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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
1) Deprecate "add" (see above) and make it interactive.
Slixfeed: Do you still want to add this URL to subscription list?
See: case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("add"):
2) If subscription is inadequate (see XmppPresence.request), send a message that says so.
elif not self.client_roster[jid]["to"]:
message.reply("Share online status to activate bot.").send()
2024-02-14 04:04:49 +01:00
3) Set timeout for moderator interaction.
If moderator interaction has been made, and moderator approves the bot, then
the bot will add the given groupchat to bookmarks; otherwise, the bot will
send a message that it was not approved and therefore leaves the groupchat.
import asyncio
2024-01-09 13:34:10 +01:00
import logging
import os
import slixfeed.action as action
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
import slixfeed.config as config
2024-01-18 21:57:49 +01:00
from slixfeed.dt import current_time, timestamp
import slixfeed.fetch as fetch
import slixfeed.sqlite as sqlite
import slixfeed.task as task
import slixfeed.url as uri
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
from slixfeed.xmpp.bookmark import XmppBookmark
from slixfeed.xmpp.muc import XmppGroupchat
from slixfeed.xmpp.message import XmppMessage
from slixfeed.xmpp.presence import XmppPresence
from slixfeed.xmpp.upload import XmppUpload
from slixfeed.xmpp.utility import get_chat_type
import time
# for task in main_task:
# task.cancel()
# Deprecated in favour of event "presence_available"
# if not main_task:
# await select_file()
async def message(self, message):
Process incoming message stanzas. Be aware that this also
includes MUC messages and error messages. It is usually
a good practice to check the messages's type before
processing or sending replies.
message : str
The received message stanza. See the documentation
for stanza objects and the Message stanza to see
how it may be used.
if message['type'] in ('chat', 'groupchat', 'normal'):
jid = message['from'].bare
jid_file = jid
message_text = ' '.join(message['body'].split())
command_time_start = time.time()
# if (message['type'] == 'groupchat' and
# message['muc']['nick'] == self.alias):
# return
# FIXME Code repetition. See below.
# TODO Check alias by nickname associated with conference
if message['type'] == 'groupchat':
if (message['muc']['nick'] == self.alias):
jid_full = str(message['from'])
role = self.plugin['xep_0045'].get_jid_property(
jid, jid_full[jid_full.index('/')+1:], 'role')
if role != 'moderator':
# NOTE This is an exceptional case in which we treat
# type groupchat the same as type chat in a way that
# doesn't require an exclamation mark for actionable
# command.
if (message_text.lower().startswith('http') and
2024-01-09 13:34:10 +01:00
url = message_text
task.clean_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
status_type = 'dnd'
status_message = '📥️ Procesing request to import feeds...'
XmppPresence.send(self, jid, status_message,
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
2024-01-09 13:34:10 +01:00
count = await action.import_opml(db_file, url)
if count:
response = 'Successfully imported {} feeds.'.format(count)
2024-01-09 13:34:10 +01:00
response = 'OPML file was not imported.'
await task.start_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
2024-01-09 13:34:10 +01:00
if message['type'] == 'groupchat':
# nick = message['from'][message['from'].index('/')+1:]
# nick = str(message['from'])
# nick = nick[nick.index('/')+1:]
if (message['muc']['nick'] == self.alias or
not message['body'].startswith('!')):
# token = await initdb(
# jid,
# sqlite.get_setting_value,
# 'token'
# )
# if token == 'accepted':
# operator = await initdb(
# jid,
# sqlite.get_setting_value,
# 'masters'
# )
# if operator:
# if nick not in operator:
# return
# approved = False
jid_full = str(message['from'])
role = self.plugin['xep_0045'].get_jid_property(
jid, jid_full[jid_full.index('/')+1:], 'role')
if role != 'moderator':
