#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ TODO 1) Deprecate "add" (see above) and make it interactive. Slixfeed: Do you still want to add this URL to subscription list? See: case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("add"): 2) If subscription is inadequate (see state.request), send a message that says so. elif not self.client_roster[jid]["to"]: breakpoint() message.reply("Share online status to activate bot.").send() return """ import slixfeed.fetch as fetch import logging import os import slixfeed.action as action from slixfeed.config import ( add_to_list, get_default_data_directory, get_value_default, get_value, get_pathname_to_database, remove_from_list) from slixfeed.dt import current_time, timestamp import slixfeed.sqlite as sqlite import slixfeed.task as task import slixfeed.url as uri import slixfeed.xmpp.bookmark as bookmark import slixfeed.xmpp.muc as groupchat import slixfeed.xmpp.manual as manual import slixfeed.xmpp.upload as upload from slixfeed.xmpp.utility import jid_type async def event(self, event): """ Process the session_start event. Typical actions for the session_start event are requesting the roster and broadcasting an initial presence stanza. Arguments: event -- An empty dictionary. The session_start event does not provide any additional data. """ self.send_presence() await self.get_roster() # for task in main_task: # task.cancel() # Deprecated in favour of event "presence_available" # if not main_task: # await select_file() async def message(self, message): """ Process incoming message stanzas. Be aware that this also includes MUC messages and error messages. It is usually a good practice to check the messages's type before processing or sending replies. Parameters ---------- message : str The received message stanza. See the documentation for stanza objects and the Message stanza to see how it may be used. """ if message["type"] in ("chat", "groupchat", "normal"): jid = message["from"].bare message_text = " ".join(message["body"].split()) if (message["type"] == "groupchat" and message['muc']['nick'] == self.nick): return # NOTE This is an exceptional case in which we treat # type groupchat the same as type chat. if (message_text.lower().startswith("http") and message_text.lower().endswith(".opml")): url = message_text await task.clean_tasks_xmpp( jid, ["status"]) status_type = "dnd" status_message = ( "📥️ Procesing request to import feeds ..." ) send_status_message( self, jid, status_type, status_message) db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) count = await action.import_opml(db_file, url) if count: response = ( "Successfully imported {} feeds." ).format(count) else: response = ( "OPML file was not imported." ) await task.clean_tasks_xmpp( jid, ["status"]) await task.start_tasks_xmpp( self, jid, ["status"]) send_reply_message(self, message, response) return if message["type"] == "groupchat": # nick = message["from"][message["from"].index("/")+1:] # nick = str(message["from"]) # nick = nick[nick.index("/")+1:] if (message['muc']['nick'] == self.nick or not message["body"].startswith("!")): return # token = await initdb( # jid, # get_settings_value, # "token" # ) # if token == "accepted": # operator = await initdb( # jid, # get_settings_value, # "masters" # ) # if operator: # if nick not in operator: # return # approved = False jid_full = str(message["from"]) role = self.plugin['xep_0045'].get_jid_property( jid, jid_full[jid_full.index("/")+1:], "role") if role != "moderator": return # if role == "moderator": # approved = True # TODO Implement a list of temporary operators # Once an operator is appointed, the control would last # untile the participant has been disconnected from MUC # An operator is a function to appoint non moderators. # Changing nickname is fine and consist of no problem. # if not approved: # operator = await initdb( # jid, # get_settings_value, # "masters" # ) # if operator: # if nick in operator: # approved = True # if not approved: # return # # Begin processing new JID # # Deprecated in favour of event "presence_available" # db_dir = get_default_data_directory() # os.chdir(db_dir) # if jid + ".db" not in os.listdir(): # await task_jid(jid) # await compose.message(self, jid, message) if message["type"] == "groupchat": message_text = message_text[1:] message_lowercase = message_text.lower() logging.debug( [str(message["from"]), ":", message_text]) response = None match message_lowercase: # case "breakpoint": # if jid == get_value("accounts", "XMPP", "operator"): # breakpoint() # print("task_manager[jid]") # print(task_manager[jid]) # await self.get_roster() # print("roster 1") # print(self.client_roster) # print("roster 2") # print(self.client_roster.keys()) # print("jid") # print(jid) # else: # response = ( # "This action is restricted. " # "Type: breakpoint." # ) # send_reply_message(self, message, response) case "commands": response = manual.print_cmd() send_reply_message(self, message, response) case "help": response = manual.print_help() send_reply_message(self, message, response) case "info": response = manual.print_info() send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase in [ "greetings", "hallo", "hello", "hey", "hi", "hola", "holla", "hollo"]: response = ( "Greeting!