#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ TODO 0) Function "mark_feed_as_read": see function "maintain_archive" 1) Function to open connection (receive db_file). Function to close connection. All other functions to receive cursor. 2) Merge function add_metadata into function import_feeds. 3) SQL prepared statements. 4) Support categories; """ from asyncio import Lock # from slixfeed.data import join_url from slixfeed.log import Logger from sqlite3 import connect, Error, IntegrityError import sys import time # from eliot import start_action, to_file # # with start_action(action_type="list_feeds()", db=db_file): # # with start_action(action_type="last_entries()", num=num): # # with start_action(action_type="get_feeds()"): # # with start_action(action_type="remove_entry()", source=source): # # with start_action(action_type="search_entries()", query=query): # # with start_action(action_type="check_entry()", link=link): CURSORS = {} # aiosqlite DBLOCK = Lock() logger = Logger(__name__) def create_connection(db_file): """ Create a database connection to the SQLite database specified by db_file. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- conn : object Connection object or None. """ time_begin = time.time() function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name)) conn = None try: conn = connect(db_file) conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") # return conn except Error as e: print(e) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) return conn def create_tables(db_file): """ Create SQLite tables. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: entries_properties_authors_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entries_properties_authors ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, entry_id INTEGER NOT NULL, name TEXT, url TEXT, email TEXT, FOREIGN KEY ("entry_id") REFERENCES "entries_properties" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) entries_properties_contributors_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entries_properties_contributors ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, entry_id INTEGER NOT NULL, name TEXT, url TEXT, email TEXT, FOREIGN KEY ("entry_id") REFERENCES "entries_properties" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) entries_properties_contents_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entries_properties_contents ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, entry_id INTEGER NOT NULL, text TEXT, type TEXT, base TEXT, lang TEXT, FOREIGN KEY ("entry_id") REFERENCES "entries_properties" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) entries_properties_links_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entries_properties_links ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, entry_id INTEGER NOT NULL, url TEXT, type TEXT, rel TEXT, size INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY ("entry_id") REFERENCES "entries_properties" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) entries_properties_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entries_properties ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, feed_id INTEGER NOT NULL, identifier TEXT, link TEXT, title TEXT, title_type TEXT, summary_text TEXT, summary_lang TEXT, summary_type TEXT, summary_base TEXT, category TEXT, href TEXT, comments TEXT, rating TEXT, published TEXT, updated TEXT, FOREIGN KEY ("feed_id") REFERENCES "feeds_properties" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) entries_state_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entries_state ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, entry_id INTEGER NOT NULL, rejected INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, read INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, archived INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY ("entry_id") REFERENCES "entries_properties" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) entries_properties_tags_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entries_properties_tags ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, entry_id INTEGER NOT NULL, term TEXT, scheme TEXT, label TEXT, FOREIGN KEY ("entry_id") REFERENCES "entries_properties" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) # TODO Rethink! # Albeit, probably, more expensive, we might want to have feed_id # as foreign key, as it is with feeds_properties and feeds_state feeds_preferences_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feeds_preferences ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, feed_id INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, enabled INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, mutable INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, filter INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, priority INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY ("feed_id") REFERENCES "feeds_properties" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) feeds_properties_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feeds_properties ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, url TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, identifier TEXT, title TEXT, title_type TEXT, subtitle TEXT, subtitle_type TEXT, version TEXT, encoding TEXT, language TEXT, rating TEXT, entries INTEGER, icon TEXT, image TEXT, logo TEXT, ttl TEXT, updated TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) feeds_properties_links_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feeds_properties_links ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, feed_id INTEGER NOT NULL, url TEXT, type TEXT, rel TEXT, size INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY ("feed_id") REFERENCES "feeds_properties" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) feeds_rules_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feeds_rules ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, feed_id INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, type TEXT NOT NULL, keywords TEXT, FOREIGN KEY ("feed_id") REFERENCES "feeds_properties" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) feeds_state_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feeds_state ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, feed_id INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, renewed TEXT, scanned TEXT, status_code INTEGER, valid INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY ("feed_id") REFERENCES "feeds_properties" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) feeds_statistics_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS statistics ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, feed_id INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, offline INTEGER, entries INTEGER, entries INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY ("feed_id") REFERENCES "feeds_properties" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) feeds_properties_tags_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feeds_properties_tags ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, feed_id INTEGER NOT NULL, term TEXT, scheme TEXT, label TEXT, FOREIGN KEY ("feed_id") REFERENCES "feeds_properties" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) # TODO # Consider parameter unique: # entry_id TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, # Will eliminate function: # check_entry_exist filters_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS filters ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, key TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) settings_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS settings ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, key TEXT NOT NULL, value INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) status_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS status ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, key TEXT NOT NULL, value INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) tagged_feeds_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tagged_feeds ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, feed_id INTEGER NOT NULL, tag_id INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("feed_id") REFERENCES "feeds" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY ("tag_id") REFERENCES "tags" ("id") ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) tags_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tags ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, tag TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) cur = conn.cursor() # cur = get_cursor(db_file) cur.execute(entries_properties_table_sql) cur.execute(entries_properties_authors_table_sql) cur.execute(entries_properties_contents_table_sql) cur.execute(entries_properties_contributors_table_sql) cur.execute(entries_properties_links_table_sql) cur.execute(entries_properties_tags_table_sql) cur.execute(entries_state_table_sql) cur.execute(feeds_properties_table_sql) cur.execute(feeds_properties_links_table_sql) cur.execute(feeds_properties_tags_table_sql) cur.execute(feeds_preferences_table_sql) cur.execute(feeds_rules_table_sql) cur.execute(feeds_state_table_sql) cur.execute(filters_table_sql) # cur.execute(statistics_table_sql) cur.execute(settings_table_sql) cur.execute(status_table_sql) cur.execute(tagged_feeds_table_sql) cur.execute(tags_table_sql) def get_cursor(db_file): """ Allocate a cursor to connection per database. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- CURSORS[db_file] : object Cursor. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) if db_file in CURSORS: return CURSORS[db_file] else: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() CURSORS[db_file] = cur return CURSORS[db_file] async def import_feeds(db_file, feeds): """ Insert a new feed into the feeds table. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feeds : list Set of feeds (Title and URL). """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() for feed in feeds: logger.debug('{}: feed: {}' .format(function_name, feed)) url = feed['url'] title = feed['title'] sql = ( """ INSERT INTO feeds_properties( title, url) VALUES( ?, ?) """ ) par = (title, url) try: cur.execute(sql, par) except IntegrityError as e: logger.warning("Skipping: " + str(url)) logger.error(e) async def add_metadata(db_file): """ Insert a new feed into the feeds table. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT id FROM feeds_properties ORDER BY id ASC """ ) ixs = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() for ix in ixs: feed_id = ix[0] # insert_feed_properties(cur, feed_id) insert_feed_status(cur, feed_id) insert_feed_preferences(cur, feed_id) def insert_feed_status(cur, feed_id): """ Set feed status. Parameters ---------- cur : object Cursor object. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, feed_id)) sql = ( """ INSERT INTO feeds_state( feed_id) VALUES( ?) """ ) par = (feed_id,) try: cur.execute(sql, par) except IntegrityError as e: logger.warning( "Skipping feed_id {} for table feeds_state".format(feed_id)) logger.error(e) def insert_feed_preferences(cur, feed_id): """ Set feed preferences. Parameters ---------- cur : object Cursor object. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, feed_id)) sql = ( """ INSERT INTO feeds_preferences( feed_id) VALUES( ?) """ ) par = (feed_id,) try: cur.execute(sql, par) except IntegrityError as e: logger.warning( "Skipping feed_id {} for table feeds_preferences".format(feed_id)) logger.error(e) # TODO Test def insert_feed_properties(cur, feed_id): """ Set feed properties. Parameters ---------- cur : object Cursor object. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, feed_id)) sql = ( """ INSERT INTO feeds_properties( id) VALUES( ?) """ ) par = (feed_id,) try: cur.execute(sql, par) except IntegrityError as e: logger.warning( "Skipping feed_id {} for table feeds_properties".format(feed_id)) logger.error(e) async def insert_feed(db_file, url, title, identifier, entries=None, version=None, encoding=None, language=None, status_code=None, updated=None): """ Insert a new feed into the feeds table. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str URL. title : str Feed title. identifier : str Feed identifier. entries : int, optional Number of entries. The default is None. version : str, optional Type of feed. The default is None. encoding : str, optional Encoding of feed. The default is None. language : str, optional Language code of feed. The default is None. status : str, optional HTTP status code. The default is None. updated : ???, optional Date feed was last updated. The default is None. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} url: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, url)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ INSERT INTO feeds_properties( url, title, identifier, entries, version, encoding, language, updated) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """ ) par = (url, title, identifier, entries, version, encoding, language, updated) cur.execute(sql, par) sql = ( """ SELECT id FROM feeds_properties WHERE url = :url """ ) par = (url,) feed_id = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone()[0] sql = ( """ INSERT INTO feeds_state( feed_id, status_code, valid) VALUES( ?, ?, ?) """ ) par = (feed_id, status_code, 1) cur.execute(sql, par) sql = ( """ INSERT INTO feeds_preferences( feed_id) VALUES( ?) """ ) par = (feed_id,) cur.execute(sql, par) async def insert_feed_(db_file, url, title): """ Insert a new feed into the feeds table. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str URL. title : str, optional Feed title. The default is None. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} url: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, url)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ INSERT INTO feeds_properties( title, url) VALUES( ?, ?) """ ) par = ( title, url ) cur.execute(sql, par) sql = ( """ SELECT id FROM feeds_properties WHERE url = :url """ ) par = (url,) feed_id = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone()[0] # insert_feed_properties(cur, feed_id) insert_feed_status(cur, feed_id) insert_feed_preferences(cur, feed_id) async def remove_feed_by_url(db_file, url): """ Delete a feed by feed URL. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str URL of feed. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} url: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, url)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: async with DBLOCK: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ DELETE FROM feeds_properties WHERE url = ? """ ) par = (url,) cur.execute(sql, par) async def remove_feed_by_index(db_file, ix): """ Delete a feed by feed ID. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. ix : str Index of feed. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} ix: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, ix)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: async with DBLOCK: cur = conn.cursor() # # NOTE Should we move DBLOCK to this line? 2022-12-23 # sql = ( # "DELETE " # "FROM entries " # "WHERE feed_id = ?" # ) # par = (url,) # cur.execute(sql, par) # Error? 2024-01-05 # sql = ( # "DELETE " # "FROM archive " # "WHERE feed_id = ?" # ) # par = (url,) # cur.execute(sql, par) sql = ( """ DELETE FROM feeds_properties WHERE id = ? """ ) par = (ix,) cur.execute(sql, par) def get_feeds_by_tag_id(db_file, tag_id): """ Get feeds of given tag. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. tag_id : str Tag ID. Returns ------- result : tuple List of tags. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} tag_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, tag_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT feeds_properties.* FROM feeds_properties INNER JOIN tagged_feeds ON feeds_properties.id = tagged_feeds.feed_id INNER JOIN tags ON tags.id = tagged_feeds.tag_id WHERE tags.id = ? ORDER BY feeds_properties.title; """ ) par = (tag_id,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result def get_tags_by_feed_id(db_file, feed_id): """ Get tags of given feed. