#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ TODO 1) Use loop (with gather) instead of TaskGroup. 2) Assure message delivery before calling a new task. See https://slixmpp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/event_index.html#term-marker_acknowledged 3) XHTTML-IM case _ if message_lowercase.startswith("html"): message['html']=" Parse me! " self.send_message( mto=jid, mfrom=self.boundjid.bare, mhtml=message ) NOTE 1) Extracting attribute using xmltodict. import xmltodict message = xmltodict.parse(str(message)) jid = message["message"]["x"]["@jid"] """ import asyncio from feedparser import parse import slixmpp import slixfeed.task as task from slixfeed.url import join_url, trim_url # from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0363.http_upload import FileTooBig, HTTPError, UploadServiceNotFound # from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0402 import BookmarkStorage, Conference # from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0048.stanza import Bookmarks # import xmltodict # import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # from lxml import etree import slixfeed.config as config from slixfeed.config import Config from slixfeed.log import Logger from slixfeed.version import __version__ from slixfeed.xmpp.bookmark import XmppBookmark from slixfeed.xmpp.connect import XmppConnect from slixfeed.xmpp.muc import XmppGroupchat from slixfeed.xmpp.iq import XmppIQ from slixfeed.xmpp.message import XmppMessage from slixfeed.xmpp.chat import Chat import slixfeed.xmpp.profile as profile from slixfeed.xmpp.publish import XmppPubsub from slixfeed.xmpp.roster import XmppRoster # import slixfeed.xmpp.service as service from slixfeed.xmpp.presence import XmppPresence from slixfeed.xmpp.privilege import is_operator, is_access from slixfeed.xmpp.utility import get_chat_type import sys import time try: import tomllib except: import tomli as tomllib import asyncio from datetime import datetime import logging import os import slixfeed.action as action import slixfeed.config as config from slixfeed.config import Config import slixfeed.crawl as crawl import slixfeed.dt as dt import slixfeed.fetch as fetch import slixfeed.url as uri import slixfeed.sqlite as sqlite import slixfeed.task as task from slixfeed.version import __version__ from slixfeed.xmpp.bookmark import XmppBookmark from slixfeed.xmpp.message import XmppMessage from slixfeed.xmpp.presence import XmppPresence from slixfeed.xmpp.roster import XmppRoster from slixfeed.xmpp.upload import XmppUpload from slixfeed.xmpp.privilege import is_moderator, is_operator, is_access from slixfeed.xmpp.utility import get_chat_type main_task = [] jid_tasker = {} task_manager = {} loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) # time_now = datetime.now() # time_now = time_now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") # def print_time(): # # return datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S") # now = datetime.now() # current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") # return current_time logger = Logger(__name__) class Slixfeed(slixmpp.ClientXMPP): """ Slixfeed: News bot that sends updates from RSS feeds. """ def __init__(self, jid, password, hostname=None, port=None, alias=None): slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password) # NOTE # The bot works fine when the nickname is hardcoded; or # The bot won't join some MUCs when its nickname has brackets # Handler for nickname self.alias = alias # Handler for tasks self.task_manager = {} # Handler for task messages self.pending_tasks = {} # Handler for task messages counter # self.pending_tasks_counter = 0 # Handler for ping self.task_ping_instance = {} # Handler for configuration self.settings = config.get_values('settings.toml') # Handler for operators self.operators = config.get_values('accounts.toml', 'xmpp')['operators'] # self.settings = {} # # Populate dict handler # Config.add_settings_default(self.settings) # Handlers for connection events self.connection_attempts = 0 self.max_connection_attempts = 10 self.reconnect_timeout = config.get_values('accounts.toml', 'xmpp')['settings']['reconnect_timeout'] self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.on_session_start) self.add_event_handler("session_resumed", self.on_session_resumed) self.add_event_handler("got_offline", print("got_offline")) # self.add_event_handler("got_online", self.check_readiness) self.add_event_handler("changed_status", self.on_changed_status) self.add_event_handler("disco_info", self.on_disco_info) self.add_event_handler("presence_available", self.on_presence_available) # self.add_event_handler("presence_unavailable", # self.on_presence_unavailable) self.add_event_handler("chatstate_active", self.on_chatstate_active) self.add_event_handler("chatstate_composing", self.on_chatstate_composing) self.add_event_handler("chatstate_gone", self.on_chatstate_gone) self.add_event_handler("chatstate_inactive", self.on_chatstate_inactive) self.add_event_handler("chatstate_paused", self.on_chatstate_paused) # The message event is triggered whenever a message # stanza is received. Be aware that that includes # MUC messages and error messages. self.add_event_handler("message", self.on_message) self.add_event_handler("groupchat_invite", self.on_groupchat_invite) # XEP_0045 self.add_event_handler("groupchat_direct_invite", self.on_groupchat_direct_invite) # XEP_0249 # self.add_event_handler("groupchat_message", self.message) # self.add_event_handler("disconnected", self.reconnect) # self.add_event_handler("disconnected", self.inspect_connection) self.add_event_handler("reactions", self.on_reactions) self.add_event_handler("presence_error", self.on_presence_error) self.add_event_handler("presence_subscribe", self.on_presence_subscribe) self.add_event_handler("presence_subscribed", self.on_presence_subscribed) self.add_event_handler("presence_unsubscribed", self.on_presence_unsubscribed) # Initialize event loop # self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.add_event_handler('connection_failed', self.on_connection_failed) self.add_event_handler('session_end', self.on_session_end) # TODO Test async def on_groupchat_invite(self, message): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(message['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) muc_jid = message['groupchat_invite']['jid'] result = await XmppGroupchat.join(self, muc_jid) if result == 'ban': message_body = '{} is banned from {}'.format(self.alias, muc_jid) jid_bare = message['from'].bare # This might not be necessary because JID might not be of the inviter, but rather of the MUC XmppMessage.send(self, jid_bare, message_body, 'chat') logger.warning(message_body) print("on_groupchat_invite") print("on_groupchat_invite") print("on_groupchat_invite") print(jid_full) print(jid_full) print(jid_full) print("on_groupchat_invite") print("on_groupchat_invite") print("on_groupchat_invite") else: await XmppBookmark.add(self, muc_jid) message_body = ('Greetings! I am {}, the news anchor.\n' 'My job is to bring you the latest ' 'news from sources you provide me with.\n' 'You may always reach me via xmpp:{}?message' .format(self.alias, self.boundjid.bare)) XmppMessage.send(self, muc_jid, message_body, 'groupchat') time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) # NOTE Tested with Gajim and Psi async def on_groupchat_direct_invite(self, message): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(message['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) muc_jid = message['groupchat_invite']['jid'] result = await XmppGroupchat.join(self, muc_jid) if result == 'ban': message_body = '{} is banned from {}'.format(self.alias, muc_jid) jid_bare = message['from'].bare XmppMessage.send(self, jid_bare, message_body, 'chat') logger.warning(message_body) else: await XmppBookmark.add(self, muc_jid) message_body = ('Greetings! I am {}, the news anchor.\n' 'My job is to bring you the latest ' 'news from sources you provide me with.\n' 'You may always reach me via xmpp:{}?message' .format(self.alias, self.boundjid.bare)) XmppMessage.send(self, muc_jid, message_body, 'groupchat') time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) async def on_session_end(self, event): message = 'Session has ended.' XmppConnect.recover(self, message) async def on_connection_failed(self, event): time_begin = time.time() function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name)) message = 'Connection has failed. Reason: {}'.format(event) XmppConnect.recover(self, message) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) async def on_session_start(self, event): time_begin = time.time() function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name)) status_message = 'Slixfeed version {}'.format(__version__) self.adhoc_commands() for operator in self.operators: XmppPresence.send(self, operator['jid'], status_message) await profile.update(self) profile.set_identity(self, 'client') await self['xep_0115'].update_caps() # self.send_presence() await self.get_roster() # XmppCommand.adhoc_commands(self) # self.service_reactions() task.task_ping(self) results = await XmppPubsub.get_pubsub_services(self) for result in results + [{'jid' : self.boundjid.bare, 'name' : self.alias}]: jid_bare = result['jid'] if jid_bare not in self.settings: db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_bare) Config.add_settings_jid(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file) await task.start_tasks_xmpp_pubsub(self, jid_bare) bookmarks = await XmppBookmark.get_bookmarks(self) print('iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii') await action.xmpp_muc_autojoin(self, bookmarks) print('ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo') time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) async def on_session_resumed(self, event): time_begin = time.time() function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name)) # self.send_presence() profile.set_identity(self, 'client') self['xep_0115'].update_caps() bookmarks = await XmppBookmark.get_bookmarks(self) await action.xmpp_muc_autojoin(self, bookmarks) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) async def on_disco_info(self, DiscoInfo): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(DiscoInfo['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) # self.service_reactions() # self.send_presence(pto=jid) await self['xep_0115'].update_caps(jid=jid_full) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) async def on_message(self, message): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(message['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = message['from'].bare jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) if jid_bare not in self.settings: Config.add_settings_jid(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file) if jid_bare == self.boundjid.bare: status_type = 'dnd' status_message = ('Slixfeed is not designed to receive messages ' 