\n" "I'm Slixfeed, an RSS News Bot!\n" "Send \"help\" for instructions.\n" ) send_reply_message(self, message, response) # case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("activate"): # if message["type"] == "groupchat": # acode = message[9:] # token = await initdb( # jid, # get_settings_value, # "token" # ) # if int(acode) == token: # await initdb( # jid, # update_settings_value, # ["masters", nick] # ) # await initdb( # jid, # update_settings_value, # ["token", "accepted"] # ) # response = "{}, your are in command.".format(nick) # else: # response = "Activation code is not valid." # else: # response = "This command is valid for groupchat only." case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("add"): # Add given feed without validity check. message_text = message_text[4:] url = message_text.split(" ")[0] title = " ".join(message_text.split(" ")[1:]) if url.startswith("http"): db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) exist = await sqlite.get_feed_id_and_name( db_file, url) if not exist: await sqlite.insert_feed( db_file, url, title) await action.scan(db_file, url) old = ( await sqlite.get_settings_value(db_file, "old") ) or ( get_value_default("settings", "Settings", "old") ) if old: await task.clean_tasks_xmpp( jid, ["status"]) # await send_status(jid) await task.start_tasks_xmpp( self, jid, ["status"]) else: await sqlite.mark_feed_as_read( db_file, url) response = ( "> {}\nNews source has been " "added to subscription list." ).format(url) else: ix = exist[0] name = exist[1] response = ( "> {}\nNews source \"{}\" is already " "listed in the subscription list at " "index {}" ).format(url, name, ix) else: response = "Missing URL." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("allow +"): key = "filter-" + message_text[:5] val = message_text[7:] if val: db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) keywords = await sqlite.get_filters_value( db_file, key) val = await add_to_list( val, keywords) if await sqlite.get_filters_value(db_file, key): await sqlite.update_filters_value( db_file, [key, val]) else: await sqlite.set_filters_value(db_file, [key, val]) response = ( "Approved keywords\n" "```\n{}\n```" ).format(val) else: response = "Missing keywords." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("allow -"): key = "filter-" + message_text[:5] val = message_text[7:] if val: db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) keywords = await sqlite.get_filters_value( db_file, key) val = await remove_from_list( val, keywords) if await sqlite.get_filters_value(db_file, key): await sqlite.update_filters_value( db_file, [key, val]) else: await sqlite.set_filters_value(db_file, [key, val]) response = ( "Approved keywords\n" "```\n{}\n```" ).format(val) else: response = "Missing keywords." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("archive"): key = message_text[:7] val = message_text[8:] if val: try: if int(val) > 500: response = "Value may not be greater than 500." else: db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) if await sqlite.get_settings_value( db_file, [key, val]): await sqlite.update_settings_value( db_file, [key, val]) else: await sqlite.set_settings_value( db_file, [key, val]) response = ( "Maximum archived items has been set to {}." ).format(val) except: response = "Enter a numeric value only." else: response = "Missing value." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("bookmark -"): if jid == get_value( "accounts", "XMPP", "operator"): muc_jid = message_text[11:] await bookmark.remove(self, muc_jid) response = ( "Groupchat {} has been removed from bookmarks." ).format(muc_jid) else: response = ( "This action is restricted. " "Type: removing bookmarks." ) send_reply_message(self, message, response) case "bookmarks": if jid == get_value( "accounts", "XMPP", "operator"): response = await action.list_bookmarks(self) else: response = ( "This action is restricted. " "Type: viewing bookmarks." ) send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("deny +"): key = "filter-" + message_text[:4] val = message_text[6:] if val: db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) keywords = await sqlite.get_filters_value( db_file, key) val = await add_to_list( val, keywords) if await sqlite.get_filters_value(db_file, key): await sqlite.update_filters_value( db_file, [key, val]) else: await sqlite.set_filters_value(db_file, [key, val]) response = ( "Rejected keywords\n" "```\n{}\n```" ).format(val) else: response = "Missing keywords." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("deny -"): key = "filter-" + message_text[:4] val = message_text[6:] if val: db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) keywords = await sqlite.get_filters_value( db_file, key) val = await remove_from_list( val, keywords) if await sqlite.get_filters_value(db_file, key): await sqlite.update_filters_value( db_file, [key, val]) else: await sqlite.set_filters_value(db_file, [key, val]) response = ( "Rejected keywords\n" "```\n{}\n```" ).format(val) else: response = "Missing keywords." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("export"): ex = message_text[7:] if ex in ("opml", "html", "md", "xbel"): status_type = "dnd" status_message = ( "📤️ Procesing request to export feeds into {} ..." ).format(ex) send_status_message( self, jid, status_type, status_message) data_dir = get_default_data_directory() if not os.path.isdir(data_dir): os.mkdir(data_dir) if not os.path.isdir(data_dir + '/' + ex): os.mkdir(data_dir + '/' + ex) filename = os.path.join( data_dir, ex, "slixfeed_" + timestamp() + "." + ex) db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) results = await sqlite.get_feeds(db_file) match ex: case "html": response = "Not yet implemented." case "md": action.export_to_markdown( jid, filename, results) case "opml": action.export_to_opml( jid, filename, results) case "xbel": response = "Not yet implemented." url = await upload.start(self, jid, filename) # response = ( # "Feeds exported successfully to {}.\n{}" # ).format(ex, url) # send_oob_reply_message(message, url, response) await send_oob_message( self, jid, url) await task.start_tasks_xmpp( self, jid, ["status"]) else: response = "Unsupported filetype." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if (message_lowercase.startswith("gemini:") or message_lowercase.startswith("gopher:")): response = "Gemini and Gopher are not supported yet." send_reply_message(self, message, response) # TODO xHTML, HTMLZ, Markdown, MHTML, PDF, TXT case _ if (message_lowercase.startswith("get")): message_text = message_text[4:] ix_url = message_text.split(" ")[0] ext = " ".join(message_text.split(" ")[1:]) ext = ext if ext else 'pdf' url = None status = None if ext in ("html", "md", "pdf"): status_type = "dnd" status_message = ( "📃️ Procesing request to produce {} document..." ).format(ext.upper()) send_status_message( self, jid, status_type, status_message) db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) data_dir = get_default_data_directory() if ix_url: if not os.path.isdir(data_dir): os.mkdir(data_dir) if not os.path.isdir(data_dir + '/readability'): os.mkdir(data_dir + '/readability') try: ix = int(ix_url) try: url = sqlite.get_entry_url(db_file, ix) except: response = "No entry with Id {}".format(ix) except: url = ix_url if url: url = uri.remove_tracking_parameters(url) url = (uri.replace_hostname(url, "link")) or url result = await fetch.http(url) data = result[0] code = result[1] if data: title = action.get_document_title(data) title = title.strip().lower() for i in (" ", "-"): title = title.replace(i, "_") for i in ("?", "'", "!"): title = title.replace(i, "") filename = os.path.join( data_dir, "readability", title + "_" + timestamp() + "." + ext) error = action.generate_document( data, url, ext, filename) if status: response = ( "Failed to export {}. Reason: {}" ).format(ext.upper(), error) else: url = await upload.start(self, jid, filename) await send_oob_message(self, jid, url) else: response = ( "Failed to fetch {} Reason: {}" ).format(url, code) await task.start_tasks_xmpp( self, jid, ["status"]) else: response = "Missing entry Id." else: response = "Unsupported filetype." if response: print(response) send_reply_message(self, message, response) # case _ if (message_lowercase.startswith("http")) and( # message_lowercase.endswith(".opml")): # url = message_text # await task.clean_tasks_xmpp( # jid, ["status"]) # status_type = "dnd" # status_message = ( # "📥️ Procesing request to import feeds ..." # ) # send_status_message( # self, jid, status_type, status_message) # db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) # count = await action.import_opml(db_file, url) # if count: # response = ( # "Successfully imported {} feeds." # ).format(count) # else: # response = ( # "OPML file was not imported." # ) # await task.clean_tasks_xmpp( # jid, ["status"]) # await