# if role == 'moderator':
# approved = True
# TODO Implement a list of temporary operators
# Once an operator is appointed, the control would last
# untile the participant has been disconnected from MUC
# An operator is a function to appoint non moderators.
# Changing nickname is fine and consist of no problem.
# if not approved:
# operator = await initdb(
# jid,
# sqlite.get_setting_value,
# 'masters'
# )
# if operator:
# if nick in operator:
# approved = True
# if not approved:
# return
# # Begin processing new JID
# # Deprecated in favour of event 'presence_available'
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
# db_dir = config.get_default_data_directory()
# os.chdir(db_dir)
# if jid + '.db' not in os.listdir():
# await task_jid(jid)
# await compose.message(self, jid, message)
if message['type'] == 'groupchat':
message_text = message_text[1:]
message_lowercase = message_text.lower()
logging.debug([str(message['from']), ':', message_text])
# Support private message via groupchat
2024-01-28 12:17:31 +01:00
# See
if message['type'] == 'chat' and message.get_plugin('muc', check=True):
jid_bare = message['from'].bare
jid_full = str(message['from'])
if (jid_bare == jid_full[:jid_full.index('/')]):
jid = str(message['from'])
jid_file = jid_full.replace('/', '_')
2024-01-09 13:34:10 +01:00
response = None
match message_lowercase:
# case 'breakpoint':
# if jid == get_value('accounts', 'XMPP', 'operator'):
2024-01-02 13:52:37 +01:00
# breakpoint()
# print('task_manager[jid]')
2024-01-09 13:34:10 +01:00
# print(task_manager[jid])
# await self.get_roster()
# print('roster 1')
2024-01-09 13:34:10 +01:00
# print(self.client_roster)
# print('roster 2')
2024-01-09 13:34:10 +01:00
# print(self.client_roster.keys())
# print('jid')
2024-01-09 13:34:10 +01:00
# print(jid)
2024-01-02 13:52:37 +01:00
# else:
# response = (
# 'This action is restricted. '
# 'Type: breakpoint.'
2024-01-02 13:52:37 +01:00
# )
# XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case 'help':
2024-01-28 12:17:31 +01:00
command_list = ' '.join(action.manual('commands.toml'))
response = ('Available command keys:\n'
'Usage: `help <key>`'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case 'help all':
command_list = action.manual('commands.toml', section='all')
response = ('Complete list of commands:\n'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
2024-01-27 20:21:45 +01:00
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('help'):
command = message_text[5:].lower()
2024-01-27 20:21:45 +01:00
command = command.split(' ')
if len(command) == 2:
command_root = command[0]
command_name = command[1]
command_list = action.manual('commands.toml',
2024-01-28 12:17:31 +01:00
if command_list:
command_list = ''.join(command_list)
response = (command_list)
response = ('KeyError for {} {}'
.format(command_root, command_name))
2024-01-27 20:21:45 +01:00
elif len(command) == 1:
command = command[0]
2024-01-28 12:17:31 +01:00
command_list = action.manual('commands.toml', command)
if command_list:
command_list = ' '.join(command_list)
response = ('Available command `{}` keys:\n'
'Usage: `help {} <command>`'
.format(command, command_list, command))
2024-01-28 12:17:31 +01:00
response = 'KeyError for {}'.format(command)
2024-01-27 20:21:45 +01:00
response = ('Invalid. Enter command key '
'or command key & name')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case 'info':
command_list = action.manual('information.toml')
response = ('Available command options:\n'
'Usage: `info <option>`'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
2024-01-28 12:17:31 +01:00
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('info'):
command = message_text[5:].lower()
command_list = action.manual('information.toml', command)
2024-01-28 12:17:31 +01:00
if command_list:
# command_list = '\n'.join(command_list)
response = (command_list)
response = ('KeyError for {}'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase in ['greetings', 'hallo', 'hello',
'hey', 'hi', 'hola', 'holla',
response = ('Greeting! My name is {}.\n'
'I am an RSS News Bot.\n'
'Send "help" for further instructions.\n'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