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed_id : str Feed ID. Returns ------- result : tuple List of tags. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT tags.tag FROM tags INNER JOIN tagged_feeds ON tags.id = tagged_feeds.tag_id INNER JOIN feeds_properties ON feeds_properties.id = tagged_feeds.feed_id WHERE feeds_properties.id = ? ORDER BY tags.tag; """ ) par = (feed_id,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result async def set_feed_id_and_tag_id(db_file, feed_id, tag_id): """ Set Feed ID and Tag ID. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed_id : str Feed ID tag_id : str Tag ID """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {} tag_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id, tag_id)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ INSERT INTO tagged_feeds( feed_id, tag_id) VALUES( :feed_id, :tag_id) """ ) par = { "feed_id": feed_id, "tag_id": tag_id } cur.execute(sql, par) def get_feed_properties(db_file, feed_id): """ Get properties of given feed. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed_id : str Feed ID. Returns ------- properties : list List of properties. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT * FROM feeds_properties WHERE id = :feed_id """ ) par = (feed_id,) properties = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return properties def get_feed_identifier(db_file, feed_id): """ Get identifier of given feed ID. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed_id : str Feed ID. Returns ------- identifier : str Identifier name. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT identifier FROM feeds_properties WHERE id = ? """ ) par = (feed_id,) identifier = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return identifier def check_identifier_exist(db_file, identifier): """ Check whether given identifier exist. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. identifier : str Identifier name. Returns ------- id : str ID. feed_id : str Feed ID. identifier : str Identifier name. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} identifier: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, identifier)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT identifier FROM feeds_properties WHERE identifier = ? """ ) par = (identifier,) identifier = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return identifier def get_tag_id(db_file, tag_name): """ Get ID of given tag. Check whether tag exist. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. tag_name : str Tag name. Returns ------- ix : str Tag ID. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} tag_name: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, tag_name)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT id FROM tags WHERE tag = ? """ ) par = (tag_name,) ix = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return ix def get_tag_name(db_file, ix): """ Get name of given tag. Check whether tag exist. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. ix : str Tag ID. Returns ------- tag_name : str Tag name. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} ix: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, ix)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT tag FROM tags WHERE id = ? """ ) par = (ix,) tag_name = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return tag_name def is_tag_id_associated(db_file, tag_id): """ Check whether tag_id is associated with any feed. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. tag_id : str Tag ID. Returns ------- tag_id : str Tag ID. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} tag_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, tag_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT tag_id FROM tagged_feeds WHERE tag_id = :tag_id """ ) par = { "tag_id": tag_id } tag_id = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return tag_id async def delete_tag_by_index(db_file, ix): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} ix: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, ix)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ DELETE FROM tags WHERE id = :id """ ) par = { "id": ix } cur.execute(sql, par) def is_tag_id_of_feed_id(db_file, tag_id, feed_id): """ Check whether given tag is related with given feed. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed_id : str Feed ID. tag_id : str Tag ID. Returns ------- tag_id : str Tag ID. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} tag_id: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id, tag_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT tag_id FROM tagged_feeds WHERE tag_id = :tag_id AND feed_id = :feed_id """ ) par = { "tag_id": tag_id, "feed_id": feed_id } tag_id = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return tag_id async def delete_feed_id_tag_id(db_file, feed_id, tag_id): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} tag_id: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id, tag_id)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ DELETE FROM tagged_feeds WHERE tag_id = :tag_id AND feed_id = :feed_id """ ) par = { "tag_id": tag_id, "feed_id": feed_id } cur.execute(sql, par) async def set_new_tag(db_file, tag): """ Set new Tag Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. tag : str Tag """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} tag: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, tag)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ INSERT INTO tags( tag) VALUES( :tag) """ ) par = { "tag": tag } cur.execute(sql, par) def get_feed_id_and_name(db_file, url): """ Get Id and Name of feed. Check whether a feed exists. Query for feeds by given url. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str URL. Returns ------- result : tuple List of ID and Name of feed. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} url: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, url)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT id, title FROM feeds_properties WHERE url = ? """ ) par = (url,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return result def get_number_of_items(db_file, table): """ Return number of entries or feeds. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. table : str "entries_properties" or "feeds_properties". Returns ------- count : ? Number of rows. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} table: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, table)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT count(id) FROM {} """ ).format(table) count = cur.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] return count def get_number_of_feeds_active(db_file): """ Return number of active feeds. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- count : str Number of rows. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT count(id) FROM feeds_preferences WHERE enabled = 1 """ ) count = cur.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] return count def get_number_of_entries_unread(db_file): """ Return number of unread items. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- count : ? Number of rows. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT count(id) FROM entries_state WHERE read = 0 """ ) count = cur.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] return count def get_entries(db_file, num): """ Extract information from entries. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. num : str, optional Number. The default is None. Returns ------- result : tuple News items. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} num: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, num)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT id, title, link, summary_text, feed_id, published FROM entries_properties ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT :num """ ) par = (num,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result def get_entries_rejected(db_file, num): """ Extract information from rejected entries. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. num : str, optional Number. The default is None. Returns ------- result : tuple News items. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} num: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, num)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT entries_properties.id, title, link, summary_text, feed_id, published FROM entries_properties INNER JOIN entries_state ON entries_properties.id = entries_state.entry_id WHERE entries_state.rejected = 1 ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT :num """ ) par = (num,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result def get_enclosure_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} entry_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, entry_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT url FROM entries_properties_links WHERE entry_id = :entry_id AND rel = "enclosure" """ ) par = (entry_id,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return result def get_unread_entries(db_file, num): """ Extract information from unread entries. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. num : str, optional Number. The default is None. Returns ------- result : tuple News items. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} num: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, num)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT entries_properties.id, title, link, summary_text, feed_id, published FROM entries_properties INNER JOIN entries_state ON entries_properties.id = entries_state.entry_id WHERE entries_state.read = 0 ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT :num """ ) par = (num,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result def get_feed_id_by_entry_index(db_file, ix): """ Get feed id by entry index. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. ix : str Index. Returns ------- feed_id : str Feed index. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} ix: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, ix)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT feed_id FROM entries_properties WHERE id = :ix """ ) par = (ix,) feed_id = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return feed_id def get_feed_id(db_file, url): """ Get index of given feed. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str URL. Returns ------- feed_id : str Feed index. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} url: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, url)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT id FROM feeds_properties WHERE url = :url """ ) par = (url,) feed_id = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return feed_id def is_entry_archived(cur, ix): """ Check whether a given entry is archived. Parameters ---------- cur : object Cursor object. ix : str Index of entry. Returns ------- result : tuple Entry ID. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: ix: {}' .format(function_name, ix)) sql = ( """ SELECT id FROM entries_state WHERE archived = 1 AND entry_id = ? """ ) par = (ix,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return result async def mark_entry_as_read(cur, ix): """ Set read status of entry as read. Parameters ---------- cur : object Cursor object. ix : str Index of entry. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: ix: {}' .format(function_name, ix)) sql = ( """ UPDATE entries_state SET read = 1 WHERE entry_id = ? """ ) par = (ix,) cur.execute(sql, par) def get_status_information_of_feed(db_file, feed_id): """ Get status information of given feed. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed_id : str Feed Id. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT * FROM feeds_state WHERE feed_id = ? """ ) par = (feed_id,) count = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return count def get_unread_entries_of_feed(db_file, feed_id): """ Get entries of given feed. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed_id : str Feed Id. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT * FROM entries_properties INNER JOIN entries_state ON entries_properties.id = entries_state.entry_id WHERE entries_state.read = 0 AND feed_id = ? """ ) par = (feed_id,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result def get_number_of_unread_entries_by_feed(db_file, feed_id): """ Count entries of given feed. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed_id : str Feed Id. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT count(entries_properties.id) FROM entries_properties INNER JOIN entries_state ON entries_properties.id = entries_state.entry_id WHERE entries_state.read = 0 AND feed_id = ? """ ) par = (feed_id,) count = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return count async def mark_feed_as_read(db_file, feed_id): """ Set read status of entries of given feed as read. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed_id : str Feed ID. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT id FROM entries_properties WHERE feed_id = ? """ ) par = (feed_id,) ixs = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() sql = ( """ UPDATE entries_state SET read = 1 WHERE entry_id = ? """ ) for ix in ixs: cur.execute(sql, ix) # for ix in ixs: # par = ix # Variable ix is already of type tuple # cur.execute(sql, par) async def delete_entry_by_id(db_file, ix): """ Delete entry by Id. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. ix : str Index. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} ix: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, ix)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ DELETE FROM entries_properties WHERE id = :ix """ ) par = (ix,) cur.execute(sql, par) async def archive_entry(db_file, ix): """ Insert entry to archive and delete entry. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. ix : str Index. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} ix: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, ix)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ UPDATE entries_state SET archived = 1 WHERE entry_id = :ix """ ) par = (ix,) cur.execute(sql, par) def get_feed_title(db_file, feed_id): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT title FROM feeds_properties WHERE id = :feed_id """ ) par = (feed_id,) title = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return title def get_feed_subtitle(db_file, feed_id): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT subtitle FROM feeds_properties WHERE id = :feed_id """ ) par = (feed_id,) title = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return title async def set_feed_title(db_file, feed_id, title): """ Set new name for feed. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed_id : str Index of feed. name : str New name. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {} title: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id, title)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ UPDATE feeds_properties SET title = :title WHERE id = :feed_id """ ) par = { "title": title, "feed_id": feed_id } cur.execute(sql, par) def get_entry_properties(db_file, ix): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} ix: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, ix)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT * FROM entries_properties WHERE id = :ix """ ) par = (ix,) title = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return title def get_entry_title(db_file, ix): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} ix: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, ix)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT title FROM entries_properties WHERE id = :ix """ ) par = (ix,) title = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return title def get_entry_url(db_file, ix): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} ix: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, ix)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT link FROM entries_properties WHERE id = :ix """ ) par = (ix,) url = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return url def get_feed_url(db_file, feed_id): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT url FROM feeds_properties WHERE id = :feed_id """ ) par = (feed_id,) url = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return url async def mark_as_read(db_file, ix): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} ix: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, ix)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() # TODO While `async with DBLOCK` does work well from # outside of functions, it would be better practice # to place it within the functions. # NOTE: We can use DBLOCK once for both # functions, because, due to exclusive # ID, only one can ever occur. if is_entry_archived(cur, ix): await delete_entry(cur, ix) else: await mark_entry_as_read(cur, ix) async def mark_all_as_read(db_file): """ Set read status of all entries as read. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ UPDATE entries_state SET read = 1 """ ) cur.execute(sql) sql = ( """ SELECT entries_properties.id, title, link, summary_text, feed_id, published FROM entries_properties INNER JOIN entries_state ON entries_properties.id = entries_state.entry_id WHERE entries_state.archived = 1 """ ) ixs = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() sql = ( """ DELETE FROM entries_properties WHERE id = ? """ ) for ix in ixs: cur.execute(sql, ix) async def delete_entry(cur, ix): """ Delete entry. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. ix : str Index of entry. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: ix: {}' .format(function_name, ix)) sql = ( """ DELETE FROM entries_properties WHERE id = ? """ ) par = (ix,) cur.execute(sql, par) async def update_statistics(cur): """ Update table statistics. Parameters ---------- cur : object Cursor object. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}'.format(function_name)) stat_dict = {} stat_dict["feeds"] = get_number_of_items(cur, 'feeds_properties') stat_dict["entries"] = get_number_of_items(cur, 'entries_properties') stat_dict["unread"] = get_number_of_entries_unread(cur=cur) for i in stat_dict: sql = ( "SELECT id " "FROM statistics " "WHERE title = ?" ) par = (i,) cur.execute(sql, par) if cur.fetchone(): sql = ( "UPDATE statistics " "SET number = :num " "WHERE title = :title" ) par = { "title": i, "num": stat_dict[i] } cur.execute(sql, par) else: sql = ( "SELECT count(id) " "FROM statistics" ) count = cur.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] ix = count + 1 sql = ( "INSERT INTO statistics " "VALUES(?,?,?)" ) par = (ix, i, stat_dict[i]) cur.execute(sql, par) async def set_enabled_status(db_file, feed_id, status): """ Set status of feed to enabled or not enabled (i.e. disabled). Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed_id : str Index of feed. status : int 0 or 1. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {} status: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id, status)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ UPDATE feeds_preferences SET enabled = :status WHERE feed_id = :feed_id """ ) par = { "status": status, "feed_id": feed_id } cur.execute(sql, par) """ TODO Investigate what causes date to be int 0 NOTE When time functions of slixfeed.timedate were async, there were errors of coroutines """ async def add_entry(db_file, title, link, entry_id, feed_id, date, read_status): """ Add a new entry row into the entries table. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. title : str Title. link : str Link. entry_id : str Entry index. feed_id : str Feed Id. date : str Date. read_status : str 0 or 1. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} title: {} link: {} entry_id: {} feed_id: {} date: {} read_status: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, title, link, entry_id, feed_id, date, read_status)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ INSERT INTO entries( title, link, entry_id, feed_id, published, read) VALUES( :title, :link, :entry_id, :feed_id, :published, :read) """ ) par = { "title": title, "link": link, "entry_id": entry_id, "feed_id": feed_id, "published": date, "read": read_status } cur.execute(sql, par) # try: # cur.execute(sql, entry) # except: # # None # print("Unknown error for sqlite.add_entry") # print(entry) # # # # print(current_time(), "COROUTINE OBJECT NOW") # # for i in entry: # # print(type(i)) # # print(i) # # print(type(entry)) # # print(entry) # # print(current_time(), "COROUTINE OBJECT NOW") # # breakpoint() async def add_entries_and_update_feed_state(db_file, feed_id, new_entries): """ Add new entries and update feed state. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. new_entries : tuple Set of entries as dict. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() for new_entry in new_entries: logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) sql = ( """ INSERT INTO entries_properties( feed_id, identifier, link, title, title_type, summary_text, summary_lang, summary_type, summary_base, category, comments, published, updated) VALUES( :feed_id, :identifier, :link, :title, :title_type, :summary_text, :summary_lang, :summary_type, :summary_base, :category, :comments, :published, :updated) """ ) entry_properties = new_entry['entry_properties'] par = { "feed_id": feed_id, "identifier": entry_properties["identifier"], "link": entry_properties["link"], "title": entry_properties["title"], "title_type": entry_properties["title_type"], 'summary_text' : entry_properties['summary_text'], 'summary_lang' : entry_properties['summary_lang'], 'summary_type' : entry_properties['summary_type'], 'summary_base' : entry_properties['summary_base'], 'category' : entry_properties['category'], "comments": entry_properties["comments"], "published": entry_properties["published"], "updated": entry_properties["updated"], } cur.execute(sql, par) entry_id = cur.lastrowid sql = ( """ INSERT INTO entries_state( entry_id) VALUES( :entry_id) """ ) par = { "entry_id": entry_id, } cur.execute(sql, par) entry_authors = new_entry['entry_authors'] for entry_author in entry_authors: sql = ( """ INSERT INTO entries_properties_authors( entry_id, name, url, email) VALUES( :entry_id, :name, :url, :email) """ ) par = { "entry_id": entry_id, "name": entry_author['name'], "url": entry_author['url'], "email": entry_author['email'], } cur.execute(sql, par) entry_contributors = new_entry['entry_contributors'] for entry_contributor in entry_contributors: sql = ( """ INSERT INTO entries_properties_contributors( entry_id, name, url, email) VALUES( :entry_id, :name, :url, :email) """ ) par = { "entry_id": entry_id, "name": entry_contributor['name'], "url": entry_contributor['url'], "email": entry_contributor['email'], } cur.execute(sql, par) entry_contents = new_entry['entry_contents'] for entry_content in entry_contents: sql = ( """ INSERT INTO entries_properties_contents( entry_id, text, type, base, lang) VALUES( :entry_id, :text, :type, :base, :lang) """ ) par = { "entry_id": entry_id, "text": entry_content['text'], "type": entry_content['type'], "base": entry_content['base'], "lang": entry_content['lang'], } cur.execute(sql, par) entry_links = new_entry['entry_tags'] for entry_link in entry_links: sql = ( """ INSERT INTO entries_properties_tags( entry_id, term, scheme, label) VALUES( :entry_id, :term, :scheme, :label) """ ) par = { "entry_id": entry_id, "term": entry_link['term'], "scheme": entry_link['scheme'], "label": entry_link['label'], } cur.execute(sql, par) entry_links = new_entry['entry_links'] for entry_link in entry_links: sql = ( """ INSERT INTO entries_properties_links( entry_id, url, type, rel, size) VALUES( :entry_id, :url, :type, :rel, :size) """ ) par = { "entry_id": entry_id, "url": entry_link['url'], "rel": entry_link['rel'], "type": entry_link['type'], "size": entry_link['length'], } cur.execute(sql, par) sql = ( """ UPDATE feeds_state SET renewed = :renewed WHERE feed_id = :feed_id """ ) par = { "renewed": time.time(), "feed_id": feed_id } cur.execute(sql, par) async def set_date(db_file, feed_id): """ Set renewed date of given feed. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed_id : str Feed Id. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ UPDATE feeds_state SET renewed = :renewed WHERE feed_id = :feed_id """ ) par = { "renewed": time.time(), "feed_id": feed_id } # cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, par) async def update_feed_identifier(db_file, feed_id, identifier): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {} identifier: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id, identifier)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ UPDATE feeds_properties SET identifier = :identifier WHERE id = :feed_id """ ) par = { "identifier": identifier, "feed_id": feed_id } cur.execute(sql, par) async def update_feed_status(db_file, feed_id, status_code): """ Set status_code of feed_id in table status. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str Feed URL. status : str Status ID or message. """ # print('MID', feed_id, 'update_feed_status') function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {} status_code: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id, status_code)) if status_code != 200: print('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {} status_code: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id, status_code)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ UPDATE feeds_state SET status_code = :status_code, scanned = :scanned WHERE feed_id = :feed_id """ ) par = { "status_code": status_code, "scanned": time.time(), "feed_id": feed_id } cur.execute(sql, par) async def update_feed_validity(db_file, feed_id, valid): """ Set validity status of feed_id in table status. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str Feed URL. valid : boolean 0 or 1. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {} valid: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id, valid)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ UPDATE feeds_state SET valid = :valid WHERE feed_id = :feed_id """ ) par = { "valid": valid, "feed_id": feed_id } cur.execute(sql, par) async def update_feed_properties(db_file, feed_id, feed_properties): """ Update properties of url in table feeds. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str Feed URL. feed_properties : dict Feed properties. """ # print('MID', feed_id, 'update_feed_properties') function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {} feed_properties: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id, feed_properties)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ UPDATE feeds_properties SET version = :version, encoding = :encoding, language = :language, rating = :rating, entries = :entries, icon = :icon, image = :image, logo = :logo, ttl = :ttl, updated = :updated WHERE id = :feed_id """ ) par = { "version" : feed_properties['version'], "encoding" : feed_properties['encoding'], "language" : feed_properties['language'], "rating" : feed_properties['rating'], "entries" : feed_properties['entries_count'], "icon" : feed_properties['icon'], "image" : feed_properties['image'], "logo" : feed_properties['logo'], "ttl" : feed_properties['ttl'], "updated" : feed_properties['updated'], "feed_id": feed_id } cur.execute(sql, par) async def maintain_archive(db_file, limit): """ Maintain list of archived entries equal to specified number of items. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. limit : str Number of maximum entries to store. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} limit: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, limit)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT count(id) FROM entries_state WHERE archived = 1 """ ) count = cur.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] # FIXME Upon first time joining to a groupchat # and then adding a URL, variable "limit" # becomes a string in one of the iterations. # if isinstance(limit,str): # print("STOP") # breakpoint() difference = count - int(limit) if difference > 0: sql = ( """ DELETE FROM entries_properties WHERE id IN ( SELECT entry_id FROM entries_state INNER JOIN entries_properties ON entries_state.entry_id = entries_properties.id WHERE archived = 1 ORDER BY published ASC LIMIT :difference ) """ ) par = { "difference": difference } cur.execute(sql, par) def get_authors_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{} db_file: {} entry_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, entry_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT * FROM entries_properties_authors WHERE entry_id = :entry_id ORDER BY name DESC """ ) par = (entry_id,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result def get_contributors_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{} db_file: {} entry_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, entry_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT * FROM entries_properties_contributors WHERE entry_id = :entry_id ORDER BY name DESC """ ) par = (entry_id,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result def get_links_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} entry_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, entry_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT * FROM entries_properties_links WHERE entry_id = :entry_id """ ) par = (entry_id,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result def get_tags_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} entry_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, entry_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT * FROM entries_properties_tags WHERE entry_id = :entry_id """ ) par = (entry_id,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result def get_contents_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} entry_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, entry_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT * FROM entries_properties_contents WHERE entry_id = :entry_id """ ) par = (entry_id,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result # TODO Move entries that don't exist into table archive. # NOTE Entries that are read from archive are deleted. # NOTE Unlike entries from table entries, entries from # table archive are not marked as read. def get_entries_of_feed(db_file, feed_id): """ Get entries of given feed. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed_id : str Feed Id. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{} db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT id, title, link, identifier, published FROM entries_properties WHERE feed_id = ? ORDER BY published DESC """ ) par = (feed_id,) items = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return items # TODO What is this function for? 2024-01-02 # def get_feeds(db_file): # """ # Query table feeds for Title, URL, Categories, Tags. # Parameters # ---------- # db_file : str # Path to database file. # Returns # ------- # result : tuple # Title, URL, Categories, Tags of feeds. # """ # with create_connection(db_file) as conn: # cur = conn.cursor() # sql = ( # "SELECT name, address, type, categories, tags " # "FROM feeds" # ) # result = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() # return result # TODO select by "feed_id" (of table "status") from # "feed" urls that are enabled in table "status" def get_feeds_url(db_file): """ Query table feeds for URLs. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- result : tuple URLs of active feeds. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{} db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT url FROM feeds_properties """ ) result = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() return result def get_feeds_by_enabled_state(db_file, enabled_state): """ Query table feeds by enabled state. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. enabled_state : boolean False or True. Returns ------- result : tuple List of URLs. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} enabled_state: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, enabled_state)) if enabled_state: enabled_state = 1 else: enabled_state = 0 with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT feeds_properties.