#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ FIXME 1) feed_mode_scan doesn't find feed for https://www.blender.org/ even though it should be according to the pathnames dictionary. TODO 1) Support Gemini and Gopher. 2) Check also for HTML, not only feed.bozo. 3) Add "if utility.is_feed(url, feed)" to view_entry and view_feed 4) Refactor view_entry and view_feed - Why "if" twice? 5) Replace sqlite.remove_nonexistent_entries by sqlite.check_entry_exist Same check, just reverse. """ from aiohttp import ClientError, ClientSession, ClientTimeout from asyncio import TimeoutError from asyncio.exceptions import IncompleteReadError from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from email.utils import parseaddr from feedparser import parse from http.client import IncompleteRead from lxml import html import slixfeed.config as config from slixfeed.datetime import now, rfc2822_to_iso8601 import slixfeed.utility as utility import slixfeed.sqlite as sqlite from slixfeed.url import complete_url, join_url, trim_url from urllib import error # from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree, ParseError from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit # NOTE Why (if res[0]) and (if res[1] == 200)? async def download_updates(db_file, url=None): """ Check feeds for new entries. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str, optional URL. The default is None. """ if url: urls = [url] # Valid [url] and [url,] and (url,) else: urls = await sqlite.get_feeds_url(db_file) for url in urls: # print(os.path.basename(db_file), url[0]) source = url[0] res = await download_feed(source) # TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable if res is None: # Skip to next feed # urls.next() # next(urls) continue await sqlite.update_source_status( db_file, res[1], source) if res[0]: try: feed = parse(res[0]) if feed.bozo: # bozo = ( # "WARNING: Bozo detected for feed: {}\n" # "For more information, visit " # "https://pythonhosted.org/feedparser/bozo.html" # ).format(source) # print(bozo) valid = 0 else: valid = 1 await sqlite.update_source_validity( db_file, source, valid) except ( IncompleteReadError, IncompleteRead, error.URLError ) as e: # print(e) # TODO Print error to log None # NOTE I don't think there should be "return" # because then we might stop scanning next URLs # return # TODO Place these couple of lines back down # NOTE Need to correct the SQL statement to do so # NOT SURE WHETHER I MEANT THE LINES ABOVE OR BELOW if res[1] == 200: # NOT SURE WHETHER I MEANT THE LINES ABOVE OR BELOW # TODO Place these couple of lines back down # NOTE Need to correct the SQL statement to do so entries = feed.entries # length = len(entries) # await remove_entry(db_file, source, length) await sqlite.remove_nonexistent_entries( db_file, feed, source) # new_entry = 0 for entry in entries: # TODO Pass date too for comparion check if entry.has_key("published"): date = entry.published date = rfc2822_to_iso8601(date) elif entry.has_key("updated"): date = entry.updated date = rfc2822_to_iso8601(date) else: # TODO Just set date = "*** No date ***" # date = await datetime.now().isoformat() date = now() # NOTE Would seconds result in better database performance # date = datetime.datetime(date) # date = (date-datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds() if entry.has_key("title"): title = entry.title # title = "{}: *{}*".format(feed["feed"]["title"], entry.title) else: title = date # title = feed["feed"]["title"] if entry.has_key("link"): # link = complete_url(source, entry.link) link = join_url(source, entry.link) link = trim_url(link) else: link = source if entry.has_key("id"): eid = entry.id else: eid = link exist = await sqlite.check_entry_exist( db_file, source, eid=eid, title=title, link=link, date=date) if not exist: # new_entry = new_entry + 1 # TODO Enhance summary if entry.has_key("summary"): summary = entry.summary # # Remove HTML tags # summary = BeautifulSoup(summary, "lxml").text # # TODO Limit text length # summary = summary.replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n") # summary = summary[:300] + " […]‍⃨" # summary = summary.strip().split('\n') # summary = ["> " + line for line in summary] # summary = "\n".join(summary) else: summary = "> *** No summary ***" read_status = 0 pathname = urlsplit(link).path string = ( "{} {} {}" ).format( title, summary, pathname ) allow_list = await config.is_listed( db_file, "filter-allow", string) if not allow_list: reject_list = await config.is_listed( db_file, "filter-deny", string) if reject_list: # print(">>> REJECTED", title) summary = ( "REJECTED {}".format( reject_list.upper() ) ) # summary = "" read_status = 1 entry = ( title, link, eid, source, date, read_status) if isinstance(date, int): print("PROBLEM: date is int") print(date) # breakpoint() # print(source) # print(date) await sqlite.add_entry_and_set_date( db_file, source, entry) # print(current_time(), entry, title) # else: # print(current_time(), exist, title) # NOTE Why (if result[0]) and (if result[1] == 200)? async def view_feed(url): """ Check feeds for new entries. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str, optional URL. The default is None. Returns ------- msg : str Feed content or error message. """ result = await download_feed(url) if result[0]: try: feed = parse(result[0]) if feed.bozo: # msg = ( # ">{}\n" # "WARNING: Bozo detected!\n" # "For more information, visit " # "https://pythonhosted.org/feedparser/bozo.html" # ).format(url) msg = await probe_page(view_feed, url, result[0]) return msg except ( IncompleteReadError, IncompleteRead, error.URLError ) as e: # print(e) # TODO Print error to log msg = ( "> {}\n" "Error: {}" ).format(url, e) # breakpoint() if result[1] == 200: feed = parse(result[0]) title = utility.get_title(url, feed) entries = feed.entries msg = "Preview of {}:\n\n```\n".format(title) counter = 0 for entry in entries: counter += 1 if entry.has_key("title"): title = entry.title else: title = "*** No title ***" if entry.has_key("link"): # link = complete_url(source, entry.link) link = join_url(url, entry.link) link = trim_url(link) else: link = "*** No link ***" if entry.has_key("published"): date = entry.published date = rfc2822_to_iso8601(date) elif entry.has_key("updated"): date = entry.updated date = rfc2822_to_iso8601(date) else: date = "*** No date ***" msg += ( "Title : {}\n" "Date : {}\n" "Link : {}\n" "Count : {}\n" "\n" ).format(title, date, link, counter) if counter > 4: break msg += ( "```\nSource: {}" ).format(url) else: msg = ( ">{}\nFailed to load URL. Reason: {}" ).format(url, result[1]) return msg # NOTE Why (if result[0]) and (if result[1] == 200)? async def view_entry(url, num): result = await download_feed(url) if result[0]: try: feed = parse(result[0]) if feed.bozo: # msg = ( # ">{}\n" # "WARNING: Bozo detected!\n" # "For more information, visit " # "https://pythonhosted.org/feedparser/bozo.html" # ).format(url) msg = await probe_page(view_entry, url, result[0], num=num) return msg except ( IncompleteReadError, IncompleteRead, error.URLError ) as e: # print(e) # TODO Print error to log msg = ( "> {}\n" "Error: {}" ).format(url, e) # breakpoint() if result[1] == 200: feed = parse(result[0]) title = utility.get_title(url, result[0]) entries = feed.entries num = int(num) - 1 entry = entries[num] if entry.has_key("title"): title = entry.title else: title = "*** No title ***" if entry.has_key("published"): date = entry.published date = rfc2822_to_iso8601(date) elif entry.has_key("updated"): date = entry.updated date = rfc2822_to_iso8601(date) else: date = "*** No date ***" if entry.has_key("summary"): summary = entry.summary # Remove HTML tags summary = BeautifulSoup(summary, "lxml").text # TODO Limit text length summary = summary.replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n") else: summary = "*** No summary ***" if entry.has_key("link"): # link = complete_url(source, entry.link) link = join_url(url, entry.link) link = trim_url(link) else: link = "*** No link ***" msg = ( "{}\n" "\n" "> {}\n" "\n" "{}\n" "\n" ).format(title, summary, link) else: msg = ( ">{}\n" "Failed to load URL. Reason: {}\n" "Try again momentarily." ).format(url, result[1]) return msg async def add_feed_no_check(db_file, data): """ Add given feed without validity check. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. data : str URL or URL and Title. Returns ------- msg : str Status message. """ url = data[0] title = data[1] url = trim_url(url) exist = await sqlite.check_feed_exist(db_file, url) if not exist: msg = await sqlite.insert_feed(db_file, url, title) await download_updates(db_file, [url]) else: ix = exist[0] name = exist[1] msg = ( "> {}\nNews source \"{}\" is already " "listed in the subscription list at " "index {}".format(url, name, ix) ) return msg async def add_feed(db_file, url): """ Check whether feed exist, otherwise process it. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str URL. Returns ------- msg : str Status message. """ msg = None url = trim_url(url) exist = await sqlite.check_feed_exist(db_file, url) if not exist: res = await download_feed(url) if res[0]: feed = parse(res[0]) title = utility.get_title(url, feed) if utility.is_feed(url, feed): status = res[1] msg = await sqlite.insert_feed( db_file, url, title, status) await download_updates(db_file, [url]) else: msg = await probe_page( add_feed, url, res[0], db_file=db_file) else: status = res[1] msg = ( "> {}\nFailed to load URL. Reason: {}" ).format(url, status) else: ix = exist[0] name = exist[1] msg = ( "> {}\nNews source \"{}\" is already " "listed in the subscription list at " "index {}".format(url, name, ix) ) return msg # TODO callback for use with add_feed and view_feed async def probe_page(callback, url, doc, num=None, db_file=None): msg = None try: # tree = etree.fromstring(res[0]) # etree is for xml tree = html.fromstring(doc) except: msg = ( "> {}\nFailed to parse URL as feed." ).format(url) if not msg: print("RSS Auto-Discovery Engaged") msg = await feed_mode_auto_discovery(url, tree) if not msg: print("RSS Scan Mode Engaged") msg = await feed_mode_scan(url, tree) if not msg: print("RSS Arbitrary Mode Engaged") msg = await feed_mode_request(url, tree) if not msg: msg = ( "> {}\nNo news feeds were found for URL." ).format(url) # elif msg: else: if isinstance(msg, str): return msg elif isinstance(msg, list): url = msg[0] if db_file: # print("if db_file", db_file) return await callback(db_file, url) elif num: return await callback(url, num) else: return await callback(url) async def download_feed(url): """ Download content of given URL. Parameters ---------- url : str URL. Returns ------- msg: list or str Document or error message. """ try: user_agent = config.get_value_default("settings", "Network", "user-agent") except: user_agent = "Slixfeed/0.1" if not len(user_agent): user_agent = "Slixfeed/0.1" proxy = config.get_value("settings", "Network", "http_proxy") timeout = ClientTimeout(total=10) headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent} async with ClientSession(headers=headers) as session: # async with ClientSession(trust_env=True) as session: try: async with session.get( url, proxy=proxy, # proxy_auth=(proxy_username, proxy_password) timeout=timeout ) as response: status = response.status if response.status == 200: try: doc = await response.text() # print (response.content_type) msg = [ doc, status ] except: # msg = [ # False, # ("The content of this document " # "doesn't appear to be textual." # ) # ] msg = [ False, "Document is too large or is not textual." ] else: msg = [ False, "HTTP Error: " + str(status) ] except ClientError as e: # print('Error', str(e)) msg = [ False, "Error: " + str(e) ] except TimeoutError as e: # print('Timeout:', str(e)) msg = [ False, "Timeout: " + str(e) ] return msg # TODO Improve scan by gradual decreasing of path async def feed_mode_request(url, tree): """ Lookup for feeds by pathname using HTTP Requests. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str URL. tree : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- msg : str Message with URLs. """ feeds = {} parted_url = urlsplit(url) paths = config.get_list("lists.yaml") paths = paths["pathnames"] for path in paths: address = urlunsplit([ parted_url.scheme, parted_url.netloc, path, None, None ]) res = await download_feed(address) if res[1] == 200: # print(parse(res[0])["feed"]["title"]) # feeds[address] = parse(res[0])["feed"]["title"] try: title = parse(res[0])["feed"]["title"] except: title = '*** No Title ***' feeds[address] = title # Check whether URL has path (i.e. not root) # Check parted_url.path to avoid error in case root wasn't given # TODO Make more tests if parted_url.path and parted_url.path.split('/')[1]: paths.extend( [".atom", ".feed", ".rdf", ".rss"] ) if '.rss' not in paths else -1 # if paths.index('.rss'): # paths.extend([".atom", ".feed", ".rdf", ".rss"]) address = urlunsplit([ parted_url.scheme, parted_url.netloc, parted_url.path.split('/')[1] + path, None, None ]) res = await download_feed(address) if res[1] == 200: try: feeds[address] = parse(res[0]) # print(feeds) except: continue if len(feeds) > 1: counter = 0 msg = ( "RSS URL discovery has found {} feeds:\n\n```\n" ).format(len(feeds)) feed_mark = 0 for feed in feeds: try: feed_name = feeds[feed]["feed"]["title"] except: feed_name = urlsplit(feed).netloc feed_addr = feed # AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'entries' try: feed_amnt = len(feeds[feed].entries) except: continue if feed_amnt: # NOTE Because there could be many false positives # which are revealed in second phase of scan, we # could end with a single feed, which would be # listed instead of fetched, so feed_mark is # utilized in order to make fetch possible. feed_mark = [feed_addr] counter += 1 msg += ( "Title: {}\n" "Link : {}\n" "Items: {}\n" "\n" ).format(feed_name, feed_addr, feed_amnt) if counter > 1: msg += ( "```\nThe above feeds were extracted from\n{}" ).format(url) elif feed_mark: return feed_mark else: msg = ( "No feeds were found for {}" ).format(url) return msg elif feeds: return feeds async def feed_mode_scan(url, tree): """ Scan page for potential feeds by pathname. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str URL. tree : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- msg : str Message with URLs. """ feeds = {} # paths = [] # TODO Test paths = config.get_list("lists.yaml") paths = paths["pathnames"] for path in paths: # xpath_query = "//*[@*[contains(.,'{}')]]".format(path) # xpath_query = "//a[contains(@href,'{}')]".format(path) num = 5 xpath_query = "(//a[contains(@href,'{}')])[position()<={}]".format(path, num) addresses = tree.xpath(xpath_query) xpath_query = "(//a[contains(@href,'{}')])[position()>last()-{}]".format(path, num) addresses += tree.xpath(xpath_query) parted_url = urlsplit(url) # NOTE Should number of addresses be limited or # perhaps be N from the start and N from the end for address in addresses: # print(address.xpath('@href')[0]) # print(addresses) address = address.xpath('@href')[0] if "/" not in address: protocol = parted_url.scheme hostname = parted_url.netloc pathname = address address = urlunsplit([ protocol, hostname, pathname, None, None ]) if address.startswith('/'): protocol = parted_url.scheme hostname = parted_url.netloc pathname = address address = urlunsplit([ protocol, hostname, pathname, None, None ]) res = await download_feed(address) if res[1] == 200: try: feeds[address] = parse(res[0]) # print(feeds[address]) # breakpoint() # print(feeds) except: continue if len(feeds) > 1: # print(feeds) # breakpoint() counter = 0 msg = ( "RSS URL scan has found {} feeds:\n\n```\n" ).format(len(feeds)) feed_mark = 0 for feed in feeds: # try: # res = await download_feed(feed) # except: # continue try: feed_name = feeds[feed]["feed"]["title"] except: feed_name = urlsplit(feed).netloc feed_addr = feed feed_amnt = len(feeds[feed].entries) if feed_amnt: # NOTE Because there could be many false positives # which are revealed in second phase of scan, we # could end with a single feed, which would be # listed instead of fetched, so feed_mark is # utilized in order to make fetch possible. feed_mark = [feed_addr] counter += 1 msg += ( "Title : {}\n" "Link : {}\n" "Count : {}\n" "\n" ).format(feed_name, feed_addr, feed_amnt) if counter > 1: msg += ( "```\nThe above feeds were extracted from\n{}" ).format(url) elif feed_mark: return feed_mark else: msg = ( "No feeds were found for {}" ).format(url) return msg elif feeds: return feeds async def feed_mode_auto_discovery(url, tree): """ Lookup for feeds using RSS autodiscovery technique. See: https://www.rssboard.org/rss-autodiscovery Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str URL. tree : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- msg : str Message with URLs. """ xpath_query = ( '//link[(@rel="alternate") and ' '(@type="application/atom+xml" or ' '@type="application/rdf+xml" or ' '@type="application/rss+xml")]' ) # xpath_query = """//link[(@rel="alternate") and (@type="application/atom+xml" or @type="application/rdf+xml" or @type="application/rss+xml")]/@href""" # xpath_query = "//link[@rel='alternate' and @type='application/atom+xml' or @rel='alternate' and @type='application/rss+xml' or @rel='alternate' and @type='application/rdf+xml']/@href" feeds = tree.xpath(xpath_query) if len(feeds) > 1: msg = ( "RSS Auto-Discovery has found {} feeds:\n\n```\n" ).format(len(feeds)) for feed in feeds: # # The following code works; # # The following code will catch # # only valid resources (i.e. not 404); # # The following code requires more bandwidth. # res = await download_feed(feed) # if res[0]: # disco = parse(res[0]) # title = disco["feed"]["title"] # msg += "{} \n {} \n\n".format(title, feed) feed_name = feed.xpath('@title')[0] feed_addr = join_url(url, feed.xpath('@href')[0]) # if feed_addr.startswith("/"): # feed_addr = url + feed_addr msg += "{}\n{}\n\n".format(feed_name, feed_addr) msg += ( "```\nThe above feeds were extracted from\n{}" ).format(url) return msg elif feeds: feed_addr = join_url(url, feeds[0].xpath('@href')[0]) return [feed_addr]