#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ FIXME 1) Function check_readiness or event "changed_status" is causing for triple status messages and also false ones that indicate of lack of feeds. TODO 1) Deprecate "add" (see above) and make it interactive. Slixfeed: Do you still want to add this URL to subscription list? See: case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("add"): 2) Use loop (with gather) instead of TaskGroup. 3) Assure message delivery before calling a new task. See https://slixmpp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/event_index.html#term-marker_acknowledged 4) Do not send updates when busy or away. See https://slixmpp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/event_index.html#term-changed_status 5) Animate "You have X news items" 📬️ when sent 📫️ after sent NOTE 1) Self presence Apparently, it is possible to view self presence. This means that there is no need to store presences in order to switch or restore presence. check_readiness 📂 Send a URL from a blog or a news website. JID: self.boundjid.bare MUC: self.alias """ import asyncio import logging import os import slixfeed.action as action from slixfeed.config import ( get_pathname_to_database, get_default_data_directory, get_value) # from slixfeed.dt import current_time from slixfeed.sqlite import ( delete_archived_entry, get_feed_title, get_feeds_url, get_last_update_time, get_number_of_entries_unread, get_number_of_items, get_settings_value, get_unread_entries, mark_as_read, mark_entry_as_read, set_last_update_time, update_last_update_time ) # from xmpp import Slixfeed import slixfeed.xmpp.client as xmpp import slixfeed.xmpp.utility as utility import time main_task = [] jid_tasker = {} task_manager = {} loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() """ FIXME Tasks don't begin at the same time. This is noticeable when calling "check" before "status". await taskhandler.start_tasks( self, jid, ["check", "status"] ) """ async def start_tasks_xmpp(self, jid, tasks): logging.debug("Starting tasks {} for JID {}".format(tasks, jid)) task_manager[jid] = {} for task in tasks: # print("task:", task) # print("tasks:") # print(tasks) # breakpoint() match task: case "check": task_manager[jid]["check"] = asyncio.create_task( check_updates(jid)) case "status": task_manager[jid]["status"] = asyncio.create_task( send_status(self, jid)) case "interval": jid_file = jid.replace('/', '_') db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) update_interval = ( await get_settings_value(db_file, "interval") or get_value("settings", "Settings", "interval") ) update_interval = 60 * int(update_interval) last_update_time = await get_last_update_time(db_file) if last_update_time: last_update_time = float(last_update_time) diff = time.time() - last_update_time if diff < update_interval: next_update_time = update_interval - diff print("jid :", jid, "\n" "time :", time.time(), "\n" "last_update_time :", last_update_time, "\n" "difference :", diff, "\n" "update interval :", update_interval, "\n" "next_update_time :", next_update_time, "\n") await asyncio.sleep(next_update_time) # elif diff > val: # next_update_time = val await update_last_update_time(db_file) else: await set_last_update_time(db_file) task_manager[jid]["interval"] = asyncio.create_task( send_update(self, jid)) # for task in task_manager[jid].values(): # print("task_manager[jid].values()") # print(task_manager[jid].values()) # print("task") # print(task) # print("jid") # print(jid) # breakpoint() # await task async def clean_tasks_xmpp(jid, tasks): logging.debug( "Stopping tasks {} for JID {}".format(tasks, jid) ) for task in tasks: # if task_manager[jid][task]: try: task_manager[jid][task].cancel() except: logging.debug( "No task {} for JID {} (clean_tasks)".format(task, jid) ) """ TODO Rename to "start_tasks" Pass a list (or dict) of tasks to start NOTE Consider callback e.g. Slixfeed.send_status. Or taskhandler for each protocol or specific taskhandler function. """ async def task_jid(self, jid): """ JID (Jabber ID) task manager. Parameters ---------- jid : str Jabber ID. """ jid_file = jid.replace('/', '_') db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) enabled = ( await get_settings_value(db_file, "enabled") or get_value("settings", "Settings", "enabled") ) if enabled: # NOTE Perhaps we want to utilize super with keyword # arguments in order to know what tasks to initiate. task_manager[jid] = {} task_manager[jid]["check"] = asyncio.create_task( check_updates(jid)) task_manager[jid]["status"] = asyncio.create_task( send_status(self, jid)) task_manager[jid]["interval"] = asyncio.create_task( send_update(self, jid)) await