#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from feedparser import parse from random import randrange import slixfeed.config as config from slixfeed.config import Config import slixfeed.crawl as crawl import slixfeed.dt as dt import slixfeed.fetch as fetch from slixfeed.log import Logger import slixfeed.sqlite as sqlite from slixfeed.syndication import Feed, Opml import slixfeed.url as uri from slixfeed.utilities import Documentation, Utilities from slixfeed.version import __version__ from slixfeed.xmpp.bookmark import XmppBookmark from slixfeed.xmpp.muc import XmppMuc from slixfeed.xmpp.publish import XmppPubsub, XmppPubsubAction from slixfeed.xmpp.presence import XmppPresence from slixfeed.xmpp.status import XmppStatusTask from slixfeed.xmpp.utilities import XmppUtilities import sys try: import tomllib except: import tomli as tomllib logger = Logger(__name__) # for task in main_task: # task.cancel() # Deprecated in favour of event "presence_available" # if not main_task: # await select_file() class XmppCommands: def print_help(): result = Documentation.manual('commands.toml') message = '\n'.join(result) return message def print_help_list(): command_list = Documentation.manual('commands.toml', section='all') message = ('Complete list of commands:\n' '```\n{}\n```'.format(command_list)) return message def print_help_specific(command_root, command_name): command_list = Documentation.manual('commands.toml', section=command_root, command=command_name) if command_list: command_list = ''.join(command_list) message = (command_list) else: message = 'KeyError for {} {}'.format(command_root, command_name) return message def print_help_key(command): command_list = Documentation.manual('commands.toml', command) if command_list: command_list = ' '.join(command_list) message = ('Available command `{}` keys:\n' '```\n{}\n```\n' 'Usage: `help {} `' .format(command, command_list, command)) else: message = 'KeyError for {}'.format(command) return message def print_info_list(): config_dir = config.get_default_config_directory() with open(config_dir + '/' + 'information.toml', mode="rb") as information: result = tomllib.load(information) message = '\n'.join(result) return message def print_info_specific(entry): config_dir = config.get_default_config_directory() with open(config_dir + '/' + 'information.toml', mode="rb") as information: entries = tomllib.load(information) if entry in entries: # command_list = '\n'.join(command_list) message = (entries[entry]['info']) else: message = 'KeyError for {}'.format(entry) return message async def feed_add(url, db_file, jid_bare, title=None): """ Add given feed without validity check. Parameters ---------- url : TYPE DESCRIPTION. db_file : TYPE DESCRIPTION. jid_bare : TYPE DESCRIPTION. title : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. Returns ------- response : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ if url.startswith('http'): if not title: title = uri.get_hostname(url) counter = 0 hostname = uri.get_hostname(url) hostname = hostname.replace('.','-') identifier = hostname + ':' + str(counter) while True: if sqlite.check_identifier_exist(db_file, identifier): counter += 1 identifier = hostname + ':' + str(counter) else: break exist = sqlite.get_feed_id_and_name(db_file, url) if not exist: await sqlite.insert_feed(db_file, url, title, identifier) feed_id = sqlite.get_feed_id(db_file, url) feed_id = feed_id[0] result = await fetch.http(url) if not result['error']: document = result['content'] feed = parse(document) feed_valid = 0 if feed.bozo else 1 await sqlite.update_feed_validity( db_file, feed_id, feed_valid) if feed.has_key('updated_parsed'): feed_updated = feed.updated_parsed try: feed_updated = dt.convert_struct_time_to_iso8601( feed_updated) except: feed_updated = None else: feed_updated = None feed_properties = Feed.get_properties_of_feed( db_file, feed_id, feed) await sqlite.update_feed_properties(db_file, feed_id, feed_properties) feed_id = sqlite.get_feed_id(db_file, url) feed_id = feed_id[0] new_entries = Feed.get_properties_of_entries( jid_bare, db_file, url, feed_id, feed) if