#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ TODO 1) Table feeds: category type (atom, rdf, rss0.9. rss2 etc.) 2) Function mark_all_read for entries of given feed 3) Statistics """ from asyncio import Lock from datetime import date import logging import slixfeed.config as config # from slixfeed.data import join_url from slixfeed.datetime import ( current_time, rfc2822_to_iso8601 ) from sqlite3 import connect, Error from slixfeed.url import join_url # from eliot import start_action, to_file # # with start_action(action_type="list_feeds()", db=db_file): # # with start_action(action_type="last_entries()", num=num): # # with start_action(action_type="get_feeds()"): # # with start_action(action_type="remove_entry()", source=source): # # with start_action(action_type="search_entries()", query=query): # # with start_action(action_type="check_entry()", link=link): # aiosqlite DBLOCK = Lock() CURSORS = {} def create_connection(db_file): """ Create a database connection to the SQLite database specified by db_file. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- conn : object Connection object or None. """ conn = None try: conn = connect(db_file) return conn except Error as e: print(e) return conn def create_tables(db_file): """ Create SQLite tables. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: feeds_table_sql =( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feeds (" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "name TEXT," "address TEXT NOT NULL," "enabled INTEGER NOT NULL," "scanned TEXT," "updated TEXT," "status INTEGER," "valid INTEGER" ");" ) entries_table_sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entries (" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "title TEXT NOT NULL," "link TEXT NOT NULL," "entry_id TEXT," "source TEXT NOT NULL," "timestamp TEXT," "read INTEGER" ");" ) archive_table_sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS archive (" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "title TEXT NOT NULL," "link TEXT NOT NULL," "entry_id TEXT," "source TEXT NOT NULL," "timestamp TEXT," "read INTEGER" ");" ) # statistics_table_sql = ( # "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS statistics (" # "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," # "title TEXT NOT NULL," # "number INTEGER" # ");" # ) settings_table_sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS settings (" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "key TEXT NOT NULL," "value INTEGER" ");" ) filters_table_sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS filters (" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "key TEXT NOT NULL," "value TEXT" ");" ) cur = conn.cursor() # cur = get_cursor(db_file) cur.execute(feeds_table_sql) cur.execute(entries_table_sql) cur.execute(archive_table_sql) # cur.execute(statistics_table_sql) cur.execute(settings_table_sql) cur.execute(filters_table_sql) def get_cursor(db_file): """ Allocate a cursor to connection per database. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- CURSORS[db_file] : object Cursor. """ if db_file in CURSORS: return CURSORS[db_file] else: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() CURSORS[db_file] = cur return CURSORS[db_file] async def insert_feed(db_file, url, title=None, status=None): """ Insert a new feed into the feeds table. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str URL. title : str, optional Feed Title. The default is None. status : str, optional HTTP status code. The default is None. """ #TODO consider async with DBLOCK #conn = create_connection(db_file) # with create_connection(db_file) as conn: # #exist = await is_feed_exist(conn, url) # exist = await is_feed_exist(db_file, url) # if not exist: # status = await main.download_feed(url) # else: # return "News source is already listed in the subscription list" async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() # title = feed["feed"]["title"] feed = (title, url, 1, status, 1) sql = ( "INSERT INTO feeds(" "name, address, enabled, status, valid" ")" "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " ) cur.execute(sql, feed) async def remove_feed(db_file, ix): """ Delete a feed by feed ID. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. ix : str Index of feed. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: async with DBLOCK: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( "SELECT address " "FROM feeds " "WHERE id = ?" ) url = cur.execute(sql, (ix,)).fetchone()[0] # NOTE Should we move DBLOCK to this line? 2022-12-23 sql = ( "DELETE " "FROM entries " "WHERE source = ?" ) cur.execute(sql, (url,)) sql = ( "DELETE " "FROM archive " "WHERE source = ?" ) cur.execute(sql, (url,)) sql = ( "DELETE FROM feeds " "WHERE id = ?" ) cur.execute(sql, (ix,)) # TODO Rename function name async def is_feed_exist(db_file, url): """ Get Id and Name of feed. Check whether a feed exists. Query for feeds by given url. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str URL. Returns ------- result : list List of ID and Name of feed. """ cur = get_cursor(db_file) sql = ( "SELECT id, name " "FROM feeds " "WHERE address = ?" ) result = cur.execute(sql, (url,)).fetchone() return result async def get_number_of_items(db_file, table): """ Return number of entries or feeds. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. table : str "entries" or "feeds". Returns ------- count : ? Number of rows. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( "SELECT count(id) " "FROM {}" ).format(table) count = cur.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] return count async def get_number_of_feeds_active(db_file): """ Return number of active feeds. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- count : ? Number of rows. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( "SELECT count(id) " "FROM feeds " "WHERE enabled = 1" ) count = cur.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] return count async def get_number_of_entries_unread(db_file): """ Return number of unread items. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- count : ? Number of rows. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( "SELECT " "(" "SELECT count(id) " "FROM entries " "WHERE read = 0" ") " "+ " "(" "SELECT count(id) " "FROM archive" ") " "AS total_count" ) count = cur.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] return count # TODO Read from entries and archives async def get_unread_entries(db_file, num): """ Extract information from unread entries. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. num : str, optional Number. The default is None. Returns ------- results : ??? News items. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() # sql = ( # "SELECT id " # "FROM entries " # "WHERE read = 0 " # "LIMIT 1" # ) # sql = ("SELECT id " # "FROM entries " # "WHERE read = 0 " # "ORDER BY timestamp DESC " # "LIMIT 1" # ) # sql = ( # "SELECT id, title, summary, link " # "FROM entries " # "WHERE read = 0 " # "ORDER BY timestamp " # "DESC LIMIT :num" # ) sql = ( "SELECT id, title, link, source, timestamp " "FROM entries " "WHERE read = 0 " "UNION ALL " "SELECT id, title, link, source, timestamp " "FROM archive " "ORDER BY timestamp " "DESC LIMIT :num" ) results = cur.execute(sql, (num,)) results = results.fetchall() # print("### sqlite.get_unread_entries ###") # print(results) # breakpoint() return results async def mark_entry_as_read(cur, ix): """ Set read status of entry as read. Parameters ---------- cur : object Cursor object. ix : str Index of entry. """ sql = ( "UPDATE entries " "SET read = 1 " "WHERE id = ?" ) cur.execute(sql, (ix,)) async def mark_source_as_read(db_file, source): """ Set read status of entries of given source as read. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. source : str URL. """ async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( "UPDATE entries " "SET read = 1 " "WHERE source = ?" ) cur.execute(sql, (source,)) async def delete_entry_by_id(db_file, ix): """ Delete entry by Id. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. ix : str Index. """ async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( "DELETE " "FROM entries " "WHERE id = :ix" ) cur.execute(sql, (ix,)) async def archive_entry(db_file, ix): """ Insert entry to archive and delete entry. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. ix : str Index. """ async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( "INSERT " "INTO archive " "SELECT * " "FROM entries " "WHERE entries.id = :ix" ) try: cur.execute(sql, (ix,)) except: print( "ERROR DB insert from entries " "into archive at index", ix ) sql = ( "DELETE " "FROM entries " "WHERE id = :ix" ) try: cur.execute(sql, (ix,)) except: print( "ERROR DB deleting items from " "table entries at index", ix ) def get_feed_title(db_file, source): with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( "SELECT name " "FROM feeds " "WHERE address = :source " ) feed_title = cur.execute(sql, (source,)) feed_title = feed_title.fetchone()[0] return feed_title async def mark_as_read(db_file, ix): async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() # TODO While `async with DBLOCK` does work well from # outside of functions, it would be better practice # to place it within the functions. # NOTE: We can use DBLOCK once for both # functions, because, due to exclusive # ID, only one can ever occur. await mark_entry_as_read(cur, ix) await delete_archived_entry(cur, ix) async def mark_all_as_read(db_file): """ Set read status of all entries as read. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. """ async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( "UPDATE entries " "SET read = 1 " ) cur.execute(sql) sql = ( "DELETE FROM archive" ) cur.execute(sql) async def delete_archived_entry(cur, ix): """ Delete entry from table archive. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. ix : str Index of entry. """ sql = ( "DELETE FROM archive " "WHERE id = ?" ) cur.execute(sql, (ix,)) async def statistics(db_file): """ Return table statistics. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- values : list List of values. """ values = [] values.extend([await get_number_of_entries_unread(db_file)]) entries = await get_number_of_items(db_file, 'entries') archive = await get_number_of_items(db_file, 'archive') values.extend([entries + archive]) values.extend([await get_number_of_feeds_active(db_file)]) values.extend([await get_number_of_items(db_file, 'feeds')]) # msg = """You have {} unread news items out of {} from {} news sources. # """.format(unread_entries, entries, feeds) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() for key in ["archive", "interval", "quantum", "enabled"]: sql = ( "SELECT value " "FROM settings " "WHERE key = ?" ) try: value = cur.execute(sql, (key,)).fetchone()[0] except: print("Error for key:", key) value = "none" values.extend([value]) return values async def update_statistics(cur): """ Update table statistics. Parameters ---------- cur : object Cursor object. """ stat_dict = {} stat_dict["feeds"] = await get_number_of_items(cur, 'feeds') stat_dict["entries"] = await get_number_of_items(cur, 'entries') stat_dict["unread"] = await get_number_of_entries_unread(cur=cur) for i in stat_dict: sql = ( "SELECT id " "FROM statistics " "WHERE title = ?" ) cur.execute(sql, (i,)) if cur.fetchone(): sql = ( "UPDATE statistics " "SET number = :num " "WHERE title = :title" ) cur.execute(sql, { "title": i, "num": stat_dict[i] }) else: sql = ( "SELECT count(id) " "FROM statistics" ) count = cur.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] ix = count + 1 sql = ( "INSERT INTO statistics " "VALUES(?,?,?)" ) cur.execute(sql, (ix, i, stat_dict[i])) async def set_enabled_status(db_file, ix, status): """ Set status of feed to enabled or not enabled (i.e. disabled). Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. ix : str Index of entry. status : int 0 or 1. """ async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( "UPDATE feeds " "SET enabled = :status " "WHERE id = :id" ) cur.execute(sql, { "status": status, "id": ix }) async def set_date(cur, url): """ Set last update date of feed. Parameters ---------- cur : object Cursor object. url : str URL. """ sql = ( "UPDATE feeds " "SET updated = :today " "WHERE address = :url" ) # cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, { "today": date.today(), "url": url }) async def add_entry_and_set_date(db_file, source, entry): """ Add an entry to table entries and set date of source in table feeds. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. source : str Feed URL. entry : list Entry properties. """ # TODO While `async with DBLOCK` does work well from # outside of functions, it would be better practice # to place it within the functions. async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() await add_entry(cur, entry) await set_date(cur, source) async def update_source_status(db_file, status, source): """ Set HTTP status of source in table feeds. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. source : str Feed URL. status : str Status ID or message. """ sql = ( "UPDATE feeds " "SET status = :status, scanned = :scanned " "WHERE address = :url" ) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, { "status" : status, "scanned" : date.today(), "url" : source }) async def update_source_validity(db_file, source, valid): """ Set validity status of source in table feeds. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. source : str Feed URL. valid : boolean 0 or 1. """ sql = ( "UPDATE feeds " "SET valid = :validity " "WHERE address = :url" ) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, { "validity": valid, "url": source }) """ TODO Investigate why causes entry[6] (date) to be int 0 """ async def add_entry(cur, entry): """ Add a new entry row into the entries table. Parameters ---------- cur : object Cursor object. entry : str Entry properties. """ sql = ( "INSERT " "INTO entries(" "title, " "link, " "entry_id, " "source, " "timestamp, " "read" ") " "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" ) try: cur.execute(sql, entry) except: # None print("Unknown error for sqlite.add_entry") print(entry) # # print(current_time(), "COROUTINE OBJECT NOW") # for i in entry: # print(type(i)) # print(i) # print(type(entry)) # print(entry) # print(current_time(), "COROUTINE OBJECT NOW") # breakpoint() async def maintain_archive(db_file, limit): """ Maintain list of archived entries equal to specified number of items. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. """ async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( "SELECT count(id) " "FROM archive" ) count = cur.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] # FIXME Upon first time joining to a groupchat # and then adding a URL, variable "limit" # becomes a string in one of the iterations. # if isinstance(limit,str): # print("STOP") # breakpoint() difference = count - int(limit) if difference > 0: sql = ( "DELETE FROM archive " "WHERE id " "IN (SELECT id " "FROM archive " "ORDER BY timestamp ASC " "LIMIT :difference)" ) cur.execute(sql, { "difference": difference }) # TODO Move entries that don't exist into table archive. # NOTE Entries that are read from archive are deleted. # NOTE Unlike entries from table entries, entries from # table archive are not marked as read. async def get_entries_of_source(db_file, feed, source): """ Remove entries that don't exist in a given parsed feed. Check the entries returned from feed and delete read non existing entries, otherwise move to table archive, if unread. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed : list Parsed feed document. source : str Feed URL. URL of associated feed. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( "SELECT id, title, link, entry_id, timestamp, read " "FROM entries " "WHERE source = ?" ) items = cur.execute(sql, (source,)).fetchall() return items # TODO What is this function for? 2024-01-02 # async def get_feeds(db_file): # """ # Query table feeds for Title, URL, Categories, Tags. # Parameters # ---------- # db_file : str # Path to database file. # Returns # ------- # result : list # Title, URL, Categories, Tags of feeds. # """ # with create_connection(db_file) as conn: # cur = conn.cursor() # sql = ( # "SELECT name, address, type, categories, tags " # "FROM feeds" # ) # result = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() # return result async def get_feeds_url(db_file): """ Query active feeds for URLs. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- result : list URLs of active feeds. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( "SELECT address " "FROM feeds " "WHERE enabled = 1" ) result = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() return result async def get_feeds(db_file): """ Query table feeds and list items. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- results : ??? URLs of feeds. """ cur = get_cursor(db_file) sql = ( "SELECT name, address, updated, enabled, id " "FROM feeds" ) results = cur.execute(sql) return results async def last_entries(db_file, num): """ Query entries. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. num : str Number. Returns ------- titles_list : str List of recent N entries as message. """ cur = get_cursor(db_file) # sql = ( # "SELECT title, link " # "FROM entries " # "ORDER BY ROWID DESC " # "LIMIT :num" # ) sql = ( "SELECT title, link, timestamp " "FROM entries " "WHERE read = 0 " "UNION ALL " "SELECT title, link, timestamp " "FROM archive " "WHERE read = 0 " "ORDER BY timestamp DESC " "LIMIT :num " ) results = cur.execute(sql, (num,)) return results async def search_feeds(db_file, query): """ Query feeds. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. query : str Search query. Returns ------- titles_list : str Feeds of specified keywords as message. """ cur = get_cursor(db_file) sql = ( "SELECT name, address, id, enabled " "FROM feeds " "WHERE name LIKE ? " "OR address LIKE ? " "LIMIT 50" ) results = cur.execute(sql, [f'%{query}%', f'%{query}%']) return results async def search_entries(db_file, query): """ Query entries. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. query : str Search query. Returns ------- titles_list : str Entries of specified keywords as message. """ cur = get_cursor(db_file) sql = ( "SELECT title, link " "FROM entries " "WHERE title LIKE ? " "UNION ALL " "SELECT title, link " "FROM archive " "WHERE title LIKE ? " "LIMIT 50" ) results = cur.execute(sql, ( f'%{query}%', f'%{query}%' )) return results """ FIXME Error due to missing date, but it appears that date is present: ERROR DATE: source = https://blog.heckel.io/feed/ ERROR DATE: date = 2008-05-13T13:51:50+00:00 ERROR DATE: result = https://blog.heckel.io/feed/ 19:32:05 ERROR DATE: source = https://mwl.io/feed 19:32:05 ERROR DATE: date = 2023-11-30T10:56:39+00:00 19:32:05 ERROR DATE: result = https://mwl.io/feed 19:32:05 ERROR DATE: source = https://mwl.io/feed 19:32:05 ERROR DATE: date = 2023-11-22T16:59:08+00:00 19:32:05 ERROR DATE: result = https://mwl.io/feed 19:32:06 ERROR DATE: source = https://mwl.io/feed 19:32:06 ERROR DATE: date = 2023-11-16T10:33:57+00:00 19:32:06 ERROR DATE: result = https://mwl.io/feed 19:32:06 ERROR DATE: source = https://mwl.io/feed 19:32:06 ERROR DATE: date = 2023-11-09T07:37:57+00:00 19:32:06 ERROR DATE: result = https://mwl.io/feed """ async def check_entry_exist(db_file, source, eid=None, title=None, link=None, date=None): """ Check whether an entry exists. If entry has an ID, check by ID. If entry has timestamp, check by title, link and date. Otherwise, check by title and link. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. source : str Feed URL. URL of associated feed. eid : str, optional Entry ID. The default is None. title : str, optional Entry title. The default is None. link : str, optional Entry URL. The default is None. date : str, optional Entry Timestamp. The default is None. Returns ------- bool True or None. """ cur = get_cursor(db_file) if eid: sql = ( "SELECT id " "FROM entries " "WHERE entry_id = :eid and source = :source" ) result = cur.execute(sql, { "eid": eid, "source": source }).fetchone() elif date: sql = ( "SELECT id " "FROM entries " "WHERE " "title = :title and " "link = :link and " "timestamp = :date" ) try: result = cur.execute(sql, { "title": title, "link": link, "timestamp": date }).fetchone() except: print(current_time(), "ERROR DATE: source =", source) print(current_time(), "ERROR DATE: date =", date) else: sql = ( "SELECT id " "FROM entries " "WHERE title = :title and link = :link" ) result = cur.execute(sql, { "title": title, "link": link }).fetchone() try: if result: return True else: None except: print(current_time(), "ERROR DATE: result =", source) async def set_settings_value(db_file, key_value): """ Set settings value. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. key_value : list key : str enabled, interval, masters, quantum, random. value : int Numeric value. """ # if isinstance(key_value, list): # key = key_value[0] # val = key_value[1] # elif key_value == "enable": # key = "enabled" # val = 1 # else: # key = "enabled" # val = 0 key = key_value[0] value = key_value[1] async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() # try: sql = ( "UPDATE settings " "SET value = :value " "WHERE key = :key" ) cur.execute(sql, { "key": key, "value": value }) # except: # logging.debug( # "No specific value set for key {}.".format(key) # ) async def get_settings_value(db_file, key): """ Get settings value. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. key : str Key: archive, enabled, filter-allow, filter-deny, interval, length, old, quantum, random. Returns ------- val : str Numeric value. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() try: sql = ( "SELECT value " "FROM settings " "WHERE key = ?" ) value = cur.execute(sql, (key,)).fetchone()[0] return value except: logging.debug( "No specific value set for key {}.".format(key) ) async def set_filters_value(db_file, key_value): """ Set settings value. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. key_value : list key : str filter-allow, filter-deny, filter-replace. value : int Numeric value. """ # if isinstance(key_value, list): # key = key_value[0] # val = key_value[1] # elif key_value == "enable": # key = "enabled" # val = 1 # else: # key = "enabled" # val = 0 key = key_value[0] val = key_value[1] async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( "UPDATE filters " "SET value = :value " "WHERE key = :key" ) cur.execute(sql, { "key": key, "value": val }) async def get_filters_value(db_file, key): """ Get filters value. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. key : str Key: allow, deny. Returns ------- val : str List of strings. """ with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() try: sql = ( "SELECT value " "FROM filters " "WHERE key = ?" ) value = cur.execute(sql, (key,)).fetchone()[0] return value except: logging.debug( "No specific value set for key {}.".format(key) )