# case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('activate'):
# if message['type'] == 'groupchat':
# acode = message[9:]
# token = await initdb(
# jid,
# sqlite.get_setting_value,
# 'token'
# )
# if int(acode) == token:
# await initdb(
# jid,
# sqlite.update_setting_value,
# ['masters', nick]
# )
# await initdb(
# jid,
# sqlite.update_setting_value,
# ['token', 'accepted']
# )
# response = '{}, your are in command.'.format(nick)
# else:
# response = 'Activation code is not valid.'
# else:
# response = 'This command is valid for groupchat only.'
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('add'):
# Add given feed without validity check.
message_text = message_text[4:]
url = message_text.split(' ')[0]
title = ' '.join(message_text.split(' ')[1:])
if not title:
title = uri.get_hostname(url)
if url.startswith('http'):
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
exist = await sqlite.get_feed_id_and_name(db_file, url)
if not exist:
await sqlite.insert_feed(db_file, url, title)
await action.scan(db_file, url)
2024-02-12 20:01:28 +01:00
old = config.get_setting_value(db_file, "old")
if old:
# task.clean_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
# await send_status(jid)
await task.start_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
feed_id = await sqlite.get_feed_id(db_file, url)
feed_id = feed_id[0]
await sqlite.mark_feed_as_read(db_file, feed_id)
response = ('> {}\n'
'News source has been '
'added to subscription list.'
ix = exist[0]
name = exist[1]
response = ('> {}\n'
'News source "{}" is already '
'listed in the subscription list at '
'index {}'
.format(url, name, ix))
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing URL.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('allow +'):
key = message_text[:5]
val = message_text[7:]
if val:
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
keywords = sqlite.get_filter_value(db_file, key)
if keywords: keywords = str(keywords[0])
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
val = await config.add_to_list(val, keywords)
if sqlite.is_filter_key(db_file, key):
await sqlite.update_filter_value(db_file,
[key, val])
await sqlite.set_filter_value(db_file, [key, val])
response = ('Approved keywords\n'
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing keywords.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('allow -'):
key = message_text[:5]
val = message_text[7:]
if val:
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
keywords = sqlite.get_filter_value(db_file, key)
if keywords: keywords = str(keywords[0])
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
val = await config.remove_from_list(val, keywords)
if sqlite.is_filter_key(db_file, key):
await sqlite.update_filter_value(db_file,
[key, val])
await sqlite.set_filter_value(db_file, [key, val])
response = ('Approved keywords\n'
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing keywords.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('archive'):
key = message_text[:7]
val = message_text[8:]
if val:
if int(val) > 500:
response = 'Value may not be greater than 500.'
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
await config.set_setting_value(db_file, key, val)
response = ('Maximum archived items has '
'been set to {}.'
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Enter a numeric value only.')
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing value.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
2024-02-14 04:04:49 +01:00
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('bookmark +'):
if jid == config.get_value('accounts', 'XMPP', 'operator'):
muc_jid = message_text[11:]
await XmppBookmark.add(self, jid=muc_jid)
response = ('Groupchat {} has been added to bookmarks.'
response = ('This action is restricted. '
'Type: adding bookmarks.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('bookmark -'):
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
if jid == config.get_value('accounts', 'XMPP', 'operator'):
muc_jid = message_text[11:]
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
await XmppBookmark.remove(self, muc_jid)
2024-02-14 04:04:49 +01:00
response = ('Groupchat {} has been removed from bookmarks.'