new_entries: await sqlite.add_entries_and_update_feed_state( db_file, feed_id, new_entries) # Function "scan" of module "actions" no longer exists. # If you choose to add this download functionality and # the look into function "check_updates" of module "task". # await action.scan(self, jid_bare, db_file, url) # if jid_bare not in self.settings: # Config.add_settings_jid(self.settings, jid_bare, # db_file) # old = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, # 'old') # if old: # # task.clean_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare, ['status']) # # await send_status(jid) # Task.start(self, jid_bare, 'status') # else: # feed_id = sqlite.get_feed_id(db_file, url) # feed_id = feed_id[0] # await sqlite.mark_feed_as_read(db_file, feed_id) message = ('> {}\n' 'News source has been ' 'added to subscription list.' .format(url)) else: ix = exist[0] name = exist[1] message = ('> {}\n' 'News source "{}" is already ' 'listed in the subscription list at ' 'index {}' .format(url, name, ix)) else: message = ('No action has been taken. Missing URL.') return message async def set_filter_allow(db_file, val, axis): """ Parameters ---------- db_file : str Database filename. val : str Keyword (word or phrase). axis : boolean True for + (plus) and False for - (minus). Returns ------- None. """ keywords = sqlite.get_filter_value(db_file, 'allow') if keywords: keywords = str(keywords[0]) if axis: val = await config.add_to_list(val, keywords) else: val = await config.remove_from_list(val, keywords) if sqlite.is_filter_key(db_file, 'allow'): await sqlite.update_filter_value(db_file, ['allow', val]) else: await sqlite.set_filter_value(db_file, ['allow', val]) def get_archive(self, jid_bare): result = Config.get_setting_value( self.settings, jid_bare, 'archive') message = str(result) return message async def set_archive(self, db_file, jid_bare, val): try: val_new = int(val) if val_new > 500: message = 'Value may not be greater than 500.' else: val_old = Config.get_setting_value( self.settings, jid_bare, 'archive') await Config.set_setting_value( self.settings, jid_bare, db_file, 'archive', val_new) message = ('Maximum archived items has been set to {} (was: {}).' .format(val_new, val_old)) except: message = 'No action has been taken. Enter a numeric value only.' return message async def bookmark_add(self, muc_jid): await XmppBookmark.add(self, jid=muc_jid) message = ('Groupchat {} has been added to bookmarks.' .format(muc_jid)) return message async def bookmark_del(self, muc_jid): await XmppBookmark.remove(self, muc_jid) message = ('Groupchat {} has been removed from bookmarks.' .format(muc_jid)) return message async def restore_default(self, jid_bare, key=None): if key: self.settings[jid_bare][key] = None db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_bare) await sqlite.delete_setting(db_file, key) message = ('Setting {} has been restored to default value.' .format(key)) else: del self.settings[jid_bare] db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_bare) await sqlite.delete_settings(db_file) message = 'Default settings have been restored.' return message async def clear_filter(db_file, key): await sqlite.delete_filter(db_file, key) message = 'Filter {} has been purged.'.format(key) return message async def print_bookmarks(self): conferences = await XmppBookmark.get_bookmarks(self) message = '\nList of groupchats:\n\n```\n' for conference in conferences: message += ('Name: {}\n' 'Room: {}\n' '\n' .format(conference['name'], conference['jid'])) message += ('```\nTotal of {} groupchats.\n'.format(len(conferences))) return message async def set_filter_deny(db_file, val, axis): """ Parameters ---------- key : str deny. val : str keyword (word or phrase). axis : boolean True for + (plus) and False for - (minus). Returns ------- None. """ keywords = sqlite.get_filter_value(db_file, 'deny') if keywords: keywords = str(keywords[0]) if axis: val = await config.add_to_list(val, keywords) else: val = await config.remove_from_list(val, keywords) if sqlite.is_filter_key(db_file, 'deny'): await sqlite.update_filter_value(db_file, ['deny', val]) else: await sqlite.set_filter_value(db_file, ['deny', val]) def export_feeds(jid_bare, ext): filename = Feed.export_feeds(jid_bare, ext) message = 'Feeds successfuly exported to {}.'