* FROM feeds_properties INNER JOIN feeds_preferences ON feeds_properties.id = feeds_preferences.feed_id WHERE feeds_preferences.enabled = ? """ ) par = (enabled_state,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result def get_feeds_and_enabled_state(db_file): """ Select table feeds and join column enabled. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- result : tuple List of URLs. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT feeds_properties.*, feeds_preferences.enabled FROM feeds_properties INNER JOIN feeds_preferences ON feeds_properties.id = feeds_preferences.feed_id ORDER BY feeds_properties.title ASC """ ) result = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() return result def get_active_feeds_url(db_file): """ Query table feeds for active URLs. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- result : tuple URLs of active feeds. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT feeds_properties.url FROM feeds_properties INNER JOIN feeds_preferences ON feeds_properties.id = feeds_preferences.feed_id WHERE feeds_preferences.enabled = 1 """ ) result = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() return result def get_tags(db_file): """ Query table tags and list items. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- result : tuple List of tags. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT tag, id FROM tags ORDER BY tag """ ) result = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() return result def get_feeds(db_file): """ Query table feeds and list items. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- result : tuple URLs of feeds. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) # TODO # 1) Select id from table feeds # Select name, url (feeds) updated, enabled, feed_id (status) # 2) Sort feeds by id. Sort status by feed_id # result += cur.execute(sql).fetchall() with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT id, title, url FROM feeds_properties ORDER BY title """ ) result = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() return result def get_last_entries(db_file, num): """ Query entries. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. num : str Number. Returns ------- titles_list : tuple List of recent N entries as message. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} num: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, num)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() # sql = ( # "SELECT title, link " # "FROM entries " # "ORDER BY ROWID DESC " # "LIMIT :num" # ) sql = ( """ SELECT title, link, published FROM entries_properties INNER JOIN entries_state ON entries_properties.id = entries_state.entry_id WHERE entries_state.read = 0 ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT :num """ ) par = (num,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result def search_feeds(db_file, query): """ Query feeds. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. query : str Search query. Returns ------- result : tuple Feeds of specified keywords as message. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} query: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, query)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT title, id, url FROM feeds_properties WHERE title LIKE ? OR url LIKE ? LIMIT 50 """ ) par = [f'%{query}%', f'%{query}%'] result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result async def search_entries(db_file, query): """ Query entries. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. query : str Search query. Returns ------- titles_list : tuple Entries of specified keywords as message. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} query: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, query)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT title, link FROM entries_properties WHERE title LIKE ? LIMIT 50 """ ) par = (f'%{query}%', f'%{query}%') result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result """ FIXME Error due to missing date, but it appears that date is present: ERROR DATE: source = https://blog.heckel.io/feed/ ERROR DATE: date = 2008-05-13T13:51:50+00:00 ERROR DATE: result = https://blog.heckel.io/feed/ 19:32:05 ERROR DATE: source = https://mwl.io/feed 19:32:05 ERROR DATE: date = 2023-11-30T10:56:39+00:00 19:32:05 ERROR DATE: result = https://mwl.io/feed 19:32:05 ERROR DATE: source = https://mwl.io/feed 19:32:05 ERROR DATE: date = 2023-11-22T16:59:08+00:00 19:32:05 ERROR DATE: result = https://mwl.io/feed 19:32:06 ERROR DATE: source = https://mwl.io/feed 19:32:06 ERROR DATE: date = 2023-11-16T10:33:57+00:00 19:32:06 ERROR DATE: result = https://mwl.io/feed 19:32:06 ERROR DATE: source = https://mwl.io/feed 19:32:06 ERROR DATE: date = 2023-11-09T07:37:57+00:00 19:32:06 ERROR DATE: result = https://mwl.io/feed """ def check_entry_exist(db_file, feed_id, identifier=None, title=None, link=None, published=None): """ Check whether an entry exists. If entry has an ID, check by ID. If entry has timestamp (published), check by title, link and date. Otherwise, check by title and link. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feed_id : str Feed Id. identifier : str, optional Entry ID. The default is None. title : str, optional Entry title. The default is None. link : str, optional Entry URL. The default is None. published : str, optional Entry Timestamp. The default is None. Returns ------- bool True or None. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} feed_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, feed_id)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() exist = False if identifier: sql = ( """ SELECT id FROM entries_properties WHERE identifier = :identifier and feed_id = :feed_id """ ) par = { "identifier": identifier, "feed_id": feed_id } result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() if result: exist = True elif published: sql = ( """ SELECT id FROM entries_properties WHERE title = :title AND link = :link AND published = :date """ ) par = { "title": title, "link": link, "date": published } try: result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() if result: exist = True except: logger.error("source =" + feed_id) logger.error("published =" + published) else: sql = ( """ SELECT id FROM entries_properties WHERE title = :title AND link = :link """ ) par = { "title": title, "link": link } result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() if result: exist = True # try: # if result: # return True # else: # return None # except: # print(current_time(), "ERROR DATE: result =", url) return exist async def set_setting_value(db_file, key_value): """ Set setting value. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. key_value : list key : str enabled, interval, masters, quantum, random. value : int Numeric value. """ key = key_value[0] val = key_value[1] function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} key: {} val: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, key, val)) # NOTE This is not a good practice! # When INI file was used, all values were strings. # When TOML is now used, integers are integers, which means that # statement "if not val" is equivalent to "if not 0" which is not so to # statement "if not '0'" # if not val: # raise Exception('Missing value for key "{}" ({}).'.format(key, db_file)) # logger.error('Missing value for key "{}" ({}).'.format(key, db_file)) # return async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ INSERT INTO settings( key, value) VALUES( :key, :val) """ ) par = { "key": key, "val": val } cur.execute(sql, par) async def update_setting_value(db_file, key_value): """ Update setting value. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. key_value : list key : str enabled, interval, masters, quantum, random. value : int Numeric value. """ # if isinstance(key_value, list): # key = key_value[0] # val = key_value[1] # elif key_value == "enable": # key = "enabled" # val = 1 # else: # key = "enabled" # val = 0 key = key_value[0] val = key_value[1] function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} key: {} val: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, key, val)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ UPDATE settings SET value = :val WHERE key = :key """ ) par = { "key": key, "val": val } cur.execute(sql, par) # except: # logging.debug( # "No specific value set for key {}.".format(key) # ) async def delete_filter(db_file, key): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} key: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, key)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ DELETE FROM filters WHERE key = ? """ ) par = (key,) cur.execute(sql, par) async def delete_setting(db_file, key): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} key: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, key)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ DELETE FROM settings WHERE key = ? """ ) par = (key,) cur.execute(sql, par) async def delete_settings(db_file): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ DELETE FROM settings """ ) cur.execute(sql) def get_setting_value(db_file, key): """ Get settings value. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. key : str Key: archive, enabled, filter-allow, filter-deny, interval, length, old, quantum, random. Returns ------- val : str Numeric value. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} key: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, key)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key = ? """ ) par = (key,) value = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return value def is_setting_key(db_file, key): """ Check whether setting key exist. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. key : str Key: allow, deny. Returns ------- key : str Key. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} key: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, key)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT key FROM settings WHERE key = ? """ ) par = (key,) key = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return key async def set_filter_value(db_file, key_value): """ Set settings value. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. key_value : list key : str allow, deny, replace. value : int Numeric value. """ key = key_value[0] val = key_value[1] function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} key: {} val: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, key, val)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ INSERT INTO filters( key, value) VALUES( :key, :val) """ ) par = { "key": key, "val": val } cur.execute(sql, par) async def update_filter_value(db_file, key_value): """ Update settings value. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. key_value : list key : str allow, deny, replace. value : int Numeric value. """ # if isinstance(key_value, list): # key = key_value[0] # val = key_value[1] # elif key_value == "enable": # key = "enabled" # val = 1 # else: # key = "enabled" # val = 0 key = key_value[0] val = key_value[1] function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} key: {} val: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, key, val)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ UPDATE filters SET value = :value WHERE key = :key """ ) par = { "key": key, "value": val } cur.execute(sql, par) def is_filter_key(db_file, key): """ Check whether filter key exist. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. key : str Key: allow, deny. Returns ------- key : str Key. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} key: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, key)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT key FROM filters WHERE key = ? """ ) par = (key,) key = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return key def get_filter_value(db_file, key): """ Get filter value. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. key : str Key: allow, deny. Returns ------- value : str List of strings. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} key: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, key)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT value FROM filters WHERE key = ? """ ) par = (key,) value = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone() return value async def set_last_update_time(db_file): """ Set value of last_update. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- None. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ INSERT INTO status( key, value) VALUES( :key, :value) """ ) par = { "key": "last_update", "value": time.time() } cur.execute(sql, par) def get_last_update_time(db_file): """ Get value of last_update. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- val : str Time. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() try: sql = ( """ SELECT value FROM status WHERE key = "last_update" """ ) value = cur.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] value = str(value) except: value = None logger.debug( "No specific value set for key last_update.") return value async def update_last_update_time(db_file): """ Update value of last_update. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- None. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) async with DBLOCK: with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ UPDATE status SET value = :value WHERE key = "last_update" """ ) par = { "value": time.time() } cur.execute(sql, par) ######################################## ######### EXPERIMENTAL TABLE ########### ######################################## def get_categories(db_file): """ Get list of categories. Parameters ---------- db_file : tuple Path to database file. Returns ------- categories : str List of categories. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT DISTINCT category FROM entries ORDER BY category ASC """ ) categories = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() return categories def get_locales(db_file): """ Get list of locales. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- locales : tuple List of locales. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT DISTINCT locale FROM entries ORDER BY locale ASC """ ) locales = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() return locales def get_nations(db_file): """ Get list of nations. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- nations : tuple List of nations. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT DISTINCT nation FROM entries ORDER BY nation ASC """ ) locales = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() return locales # def get_tags(db_file): # """ # Get list of title and urls. # Parameters # ---------- # db_file : str # Path to database file. # Returns # ------- # titles_urls : tuple # List of titles and urls. # """ # with create_connection(db_file) as conn: # cur = conn.cursor() # sql = ( # """ # SELECT tags # FROM entries # ORDER BY tags ASC # """ # ) # titles_urls = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() # return titles_urls def get_titles_tags_urls(db_file): """ Get list of title and urls. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- titles_urls : tuple List of titles and urls. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT title, tags, url FROM entries ORDER BY title ASC LIMIT 800 """ ) titles_tags_urls = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() return titles_tags_urls def get_titles_tags_urls_by_category(db_file, category): """ Get list of title and urls of given category. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- titles_urls : tuple List of titles and urls. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} category: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, category)) with create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT title, tags, url FROM entries WHERE category = :category ORDER BY title ASC """ ) par = { "category": category } titles_tags_urls = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return titles_tags_urls