#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ TODO 1) Send message to inviter that bot has joined to groupchat. 2) If groupchat requires captcha, send the consequent message. 3) If groupchat error is received, send that error message to inviter. FIXME 1) Save name of groupchat instead of jid as name """ import logging from slixmpp.exceptions import IqError, IqTimeout, PresenceError class XmppGroupchat: async def join(self, jid, alias=None, password=None): # token = await initdb( # muc_jid, # sqlite.get_setting_value, # "token" # ) # if token != "accepted": # token = randrange(10000, 99999) # await initdb( # muc_jid, # sqlite.update_setting_value, # ["token", token] # ) # self.send_message( # mto=inviter, # mfrom=self.boundjid.bare, # mbody=( # "Send activation token {} to groupchat xmpp:{}?join." # ).format(token, muc_jid) # ) logging.info('Joining groupchat\n' 'JID : {}\n' .format(jid)) jid_from = str(self.boundjid) if self.is_component else None if alias == None: self.alias try: await self.plugin['xep_0045'].join_muc_wait(jid, alias, presence_options = {"pfrom" : jid_from}, password=password, maxchars=0, maxstanzas=0, seconds=0, since=0, timeout=30) result = 'joined ' + jid except IqError as e: logging.error('Error XmppIQ') logging.error(str(e)) logging.error(jid) result = 'error' except IqTimeout as e: logging.error('Timeout XmppIQ') logging.error(str(e)) logging.error(jid) result = 'timeout' except PresenceError as e: logging.error('Error Presence') logging.error(str(e)) if (e.condition == 'forbidden' and e.presence['error']['code'] == '403'): logging.warning('{} is banned from {}'.format(self.alias, jid)) result = 'ban' return result def leave(self, jid): jid_from = str(self.boundjid) if self.is_component else None message = ('This news bot will now leave this groupchat.\n' 'The JID of this news bot is xmpp:{}?message' .format(self.boundjid.bare)) status_message = ('This bot has left the group. ' 'It can be reached directly via {}' .format(self.boundjid.bare)) self.send_message(mto=jid, mfrom=self.boundjid, mbody=message, mtype='groupchat') self.plugin['xep_0045'].leave_muc(jid, self.alias, status_message, jid_from)