'from itself') XmppPresence.send(self, jid_bare, status_message, status_type=status_type) await asyncio.sleep(5) status_message = ('Slixfeed news bot from RSS Task Force') XmppPresence.send(self, jid_bare, status_message) else: # TODO Request for subscription # if (await get_chat_type(self, jid_bare) == 'chat' and # not self.client_roster[jid_bare]['to']): # XmppPresence.subscription(self, jid_bare, 'subscribe') # await XmppRoster.add(self, jid_bare) # status_message = 'āœ’ļø Share online status to receive updates' # XmppPresence.send(self, jid_bare, status_message) # message_subject = 'RSS News Bot' # message_body = 'Share online status to receive updates.' # XmppMessage.send_headline(self, jid_bare, message_subject, # message_body, 'chat') if jid_bare not in self.pending_tasks: self.pending_tasks[jid_bare] = {} # if jid_full not in self.pending_tasks: # self.pending_tasks[jid_full] = {} await Chat.process_message(self, message) # chat_type = message["type"] # message_body = message["body"] # message_reply = message.reply time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) async def on_changed_status(self, presence): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(presence['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) # await task.check_readiness(self, presence) jid_bare = presence['from'].bare if jid_bare in self.boundjid.bare: return if presence['show'] in ('away', 'dnd', 'xa'): key_list = ['interval'] task.clean_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare, key_list) key_list = ['status', 'check'] await task.start_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare, key_list) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) async def on_presence_subscribe(self, presence): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(presence['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = presence['from'].bare if not self.client_roster[jid_bare]['to']: # XmppPresence.subscription(self, jid, 'subscribe') XmppPresence.subscription(self, jid_bare, 'subscribed') await XmppRoster.add(self, jid_bare) status_message = 'āœ’ļø Share online status to receive updates' XmppPresence.send(self, jid_bare, status_message) message_subject = 'RSS News Bot' message_body = 'Share online status to receive updates.' XmppMessage.send_headline(self, jid_bare, message_subject, message_body, 'chat') time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) def on_presence_subscribed(self, presence): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(presence['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) message_subject = 'RSS News Bot' message_body = ('Greetings! I am {}, the news anchor.\n' 'My job is to bring you the latest ' 'news from sources you provide me with.\n' 'You may always reach me via xmpp:{}?message' .format(self.alias, self.boundjid.bare)) jid_bare = presence['from'].bare # XmppPresence.subscription(self, jid, 'subscribed') XmppMessage.send_headline(self, jid_bare, message_subject, message_body, 'chat') time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) async def on_presence_available(self, presence): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(presence['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) # TODO Add function to check whether task is already running or not # await task.start_tasks(self, presence) # NOTE Already done inside the start-task function jid_bare = presence['from'].bare if jid_bare in self.boundjid.bare: return # FIXME TODO Find out what is the source responsible for a couple presences with empty message # NOTE This is a temporary solution await asyncio.sleep(10) await task.start_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare) self.add_event_handler("presence_unavailable", self.on_presence_unavailable) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 15: logger.warning('{}: jid_full: {} (time: {})' .format(function_name, jid_full, difference)) def on_presence_unsubscribed(self, presence): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(presence['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = presence['from'].bare message_body = 'You have been unsubscribed.' # status_message = 'šŸ–‹ļø Subscribe to receive updates' # status_message = None XmppMessage.send(self, jid_bare, message_body, 'chat') XmppPresence.subscription(self, jid_bare, 'unsubscribed') # XmppPresence.send(self, jid, status_message, # presence_type='unsubscribed') XmppRoster.remove(self, jid_bare) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) def on_presence_unavailable(self, presence): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(presence['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = presence['from'].bare # await task.stop_tasks(self, jid) task.clean_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare) # NOTE Albeit nice to ~have~ see, this would constantly # send presence messages to server to no end. status_message = 'Farewell' XmppPresence.send(self, jid_bare, status_message, presence_type='unavailable') self.del_event_handler("presence_unavailable", self.on_presence_unavailable) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) # TODO # Send message that database will be deleted within 30 days # Check whether JID is in bookmarks or roster # If roster, remove contact JID into file # If bookmarks, remove groupchat JID into file def on_presence_error(self, presence): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(presence['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = presence["from"].bare task.clean_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) def on_reactions(self, message): print(message['from']) print(message['reactions']['values']) async def on_chatstate_active(self, message): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(message['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = message['from'].bare if jid_bare in self.boundjid.bare: return if message['type'] in ('chat', 'normal'): # NOTE: Required for Cheogram # await self['xep_0115'].update_caps(jid=jid) # self.send_presence(pto=jid) # task.clean_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid, ['status']) await asyncio.sleep(5) key_list = ['status'] await task.start_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare, key_list) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 10: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) async def on_chatstate_composing(self, message): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(message['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) if message['type'] in ('chat', 'normal'): jid_bare = message['from'].bare # NOTE: Required for Cheogram # await self['xep_0115'].update_caps(jid=jid) # self.send_presence(pto=jid) # task.clean_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid, ['status']) await asyncio.sleep(5) status_message = ('šŸ’” Send "help" for manual, or "info" for ' 'information.') XmppPresence.send(self, jid_bare, status_message) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) async def on_chatstate_gone(self, message): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(message['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = message['from'].bare if jid_bare in self.boundjid.bare: return if message['type'] in ('chat', 'normal'): # task.clean_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid, ['status']) key_list = ['status'] await task.start_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare, key_list) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) async def on_chatstate_inactive(self, message): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(message['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = message['from'].bare if jid_bare in self.boundjid.bare: return if message['type'] in ('chat', 'normal'): # task.clean_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid, ['status']) key_list = ['status'] await task.start_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare, key_list) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) async def on_chatstate_paused(self, message): time_begin = time.time() jid_full = str(message['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}: jid_full: {}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = message['from'].bare if jid_bare in self.boundjid.bare: return if message['type'] in ('chat', 'normal'): # task.clean_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid, ['status']) key_list = ['status'] await task.start_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare, key_list) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) # NOTE Failed attempt # Need to use Super or Inheritance or both # self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='settings', # name='Settings', # handler=self._handle_settings) # self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='subscriptions', # name='Subscriptions', # handler=self._handle_subscriptions) # async def _handle_settings(self, iq, session): # await XmppCommand._handle_settings(self, iq, session) # async def _handle_subscriptions(self, iq, session): # await XmppCommand._handle_subscriptions(self, iq, session) # TODO Move class Service to a separate file # class Service(Slixfeed): # def __init__(self): # super().__init__() # TODO https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0115.html # https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0444.html#disco # TODO https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0444.html#disco-restricted def service_reactions(self): """ Publish allow list of reactions. Parameters ---------- None. Returns ------- None. """ form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Reactions Information') ############################################################ # # # INSTRUCTIONS # # # ############################################################ # # 1) Best practice: One form per functionality. # 2) Use match/case only when it is intended to provide # several actions of functionality of similar context. # This will usually occur from first form which receives # the parameters (self, iq, session) to second form which # is yielded from a function with match/case. # 3) Do not use same function for two different actions # (i.e. match/case), because it makes context and future # management difficult. # # TODO # # Add intermediate form to separate several forms from a function.. # The intermediate form will have technical explanation about the next form. # # e.g when list-multi is engaged # options.addOption('Bookmarks', 'bookmarks') # options.addOption('Contacts', 'roster') # options.addOption('Nodes', 'nodes') # options.addOption('PubSub', 'pubsub') # options.addOption('Subscribers', 'subscribers') # # NOTE # # 1) Utilize code session['notes'] to keep last form: # # text_note = 'Done.' # session['next'] = None # session['notes'] = [['info', text_note]] # session['payload'] = None # # see _handle_subscription_toggle # # instead of # # form = payload # form['title'] = 