#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ { 'bozo': False, 'bozo_exception': None, 'feeds': [ { 'url': 'https://kurtmckee.org/tag/listparser/feed', 'title': 'listparser blog', 'categories': [], 'tags': [] }, { 'url': 'https://github.com/kurtmckee/listparser/commits/develop.atom', 'title': 'listparser changelog', 'categories': [], 'tags': [] } ], 'lists': [], 'opportunities': [], 'meta': { 'title': 'listparser project feeds', 'author': { 'name': 'Kurt McKee', 'email': 'contactme@kurtmckee.org', 'url': 'https://kurtmckee.org/' } }, 'version': 'opml2' } import listparser import lxml async def import_from_file(db_file, opml_doc): feeds = listparser.parse(opml_doc)['feeds'] for feed in feeds: url = feed['url'] title = feed['title'] # categories = feed['categories'] # tags = feed['tags'] # await datahandler.add_feed_no_check(db_file, [url, title]) """ from slixfeed.datetime import current_time import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # NOTE Use OPyML or LXML def export_to_file(jid, filename, results): root = ET.Element("opml") root.set("version", "1.0") head = ET.SubElement(root, "head") ET.SubElement(head, "title").text = "Subscriptions for {}".format(jid) ET.SubElement(head, "description").text = ( "Set of feeds exported with Slixfeed") ET.SubElement(head, "generator").text = "Slixfeed" ET.SubElement(head, "urlPublic").text = ( "https://gitgud.io/sjehuda/slixfeed") time_stamp = current_time() ET.SubElement(head, "dateCreated").text = time_stamp ET.SubElement(head, "dateModified").text = time_stamp body = ET.SubElement(root, "body") for result in results: outline = ET.SubElement(body, "outline") outline.set("text", result[0]) outline.set("xmlUrl", result[1]) # outline.set("type", result[2]) tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write(filename)