task.start_tasks_xmpp( # self, jid, ["status"]) # send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if (message_lowercase.startswith("http") or message_lowercase.startswith("feed:")): url = message_text await task.clean_tasks_xmpp( jid, ["status"]) status_type = "dnd" status_message = ( "📫️ Processing request to fetch data from {}" ).format(url) send_status_message( self, jid, status_type, status_message) if url.startswith("feed:"): url = uri.feed_to_http(url) url = (uri.replace_hostname(url, "feed")) or url db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) try: response = await action.add_feed( db_file, url) await task.clean_tasks_xmpp( jid, ["status"]) await task.start_tasks_xmpp( self, jid, ["status"]) except: response = ( "> {}\nNews source is in the process " "of being added to the subscription " "list.".format(url) ) send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("feeds"): query = message_text[6:] if query: if len(query) > 3: db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) result = await sqlite.search_feeds( db_file, query) response = action.list_feeds_by_query( query, result) else: response = ( "Enter at least 4 characters to search" ) else: db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) result = await sqlite.get_feeds(db_file) response = action.list_feeds(result) send_reply_message(self, message, response) case "goodbye": if message["type"] == "groupchat": await groupchat.leave(self, jid) else: response = "This command is valid for groupchat only." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("interval"): # FIXME # The following error occurs only upon first attempt to set interval. # /usr/lib/python3.11/asyncio/events.py:73: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'Slixfeed.send_update' was never awaited # self._args = None # RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback key = message_text[:8] val = message_text[9:] if val: # response = ( # "Updates will be sent every {} minutes." # ).format(response) db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) if await sqlite.get_settings_value(db_file, key): await sqlite.update_settings_value(db_file, [key, val]) else: await sqlite.set_settings_value(db_file, [key, val]) # NOTE Perhaps this should be replaced # by functions clean and start await task.refresh_task( self, jid, task.send_update, key, val) response = ( "Updates will be sent every {} minutes." ).format(val) else: response = "Missing value." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("join"): muc_jid = uri.check_xmpp_uri(message_text[5:]) if muc_jid: # TODO probe JID and confirm it's a groupchat await groupchat.join(self, jid, muc_jid) response = ( "Joined groupchat {}" ).format(message_text) else: response = ( "> {}\nXMPP URI is not valid." ).format(message_text) send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("length"): key = message_text[:6] val = message_text[7:] if val: try: val = int(val) db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) if await sqlite.get_settings_value( db_file, [key, val]): await sqlite.update_settings_value( db_file, [key, val]) else: await sqlite.set_settings_value( db_file, [key, val]) if val == 0: # if not val: response = ( "Summary length limit is disabled." ) else: response = ( "Summary maximum length " "is set to {} characters." ).format(val) except: response = "Enter a numeric value only." else: response = "Missing value." # case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("mastership"): # key = message_text[:7] # val = message_text[11:] # if val: # names = await initdb( # jid, # get_settings_value, # key # ) # val = await add_to_list( # val, # names # ) # await initdb( # jid, # update_settings_valuevv, # [key, val] # ) # response = ( # "Operators\n" # "```\n{}\n```" # ).format(val) # else: # response = "Missing value." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case "new": db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) key = "old" val = 0 if await sqlite.get_settings_value(db_file, key): await sqlite.update_settings_value(db_file, [key, val]) else: await sqlite.set_settings_value(db_file, [key, val]) response = ( "Only new items of newly added feeds will be sent." ) send_reply_message(self, message, response) # TODO Will you add support for number of messages? case "next": # num = message_text[5:] await task.clean_tasks_xmpp( jid, ["interval", "status"]) await task.start_tasks_xmpp( self, jid, ["interval", "status"]) # await refresh_task( # self, # jid, # send_update, # "interval", # num # ) # await refresh_task( # self, # jid, # send_status, # "status", # 20 # ) # await refresh_task(jid, key, val) case "old": db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) key = "old" val = 1 if await sqlite.get_settings_value(db_file, key): await sqlite.update_settings_value(db_file, [key, val]) else: await sqlite.set_settings_value(db_file, [key, val]) response = ( "All items of newly added feeds will be sent." ) send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("quantum"): key = message_text[:7] val = message_text[8:] if val: try: val = int(val) # response = ( # "Every update will contain {} news items." # ).format(response) db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) if await sqlite.get_settings_value( db_file, key): await sqlite.update_settings_value( db_file, [key, val]) else: await sqlite.set_settings_value( db_file, [key, val]) response = ( "Next update will contain {} news items." ).format(val) except: response = "Enter a numeric value only." else: response = "Missing value." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case "random": # TODO /questions/2279706/select-random-row-from-a-sqlite-table # NOTE sqlitehandler.get_entry_unread response = "Updates will be sent by random order." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("read"): data = message_text[5:] data = data.split() url = data[0] await task.clean_tasks_xmpp( jid, ["status"]) status_type = "dnd" status_message = ( "📫️ Processing request to fetch data from {}" ).format(url) send_status_message( self, jid, status_type, status_message) if url.startswith("feed:"): url = uri.feed_to_http(url) url = (uri.replace_hostname(url, "feed")) or url match len(data): case 1: if url.startswith("http"): response = await action.view_feed(url) else: response = "Missing URL." case 2: num = data[1] if url.startswith("http"): response = await action.view_entry(url, num) else: response = "Missing URL." case _: response = ( "Enter command as follows:\n" "`read ` or `read `\n" "URL must not contain white space." ) send_reply_message(self, message, response) await task.start_tasks_xmpp( self, jid, ["status"]) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("recent"): num = message_text[7:] if num: try: num = int(num) if num < 1 or num > 50: response = "Value must be ranged from 1 to 50." else: db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) result = await sqlite.last_entries(db_file, num) response = action.list_last_entries(result, num) except: response = "Enter a numeric value only." else: response = "Missing value." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("remove"): ix_url = message_text[7:] if ix_url: db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) try: ix = int(ix_url) try: url = await sqlite.remove_feed_by_index( db_file, ix) response = ( "> {}\nNews source \"{}\" has been " "removed from subscription list." ).format(url, ix) except: response = ( "No news source with ID {}." ).format(ix) except: url = ix_url await sqlite.remove_feed_by_url(db_file, url) response = ( "> {}\nNews source has been removed " "from subscription list." ).format(url) # await refresh_task( # self, # jid, # send_status, # "status", # 20 # ) await task.clean_tasks_xmpp(jid, ["status"]) await task.start_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ["status"]) else: response = "Missing feed ID." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("reset"): url = message_text[6:] await task.clean_tasks_xmpp(jid, ["status"]) status_type = "dnd" status_message = "📫️ Marking entries as read..." send_status_message( self, jid, status_type, status_message) if url: db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) await sqlite.mark_feed_as_read( db_file, url) response = ( "All entries of {} have been " "marked as read.".format(url) ) else: db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) await sqlite.mark_all_as_read(db_file) response = "All entries have been marked as read." send_reply_message(self, message, response) await task.start_tasks_xmpp( self, jid, ["status"]) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("search"): query = message_text[7:] if query: if len(query) > 1: db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) results = await sqlite.search_entries( db_file, query) response = action.list_search_results( query, results) else: response = ( "Enter at least 2 characters to search" ) else: response = "Missing search query." send_reply_message(self, message, response) case "start": # response = "Updates are enabled." key = "enabled" val = 1 db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) if await sqlite.get_settings_value(db_file, key): await sqlite.update_settings_value(db_file, [key, val]) else: await sqlite.set_settings_value(db_file, [key, val]) # asyncio.create_task(task_jid(self, jid)) await task.start_tasks_xmpp( self, jid, ["interval", "status", "check"]) response = "Updates are enabled." # print(current_time(), "task_manager[jid]") # print(task_manager[jid]) send_reply_message(self, message, response) case "stats": db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) response = await action.list_statistics(db_file) send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("disable "): ix = message_text[8:] db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) try: await sqlite.set_enabled_status(db_file, ix, 0) response = ( "Updates are now disabled for news source {}." ).format(ix) except: response = "No news source with ID {}.".format(ix) send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("enable"): ix = message_text[7:] db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) try: await sqlite.set_enabled_status(db_file, ix, 1) response = ( "Updates are now enabled for news source {}." ).format(ix) except: response = "No news source with ID {}.".format(ix) send_reply_message(self, message, response) case "stop": # FIXME # The following error occurs only upon first attempt to stop. # /usr/lib/python3.11/asyncio/events.py:73: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'Slixfeed.send_update' was never awaited # self._args = None # RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback # response = "Updates are disabled." # try: # # task_manager[jid]["check"].cancel() # # task_manager[jid]["status"].cancel() # task_manager[jid]["interval"].cancel() # key = "enabled" # val = 0 # response = await initdb( # jid, # update_settings_value, # [key, val] # ) # except: # response = "Updates are already disabled." # # print("Updates are already disabled. Nothing to do.") # # await send_status(jid) key = "enabled" val = 0 db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid) if await sqlite.get_settings_value(db_file, key): await sqlite.update_settings_value(db_file, [key, val]) else: await sqlite.set_settings_value(db_file, [key, val]) await task.clean_tasks_xmpp( jid, ["interval", "status"]) response = "Updates are disabled." send_reply_message(self, message, response) status_type = "xa" status_message = ( "💡️ Send \"Start\" to receive Jabber updates") send_status_message( self, jid, status_type, status_message) case "support": # TODO Send an invitation. response = ( "Join xmpp:slixfeed@chat.woodpeckersnest.space?join" ) send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("xmpp:"): muc_jid = uri.check_xmpp_uri(message_text) if muc_jid: # TODO probe JID and confirm it's a groupchat await groupchat.join(self, jid, muc_jid) response = ( "Joined groupchat {}" ).format(message_text) else: response = ( "> {}\nXMPP URI is not valid." ).format(message_text) send_reply_message(self, message, response) case _: response = ( "Unknown command. " "Press \"help\" for list of commands" ) send_reply_message(self, message, response) # TODO Use message correction here # NOTE This might not be a good idea if # commands are sent one close to the next # if response: message.reply(response).send() if not response: response = "EMPTY MESSAGE - ACTION ONLY" data_dir = get_default_data_directory() if not os.path.isdir(data_dir): os.mkdir(data_dir) if not os.path.isdir(data_dir + '/logs/'): os.mkdir(data_dir + '/logs/') action.log_to_markdown( current_time(), os.path.join(data_dir, "logs", jid), jid, message_text) action.log_to_markdown( current_time(), os.path.join(data_dir, "logs", jid), self.boundjid.bare, response) def send_status_message(self, jid, status_type, status_message): self.send_presence( pshow=status_type, pstatus=status_message, pto=jid) def send_reply_message(self, message, response): message.reply(response).send() # TODO Solve this function def send_oob_reply_message(message, url, response): reply = message.reply(response) reply['oob']['url'] = url reply.send() async def send_oob_message(self, jid, url): chat_type = await jid_type(self, jid) html = ( f'' f'{url}') message = self.make_message( mto=jid, mbody=url, mhtml=html, mtype=chat_type ) message['oob']['url'] = url message.send() # def greet(self, jid, chat_type="chat"): # messages = [ # "Greetings!", # "I'm {}, the news anchor.".format(self.nick), # "My job is to bring you the latest news " # "from sources you provide me with.", # "You may always reach me via " # "xmpp:{}?message".format(self.boundjid.bare) # ] # for message in messages: # self.send_message( # mto=jid, # mbody=message, # mtype=chat_type # ) def greet(self, jid, chat_type="chat"): message = ( "Greetings!\n" "I'm {}, the news anchor.\n" "My job is to bring you the latest " "news from sources you provide me with.\n" "You may always reach me via xmpp:{}?message").format( self.nick, self.boundjid.bare ) self.send_message( mto=jid, mbody=message, mtype=chat_type )