [[clients]] # name = "Swift" # info = "XMPP client for desktop" # url = "https://swift.im" # [[clients]] # name = "yaxim" # info = "XMPP client for mobile" # url = "https://yaxim.org" [[services]] title = "Recommended News Services" subtitle = [""" Below are online services that extend the syndication experience by means \ of bookmarking and multimedia, and also enhance it by restoring access to \ news web feeds. """] [[services]] name = "Feed Creator" info = [""" Feed Creator is a service that creates feeds from HTML pages. \ It generates RSS and JSON feeds from a set of links or other HTML elements. """] link = "https://www.fivefilters.org/feed-creator/" [[services]] name = "Kill the Newsletter" info = "Kill the Newsletter converts email newsletters into Web feeds." link = "https://kill-the-newsletter.com" [[services]] name = "Open RSS" info = [""" Open RSS is a nonprofit organization that provides free RSS feeds for \ websites and applications that don't already provide them, so RSS feeds can \ continue to be a reliable way for people to stay up-to-date with content \ anywhere on the internet. """] link = "https://openrss.org" [[services]] name = "RSS-Bridge" info = [""" RSS-Bridge is free and open source software for generating Atom or RSS \ feeds from websites which don’t have one. It is written in PHP and intended \ to run on a Web server. """] link = "https://rss-bridge.org/bridge01/" [[services]] name = "RSSHub" info = [""" RSSHub is an open source, easy to use, and extensible RSS feed generator. \ It's capable of generating RSS feeds from pretty much everything. """] link = "https://docs.rsshub.app" [[software]] title = "Recommended News Software" subtitle = [""" Take back control of your news. With free, quality, software for your \ desktop, home and mobile devices. """] [[software]] name = "CommaFeed" info = [""" A self-hosted RSS reader, based on Dropwizard and React/TypeScript. """] link = "https://commafeed.com" os = "Any (HTML)" [[software]] name = "FreshRSS" info = [""" FreshRSS is a self-hosted RSS and Atom feed aggregator. It is lightweight, easy to work with, powerful, and customizable. """] link = "https://freshrss.org" os = "Any (HTML)" [[software]] name = "Liferea" info = [""" Liferea is a feed reader/news aggregator that brings together all of the \ content from your favorite subscriptions into a simple interface that makes \ it easy to organize and browse feeds. Its GUI is similar to a desktop \ mail/news client, with an embedded web browser. """] link = "https://lzone.de/liferea/" os = "FreeBSD and Linux" [[software]] name = "NetNewsWire" info = [""" NetNewsWire shows you articles from your favorite blogs and news sites and \ keeps track of what you’ve read. This means you can stop going from page to page in your browser looking for \ new articles to read. Do it the easy way instead: let NetNewsWire bring you \ the news. And, if you’ve been getting your news via the commercial Social Networks — \ with their ads, algorithms, user tracking, outrage, and misinformation — you \ can switch to NetNewsWire to get news directly and more reliably from the \ sites you trust. """] link = "https://netnewswire.com" os = "MacOS" [[software]] name = "Newsboat" info = [""" Newsboat is an RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console. It’s an actively \ maintained fork of Newsbeuter """] link = "https://newsboat.org" os = "Any" [[software]] name = "Spot-On" info = [""" Spot-On is a software carnival which brings chat, email, news, newsgroups, \ search and other forms of communications into a single communications \ orchestra. """] link = "https://textbrowser.github.io/spot-on/" os = "Any" [[software]] name = "Vienna RSS" info = [""" Vienna is an RSS/Atom reader for macOS, packed with powerful features that \ help you make sense of the flood of information that is distributed via \ these formats today. """] link = "https://vienna-rss.com" os = "MacOS" [[resources]] title = "Useful Resources" subtitle = "Technologies which Slixfeed is based upon" [[resources]] name = "feedparser" info = "Syndication Library" url = "https://pythonhosted.org/feedparser" [[resources]] name = "Slixmpp" info = "XMPP Library" url = "https://slixmpp.readthedocs.io" [[resources]] name = "XMPP" info = "Messaging Protocol" url = "https://xmpp.org/about"