'Done' # form['instructions'] = None # session['payload'] = form # # 2) Set session['next'] = None to make form to disappear (Cheogram and monocles chat) # def adhoc_commands(self): function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}'.format(function_name)) # self["xep_0050"].add_command( # node="updates_enable", # name="Enable/Disable News Updates", # handler=option_enable_updates, # ) # NOTE https://codeberg.org/poezio/slixmpp/issues/3515 # if is_operator(self, jid_bare): self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='subscription', name='šŸŖ¶ļø Subscribe', handler=self._handle_subscription_add) self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='publish', name='šŸ“£ļø Publish', handler=self._handle_publish) self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='recent', name='šŸ“°ļø Browse', handler=self._handle_recent) self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='subscriptions', name='šŸŽ«ļø Subscriptions', handler=self._handle_subscriptions) self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='promoted', name='šŸ”®ļø Featured', handler=self._handle_promoted) self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='discover', name='šŸ”ļø Discover', handler=self._handle_discover) self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='settings', name='šŸ“®ļø Settings', handler=self._handle_settings) self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='filters', name='šŸ›”ļø Filters', handler=self._handle_filters) self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='help', name='šŸ“”ļø Manual', handler=self._handle_help) self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='advanced', name='šŸ““ Advanced', handler=self._handle_advanced) self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='profile', name='šŸ’¼ļø Profile', handler=self._handle_profile) self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='about', name='šŸ“œļø About', handler=self._handle_about) # self['xep_0050'].add_command(node='search', # name='Search', # handler=self._handle_search) # Special interface # http://jabber.org/protocol/commands#actions async def _handle_publish(self, iq, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid_bare) if is_access(self, jid_bare, jid_full, chat_type): form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'PubSub') form['instructions'] = 'Publish news items to PubSub nodes.' options = form.add_field(desc='From which medium source do you ' 'want to select data to publish?', ftype='list-single', label='Source', required=True, var='option') options.addOption('Database', 'database') options.addOption('URL', 'url') form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label='* Attention', desc='Results are viewed best with Movim and ' 'Libervia.') session['allow_prev'] = False session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_publish_action session['prev'] = None session['payload'] = form else: if not is_operator(self, jid_bare): text_warn = 'This resource is restricted to operators.' elif chat_type == 'groupchat': text_warn = ('This resource is restricted to moderators of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) elif chat_type == 'error': text_warn = ('Could not determine chat type of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) else: text_warn = 'This resource is forbidden.' session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] return session async def _handle_publish_action(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid_bare) if is_access(self, jid_bare, jid_full, chat_type): values = payload['values'] form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Publish') form['instructions'] = ('Choose a PubSub Jabber ID and verify ' 'that Slixfeed has the necessary ' 'permissions to publish into it.') match values['option']: case 'database': session['next'] = self._handle_publish_db_preview options = form.add_field(desc='Select a Jabber ID of ' 'which data you want to ' 'browse (The default Jabber ' 'ID is {}).' .format(jid_bare), ftype='list-single', label='Jabber ID', value=jid_bare, var='jid_file') jids = [] contacts = await XmppRoster.get_contacts(self) for contact in contacts: jids.extend([contact]) conferences = await XmppBookmark.get_bookmarks(self) for conference in conferences: jids.extend([conference['jid']]) pubsubs = await XmppPubsub.get_pubsub_services(self) for pubsub in pubsubs: jids.extend([pubsub['jid']]) for jid_bare in sorted(jids): options.addOption(jid_bare, jid_bare) case 'url': session['next'] = self._handle_publish_url_preview # TODO Make it possible to add several subscriptions at once; # Similarly to BitTorrent trackers list # ftype='text-multi', # label='Subscription URLs', # desc='Add subscriptions one time per ' # 'subscription.', form.add_field(desc='Enter a URL.', ftype='text-single', label='Subscription', required=True, value='http://', var='url') options = form.add_field(desc='Select a PubSub Service.', ftype='list-single', label='PubSub', required=True, value=self.boundjid.bare, var='jid') options.addOption(self.boundjid.bare, self.boundjid.bare) iq = await self['xep_0030'].get_items(jid=self.boundjid.domain) items = iq['disco_items']['items'] for item in items: iq = await self['xep_0030'].get_info(jid=item[0]) identities = iq['disco_info']['identities'] for identity in identities: if identity[0] == 'pubsub' and identity[1] == 'service': jid = item[0] if item[1]: name = item[1] elif item[2]: name = item[2] else: name = jid options.addOption(jid, name) # form.add_field(desc='Enter a PubSub Jabber ID.', # ftype='text-single', # label='PubSub', # required=True, # # value='pubsub.' + self.boundjid.host, # value=self.boundjid.bare, # var='jid') form.add_field(desc='Enter a node to publish to.', ftype='text-single', label='Node', var='node') # options = form.add_field(desc='Select XMPP Extension Protocol.', # ftype='list-single', # label='Protocol', # required=True, # value='0060', # var='xep') # options.addOption('XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe', '0060') # options.addOption('XEP-0277: Microblogging over XMPP', '0277') # options.addOption('XEP-0472: Pubsub Social Feed', '0472') session['payload'] = form session['allow_prev'] = True session['has_next'] = True session['prev'] = self._handle_publish else: if not is_operator(self, jid_bare): text_warn = 'This resource is restricted to operators.' elif chat_type == 'groupchat': text_warn = ('This resource is restricted to moderators of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) elif chat_type == 'error': text_warn = ('Could not determine chat type of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) else: text_warn = 'This resource is forbidden.' session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] return session async def _handle_publish_db_preview(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] print('_handle_publish_db_preview') print(values['jid']) jid = values['jid'] if 'jid' in values else None jid_bare = session['from'].bare if jid != jid_bare and not is_operator(self, jid_bare): text_warn = ('Posting to {} is restricted to operators only.' .format(jid_bare)) # Should not this be self.boundjid.bare? session['allow_prev'] = False session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] session['prev'] = None session['payload'] = None return session jid_file = values['jid_file'] node = values['node'] # xep = values['xep'] if not node: if jid == self.boundjid.bare: node = 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0' else: node = 'slixfeed' form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Publish') form.add_field(var='node', ftype='hidden', value=node) form.add_field(var='jid', ftype='hidden', value=jid) form.add_field(var='jid_file', ftype='hidden', value=jid_file) num = 100 db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) results = sqlite.get_entries(db_file, num) subtitle = 'Recent {} updates'.format(num) if results: form['instructions'] = subtitle options = form.add_field(desc='Select news items to publish.', ftype='list-multi', label='News', required=True, var='entries') for result in results: title = result[1] # TODO Decide what title to display upon empty title if not title: title = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, result[4]) ix = str(result[0]) options.addOption(title, ix) session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_publish_db_complete session['payload'] = form else: text_info = 'There are no news' session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['info', text_info]] session['payload'] = None session['allow_prev'] = True session['prev'] = self._handle_publish return session async def _handle_publish_db_complete(self, payload, session): values = payload['values'] jid_file = values['jid_file'][0] print('jid_file') print(jid_file) print("values['node']") print(values['node']) node_id = values['node'][0] jid = values['jid'][0] ixs = values['entries'] #if jid: jid = jid[0] if isinstance(jid, list) else jid jid_bare = session['from'].bare if jid != jid_bare and not is_operator(self, jid_bare): # TODO Report incident text_warn = 'You are not suppose to be here.' session['allow_prev'] = False session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] session['prev'] = None session['payload'] = None return session # xep = values['xep'][0] # xep = None for ix in ixs: await action.xmpp_pubsub_send_selected_entry(self, jid, jid_file, node_id, ix) text_info = 'Posted {} entries.'