.format(ext) return filename, message def fetch_gemini(): message = 'Gemini and Gopher are not supported yet.' return message async def import_opml(self, db_file, jid_bare, command): url = command result = await fetch.http(url) count = await Opml.import_from_file(db_file, result) if count: message = ('Successfully imported {} feeds.' .format(count)) else: message = 'OPML file was not imported.' return message async def pubsub_list(self, jid): iq = await XmppPubsub.get_nodes(self, jid) message = '' for item in iq['disco_items']: item_id = item['node'] item_name = item['name'] message += 'Name: {}\nNode: {}\n\n'.format(item_name, item_id) return message # This is similar to send_next_update async def pubsub_send(self, info, jid_bare): # if num: # report = await action.xmpp_pubsub_send_unread_items( # self, jid, num) # else: # report = await action.xmpp_pubsub_send_unread_items( # self, jid) result = await XmppPubsubAction.send_unread_items(self, jid_bare) message = '' for url in result: if result[url]: message += url + ' : ' + str(result[url]) + '\n' # feed_add_custom_jid # TODO Consider removal due to the availability of IPC async def _pubsub_send(self, jid_bare, jid, info): # TODO Handle node error # sqlite3.IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: feeds_pubsub.node # ERROR:slixmpp.basexmpp:UNIQUE constraint failed: feeds_pubsub.node if len(info) > 1: jid = info[0] if '/' not in jid: url = info[1] db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid) if len(info) > 2: identifier = info[2] else: counter = 0 hostname = uri.get_hostname(url) hostname = hostname.replace('.','-') identifier = hostname + ':' + str(counter) while True: if sqlite.check_identifier_exist( db_file, identifier): counter += 1 identifier = hostname + ':' + str(counter) else: break # task.clean_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare, ['status']) status_type = 'dnd' status_message = ('📫️ Processing request to fetch data from {}' .format(url)) # pending_tasks_num = len(self.pending_tasks[jid_bare]) pending_tasks_num = randrange(10000, 99999) self.pending_tasks[jid_bare][pending_tasks_num] = status_message # self.pending_tasks_counter += 1 # self.pending_tasks[jid_bare][self.pending_tasks_counter] = status_message XmppPresence.send(self, jid_bare, status_message, status_type=status_type) if (url.startswith('feed:/') or url.startswith('itpc:/') or url.startswith('rss:/')): url = uri.feed_to_http(url) url = (await uri.replace_hostname(url, 'feed')) or url result = await Feed.add_feed(self, jid_bare, db_file, url, identifier) if isinstance(result, list): results = result message = "Syndication feeds found for {}\n\n```\n".format(url) for result in results: message += ("Title : {}\n" "Link : {}\n" "\n" .format(result['name'], result['link'])) message += '```\nTotal of {} feeds.'.format(len(results)) elif result['exist']: message = ('> {}\nNews source "{}" is already ' 'listed in the subscription list at ' 'index {}' .format(result['link'], result['name'], result['index'])) elif result['identifier']: message = ('> {}\nIdentifier "{}" is already ' 'allocated to index {}' .format(result['link'], result['identifier'], result['index'])) elif result['error']: message = ('> {}\nFailed to find subscriptions. ' 'Reason: {} (status code: {})' .format(url, result['message'], result['code'])) else: message = ('> {}\nNews source "{}" has been ' 'added to subscription list.' .format(result['link'], result['name'])) # task.clean_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare, ['status']) del self.pending_tasks[jid_bare][pending_tasks_num] # del self.pending_tasks[jid_bare][self.pending_tasks_counter] print(self.pending_tasks) XmppStatusTask.restart_task(self, jid_bare) # except: # response = ( # '> {}\nNews source is in the process ' # 'of being added to the subscription ' # 'list.'