# Slixfeed Syndication bot for the XMPP communication network. ## Getting started ``` $ python slixfeed.py Username: Password: ``` ## Usage - Start bot; - Add contact JID of Slixfeed to your roster; - Open chat with Slixfeed; - Add news source with `feed add URL` ``` feed add https://xmpp.org/feeds/all.atom.xml feed add https://redecentralize.org/podcast/feed.rss feed add http://hackerpublicradio.org/hpr_ogg_rss.php ``` ## Roadmap - Improve asynchronism hadling; - Improve error handling; - Add hash or urlencode; - Add daemon interface; - Add HTML support; - Add feed history tables of last week and last month. ## Authors and acknowledgment - Schimon Jehudah, Attorney at Law. - [Alixander Court](https://alixandercourt.com/) - [edhelas](https://github.com/edhelas/atomtopubsub) - [imattau](https://github.com/imattau/atomtopubsub) (Some code, mostly URL handling, was taken from imattau) - [Laura](xmpp:lauranna@404.city) - [Link Mauve](https://linkmauve.fr/contact.xhtml) - magicfelix (async) - Slixmpp participants who chose to remain anonymous or not to appear in this list. ## License AGPL-3.0 license ## Copyright Schimon Jehudah 2022