response = ('This action is restricted. '
'Type: removing bookmarks.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('default '):
key = message_text[8:]
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
await sqlite.delete_setting(db_file, key)
response = ('Setting {} has been restored to default value.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case 'defaults':
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
await sqlite.delete_settings(db_file)
response = 'Default settings have been restored.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('clear '):
key = message_text[6:]
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
await sqlite.delete_filter(db_file, key)
response = 'Filter {} has been purged.'.format(key)
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case 'bookmarks':
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
if jid == config.get_value('accounts', 'XMPP', 'operator'):
response = await action.list_bookmarks(self)
2024-01-02 13:12:29 +01:00
response = ('This action is restricted. '
'Type: viewing bookmarks.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('deny +'):
key = message_text[:4]
val = message_text[6:]
if val:
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
keywords = sqlite.get_filter_value(db_file, key)
if keywords: keywords = str(keywords[0])
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
val = await config.add_to_list(val, keywords)
if sqlite.is_filter_key(db_file, key):
await sqlite.update_filter_value(db_file,
[key, val])
await sqlite.set_filter_value(db_file, [key, val])
response = ('Rejected keywords\n'
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing keywords.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('deny -'):
key = message_text[:4]
val = message_text[6:]
if val:
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
keywords = sqlite.get_filter_value(db_file, key)
if keywords: keywords = str(keywords[0])
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
val = await config.remove_from_list(val, keywords)
if sqlite.is_filter_key(db_file, key):
await sqlite.update_filter_value(db_file,
[key, val])
await sqlite.set_filter_value(db_file, [key, val])
response = ('Rejected keywords\n'
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing keywords.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('export'):
ext = message_text[7:]
if ext in ('md', 'opml'): # html xbel
status_type = 'dnd'
status_message = ('📤️ Procesing request to '
'export feeds into {}...'
XmppPresence.send(self, jid, status_message,
filename = await action.export_feeds(self, jid, jid_file,
url = await XmppUpload.start(self, jid, filename)
# response = (
# 'Feeds exported successfully to {}.\n{}'
# ).format(ex, url)
# XmppMessage.send_oob_reply_message(message, url, response)
chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid)
XmppMessage.send_oob(self, jid, url, chat_type)
await task.start_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
response = ('Unsupported filetype.\n'
'Try: md or opml')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if (message_lowercase.startswith('gemini:') or
response = 'Gemini and Gopher are not supported yet.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if (message_lowercase.startswith('content') or
if message_lowercase.startswith('content'):
message_text = message_text[8:]
readability = True
message_text = message_text[5:]
readability = False
ix_url = message_text.split(' ')[0]
ext = ' '.join(message_text.split(' ')[1:])
ext = ext if ext else 'pdf'
url = None
error = None
response = None
if ext in ('epub', 'html', 'markdown', 'md', 'pdf', 'text',
match ext:
case 'markdown':
ext = 'md'
case 'text':
ext = 'txt'
status_type = 'dnd'
status_message = ('📃️ Procesing request to produce {} '
XmppPresence.send(self, jid, status_message,
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
cache_dir = config.get_default_cache_directory()
if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir + '/readability'):
os.mkdir(cache_dir + '/readability')
if ix_url:
ix = int(ix_url)
url = sqlite.get_entry_url(db_file, ix)
url = url[0]
response = 'No entry with index {}'.format(ix)
url = ix_url
if url:
url = uri.remove_tracking_parameters(url)
url = (uri.replace_hostname(url, 'link')) or url
result = await fetch.http(url)
if not result['error']:
data = result['content']
code = result['status_code']
title = get_document_title(data)
title = title.strip().lower()
for i in (' ', '-'):
title = title.replace(i, '_')
for i in ('?', '"', '\'', '!'):
title = title.replace(i, '')
filename = os.path.join(
cache_dir, 'readability',
title + '_' + dt.timestamp() + '.' + ext)
error = action.generate_document(data, url,
ext, filename,
if error:
response = ('> {}\n'
'Failed to export {}. '
'Reason: {}'.format(url,
url = await XmppUpload.start(self, jid,
chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid)
XmppMessage.send_oob(self, jid, url,
response = ('> {}\n'
'Failed to fetch URL. Reason: {}'
.format(url, code))
await task.start_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing argument. '
'Enter URL or entry index number.')
response = ('Unsupported filetype.\n'
'Try: epub, html, md (markdown), '
'pdf, or txt (text)')
if response:
logging.warning('Error for URL {}: {}'.format(url, error))
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if (message_lowercase.startswith('http')) and(
url = message_text
task.clean_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
status_type = 'dnd'
status_message = '📥️ Procesing request to import feeds...'
