#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sqlite3 import asyncio from sqlite3 import Error from datetime import date import confighandler # from eliot import start_action, to_file # # with start_action(action_type="list_subscriptions()", db=db_file): # # with start_action(action_type="last_entries()", num=num): # # with start_action(action_type="get_subscriptions()"): # # with start_action(action_type="remove_entry()", source=source): # # with start_action(action_type="search_entries()", query=query): # # with start_action(action_type="check_entry()", link=link): # aiosqlite DBLOCK = asyncio.Lock() CURSORS = {} def create_connection(db_file): """ Create a database connection to the SQLite database specified by db_file. :param db_file: Database filename. :return: Connection object or None. """ conn = None try: conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file) return conn except Error as e: print(e) return conn def create_tables(db_file): """ Create SQLite tables. :param db_file: Database filename. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: feeds_table_sql = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feeds ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, name text, address text NOT NULL, enabled integer NOT NULL, scanned text, updated text, status integer, valid integer ); """ entries_table_sql = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entries ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, title text NOT NULL, summary text NOT NULL, link text NOT NULL, source text, read integer ); """ # statistics_table_sql = """ # CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS statistics ( # id integer PRIMARY KEY, # title text NOT NULL, # number integer # ); """ settings_table_sql = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS settings ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, key text NOT NULL, value integer ); """ cur = conn.cursor() # cur = get_cursor(db_file) cur.execute(feeds_table_sql) cur.execute(entries_table_sql) # cur.execute(statistics_table_sql) cur.execute(settings_table_sql) def get_cursor(db_file): """ Allocate a cursor to connection per database. :param db_file: Database filename. :return: Cursor. """ if db_file in CURSORS: return CURSORS[db_file] else: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() CURSORS[db_file] = cur return CURSORS[db_file] async def add_feed(db_file, title, url, res): """ Add a new feed into the feeds table. :param db_file: Database filename. :param title: Feed title. :param url: URL. :param res: XML document. :return: Message. """ #TODO consider async with DBLOCK #conn = create_connection(db_file) # with create_connection(db_file) as conn: # #exist = await check_feed_exist(conn, url) # exist = await check_feed_exist(db_file, url) # if not exist: # res = await main.download_feed(url) # else: # return "News source is already listed in the subscription list" async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() # title = feed["feed"]["title"] feed = (title, url, 1, res[1], 1) sql = """INSERT INTO feeds(name, address, enabled, status, valid) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """ cur.execute(sql, feed) source = title if title else '<' + url + '>' msg = '> {}\nNews source "{}" has been added to subscription list'.format(url, source) return msg async def remove_feed(db_file, ix): """ Delete a feed by feed id. :param db_file: Database filename. :param ix: Index of feed. :return: Message. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: async with DBLOCK: cur = conn.cursor() try: sql = "SELECT address FROM feeds WHERE id = ?" url = cur.execute(sql, (ix,)) for i in url: url = i[0] # NOTE Should we move DBLOCK to this line? 2022-12-23 sql = "DELETE FROM entries WHERE source = ?" cur.execute(sql, (url,)) sql = "DELETE FROM feeds WHERE id = ?" cur.execute(sql, (ix,)) msg = """News source <{}> has been removed from subscription list """.format(url) except: msg = """No news source with ID {}""".format(ix) return msg async def check_feed_exist(db_file, url): """ Check whether a feed exists. Query for feeds by given url. :param db_file: Database filename. :param url: URL. :return: Index ID and Name or None. """ cur = get_cursor(db_file) sql = "SELECT id, name FROM feeds WHERE address = ?" cur.execute(sql, (url,)) result = cur.fetchone() return result async def get_number_of_items(db_file, str): """ Return number of entries or feeds. :param cur: Cursor object. :param str: "entries" or "feeds". :return: Number of rows. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT count(id) FROM {}".format(str) count = cur.execute(sql) count = cur.fetchone()[0] return count async def get_number_of_entries_unread(db_file): """ Return number of unread items. :param db_file: Database filename. :param cur: Cursor object. :return: Number of rows. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT count(id) FROM entries WHERE read = 0" count = cur.execute(sql) count = cur.fetchone()[0] return count async def get_entry_unread(db_file): """ Check read status of entry. :param db_file: Database filename. :return: News item as message. