.. title: Rivista .. slug: rivista .. date: 2024-09-24 00:00:00 UTC .. tags: rivista .. link: rivista .. description: Journal publisher for XMPP .. type: text Rivista is a lower-cost dynamic site generator, and a gateway for XMPP PubSub. Rivista is usable with both, Feed Readers and HTML Browsers. Features -------- - Parse XMPP Pubsub Nodes and sends them as Atom Syndication Format or OPML over HTTP. - Generate Atom syndication feeds (RFC 4287) from XMPP PubSub nodes (XEP-0060). - XSLT stylesheets that transform PubSub nodes into XHTML journal sites. Project source is hosted at `git.xmpp-it.net/sch/Rivista `_.