XmppPresence.send(self, jid, status_message,
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
count = await action.import_opml(db_file, url)
if count:
response = ('Successfully imported {} feeds.'
response = 'OPML file was not imported.'
await task.start_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if (message_lowercase.startswith('http') or
url = message_text
# task.clean_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
status_type = 'dnd'
status_message = ('📫️ Processing request to fetch data from {}'
XmppPresence.send(self, jid, status_message,
if url.startswith('feed:'):
url = uri.feed_to_http(url)
url = (uri.replace_hostname(url, 'feed')) or url
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
2024-01-28 12:17:31 +01:00
# try:
result = await action.add_feed(db_file, url)
if isinstance(result, list):
results = result
response = ("Web feeds found for {}\n\n```\n"
for result in results:
response += ("Title : {}\n"
"Link : {}\n"
.format(result['name'], result['link']))
response += ('```\nTotal of {} feeds.'
elif result['exist']:
response = ('> {}\nNews source "{}" is already '
'listed in the subscription list at '
'index {}'.format(result['link'],
elif result['error']:
response = ('> {}\nFailed to load URL. Reason: {}'
.format(url, result['code']))
response = ('> {}\nNews source "{}" has been '
'added to subscription list.'
.format(result['link'], result['name']))
# task.clean_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
await task.start_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
2024-01-28 12:17:31 +01:00
# except:
# response = (
# '> {}\nNews source is in the process '
# 'of being added to the subscription '
# 'list.'.format(url)
# )
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('feeds'):
query = message_text[6:]
if query:
if len(query) > 3:
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
response = action.list_feeds_by_query(db_file, query)
response = 'Enter at least 4 characters to search'
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
result = await sqlite.get_feeds(db_file)
response = action.list_feeds(result)
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case 'goodbye':
if message['type'] == 'groupchat':
XmppGroupchat.leave(self, jid)
await XmppBookmark.remove(self, jid)
response = 'This command is valid in groupchat only.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('interval'):
key = message_text[:8]
val = message_text[9:]
if val:
val = int(val)
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
await config.set_setting_value(db_file, key, val)
# NOTE Perhaps this should be replaced by functions
# clean and start
await task.refresh_task(self, jid, task.task_send, key,
response = ('Updates will be sent every {} minutes.'
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Enter a numeric value only.')
response = 'Missing value.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('join'):
muc_jid = uri.check_xmpp_uri(message_text[5:])
if muc_jid:
# TODO probe JID and confirm it's a groupchat
XmppGroupchat.join(self, jid, muc_jid)
2024-02-14 04:04:49 +01:00
# await XmppBookmark.add(self, jid=muc_jid)
response = ('Joined groupchat {}'
response = ('> {}\n'
'XMPP URI is not valid.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('length'):
key = message_text[:6]
val = message_text[7:]
if val:
val = int(val)
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
await config.set_setting_value(db_file, key, val)
2024-01-04 14:58:06 +01:00
if val == 0: # if not val:
response = 'Summary length limit is disabled.'
response = ('Summary maximum length '
'is set to {} characters.'
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Enter a numeric value only.')
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing value.')
# case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('mastership'):
# key = message_text[:7]
# val = message_text[11:]
# if val:
# names = await initdb(
# jid,
# sqlite.get_setting_value,
# key
# )
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
# val = await config.add_to_list(
# val,
# names
# )
# await initdb(
# jid,
# sqlite.update_setting_valuevv,
# [key, val]
# )
# response = (
# 'Operators\n'
# '```\n{}\n```'
# ).format(val)
# else:
# response = 'Missing value.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
2024-02-11 00:25:05 +01:00
case 'media off':
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
key = 'media'
val = 0
await config.set_setting_value(db_file, key, val)
2024-02-11 00:25:05 +01:00
response = 'Media is disabled.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case 'media on':
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
key = 'media'
val = 1
await config.set_setting_value(db_file, key, val)
2024-02-11 00:25:05 +01:00
response = 'Media is enabled.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case 'new':
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
key = 'old'
val = 0
await config.set_setting_value(db_file, key, val)
response = 'Only new items of newly added feeds be delivered.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
# TODO Will you add support for number of messages?
case 'next':
# num = message_text[5:]
# await task.send_update(self, jid, num)
await action.xmpp_send_update(self, jid)
# task.clean_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['interval', 'status'])
# await task.start_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status', 'interval'])
# await refresh_task(self, jid, send_update, 'interval', num)
# await refresh_task(self, jid, send_status, 'status', 20)
# await refresh_task(jid, key, val)
case 'old':
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
key = 'old'
val = 1
await config.set_setting_value(db_file, key, val)
response = 'All items of newly added feeds be delivered.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('quantum'):
key = message_text[:7]
val = message_text[8:]
if val:
val = int(val)