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() entry = [] sql = "SELECT id FROM entries WHERE read = 0" ix = cur.execute(sql).fetchone() if ix is None: return False ix = ix[0] sql = "SELECT title FROM entries WHERE id = :id" cur.execute(sql, (ix,)) title = cur.fetchone()[0] entry.append(title) sql = "SELECT summary FROM entries WHERE id = :id" cur.execute(sql, (ix,)) summary = cur.fetchone()[0] entry.append(summary) sql = "SELECT link FROM entries WHERE id = :id" cur.execute(sql, (ix,)) link = cur.fetchone()[0] entry.append(link) entry = "{}\n\n{}\n\n{}".format(entry[0], entry[1], entry[2]) # print(entry) async with DBLOCK: await mark_as_read(cur, ix) # async with DBLOCK: # await update_statistics(db_file) return entry async def mark_as_read(cur, ix): """ Set read status of entry. :param cur: Cursor object. :param ix: Index of entry. """ sql = "UPDATE entries SET summary = '', read = 1 WHERE id = ?" cur.execute(sql, (ix,)) async def statistics(db_file): """ Return table statistics. :param db_file: Database filename. :return: News item as message. """ feeds = await get_number_of_items(db_file, 'feeds') entries = await get_number_of_items(db_file, 'entries') unread_entries = await get_number_of_entries_unread(db_file) msg = "You have {} unread news items out of {} from {} news sources.".format(unread_entries, entries, feeds) return msg async def update_statistics(cur): """ Update table statistics. :param cur: Cursor object. """ stat_dict = {} stat_dict["feeds"] = await get_number_of_items(cur, 'feeds') stat_dict["entries"] = await get_number_of_items(cur, 'entries') stat_dict["unread"] = await get_number_of_entries_unread(cur=cur) for i in stat_dict: sql = "SELECT id FROM statistics WHERE title = ?" cur.execute(sql, (i,)) if cur.fetchone(): sql = "UPDATE statistics SET number = :num WHERE title = :title" cur.execute(sql, {"title": i, "num": stat_dict[i]}) else: sql = "SELECT count(id) FROM statistics" count = cur.execute(sql) count = cur.fetchone()[0] ix = count + 1 sql = "INSERT INTO statistics VALUES(?,?,?)" cur.execute(sql, (ix, i, stat_dict[i])) # TODO mark_all_read for entries of feed async def toggle_status(db_file, ix): """ Toggle status of feed. :param db_file: Database filename. :param ix: Index of entry. :return: Message """ async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() #cur = get_cursor(db_file) sql = "SELECT name FROM feeds WHERE id = :id" cur.execute(sql, (ix,)) title = cur.fetchone()[0] sql = "SELECT enabled FROM feeds WHERE id = ?" # NOTE [0][1][2] cur.execute(sql, (ix,)) status = cur.fetchone()[0] # FIXME always set to 1 # NOTE Maybe because is not integer # TODO Reset feed table before further testing if status == 1: status = 0 state = "disabled" else: status = 1 state = "enabled" sql = "UPDATE feeds SET enabled = :status WHERE id = :id" cur.execute(sql, {"status": status, "id": ix}) msg = "Updates for '{}' are now {}".format(title, state) return msg async def set_date(cur, url): """ Set last update date of feed. :param cur: Cursor object. :param url: URL. """ today = date.today() sql = "UPDATE feeds SET updated = :today WHERE address = :url" # cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, {"today": today, "url": url}) async def add_entry_and_set_date(db_file, source, entry): """ TODO """ async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() await add_entry(cur, entry) await set_date(cur, source) async def update_source_status(db_file, status, source): """ TODO """ sql = "UPDATE feeds SET status = :status, scanned = :scanned WHERE address = :url" async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, {"status": status, "scanned": date.today(), "url": source}) async def update_source_validity(db_file, source, valid): """ TODO """ sql = "UPDATE feeds SET valid = :validity WHERE address = :url" async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, {"validity": valid, "url": source}) async def add_entry(cur, entry): """ Add a new entry into the entries table. :param cur: Cursor object. :param entry: """ sql = """ INSERT INTO entries(title, summary, link, source, read) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """ cur.execute(sql, entry) # This function doesn't work as expected with bbs and wiki feeds async def remove_entry(db_file, source, length): """ Maintain list of entries equal to feed. Check the number returned by feed and delete existing entries up to the same returned amount. :param db_file: Database filename. :param source: :param length: :return: """ # FIXED # Dino empty titles are not counted https://dino.im/index.xml # SOLVED # Add text if is empty # title = '*** No title ***' if not entry.title else entry.title async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT count(id) FROM entries WHERE source = ?" count = cur.execute(sql, (source,)) count = cur.fetchone()[0] limit = count - length if limit: limit = limit; sql = """DELETE FROM entries WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM entries WHERE source = :source ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT :limit)""" cur.execute(sql, {"source": source, "limit": limit}) async def remove_nonexistent_entries(db_file, feed, source): """ Remove entries that don't exist in a given parsed feed. Check the entries returned from feed and delete non existing entries :param db_file: Database filename. :param feed: URL of parsed feed. :param source: URL of associated feed. """ async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT id, title, link FROM entries WHERE source = ?" cur.execute(sql, (source,)) entries_db = cur.fetchall() for entry_db in entries_db: exist = False for entry_feed in feed.entries: # TODO better check and don't repeat code if entry_feed.has_key("title"): title = entry_feed.title else: title = feed["feed"]["title"] if entry_feed.has_key("link"): link = entry_feed.link else: link = source # TODO better check and don't repeat code if entry_db[1] == title and entry_db[2] == link: exist = True break if not exist: # TODO Send to table archive # TODO Also make a regular/routine check for sources that have been changed (though that can only happen when manually editing) sql = "DELETE FROM entries WHERE id = ?" cur.execute(sql, (entry_db[0],)) async def get_subscriptions(db_file): """ Query table feeds. :param db_file: Database filename. :return: List of feeds. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT address FROM feeds WHERE enabled = 1" cur.execute(sql) result = cur.fetchall() return result async def list_subscriptions(db_file): """ Query table feeds and list items. :param db_file: Database filename. :return: List of feeds. """ cur = get_cursor(db_file) sql = "SELECT name, address, updated, id, enabled FROM feeds" results = cur.execute(sql) feeds_list = "List of subscriptions: \n" counter = 0 for result in results: counter += 1 feeds_list += """\n{} \n{} \nLast updated: {} \nID: {} [{}] """.format(str(result[0]), str(result[1]), str(result[2]), str(result[3]), str(result[4])) if counter: return feeds_list + "\n Total of {} subscriptions".format(counter) else: msg = ("List of subscriptions is empty. \n" "To add feed, send a message as follows: \n" "feed add URL \n" "Example: \n" "add https://reclaimthenet.org/feed/") return msg async def last_entries(db_file, num): """ Query entries :param db_file: Database filename. :param num: Number :return: List of recent N entries """ num = int(num) if num > 50: num = 50 elif num < 1: num = 1 cur = get_cursor(db_file) sql = "SELECT title, link FROM entries ORDER BY ROWID DESC LIMIT :num" results = cur.execute(sql, (num,)) titles_list = "Recent {} titles: \n".format(num) for result in results: titles_list += "\n{} \n{}".format(str(result[0]), str(result[1])) return titles_list async def search_entries(db_file, query): """ Query entries :param db_file: Database filename. :param query: Search query :return: Entries with specified keywords """ if len(query) < 2: return "Please enter at least 2 characters to search" cur = get_cursor(db_file) sql = "SELECT title, link FROM entries WHERE title LIKE ? LIMIT 50" results = cur.execute(sql, [f'%{query}%']) results_list = "Search results for '{}': \n".format(query) counter = 0 for result in results: counter += 1 results_list += """\n{} \n{} """.format(str(result[0]), str(result[1])) if counter: return results_list + "\n Total of {} results".format(counter) else: return "No results found for: {}".format(query) async def check_entry_exist(db_file, title, link): """ Check whether an entry exists. Query entries by title and link. :param db_file: Database filename. :param link: Entry URL. :param title: Entry title. :return: Index ID or None. """ cur = get_cursor(db_file) sql = "SELECT id FROM entries WHERE title = :title and link = :link" cur.execute(sql, {"title": title, "link": link}) result = cur.fetchone() return result # TODO dictionary # settings = { # "enabled" : { # "message": "Updates are {}".format(status), # "value": val # }, # "interval" : { # "message": "Updates will be sent every {} minutes".format(val), # "value": val # }, # "quantom" : { # "message": "Every updates will contain {} news items".format(val), # "value": val # } # } async def set_settings_value(db_file, key_value): """ Set settings value. :param db_file: Database filename. :param key_value: List of key ("enabled", "interval", "quantum") and value (Integer). :return: Message. """ if isinstance(key_value, list): key = key_value[0] val = key_value[1] elif key_value == "enable": key = "enabled" val = 1 else: key = "enabled" val = 0 async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() await set_settings_value_default(cur, key) sql = "UPDATE settings SET value = :value WHERE key = :key" cur.execute(sql, {"key": key, "value": val}) if key == 'quantum': msg = "Every update will contain {} news items.".format(val) elif key == 'interval': msg = "Updates will be sent every {} minutes.".format(val) else: msg = "Updates are {}d.".format(key_value) return msg async def set_settings_value_default(cur, key): # async def set_settings_value_default(cur): # keys = ["enabled", "interval", "quantum"] # for i in keys: # sql = "SELECT id FROM settings WHERE key = ?" # cur.execute(sql, (i,)) # if not cur.fetchone(): # val = await settings.get_value_default(i) # sql = "INSERT INTO settings(key,value) VALUES(?,?)" # cur.execute(sql, (i, val)) sql = "SELECT id FROM settings WHERE key = ?" cur.execute(sql, (key,)) if not cur.fetchone(): val = await confighandler.get_value_default(key) sql = "INSERT INTO settings(key,value) VALUES(?,?)" cur.execute(sql, (key, val)) return val async def get_settings_value(db_file, key): """ Get settings value. :param db_file: Database filename. :param key: "enabled", "interval", "quantum". """ # try: # with create_connection(db_file) as conn: # cur = conn.cursor() # sql = "SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key = ?" # cur.execute(sql, (key,)) # result = cur.fetchone() # except: # result = await settings.get_value_default(key) # if not result: # result = await settings.get_value_default(key) # return result with create_connection(db_file) as conn: try: cur = conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key = ?" cur.execute(sql, (key,)) result = cur.fetchone()[0] except: result = await set_settings_value_default(cur, key) if not result: result = await set_settings_value_default(cur, key) return result