task_manager[jid]["check"] await task_manager[jid]["status"] await task_manager[jid]["interval"] # tasks_dict = { # "check": check_updates, # "status": send_status, # "interval": send_update # } # for task, function in tasks_dict.items(): # task_manager[jid][task] = asyncio.create_task( # function(jid) # ) # await function else: # FIXME # The following error occurs only upon first attempt to stop. # /usr/lib/python3.11/asyncio/events.py:73: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'Slixfeed.send_update' was never awaited # self._args = None # RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback try: task_manager[jid]["interval"].cancel() except: None await send_status(self, jid) async def send_update(self, jid, num=None): """ Send news items as messages. Parameters ---------- jid : str Jabber ID. num : str, optional Number. The default is None. """ logging.debug("Sending a news update to JID {}".format(jid)) jid_file = jid.replace('/', '_') db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) enabled = ( await get_settings_value(db_file, "enabled") or get_value("settings", "Settings", "enabled") ) if enabled: if not num: num = ( await get_settings_value(db_file, "quantum") or get_value("settings", "Settings", "quantum") ) else: num = int(num) news_digest = [] results = await get_unread_entries(db_file, num) news_digest = '' media = None chat_type = await utility.get_chat_type(self, jid) for result in results: ix = result[0] title_e = result[1] url = result[2] enclosure = result[3] feed_id = result[4] date = result[5] title_f = get_feed_title(db_file, feed_id) news_digest += action.list_unread_entries(result, title_f) # print(db_file) # print(result[0]) # breakpoint() await mark_as_read(db_file, ix) # Find media # if url.startswith("magnet:"): # media = action.get_magnet(url) # elif enclosure.startswith("magnet:"): # media = action.get_magnet(enclosure) # elif enclosure: if enclosure: media = enclosure else: media = await action.extract_image_from_html(url) if media and news_digest: # Send textual message xmpp.Slixfeed.send_message( self, mto=jid, mfrom=self.boundjid.bare, mbody=news_digest, mtype=chat_type ) news_digest = '' # Send media message = xmpp.Slixfeed.make_message( self, mto=jid, mfrom=self.boundjid.bare, mbody=media, mtype=chat_type ) message['oob']['url'] = media message.send() media = None if news_digest: # TODO Add while loop to assure delivery. # print(await current_time(), ">>> ACT send_message",jid) # NOTE Do we need "if statement"? See NOTE at is_muc. if chat_type in ("chat", "groupchat"): # TODO Provide a choice (with or without images) xmpp.Slixfeed.send_message( self, mto=jid, mfrom=self.boundjid.bare, mbody=news_digest, mtype=chat_type ) # if media: # # message = xmpp.Slixfeed.make_message( # # self, mto=jid, mbody=new, mtype=chat_type) # message = xmpp.Slixfeed.make_message( # self, mto=jid, mbody=media, mtype=chat_type) # message['oob']['url'] = media # message.send() # TODO Do not refresh task before # verifying that it was completed. await refresh_task( self, jid, send_update, "interval") # interval = await initdb( # jid, # get_settings_value, # "interval" # ) # task_manager[jid]["interval"] = loop.call_at( # loop.time() + 60 * interval, # loop.create_task, # send_update(jid) # ) # print(await current_time(), "asyncio.get_event_loop().time()") # print(await current_time(), asyncio.get_event_loop().time()) # await asyncio.sleep(60 * interval) # loop.call_later( # 60 * interval, # loop.create_task, # send_update(jid) # ) # print # await handle_event() async def send_status(self, jid): """ Send status message. Parameters ---------- jid : str Jabber ID. """ logging.debug( "Sending a status message to JID {}".format(jid)) status_text = "📜️ Slixfeed RSS News Bot" jid_file = jid.replace('/', '_') db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) enabled = ( await get_settings_value(db_file, "enabled") or get_value("settings", "Settings", "enabled") ) if not enabled: status_mode = "xa" status_text = "📫️ Send \"Start\" to receive updates" else: feeds = await get_number_of_items( db_file, "feeds") # print(await current_time(), jid, "has", feeds, "feeds") if not feeds: status_mode = "available" status_text = ( "📪️ Send a URL from a blog or a news website" ) else: unread = await get_number_of_entries_unread(db_file) if unread: status_mode = "chat" status_text = ( "📬️ There are {} news items" ).format(str(unread)) # status_text = ( # "📰 News items: {}" # ).format(str(unread)) # status_text = ( # "📰 You have {} news items" # ).format(str(unread)) else: status_mode = "available" status_text = "📭️ No news" # breakpoint() # print(await