# response = (
# 'Every update will contain {} news items.'
# ).format(response)
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
await config.set_setting_value(db_file, key, val)
response = ('Next update will contain {} news items.'
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Enter a numeric value only.')
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing value.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case 'random':
# TODO /questions/2279706/select-random-row-from-a-sqlite-table
# NOTE sqlitehandler.get_entry_unread
response = 'Updates will be sent by random order.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('read'):
data = message_text[5:]
data = data.split()
url = data[0]
if url:
task.clean_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
status_type = 'dnd'
status_message = ('📫️ Processing request to fetch data from {}'
XmppPresence.send(self, jid, status_message,
if url.startswith('feed:'):
url = uri.feed_to_http(url)
url = (uri.replace_hostname(url, 'feed')) or url
match len(data):
case 1:
if url.startswith('http'):
response = await action.view_feed(url)
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing URL.')
case 2:
num = data[1]
if url.startswith('http'):
response = await action.view_entry(url, num)
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing URL.')
case _:
response = ('Enter command as follows:\n'
'`read <url>` or `read <url> <number>`\n'
'URL must not contain white space.')
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing URL.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
await task.start_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('recent'):
num = message_text[7:]
if num:
num = int(num)
if num < 1 or num > 50:
response = 'Value must be ranged from 1 to 50.'
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
result = await sqlite.last_entries(db_file, num)
response = action.list_last_entries(result, num)
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Enter a numeric value only.')
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing value.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('remove'):
ix_url = message_text[7:]
if ix_url:
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
ix = int(ix_url)
url = sqlite.get_feed_url(db_file, ix)
if url:
url = url[0]
name = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, ix)
name = name[0]
await sqlite.remove_feed_by_index(db_file, ix)
response = ('> {}\n'
'News source "{}" has been '
'removed from subscription list.'
.format(url, name))
response = ('No news source with index {}.'
url = ix_url
feed_id = await sqlite.get_feed_id(db_file, url)
if feed_id:
feed_id = feed_id[0]
await sqlite.remove_feed_by_url(db_file, url)
response = ('> {}\n'
'News source has been removed '
'from subscription list.'
response = ('> {}\n'
# 'No action has been made.'
'News source does not exist. '
# await refresh_task(
# self,
# jid,
# send_status,
# 'status',
# 20
# )
# task.clean_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
await task.start_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing argument. '
'Enter feed URL or index number.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('reset'):
# TODO Reset also by ID
ix_url = message_text[6:]
task.clean_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
status_type = 'dnd'
status_message = '📫️ Marking entries as read...'
XmppPresence.send(self, jid, status_message,
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
if ix_url:
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
ix = int(ix_url)
url = sqlite.get_feed_url(db_file, ix)
if url:
url = url[0]
name = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, ix)
name = name[0]
await sqlite.mark_feed_as_read(db_file, ix)
response = ('> {}\n'
'All entries of source "{}" have been '
'marked as read.'
.format(url, name))
response = ('No news source with index {}.'
url = ix_url
feed_id = await sqlite.get_feed_id(db_file, url)
if feed_id:
feed_id = feed_id[0]
name = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, feed_id)
name = name[0]
await sqlite.mark_feed_as_read(db_file, feed_id)
response = ('> {}\n'
'All entries of source "{}" have been '
'marked as read.'