.format(url) # ) else: message = ('No action has been taken.' '\n' 'JID may not include "/".') else: message = ('No action has been taken.' '\n' 'Missing argument. ' 'Enter PubSub JID and subscription URL ' '(and optionally: Identifier Name).') return message # TODO Add dict and different result type to handle this function with # both interfaces Chat and IPC async def fetch_http(self, url, db_file, jid_bare): if url.startswith('feed:/') or url.startswith('rss:/'): url = uri.feed_to_http(url) url = (await uri.replace_hostname(url, 'feed')) or url counter = 0 hostname = uri.get_hostname(url) hostname = hostname.replace('.','-') identifier = hostname + ':' + str(counter) while True: if sqlite.check_identifier_exist(db_file, identifier): counter += 1 identifier = hostname + ':' + str(counter) else: break # try: result = await Feed.add_feed(self, jid_bare, db_file, url, identifier) if isinstance(result, list): results = result message = ("Syndication feeds found for {}\n\n```\n" .format(url)) for result in results: message += ("Title : {}\n" "Link : {}\n" "\n" .format(result['name'], result['link'])) message += ('```\nTotal of {} feeds.' .format(len(results))) elif result['exist']: message = ('> {}\nNews source "{}" is already ' 'listed in the subscription list at ' 'index {}'.format(result['link'], result['name'], result['index'])) elif result['error']: message = ('> {}\nFailed to find subscriptions. ' 'Reason: {} (status code: {})' .format(url, result['message'], result['code'])) else: message = ('> {}\nNews source "{}" has been ' 'added to subscription list.' .format(result['link'], result['name'])) # except: # response = ( # '> {}\nNews source is in the process ' # 'of being added to the subscription ' # 'list.'.format(url) # ) return message def list_feeds(db_file, query=None): if query: feeds = sqlite.search_feeds(db_file, query) else: feeds = sqlite.get_feeds(db_file) number = len(feeds) message = '' if number: for id, title, url in feeds: message += ('\nName : {} [{}]' '\nURL : {}' '\n' .format(str(title), str(id), str(url))) elif query: message = "No feeds were found for: {}".format(query) else: url = Utilities.pick_a_feed() message = ('List of subscriptions is empty. ' 'To add a feed, send a URL.\n' 'Featured news: *{}*\n{}' .format(url['name'], url['link'])) return message, number def get_interval(self, jid_bare): result = Config.get_setting_value( self.settings, jid_bare, 'interval') message = str(result) return message async def set_interval(self, db_file, jid_bare, val): try: val_new = int(val) val_old = Config.get_setting_value( self.settings, jid_bare, 'interval') await Config.set_setting_value( self.settings, jid_bare, db_file, 'interval', val_new) message = ('Updates will be sent every {} minutes ' '(was: {}).'.format(val_new, val_old)) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) message = ('No action has been taken. Enter a numeric value only.') return message async def muc_leave(self, jid_bare): XmppMuc.leave(self, jid_bare) await XmppBookmark.remove(self, jid_bare) async def muc_join(self, command): if command: muc_jid = uri.check_xmpp_uri(command) if muc_jid: # TODO probe JID and confirm it's a groupchat result = await XmppMuc.join(self, muc_jid) # await XmppBookmark.add(self, jid=muc_jid) if result == 'ban': message = '{} is banned from {}'.format(self.alias, muc_jid) else: await XmppBookmark.add(self, muc_jid) message = 'Joined groupchat {}'.format(muc_jid) else: message = '> {}\nGroupchat JID appears to be invalid.'.format(muc_jid) else: message = '> {}\nGroupchat JID is missing.' return message def get_length(self, jid_bare): result = Config.get_setting_value( self.settings, jid_bare, 'length') result = str(result) return result async def set_length(self, db_file, jid_bare, val): try: val_new = int(val) val_old = Config.get_setting_value( self.settings, jid_bare, 'length') await Config.set_setting_value( self.settings, jid_bare, db_file, 'length', val_new) if not val_new: # i.e. val_new == 0 # TODO Add action to disable limit message = ('Summary length limit is disabled ' '(was: {}).'