current_time(), status_text, "for", jid) xmpp.Slixfeed.send_presence( self, pto=jid, pfrom=self.boundjid.bare, pshow=status_mode, pstatus=status_text ) # await asyncio.sleep(60 * 20) await refresh_task( self, jid, send_status, "status", "20") # loop.call_at( # loop.time() + 60 * 20, # loop.create_task, # send_status(jid) # ) async def refresh_task(self, jid, callback, key, val=None): """ Apply new setting at runtime. Parameters ---------- jid : str Jabber ID. key : str Key. val : str, optional Value. The default is None. """ logging.debug( "Refreshing task {} for JID {}".format(callback, jid) ) if not val: jid_file = jid.replace('/', '_') db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) val = ( await get_settings_value(db_file, key) or get_value("settings", "Settings", key) ) # if task_manager[jid][key]: if jid in task_manager: try: task_manager[jid][key].cancel() except: logging.debug( "No task of type {} to cancel for " "JID {} (clean_tasks)".format(key, jid) ) # task_manager[jid][key] = loop.call_at( # loop.time() + 60 * float(val), # loop.create_task, # (callback(self, jid)) # # send_update(jid) # ) task_manager[jid][key] = loop.create_task( wait_and_run(self, callback, jid, val) ) # task_manager[jid][key] = loop.call_later( # 60 * float(val), # loop.create_task, # send_update(jid) # ) # task_manager[jid][key] = send_update.loop.call_at( # send_update.loop.time() + 60 * val, # send_update.loop.create_task, # send_update(jid) # ) async def wait_and_run(self, callback, jid, val): await asyncio.sleep(60 * float(val)) await callback(self, jid) # TODO Take this function out of # async def check_updates(jid): """ Start calling for update check up. Parameters ---------- jid : str Jabber ID. """ logging.debug( "Scanning for updates for JID {}".format(jid) ) while True: jid_file = jid.replace('/', '_') db_file = get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) urls = await get_feeds_url(db_file) for url in urls: await action.scan(db_file, url) val = get_value( "settings", "Settings", "check") await asyncio.sleep(60 * float(val)) # Schedule to call this function again in 90 minutes # loop.call_at( # loop.time() + 60 * 90, # loop.create_task, # self.check_updates(jid) # ) async def start_tasks(self, presence): jid = presence["from"].bare logging.debug( "Beginning tasks for JID {}".format(jid) ) if jid not in self.boundjid.bare: await clean_tasks_xmpp( jid, ["interval", "status", "check"] ) await start_tasks_xmpp( self, jid, ["interval", "status", "check"] ) # await task_jid(self, jid) # main_task.extend([asyncio.create_task(task_jid(jid))]) # print(main_task) async def stop_tasks(self, presence): if not self.boundjid.bare: jid = presence["from"].bare logging.debug( "Stopping tasks for JID {}".format(jid) ) await clean_tasks_xmpp( jid, ["interval", "status", "check"] ) async def check_readiness(self, presence): """ Begin tasks if available, otherwise eliminate tasks. Parameters ---------- presence : str XML stanza . Returns ------- None. """ # print("def check_readiness", presence["from"].bare, presence["type"]) # # available unavailable away (chat) dnd xa # print(">>> type", presence["type"], presence["from"].bare) # # away chat dnd xa # print(">>> show", presence["show"], presence["from"].bare) jid = presence["from"].bare if presence["show"] in ("away", "dnd", "xa"): logging.debug( "Stopping updates for JID {}".format(jid) ) await clean_tasks_xmpp( jid, ["interval"]) await start_tasks_xmpp( self, jid, ["status", "check"]) """ NOTE This is an older system, utilizing local storage instead of XMPP presence. This function is good for use with protocols that might not have presence. ActivityPub, IRC, LXMF, Matrix, SMTP, Tox. """ async def select_file(self): """ Initiate actions by JID (Jabber ID). """ while True: db_dir = get_default_data_directory() if not os.path.isdir(db_dir): msg = ( "Slixfeed can not work without a database.\n" "To create a database, follow these steps:\n" "Add Slixfeed contact to your roster.\n" "Send a feed to the bot by URL:\n" "https://reclaimthenet.org/feed/" ) # print(await current_time(), msg) print(msg) else: os.chdir(db_dir) files = os.listdir() # TODO Use loop (with gather) instead of TaskGroup # for file in files: # if file.endswith(".db") and not file.endswith(".db-jour.db"): # jid = file[:-3] # jid_tasker[jid] = asyncio.create_task(self.task_jid(jid)) # await jid_tasker[jid] async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as tg: for file in files: if (file.endswith(".db") and not file.endswith(".db-jour.db")): jid = file[:-3] main_task.extend( [tg.create_task(self.task_jid(jid))] ) # main_task = [tg.create_task(self.task_jid(jid))] # task_manager.update({jid: tg})