.format(url, name))
response = ('> {}\n'
# 'No action has been made.'
'News source does not exist. '
await sqlite.mark_all_as_read(db_file)
response = 'All entries have been marked as read.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
await task.start_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('search'):
query = message_text[7:]
if query:
if len(query) > 1:
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
results = await sqlite.search_entries(db_file, query)
response = action.list_search_results(query, results)
response = 'Enter at least 2 characters to search'
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing search query.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case 'start':
key = 'enabled'
val = 1
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
await config.set_setting_value(db_file, key, val)
status_type = 'available'
status_message = '📫️ Welcome back!'
XmppPresence.send(self, jid, status_message, status_type=status_type)
await asyncio.sleep(5)
await task.start_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['check', 'status', 'interval'])
response = 'Updates are enabled.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case 'stats':
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
2024-01-14 19:05:12 +01:00
response = await action.list_statistics(db_file)
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('disable '):
feed_id = message_text[8:]
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
await sqlite.set_enabled_status(db_file, feed_id, 0)
await sqlite.mark_feed_as_read(db_file, feed_id)
name = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, feed_id)[0]
addr = sqlite.get_feed_url(db_file, feed_id)[0]
response = ('> {}\n'
'Updates are now disabled for news source "{}"'
.format(addr, name))
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'No news source with index {}.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
await task.start_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['status'])
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('rename'):
message_text = message_text[7:]
feed_id = message_text.split(' ')[0]
name = ' '.join(message_text.split(' ')[1:])
if name:
feed_id = int(feed_id)
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
name_old = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, feed_id)
if name_old:
name_old = name_old[0]
if name == name_old:
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Input name is identical to the '
'existing name.')
await sqlite.set_feed_title(db_file, feed_id, name)
response = ('> {}'
'Subscription #{} has been renamed to "{}".'
.format(name_old, feed_id, name))
response = ('Subscription with Id {} does not exist.'
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Subscription Id must be a numeric value.')
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'Missing argument. '
'Enter subscription Id and name.')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('enable'):
feed_id = message_text[7:]
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
await sqlite.set_enabled_status(db_file, feed_id, 1)
name = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, feed_id)[0]
addr = sqlite.get_feed_url(db_file, feed_id)[0]
response = ('> {}\n'
'Updates are now enabled for news source "{}"'
.format(addr, name))
response = ('No action has been taken.'
'No news source with index {}.'.format(ix))
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case 'stop':
key = 'enabled'
val = 0
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
await config.set_setting_value(db_file, key, val)
task.clean_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, ['interval', 'status'])
status_type = 'xa'
status_message = '📪️ Send "Start" to receive Jabber updates'
XmppPresence.send(self, jid, status_message,
response = 'Updates are disabled.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case 'support':
# TODO Send an invitation.
response = 'Join'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _ if message_lowercase.startswith('xmpp:'):
muc_jid = uri.check_xmpp_uri(message_text)
if muc_jid:
# TODO probe JID and confirm it's a groupchat
XmppGroupchat.join(self, jid, muc_jid)
2024-02-14 04:04:49 +01:00
# await XmppBookmark.add(self, jid=muc_jid)
response = ('Joined groupchat {}'
response = ('> {}\n'
'XMPP URI is not valid.'
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
case _:
response = ('Unknown command. '
'Press "help" for list of commands')
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
# TODO Use message correction here
# NOTE This might not be a good idea if
# commands are sent one close to the next
# if response: message.reply(response).send()
command_time_finish = time.time()
command_time_total = command_time_finish - command_time_start
command_time_total = round(command_time_total, 3)
response = 'Finished. Total time: {}s'.format(command_time_total)
XmppMessage.send_reply(self, message, response)
if not response: response = 'EMPTY MESSAGE - ACTION ONLY'
2024-02-06 04:04:43 +01:00
data_dir = config.get_default_data_directory()
if not os.path.isdir(data_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(data_dir + '/logs/'):
os.mkdir(data_dir + '/logs/')
current_time(), os.path.join(data_dir, 'logs', jid_file),
jid, message_text)
current_time(), os.path.join(data_dir, 'logs', jid_file),
self.boundjid.bare, response)
'Message : {}\n'
'JID : {}\n'
'File : {}\n'
.format(message_text, jid, jid_file, response)