.format(val_old)) else: message = ('Summary maximum length is set to ' '{} characters (was: {}).' .format(val_new, val_old)) except: message = ('No action has been taken.' '\n' 'Enter a numeric value only.') return message async def set_media_off(self, jid_bare, db_file): await Config.set_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file, 'media', 0) message = 'Media is disabled.' return message async def set_media_on(self, jid_bare, db_file): await Config.set_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file, 'media', 1) message = 'Media is enabled.' return message async def set_old_off(self, jid_bare, db_file): await Config.set_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file, 'old', 0) message = 'Only new items of newly added feeds be delivered.' return message async def set_old_on(self, jid_bare, db_file): await Config.set_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file, 'old', 1) message = 'All items of newly added feeds be delivered.' return message def node_delete(self, info): info = info.split(' ') if len(info) > 2: jid = info[0] nid = info[1] if jid: XmppPubsub.delete_node(self, jid, nid) message = 'Deleted node: {}'.format(nid) else: message = 'PubSub JID is missing. Enter PubSub JID.' else: message = ('No action has been taken.' '\n' 'Missing argument. ' 'Enter JID and Node name.') return message def node_purge(self, info): info = info.split(' ') if len(info) > 1: jid = info[0] nid = info[1] if jid: XmppPubsub.purge_node(self, jid, nid) message = 'Purged node: {}'.format(nid) else: message = 'PubSub JID is missing. Enter PubSub JID.' else: message = ('No action has been taken.' '\n' 'Missing argument. ' 'Enter JID and Node name.') return message def print_options(self, jid_bare): message = '' for key in self.settings[jid_bare]: val = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, key) # val = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, key) steps = 11 - len(key) pulse = '' for step in range(steps): pulse += ' ' message += '\n' + key + pulse + ': ' + str(val) return message def get_quantum(self, jid_bare): result = Config.get_setting_value( self.settings, jid_bare, 'quantum') message = str(result) return message async def set_quantum(self, db_file, jid_bare, val): try: val_new = int(val) val_old = Config.get_setting_value( self.settings, jid_bare, 'quantum') # response = ( # 'Every update will contain {} news items.' # ).format(response) db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_bare) await Config.set_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file, 'quantum', val_new) message = ('Next update will contain {} news items (was: {}).' .format(val_new, val_old)) except: message = 'No action has been taken. Enter a numeric value only.' return message # TODO def set_random(self, jid_bare, db_file): # TODO /questions/2279706/select-random-row-from-a-sqlite-table # NOTE sqlitehandler.get_entry_unread message = 'Updates will be sent by random order.' return message async def feed_read(self, jid_bare, data, url): if url.startswith('feed:/') or url.startswith('rss:/'): url = uri.feed_to_http(url) url = (await uri.replace_hostname(url, 'feed')) or url match len(data): case 1: if url.startswith('http'): while True: result = await fetch.http(url) status = result['status_code'] if not result['error']: document = result['content'] feed = parse(document) if Feed.is_feed(url, feed): message = Feed.view_feed(url, feed) break else: result = await crawl.probe_page(url, document) if isinstance(result, list): results = result message = ("Syndication feeds found for {}\n\n```\n" .format(url)) for result in results: message += ("Title : {}\n" "Link : {}\n" "\n" .format(result['name'], result['link'])) message += ('```\nTotal of {} feeds.' .format(len(results))) break else: url = result['link'] else: message = ('> {}\nFailed to load URL. Reason: {}' .format(url, status)) break else: message = ('No action has been taken.' '\n' 'Missing URL.') case 2: num = data[1] if url.startswith('http'): while True: result = await fetch.http(url) if not result['error']: document = result['content'] status = result['status_code'] feed = parse(document) if Feed.is_feed(url, feed): message = Feed.view_entry(url, feed, num) break else: result = await crawl.probe_page(url, document) if isinstance(result, list): results = result message = ("Syndication feeds found for {}\n\n```\n" .format(url)) for result in results: message += ("Title : {}\n" "Link : {}\n" "\n" .format(result['name'], result['link'])) message += ('```\nTotal of {} feeds.' .format(len(results))) break else: url = result['link'] else: message = ('> {}\nFailed to load URL. Reason: {}' .format(url, status)) break else: message = ('No action has been taken.' '\n' 'Missing URL.') case _: message = ('Enter command as follows:\n' '`read ` or `read `\n' 'URL must not contain white space.') return message def print_recent(self, db_file, num): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: num: {}' .format(function_name, num)) try: num = int(num) if num < 1 or num > 50: message = 'Value must be ranged from 1 to 50.' else: result = sqlite.get_last_entries(db_file, num) count = len(result) message = '' for i in result: title, url, date = i message += ('\n{}\n{}\n'.format(title, url)) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) count = False message = 'No action has been taken. Enter a numeric value only.' return count, message async def feed_remove(self, jid_bare, db_file, ix_url): if ix_url: sub_removed = [] url_invalid = [] ixs_invalid = [] message = 'Result:\n```' for i in ix_url: if i: try: ix = int(i) url = sqlite.get_feed_url(db_file, ix) if url: url = url[0] # name = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, ix) # name = name[0] await sqlite.remove_feed_by_index(db_file, ix) sub_removed.append(url) else: ixs_invalid.append(str(ix)) except: url = i feed_id = sqlite.get_feed_id(db_file, url) if feed_id: feed_id = feed_id[0] await sqlite.remove_feed_by_index(db_file, feed_id) # await sqlite.remove_feed_by_url(db_file, url) sub_removed.append(url) else: url_invalid.append(url) if len(sub_removed): message += '\nThe following subscriptions have been removed:\n\n' for url in sub_removed: message += '{}\n'.format(url) if len(url_invalid): urls = ', '.join(url_invalid) message += '\nThe following URLs do not exist:\n\n{}\n'.format(urls) if len(ixs_invalid): ixs = ', '.join(ixs_invalid) message += '\nThe following indexes do not exist:\n\n{}\n'.format(ixs) message += '\n```' else: message = ('No action has been taken.' '\n' 'Missing argument. ' 'Enter a subscription URL or index number.') return message async def mark_as_read(jid_bare, db_file, ix_url=None): if ix_url: sub_marked = [] url_invalid = [] ixs_invalid = [] message = 'Result:\n```' for i in ix_url: if i: try: ix = int(i) url = sqlite.get_feed_url(db_file, ix) if url: url = url[0] # name = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, ix) # name = name[0] await sqlite.mark_feed_as_read(db_file, ix) sub_marked.append(url) else: ixs_invalid.append(str(ix)) except: url = i feed_id = sqlite.get_feed_id(db_file, url) if feed_id: feed_id = feed_id[0] await sqlite.mark_feed_as_read(db_file, feed_id) sub_marked.append(url) else: url_invalid.append(url) if len(sub_marked): message += '\nThe following subscriptions have been marked as read:\n\n' for url in sub_marked: message += '{}\n'.format(url) if len(url_invalid): urls = ', '.join(url_invalid) message += '\nThe following URLs do not exist:\n\n{}\n'.format(urls) if len(ixs_invalid): ixs = ', '.join(ixs_invalid) message += '\nThe following indexes do not exist:\n\n{}\n'.format(ixs) message += '\n```' else: await sqlite.mark_all_as_read(db_file) message = 'All subscriptions have been marked as read.' return message async def search_items(db_file, query): if query: if len(query) > 3: results = sqlite.search_entries(db_file, query) message = ("Search results for '{}':\n\n```" .format(query)) for result in results: message += ("\n{}\n{}\n" .format(str(result[0]), str(result[1]))) if len(results): message += "```\nTotal of {} results".format(len(results)) else: message = "No results were found for: {}".format(query) else: message = 'Enter at least 4 characters to search' else: message = ('No action has been taken.' '\n' 'Missing search query.') return message # Tasks are classes which are passed to this function # On an occasion in which they would have returned, variable "tasks" might be called "callback" async def scheduler_start(self, db_file, jid_bare, tasks): await Config.set_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file, 'enabled', 1) for task in tasks: task.restart_task(self, jid_bare) message = 'Updates are enabled.' return message async def scheduler_stop(self, db_file, jid_bare): await Config.set_setting_value( self.settings, jid_bare, db_file, 'enabled', 0) for task in ('interval', 'status'): if (jid_bare in self.task_manager and task in self.task_manager[jid_bare]): self.task_manager[jid_bare][task].cancel() else: logger.debug('No task {} for JID {} (Task.stop)' .format(task, jid_bare)) message = 'Updates are disabled.' return message # """You have {} unread news items out of {} from {} news sources. # """.format(unread_entries, entries, feeds) def print_statistics(db_file): """ Print statistics. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- msg : str Statistics as message. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) entries_unread = sqlite.get_number_of_entries_unread(db_file) entries = sqlite.get_number_of_items(db_file, 'entries_properties') feeds_active = sqlite.get_number_of_feeds_active(db_file) feeds_all = sqlite.get_number_of_items(db_file, 'feeds_properties') message = ("Statistics:" "\n" "```" "\n" "News items : {}/{}\n" "News sources : {}/{}\n" "```").format(entries_unread, entries, feeds_active, feeds_all) return message async def feed_disable(self, db_file, jid_bare, command): feed_id = command[8:] try: await sqlite.set_enabled_status(db_file, feed_id, 0) await sqlite.mark_feed_as_read(db_file, feed_id) name = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, feed_id) name = name[0] addr = sqlite.get_feed_url(db_file, feed_id) addr = addr[0] message = ('Updates are now disabled for subscription:\n{}\n{}' .format(addr, name)) except: message = ('No action has been taken. No news source with index {}.' .format(feed_id)) XmppStatusTask.restart_task(self, jid_bare) return message async def feed_enable(self, db_file, command): feed_id = command[7:] try: await sqlite.set_enabled_status(db_file, feed_id, 1) name = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, feed_id)[0] addr = sqlite.get_feed_url(db_file, feed_id)[0] message = ('> {}\n' 'Updates are now enabled for news source "{}"' .format(addr, name)) except: message = ('No action has been taken.' '\n' 'No news source with index {}.'.format(feed_id)) return message async def feed_rename(self, db_file, jid_bare, command): command = command[7:] feed_id = command.split(' ')[0] name = ' '.join(command.split(' ')[1:]) if name: try: feed_id = int(feed_id) name_old = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, feed_id) if name_old: name_old = name_old[0] if name == name_old: message = ('No action has been taken.' '\n' 'Input name is identical to the ' 'existing name.') else: await sqlite.set_feed_title(db_file, feed_id, name) message = ('> {}' '\n' 'Subscription #{} has been ' 'renamed to "{}".'.format( name_old,feed_id, name)) else: message = 'Subscription with Id {} does not exist.'.format(feed_id) except: message = ('No action has been taken.' '\n' 'Subscription Id must be a numeric value.') else: message = ('No action has been taken.' '\n' 'Missing argument. ' 'Enter subscription Id and name.') return message def print_support_jid(): muc_jid = 'slixfeed@chat.woodpeckersnest.space' message = 'Join xmpp:{}?join'.format(muc_jid) return message async def invite_jid_to_muc(self, jid_bare): muc_jid = 'slixfeed@chat.woodpeckersnest.space' if await XmppUtilities.get_chat_type(self, jid_bare) == 'chat': self.plugin['xep_0045'].invite(muc_jid, jid_bare) def print_version(): message = __version__ return message def print_unknown(): message = 'An unknown command. Type "help" for a list of commands.' return message