.format(len(ixs)) session['allow_prev'] = False session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['info', text_info]] session['prev'] = None session['payload'] = None else: session['payload'] = payload return session async def _handle_publish_url_preview(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] jid = values['jid'] if 'jid' in values else None jid_bare = session['from'].bare if jid != jid_bare and not is_operator(self, jid_bare): # TODO Report incident text_warn = 'You are not suppose to be here.' # text_warn = ('Posting to {} is restricted to operators only.' # .format(jid_bare)) # Should not this be self.boundjid.bare? session['allow_prev'] = False session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] session['prev'] = None session['payload'] = None return session node = values['node'] url = values['url'] # xep = values['xep'] if not node: if jid == self.boundjid.bare: node = 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0' else: node = uri.get_hostname(url) form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Publish') while True: result = await fetch.http(url) status = result['status_code'] if not result['error']: document = result['content'] feed = parse(document) # if is_feed(url, feed): if action.is_feed(feed): form['instructions'] = 'Select entries to publish.' options = form.add_field(desc='Select entries to post.', ftype='list-multi', label='Titles', required=True, var='entries') if "title" in feed["feed"].keys(): title = feed["feed"]["title"] else: title = uri.get_hostname(url) entries = feed.entries entry_ix = 0 for entry in entries: if entry.has_key("title"): title = entry.title else: if entry.has_key("published"): title = entry.published title = dt.rfc2822_to_iso8601(title) elif entry.has_key("updated"): title = entry.updated title = dt.rfc2822_to_iso8601(title) else: title = "*** No title ***" options.addOption(title, str(entry_ix)) entry_ix += 1 if entry_ix > 9: break session['allow_prev'] = True session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_publish_url_complete session['notes'] = None session['prev'] = self._handle_publish session['payload'] = form break else: result = await crawl.probe_page(url, document) if isinstance(result, list): results = result form['instructions'] = ('Discovered {} subscriptions ' 'for {}' .format(len(results), url)) options = form.add_field(desc='Select a feed.', ftype='list-single', label='Feeds', required=True, var='url') for result in results: title = result['name'] url = result['link'] title = title if title else url options.addOption(title, url) session['allow_prev'] = True session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_publish_url_preview session['notes'] = None session['prev'] = self._handle_publish session['payload'] = form break else: url = result['link'] else: text_error = ('Failed to load URL {}' '\n\n' 'Reason: {}' .format(url, status)) session['notes'] = [['error', text_error]] session['payload'] = None break form.add_field(var='node', ftype='hidden', value=node) form.add_field(var='jid', ftype='hidden', value=jid) # It is essential to place URL at the end, because it might mutate # For example http://blacklistednews.com would change # to https://www.blacklistednews.com/rss.php form.add_field(var='url', ftype='hidden', value=url) # form.add_field(var='xep', # ftype='hidden', # value=xep) return session async def _handle_publish_url_complete(self, payload, session): values = payload['values'] entries = values['entries'] # It might not be good to pass feed object as its size might be too big # Consider a handler self.feeds[url][feed] or self.feeds[jid][url][feed] # It is not possible to assign non-str to transfer. # feed = values['feed'] node = values['node'][0] jid = values['jid'][0] if 'jid' in values else None #if jid: jid = jid[0] if isinstance(jid, list) else jid jid_bare = session['from'].bare if jid != jid_bare and not is_operator(self, jid_bare): # TODO Report incident text_warn = 'You are not suppose to be here.' session['allow_prev'] = False session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] session['prev'] = None session['payload'] = None return session url = values['url'][0] # xep = values['xep'][0] xep = None result = await fetch.http(url) if 'content' in result: document = result['content'] feed = parse(document) if feed.feed.has_key('title'): feed_title = feed.feed.title if feed.feed.has_key('description'): feed_summary = feed.feed.description elif feed.feed.has_key('subtitle'): feed_summary = feed.feed.subtitle else: feed_summary = None iq_create_node = XmppPubsub.create_node( self, jid, node, xep, feed_title, feed_summary) await XmppIQ.send(self, iq_create_node) feed_version = feed.version for entry in entries: entry = int(entry) feed_entry = feed.entries[entry] # if feed.entries[entry].has_key("title"): # title = feed.entries[entry].title # else: # if feed.entries[entry].has_key("published"): # title = feed.entries[entry].published # title = dt.rfc2822_to_iso8601(title) # elif feed.entries[entry].has_key("updated"): # title = feed.entries[entry].updated # title = dt.rfc2822_to_iso8601(title) # else: # title = "*** No title ***" # if feed.entries[entry].has_key("summary"): # summary = feed.entries[entry].summary iq_create_entry = XmppPubsub._create_entry( self, jid, node, feed_entry, feed_version) await XmppIQ.send(self, iq_create_entry) text_info = 'Posted {} entries.'.format(len(entries)) session['allow_prev'] = False session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['info', text_info]] session['prev'] = None session['payload'] = None else: session['payload'] = payload return session async def _handle_profile(self, iq, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) if jid_bare not in self.settings: Config.add_settings_jid(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file) form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Profile') form['instructions'] = ('Displaying information\nJabber ID {}' .format(jid_bare)) form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label='News') feeds_all = str(sqlite.get_number_of_items(db_file, 'feeds_properties')) form.add_field(label='Subscriptions', ftype='text-single', value=feeds_all) feeds_act = str(sqlite.get_number_of_feeds_active(db_file)) form.add_field(label='Active', ftype='text-single', value=feeds_act) entries = sqlite.get_number_of_items(db_file, 'entries_properties') form.add_field(label='Items', ftype='text-single', value=entries) unread = str(sqlite.get_number_of_entries_unread(db_file)) form.add_field(label='Unread', ftype='text-single', value=unread) form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label='Options') key_archive = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'archive') key_archive = str(key_archive) form.add_field(label='Archive', ftype='text-single', value=key_archive) key_enabled = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'enabled') key_enabled = str(key_enabled) form.add_field(label='Enabled', ftype='text-single', value=key_enabled) key_interval = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'interval') key_interval = str(key_interval) form.add_field(label='Interval', ftype='text-single', value=key_interval) key_length = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'length') key_length = str(key_length) form.add_field(label='Length', ftype='text-single', value=key_length) key_media = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'media') key_media = str(key_media) form.add_field(label='Media', ftype='text-single', value=key_media) key_old = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'old') key_old = str(key_old) form.add_field(label='Old', ftype='text-single', value=key_old) key_quantum = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'quantum') key_quantum = str(key_quantum) form.add_field(label='Quantum', ftype='text-single', value=key_quantum) update_interval = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'interval') update_interval = str(update_interval) update_interval = 60 * int(update_interval) last_update_time = sqlite.get_last_update_time(db_file) if last_update_time: last_update_time = float(last_update_time) dt_object = datetime.fromtimestamp(last_update_time) last_update = dt_object.strftime('%H:%M:%S') if int(key_enabled): next_update_time = last_update_time + update_interval dt_object = datetime.fromtimestamp(next_update_time) next_update = dt_object.strftime('%H:%M:%S') else: next_update = 'n/a' else: last_update = 'n/a' next_update = 'n/a' form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label='Schedule') form.add_field(label='Last update', ftype='text-single', value=last_update) form.add_field(label='Next update', ftype='text-single', value=next_update) session['payload'] = form # text_note = ('Jabber ID: {}' # '\n' # 'Last update: {}' # '\n' # 'Next update: {}' # ''.format(jid, last_update, next_update)) # session['notes'] = [['info', text_note]] return session async def _handle_filters(self, iq, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid_bare) if is_access(self, jid_bare, jid_full, chat_type): jid = session['from'].bare jid_file = jid db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Filters') form['instructions'] = ('Filters allow you to skip news items ' 'that you may not be interested at. Use ' 'the "Exception list" to exceptionally ' 'enforce items that contain keywords of ' 'the "Deny list". Use the "Allow list" to ' 'skip any item that does not include the ' 'chosen keywords') value = sqlite.get_filter_value(db_file, 'allow') if value: value = str(value[0]) form.add_field(desc='Keywords to allow (comma-separated keywords).', ftype='text-single', label='Allow list', value=value, var='allow') form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label='* Attention', desc='The "Allow list" will skip any item that ' 'does not include its keywords.') value = sqlite.get_filter_value(db_file, 'deny') if value: value = str(value[0]) form.add_field(desc='Keywords to deny (comma-separated keywords).', ftype='text-single', label='Deny list', value=value, var='deny') form.add_field(desc='Keywords to enforce (comma-separated keywords).', ftype='text-single', label='Exception list', value=value, var='exception') session['allow_complete'] = True session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_filters_complete session['payload'] = form else: if not is_operator(self, jid_bare): text_warn = 'This resource is restricted to operators.' elif chat_type == 'groupchat': text_warn = ('This resource is restricted to moderators of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) elif chat_type == 'error': text_warn = ('Could not determine chat type of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) else: text_warn = 'This resource is forbidden.' session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] return session async def _handle_filters_complete(self, payload, session): """ Process a command result from the user. Arguments: payload -- Either a single item, such as a form, or a list of items or forms if more than one form was provided to the user. The payload may be any stanza, such as jabber:x:oob for out of band data, or jabber:x:data for typical data forms. session -- A dictionary of data relevant to the command session. Additional, custom data may be saved here to persist across handler callbacks. """ jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) # Text is not displayed; only labels form = payload jid_bare = session['from'].bare # form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('result', 'Done') # form['instructions'] = ('āœ…ļø Filters have been updated') jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) # In this case (as is typical), the payload is a form values = payload['values'] for key in values: val = values[key] # NOTE We might want to add new keywords from # an empty form instead of editing a form. # keywords = sqlite.get_filter_value(db_file, key) keywords = '' val = await config.add_to_list(val, keywords) if val else '' if sqlite.is_filter_key(db_file, key): await sqlite.update_filter_value(db_file, [key, val]) elif val: await sqlite.set_filter_value(db_file, [key, val]) # form.add_field(var=key.capitalize() + ' list', # ftype='text-single', # value=val) form['title'] = 'Done' form['instructions'] = 'has been completed!' # session["has_next"] = False session['next'] = None session['payload'] = form return session async def _handle_subscription_add(self, iq, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid_bare) if is_access(self, jid_bare, jid_full, chat_type): form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Subscribe') # form['instructions'] = 'Add a new custom subscription.' form.add_field(desc='Enter a URL.', # TODO Make it possible to add several subscriptions at once; # Similarly to BitTorrent trackers list # ftype='text-multi', # label='Subscription URLs', # desc='Add subscriptions one time per ' # 'subscription.', ftype='text-single', label='Subscription', required=True, value='http://', var='subscription') if is_operator(self, jid_bare): # form['instructions'] = ('Special section for operators:\n' # 'This section allows you to add ' # 'subscriptions for a JID of your ' # 'choice.') form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label='* Operators', desc='This section allows you to add ' 'subscriptions for a JID of your ' 'choice.') form.add_field(desc='Enter a Jabber ID to add the ' 'subscription to (The default Jabber ID is ' 'your own).', ftype='text-single', label='Subscriber', var='jid') # form.add_field(desc='Scan URL for validity (recommended).', # ftype='boolean', # label='Scan', # value=True, # var='scan') session['allow_prev'] = False session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_subscription_new session['prev'] = None session['payload'] = form else: if not is_operator(self, jid_bare): text_warn = 'This resource is restricted to operators.' elif chat_type == 'groupchat': text_warn = ('This resource is restricted to moderators of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) elif chat_type == 'error': text_warn = ('Could not determine chat type of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) else: text_warn = 'This resource is forbidden.' session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] return session async def _handle_recent(self, iq, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Updates') # form['instructions'] = 'Browse and read news items.' options = form.add_field(desc='What would you want to read?', ftype='list-single', label='News', required=True, var='action') options.addOption('All', 'all') # options.addOption('News by subscription', 'feed') # options.addOption('News by tag', 'tag') options.addOption('Rejected', 'reject') options.addOption('Unread', 'unread') if is_operator(self, jid_bare): # form['instructions'] = ('Special section for operators:\n' # 'This section allows you to view news items ' # 'of a JID of your choice.') form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label='* Operators', desc='This section allows you to view news items ' 'of a JID of your choice.') options = form.add_field(desc='Select a Jabber ID.', ftype='list-single', label='Subscriber', value=jid_bare, var='jid') jids = [] contacts = await XmppRoster.get_contacts(self) for contact in contacts: jids.extend([contact]) conferences = await XmppBookmark.get_bookmarks(self) for conference in conferences: jids.extend([conference['jid']]) pubsubs = await XmppPubsub.get_pubsub_services(self) for pubsub in pubsubs: jids.extend([pubsub['jid']]) for jid_bare in sorted(jids): options.addOption(jid_bare, jid_bare) session['allow_prev'] = False # Cheogram changes style if that button - which should not be on this form - is present session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_recent_result session['payload'] = form session['prev'] = None # Cheogram works as expected with 'allow_prev' set to False Just in case return session async def _handle_recent_result(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare values = payload['values'] form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Updates') if is_operator(self, jid_bare) and 'jid' in values: jid = values['jid'] jid_file = jid form.add_field(var='jid', ftype='hidden', value=jid) else: jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) num = 100 match values['action']: case 'all': results = sqlite.get_entries(db_file, num) subtitle = 'Recent {} updates'.format(num) message = 'There are no news' case 'reject': results = sqlite.get_entries_rejected(db_file, num) subtitle = 'Recent {} updates (rejected)'.format(num) message = 'There are no rejected news' case 'unread': results = sqlite.get_unread_entries(db_file, num) subtitle = 'Recent {} updates (unread)'.format(num) message = 'There are no unread news.' if results: form['instructions'] = subtitle options = form.add_field(desc='Select a news item to read.', ftype='list-single', label='News', required=True, var='update') for result in results: title = result[1] # TODO Decide what title to display upon empty title if not title: title = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, result[4]) ix = str(result[0]) options.addOption(title, ix) session['allow_prev'] = False # Cheogram changes style if that button - which should not be on this form - is present session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_recent_select session['payload'] = form session['prev'] = None # Cheogram works as expected with 'allow_prev' set to False Just in case else: text_info = message session['allow_prev'] = True session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['info', text_info]] session['payload'] = None session['prev'] = self._handle_recent return session async def _handle_recent_select(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] ix = values['update'] jid_bare = session['from'].bare form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Article') if is_operator(self, jid_bare) and 'jid' in values: jid = values['jid'] jid_file = jid[0] if isinstance(jid, list) else jid form.add_field(var='jid', ftype='hidden', value=jid) else: jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) title = sqlite.get_entry_title(db_file, ix) title = title[0] if title else 'Untitled' form['instructions'] = title url = sqlite.get_entry_url(db_file, ix) url = url[0] # TODO Handle a situation when index is no longer exist logger.debug('Original URL: {}'.format(url)) url = uri.remove_tracking_parameters(url) logger.debug('Processed URL (tracker removal): {}'.format(url)) url = (await uri.replace_hostname(url, 'link')) or url logger.debug('Processed URL (replace hostname): {}'.format(url)) result = await fetch.http(url) if 'content' in result: data = result['content'] summary = action.get_document_content_as_text(data) else: summary = 'No content to show.' form.add_field(ftype="text-multi", label='Article', value=summary) field_url = form.add_field(ftype='hidden', value=url, var='url') field_url = form.add_field(ftype='text-single', label='Link', value=url, var='url_link') field_url['validate']['datatype'] = 'xs:anyURI' feed_id = sqlite.get_feed_id_by_entry_index(db_file, ix) feed_id = feed_id[0] feed_url = sqlite.get_feed_url(db_file, feed_id) feed_url = feed_url[0] field_feed = form.add_field(ftype='text-single', label='Source', value=feed_url, var='url_feed') field_feed['validate']['datatype'] = 'xs:anyURI' options = form.add_field(desc='Select file type.', ftype='list-single', label='Save as', required=True, value='pdf', var='filetype') options.addOption('ePUB', 'epub') options.addOption('HTML', 'html') options.addOption('Markdown', 'md') options.addOption('PDF', 'pdf') options.addOption('Plain Text', 'txt') session['allow_complete'] = False session['allow_prev'] = True session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_recent_action session['payload'] = form session['prev'] = self._handle_recent return session async def _handle_recent_action(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) ext = payload['values']['filetype'] url = payload['values']['url'][0] jid_bare = session['from'].bare cache_dir = config.get_default_cache_directory() if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir): os.mkdir(cache_dir) if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir + '/readability'): os.mkdir(cache_dir + '/readability') url = uri.remove_tracking_parameters(url) url = (await uri.replace_hostname(url, 'link')) or url result = await fetch.http(url) if not result['error']: data = result['content'] code = result['status_code'] title = action.get_document_title(data) title = title.strip().lower() for i in (' ', '-'): title = title.replace(i, '_') for i in ('?', '"', '\'', '!'): title = title.replace(i, '') filename = os.path.join( cache_dir, 'readability', title + '_' + dt.timestamp() + '.' + ext) error = action.generate_document(data, url, ext, filename, readability=True) if error: text_error = ('Failed to export {} fot {}' '\n\n' 'Reason: {}'.format(ext.upper(), url, error)) session['notes'] = [['error', text_error]] else: url = await XmppUpload.start(self, jid_bare, filename) chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid_bare) XmppMessage.send_oob(self, jid_bare, url, chat_type) form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('result', 'Download') form['instructions'] = ('Download {} document.' .format(ext.upper())) field_url = form.add_field(var='url', label='Link', ftype='text-single', value=url) field_url['validate']['datatype'] = 'xs:anyURI' session['payload'] = form session['allow_complete'] = True session['next'] = None session['prev'] = None return session async def _handle_subscription_new(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Subscription') # scan = values['scan'] values = payload['values'] identifier = values['identifier'] if 'identifier' in values else None url = values['subscription'] jid_bare = session['from'].bare if is_operator(self, jid_bare) and 'jid' in values: jid = values['jid'] jid_file = jid[0] if isinstance(jid, list) else jid form.add_field(var='jid', ftype='hidden', value=jid) else: jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) if identifier and sqlite.check_identifier_exist(db_file, identifier): form['title'] = 'Conflict' form['instructions'] = ('Name "{}" already exists. Choose a ' 'different name.') form.add_field(desc='Enter a unique identifier. The identifier ' 'is realized to distinct PubSub nodes.', ftype='text-single', label='identifier', value=identifier, var='identifier') form.add_field(ftype='hidden', value=url, var='subscription') form.add_field(ftype='hidden', value=identifier, var='identifier') session['allow_prev'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_subscription_new # session['payload'] = None session['prev'] = None # elif not identifier: # counter = 0 # hostname = uri.get_hostname(url) # identifier = hostname + ':' + str(counter) # while True: # if sqlite.check_identifier_exist(db_file, identifier): # counter += 1 # identifier = hostname + ':' + str(counter) # else: # break # Several URLs to subscribe if isinstance(url, list) and len(url) > 1: url_count = len(url) urls = url agree_count = 0 error_count = 0 exist_count = 0 for url in urls: counter = 0 hostname = uri.get_hostname(url) identifier = hostname + ':' + str(counter) while True: if sqlite.check_identifier_exist(db_file, identifier): counter += 1 identifier = hostname + ':' + str(counter) else: break result = await action.add_feed(self, jid_bare, db_file, url, identifier) if result['error']: error_count += 1 elif result['exist']: exist_count += 1 else: agree_count += 1 if agree_count: response = ('Added {} new subscription(s) out of {}' .format(agree_count, url_count)) session['notes'] = [['info', response]] else: response = ('No new subscription was added. ' 'Exist: {} Error: {}.' .format(exist_count, error_count)) session['notes'] = [['error', response]] session['allow_prev'] = True session['next'] = None session['payload'] = None session['prev'] = self._handle_subscription_add else: if isinstance(url, list): url = url[0] counter = 0 hostname = uri.get_hostname(url) identifier = hostname + ':' + str(counter) while True: if sqlite.check_identifier_exist(db_file, identifier): counter += 1 identifier = hostname + ':' + str(counter) else: break result = await action.add_feed(self, jid_bare, db_file, url, identifier) # URL is not a feed and URL has returned to feeds if isinstance(result, list): results = result form['instructions'] = ('Discovered {} subscriptions for {}' .format(len(results), url)) options = form.add_field(desc='Select subscriptions to add.', ftype='list-multi', label='Subscribe', required=True, var='subscription') for result in results: options.addOption(result['name'], result['link']) # NOTE Disabling "allow_prev" until Cheogram would allow to display # items of list-single as buttons when button "back" is enabled. # session['allow_prev'] = True session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_subscription_new session['payload'] = form # session['prev'] = self._handle_subscription_add elif result['error']: response = ('Failed to load resource.' '\n' 'URL {}' '\n' 'Reason: {}' '\n' 'Code: {}' .format(url, result['message'], result['code'])) session['allow_prev'] = True session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['error', response]] session['payload'] = None session['prev'] = self._handle_subscription_add elif result['exist']: name = result['name'] form['instructions'] = ('Subscription "{}" already exist. ' 'Proceed to edit this subscription.' .format(name)) url = result['link'] feed_id = str(result['index']) entries = sqlite.get_entries_of_feed(db_file, feed_id) last_renewed = sqlite.get_status_information_of_feed(db_file, feed_id) last_renewed = str(last_renewed[5]) options = form.add_field(desc='Recent titles from subscription', ftype='list-multi', label='Preview') for entry in entries: options.addOption(entry[1], entry[2]) form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label='Information') form.add_field(ftype='text-single', label='Renewed', value=last_renewed) form.add_field(ftype='text-single', label='ID #', value=feed_id) form.add_field(var='subscription', ftype='hidden', value=url) # NOTE Should we allow "Complete"? # Do all clients provide button "Cancel". session['allow_complete'] = False session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_subscription_edit session['payload'] = form # session['has_next'] = False # Single URL to subscribe else: print(result) name = result['name'] form['instructions'] = ('Subscription "{}" has been added. ' 'Proceed to edit this subscription.' .format(name)) url = result['link'] feed_id = str(result['index']) entries = sqlite.get_entries_of_feed(db_file, feed_id) last_updated = sqlite.get_status_information_of_feed(db_file, feed_id) last_updated = str(last_updated[3]) options = form.add_field(desc='Recent titles from subscription', ftype='list-multi', label='Preview') for entry in entries: options.addOption(entry[1], entry[2]) form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label='Information') form.add_field(ftype='text-single', label='Updated', value=last_updated) form.add_field(ftype='text-single', label='ID #', value=feed_id) form.add_field(var='subscription', ftype='hidden', value=url) session['allow_complete'] = False session['has_next'] = True # session['allow_prev'] = False # Gajim: Will offer next dialog but as a result, not as form. # session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_subscription_edit session['payload'] = form # session['prev'] = None return session async def _handle_subscription_toggle(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare values = payload['values'] if is_operator(self, jid_bare) and 'jid' in values: jid = values['jid'][0] jid_file = jid del values['jid'] else: jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) for key in values: value = 1 if values[key] else 0 await sqlite.set_enabled_status(db_file, key, value) # text_note = 'Done.' # session['next'] = None # session['notes'] = [['info', text_note]] # session['payload'] = None form = payload form['title'] = 'Done' form['instructions'] = 'has been successful' session['payload'] = form return session async def _handle_subscription_del_complete(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare values = payload['values'] if is_operator(self, jid_bare) and 'jid' in values: jid = values['jid'][0] jid_file = jid del values['jid'] else: jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) subscriptions ='' ixs = values['subscriptions'] for ix in ixs: name = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, ix) url = sqlite.get_feed_url(db_file, ix) name = name[0] if name else 'Subscription #{}'.format(ix) url = url[0] await sqlite.remove_feed_by_index(db_file, ix) subscriptions += '{}. {}\n{}\n\n'.format(ix, name, url) text_note = ('The following subscriptions have been deleted:\n\n{}' .format(subscriptions)) session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['info', text_note]] session['payload'] = None return session def _handle_cancel(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) text_note = ('Operation has been cancelled.' '\n' '\n' 'No action was taken.') session['notes'] = [['info', text_note]] return session async def _handle_discover(self, iq, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid_bare) if is_access(self, jid_bare, jid_full, chat_type): form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Discover & Search') form['instructions'] = 'Discover news subscriptions of all kinds' options = form.add_field(desc='Select type of search.', ftype='list-single', label='Browse', required=True, var='search_type') options.addOption('All', 'all') options.addOption('Categories', 'cat') # Should we write this in a singular form # options.addOption('Tags', 'tag') session['allow_prev'] = False session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_discover_type session['payload'] = form session['prev'] = None else: if not is_operator(self, jid_bare): text_warn = 'This resource is restricted to operators.' elif chat_type == 'groupchat': text_warn = ('This resource is restricted to moderators of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) elif chat_type == 'error': text_warn = ('Could not determine chat type of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) else: text_warn = 'This resource is forbidden.' session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] return session def _handle_discover_type(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] search_type = values['search_type'] config_dir = config.get_default_config_directory() db_file = config_dir + '/feeds.sqlite' if os.path.isfile(db_file): form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Discover & Search') match search_type: case 'all': form['instructions'] = 'Browsing subscriptions' options = form.add_field(desc='Select a subscription to add.', # ftype='list-multi', # TODO To be added soon ftype='list-single', label='Subscription', required=True, var='subscription') results = sqlite.get_titles_tags_urls(db_file) for result in results: title = result[0] tag = result[1] url = result[2] text = '{} ({})'.format(title, tag) options.addOption(text, url) # session['allow_complete'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_subscription_new case 'cat': form['instructions'] = 'Browsing categories' session['next'] = self._handle_discover_category options = form.add_field(desc='Select a category to browse.', ftype='list-single', label='Categories', required=True, var='category') # NOTE Uncategories or no option for entries without category categories = sqlite.get_categories(db_file) for category in categories: category = category[0] options.addOption(category, category) # case 'tag': session['allow_prev'] = True session['has_next'] = True session['payload'] = form session['prev'] = self._handle_discover else: text_note = ('Database is missing.' '\n' 'Contact operator.') session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['info', text_note]] session['payload'] = None return session async def _handle_discover_category(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] category = values['category'] config_dir = config.get_default_config_directory() db_file = config_dir + '/feeds.sqlite' form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Discover & Search') form['instructions'] = 'Browsing category "{}"'.format(category) options = form.add_field(desc='Select a subscription to add.', # ftype='list-multi', # TODO To be added soon ftype='list-single', label='Subscription', required=True, var='subscription') results = sqlite.get_titles_tags_urls_by_category(db_file, category) for result in results: title = result[0] tag = result[1] url = result[2] text = '{} ({})'.format(title, tag) options.addOption(text, url) # session['allow_complete'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_subscription_new session['payload'] = form return session async def _handle_subscriptions(self, iq, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid_bare) if is_access(self, jid_bare, jid_full, chat_type): form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Subscriptions') form['instructions'] = ('Browse, view, toggle or remove ' 'tags and subscriptions.') options = form.add_field(desc='Select action type.', ftype='list-single', label='Action', required=True, value='browse', var='action') options.addOption('Browse subscriptions', 'browse') options.addOption('Browse tags', 'tag') options.addOption('Remove subscriptions', 'delete') options.addOption('Toggle subscriptions', 'toggle') if is_operator(self, jid_bare): form['instructions'] = None # form['instructions'] = ('Special section for operators:\n' # 'This section allows you to change ' # 'and meddle with subscribers data.') form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label='* Operators', desc='This section allows you to change ' 'subscribers data.') options = form.add_field(desc='Select a Jabber ID.', ftype='list-single', label='Subscribers', value=jid_bare, var='jid') jids = [] contacts = await XmppRoster.get_contacts(self) for contact in contacts: jids.extend([contact]) conferences = await XmppBookmark.get_bookmarks(self) for conference in conferences: jids.extend([conference['jid']]) pubsubs = await XmppPubsub.get_pubsub_services(self) for