#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ TODO 1) remove_subscription (clean_roster) Remove presence from contacts that don't share presence. """ import slixfeed.xmpp.utility as utility async def remove(self, jid): """ Remove JID to roster. Parameters ---------- jid : str Jabber ID. Returns ------- None. """ self.update_roster( jid, subscription="remove" ) async def add(self, jid): """ Add JID to roster. Parameters ---------- jid : str Jabber ID. Returns ------- None. """ if await utility.jid_type(self, jid) == "groupchat": # Check whether JID is in bookmarks; otherwise, add it. print(jid, "is muc") return else: await self.get_roster() # Check whether JID is in roster; otherwise, add it. if jid not in self.client_roster.keys(): self.send_presence_subscription( pto=jid, pfrom=self.boundjid.bare, ptype="subscribe", pnick=self.alias ) self.update_roster( jid, subscription="both" ) def remove_subscription(self): """ Remove subscription from contacts that don't share their presence. Returns ------- None. """