pubsub in pubsubs: jids.extend([pubsub['jid']]) for jid_bare in sorted(jids): options.addOption(jid_bare, jid_bare) session['payload'] = form session['next'] = self._handle_subscriptions_result session['has_next'] = True else: if not is_operator(self, jid_bare): text_warn = 'This resource is restricted to operators.' elif chat_type == 'groupchat': text_warn = ('This resource is restricted to moderators of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) elif chat_type == 'error': text_warn = ('Could not determine chat type of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) else: text_warn = 'This resource is forbidden.' session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] return session async def _handle_subscriptions_result(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] jid_bare = session['from'].bare form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Subscriptions') if is_operator(self, jid_bare) and 'jid' in values: jid = values['jid'] jid_file = jid form.add_field(ftype='hidden', value=jid, var='jid') else: jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) match values['action']: case 'browse': form['instructions'] = 'Editing subscriptions' options = form.add_field(desc='Select a subscription to edit.', # ftype='list-multi', # TODO To be added soon ftype='list-single', label='Subscription', required=True, var='subscriptions') subscriptions = sqlite.get_feeds(db_file) # subscriptions = sorted(subscriptions, key=lambda x: x[1]) for subscription in subscriptions: title = subscription[1] url = subscription[2] options.addOption(title, url) session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_subscription_edit session['allow_complete'] = False case 'delete': form['instructions'] = 'Removing subscriptions' # form.addField(var='interval', # ftype='text-single', # label='Interval period') options = form.add_field(desc='Select subscriptions to remove.', ftype='list-multi', label='Subscriptions', required=True, var='subscriptions') subscriptions = sqlite.get_feeds(db_file) # subscriptions = sorted(subscriptions, key=lambda x: x[1]) for subscription in subscriptions: title = subscription[1] ix = str(subscription[0]) options.addOption(title, ix) session['cancel'] = self._handle_cancel session['has_next'] = False # TODO Refer to confirmation dialog which would display feeds selected session['next'] = self._handle_subscription_del_complete session['allow_complete'] = True case 'toggle': form['instructions'] = 'Toggling subscriptions' subscriptions = sqlite.get_feeds_and_enabled_state(db_file) # subscriptions = sorted(subscriptions, key=lambda x: x[1]) for subscription in subscriptions: ix = str(subscription[0]) title = subscription[3] url = subscription[1] enabled_state = True if subscription[17] else False enabled_state = subscription[17] form.add_field(desc=url, ftype='boolean', label=title, value=enabled_state, var=ix) session['cancel'] = self._handle_cancel session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_subscription_toggle session['allow_complete'] = True case 'tag': form['instructions'] = 'Browsing tags' options = form.add_field(desc='Select a tag to browse.', ftype='list-single', label='Tag', required=True, var='tag') tags = sqlite.get_tags(db_file) # tags = sorted(tags, key=lambda x: x[0]) for tag in tags: name = tag[0] ix = str(tag[1]) options.addOption(name, ix) session['allow_complete'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_subscription_tag session['has_next'] = True session['allow_prev'] = True session['payload'] = form session['prev'] = self._handle_subscriptions return session async def _handle_subscription_tag(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Subscriptions') jid_bare = session['from'].bare values = payload['values'] if is_operator(self, jid_bare) and 'jid' in values: jid = values['jid'][0] jid_file = jid form.add_field(ftype='hidden', value=jid, var='jid') else: jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) tag_id = values['tag'] tag_name = sqlite.get_tag_name(db_file, tag_id)[0] form['instructions'] = 'Subscriptions tagged with "{}"'.format(tag_name) options = form.add_field(desc='Select a subscription to edit.', # ftype='list-multi', # TODO To be added soon ftype='list-single', label='Subscription', required=True, var='subscriptions') subscriptions = sqlite.get_feeds_by_tag_id(db_file, tag_id) # subscriptions = sorted(subscriptions, key=lambda x: x[1]) for subscription in subscriptions: title = subscription[1] url = subscription[2] options.addOption(title, url) session['allow_complete'] = False session['allow_prev'] = True session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_subscription_edit session['payload'] = form session['prev'] = self._handle_subscriptions return session async def _handle_subscription_edit(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Subscription') jid_bare = session['from'].bare values = payload['values'] if is_operator(self, jid_bare) and 'jid' in values: jid = values['jid'][0] if values['jid'] else jid_bare jid_file = jid form.add_field(ftype='hidden', value=jid, var='jid') else: jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) if 'subscription' in values: urls = values['subscription'] elif 'subscriptions' in values: urls = values['subscriptions'] url_count = len(urls) if isinstance(urls, list) and url_count > 1: form['instructions'] = 'Editing {} subscriptions'.format(url_count) else: if isinstance(urls, list): url = urls[0] # elif isinstance(urls, str): else: url = urls feed_id = sqlite.get_feed_id(db_file, url) if feed_id: feed_id = feed_id[0] title = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, feed_id) title = title[0] tags_result = sqlite.get_tags_by_feed_id(db_file, feed_id) # tags_sorted = sorted(x[0] for x in tags_result) # tags = ', '.join(tags_sorted) tags = '' for tag in tags_result: tags += tag[0] + ', ' form['instructions'] = 'Editing subscription #{}'.format(feed_id) else: form['instructions'] = 'Adding subscription' title = '' tags = '' # TODO Suggest tags by element "categories" form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label='Properties') form.add_field(var='name', ftype='text-single', label='Name', value=title, required=True) # NOTE This does not look good in Gajim # url = form.add_field(ftype='fixed', # label=url) #url['validate']['datatype'] = 'xs:anyURI' options = form.add_field(var='url', ftype='list-single', label='URL', value=url) options.addOption(url, url) feed_id_str = str(feed_id) options = form.add_field(var='id', ftype='list-single', label='ID #', value=feed_id_str) options.addOption(feed_id_str, feed_id_str) form.add_field(desc='Comma-separated tags.', ftype='text-single', label='Tags', value=tags, var='tags_new') form.add_field(ftype='hidden', value=tags, var='tags_old') form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label='Options') options = form.add_field(ftype='list-single', label='Priority', value='0', var='priority') options['validate']['datatype'] = 'xs:integer' options['validate']['range'] = { 'minimum': 1, 'maximum': 5 } i = 0 while i <= 5: num = str(i) options.addOption(num, num) i += 1 form.add_field(ftype='boolean', label='Enabled', value=True, var='enabled') session['allow_complete'] = True # session['allow_prev'] = True session['cancel'] = self._handle_cancel session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_subscription_complete session['payload'] = form return session # TODO Create a new form. Do not "recycle" the last form. async def _handle_subscription_complete(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare values = payload['values'] if is_operator(self, jid_bare) and 'jid' in values: jid = values['jid'][0] jid_file = jid else: jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) # url = values['url'] # feed_id = sqlite.get_feed_id(db_file, url) # feed_id = feed_id[0] # if feed_id: feed_id = feed_id[0] feed_id = values['id'] enabled = values['enabled'] # if enabled: # enabled_status = 1 # else: # enabled_status = 0 # await sqlite.mark_feed_as_read(db_file, feed_id) enabled_status = 1 if enabled else 0 if not enabled_status: await sqlite.mark_feed_as_read(db_file, feed_id) await sqlite.set_enabled_status(db_file, feed_id, enabled_status) name = values['name'] await sqlite.set_feed_title(db_file, feed_id, name) priority = values['priority'] tags_new = values['tags_new'] tags_old = values['tags_old'] # Add new tags for tag in tags_new.split(','): tag = tag.strip() if not tag: continue tag = tag.lower() tag_id = sqlite.get_tag_id(db_file, tag) if not tag_id: await sqlite.set_new_tag(db_file, tag) tag_id = sqlite.get_tag_id(db_file, tag) tag_id = tag_id[0] if not sqlite.is_tag_id_of_feed_id(db_file, tag_id, feed_id): await sqlite.set_feed_id_and_tag_id(db_file, feed_id, tag_id) # Remove tags that were not submitted for tag in tags_old[0].split(','): tag = tag.strip() if not tag: continue if tag not in tags_new: tag_id = sqlite.get_tag_id(db_file, tag) tag_id = tag_id[0] await sqlite.delete_feed_id_tag_id(db_file, feed_id, tag_id) sqlite.is_tag_id_associated(db_file, tag_id) await sqlite.delete_tag_by_index(db_file, tag_id) # form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Subscription') # form['instructions'] = ('šŸ“ļø Subscription #{} has been {}' # .format(feed_id, action)) form = payload form['title'] = 'Done' form['instructions'] = ('has been completed!') # session["has_next"] = False session['next'] = None session['payload'] = form # session['type'] = 'submit' return session async def _handle_advanced(self, iq, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid_bare) if is_access(self, jid_bare, jid_full, chat_type): form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Advanced') form['instructions'] = 'Extended options' options = form.add_field(ftype='list-single', label='Choose', required=True, var='option') if is_operator(self, jid_bare): options.addOption('Administration', 'admin') # options.addOption('Activity', 'activity') # options.addOption('Filters', 'filter') # options.addOption('Statistics', 'statistics') # options.addOption('Scheduler', 'scheduler') options.addOption('Import', 'import') options.addOption('Export', 'export') session['allow_prev'] = False session['payload'] = form session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_advanced_result session['prev'] = self._handle_advanced else: if not is_operator(self, jid_bare): text_warn = 'This resource is restricted to operators.' elif chat_type == 'groupchat': text_warn = ('This resource is restricted to moderators of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) elif chat_type == 'error': text_warn = ('Could not determine chat type of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) else: text_warn = 'This resource is forbidden.' session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] return session async def _handle_advanced_result(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare match payload['values']['option']: case 'activity': # TODO dialog for JID and special dialog for operator # Here you can monitor activity text_note = 'This feature is not yet available.' session['notes'] = [['info', text_note]] case 'admin': # NOTE Even though this check is already conducted on previous # form, this check is being done just in case. if is_operator(self, jid_bare): if self.is_component: # NOTE This will be changed with XEP-0222 XEP-0223 text_info = ('Subscriber management options are ' 'currently not available for Slixfeed ' 'running as component. Once support for ' 'XEP-0222 and XEP-0223 be added, this ' 'panel will be usable for components as ' 'well.') session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['info', text_info]] else: form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Admin Panel') form['instructions'] = ('Choose the type of prospect ' 'you want to handle with') options = form.add_field(desc='Select a prospect type', ftype='list-single', label='Manage', required=True, value='subscribers', var='action') options.addOption('Bookmarks', 'bookmarks') options.addOption('Contacts', 'roster') options.addOption('Nodes', 'nodes') options.addOption('PubSub', 'pubsub') options.addOption('Subscribers', 'subscribers') session['payload'] = form session['next'] = self._handle_admin_action session['has_next'] = True else: logger.warning('An unauthorized attempt to access ' 'bookmarks has been detected for JID {} at ' '{}'.format(jid_bare, dt.timestamp())) text_warn = 'This resource is restricted.' session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = None # case 'filters': # TODO Ability to edit lists.toml or filters.toml case 'scheduler': # TODO Set days and hours to receive news text_note = 'This feature is not yet available.' session['notes'] = [['info', text_note]] session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = None case 'statistics': # TODO Here you can monitor statistics text_note = 'This feature is not yet available.' session['notes'] = [['info', text_note]] session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = None case 'import': form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Import') form['instructions'] = 'Importing feeds' url = form.add_field(desc='Enter URL to an OPML file.', ftype='text-single', label='URL', required=True, var='url') url['validate']['datatype'] = 'xs:anyURI' if is_operator(self, jid_bare): form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label='* Operators', desc='This section allows you to import ' 'subscriptions for any subscriber.') form.add_field(desc='Enter a Jabber ID to import ' 'subscriptions to (The default Jabber ID ' 'is your own).', ftype='text-single', label='Jabber ID', var='jid') session['allow_complete'] = True session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_import_complete session['payload'] = form case 'export': form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Export') form['instructions'] = ('It is always recommended to export ' 'subscriptions into OPML file, in ' 'order to easily import subscriptions ' 'from one Feed Reader to another. See ' 'About -> News Software for a list of ' 'Feed Readers offered for desktop and ' 'mobile devices.') options = form.add_field(desc='Choose export format.', ftype='list-multi', label='Format', required=True, value='opml', var='filetype') options.addOption('Markdown', 'md') options.addOption('OPML', 'opml') # options.addOption('HTML', 'html') # options.addOption('XBEL', 'xbel') if is_operator(self, jid_bare): # form['instructions'] = ('Special section for operators:\n' # 'This section allows you to ' # 'import and export subscriptions ' # 'for a JID of your choice.') form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label='* Operators', desc='This section allows you to export ' 'subscriptions of any subscriber.') options = form.add_field(desc='Select a Jabber ID to ' 'export subscriptions from.', ftype='list-single', label='Subscriber', value=jid_bare, var='jid') # options.addOption(self.boundjid.bare, self.boundjid.bare) jids = [] contacts = await XmppRoster.get_contacts(self) for contact in contacts: jids.extend([contact]) conferences = await XmppBookmark.get_bookmarks(self) for conference in conferences: jids.extend([conference['jid']]) pubsubs = await XmppPubsub.get_pubsub_services(self) for pubsub in pubsubs: jids.extend([pubsub['jid']]) for jid_bare in sorted(jids): options.addOption(jid_bare, jid_bare) session['allow_complete'] = True session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_export_complete session['payload'] = form # session['allow_prev'] = True # session['prev'] = self._handle_advanced return session async def _handle_about(self, iq, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'About') form['instructions'] = 'Information about Slixfeed and related projects' options = form.add_field(var='option', ftype='list-single', label='About', required=True, value='about') config_dir = config.get_default_config_directory() with open(config_dir + '/' + 'about.toml', mode="rb") as information: entries = tomllib.load(information) for entry in entries: label = entries[entry][0]['title'] options.addOption(label, entry) # options.addOption('Tips', 'tips') session['payload'] = form session['next'] = self._handle_about_result session['has_next'] = True return session async def _handle_about_result(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) config_dir = config.get_default_config_directory() with open(config_dir + '/' + 'about.toml', mode="rb") as information: entries = tomllib.load(information) entry_key = payload['values']['option'] # case 'terms': # title = 'Policies' # subtitle = 'Terms and Conditions' # content = action.manual('information.toml', 'terms') # case 'tips': # # Tips and tricks you might have not known about Slixfeed and XMPP! # title = 'Help' # subtitle = 'Tips & Tricks' # content = 'This page is not yet available.' # case 'translators': # title = 'Translators' # subtitle = 'From all across the world' # content = action.manual('information.toml', 'translators') # title = entry_key.capitalize() # form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('result', title) for entry in entries[entry_key]: if 'title' in entry: title = entry['title'] form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('result', title) subtitle = entry['subtitle'] form['instructions'] = subtitle continue for e_key in entry: e_val = entry[e_key] e_key = e_key.capitalize() # form.add_field(ftype='fixed', # label=e_val) if e_key == 'Name': desc = entry['desc'] if 'desc' in entry and entry['desc'] else None form.add_field(ftype='fixed', label=e_val, desc=desc) continue if e_key == 'Desc': continue if isinstance(e_val, list): form_type = 'text-multi' else: form_type = 'text-single' form.add_field(label=e_key, ftype=form_type, value=e_val) # Gajim displays all form['instructions'] on top # Psi ignore the latter form['instructions'] # form['instructions'] = 'YOU!\nšŸ«µļø\n- Join us -' session['payload'] = form session['allow_complete'] = True session['allow_prev'] = True session["has_next"] = False session['next'] = None # session['payload'] = None # Crash Cheogram session['prev'] = self._handle_about return session async def _handle_motd(self, iq, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) # TODO add functionality to attach image. # Here you can add groupchat rules,post schedule, tasks or # anything elaborated you might deem fit. Good luck! text_note = 'This feature is not yet available.' session['notes'] = [['info', text_note]] return session async def _handle_help(self, iq, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) config_dir = config.get_default_config_directory() with open(config_dir + '/' + 'commands.toml', mode="rb") as commands: cmds = tomllib.load(commands) form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('result', 'Manual') form['instructions'] = 'Help manual for interactive chat' # text = 'šŸ›Ÿļø Help and Information about Slixfeed\n\n' # for cmd in cmds: # name = cmd.capitalize() # elements = cmds[cmd] # text += name + '\n' # for key, value in elements.items(): # text += " " + key.capitalize() + '\n' # for line in value.split("\n"): # text += " " + line + '\n' # form['instructions'] = text for cmd in cmds: name = cmd.capitalize() form.add_field(var='title', ftype='fixed', label=name) elements = cmds[cmd] for key, value in elements.items(): key = key.replace('_', ' ') key = key.capitalize() form.add_field(var='title', ftype='text-multi', label=key, value=value) session['payload'] = form return session async def _handle_import_complete(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) form = payload values = payload['values'] url = values['url'] if url.startswith('http') and url.endswith('.opml'): jid_bare = session['from'].bare if is_operator(self, jid_bare) and 'jid' in values: jid = values['jid'] jid_file = jid[0] if isinstance(jid, list) else jid else: jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) result = await fetch.http(url) count = await action.import_opml(db_file, result) try: int(count) # form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('result', 'Done') # form['instructions'] = ('āœ…ļø Feeds have been imported') form['title'] = 'Done' form['instructions'] = ('has been completed!') message = '{} feeds have been imported.'.format(count) form.add_field(var='Message', ftype='text-single', value=message) session['payload'] = form except: session['payload'] = None text_error = ('Import failed. Filetype does not appear to be ' 'an OPML file.') session['notes'] = [['error', text_error]] else: session['payload'] = None text_error = 'Import aborted. Send URL of OPML file.' session['notes'] = [['error', text_error]] session["has_next"] = False session['next'] = None return session async def _handle_export_complete(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('result', 'Done') form['instructions'] = 'Export has been completed successfully!' # form['type'] = 'result' values = payload['values'] jid_bare = session['from'].bare if is_operator(self, jid_bare) and 'jid' in values: jid = values['jid'] jid_file = jid[0] if isinstance(jid, list) else jid else: jid_file = jid_bare # form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('result', 'Done') # form['instructions'] = ('āœ…ļø Feeds have been exported') exts = values['filetype'] for ext in exts: filename = action.export_feeds(self, jid_file, jid_file, ext) url = await XmppUpload.start(self, jid_bare, filename) chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid_bare) XmppMessage.send_oob(self, jid_bare, url, chat_type) url_field = form.add_field(var=ext.upper(), ftype='text-single', label=ext, value=url) url_field['validate']['datatype'] = 'xs:anyURI' session["has_next"] = False session['next'] = None session['payload'] = form return session # TODO Exclude feeds that are already in database or requester. # TODO Attempt to look up for feeds of hostname of JID (i.e. scan # jabber.de for feeds for juliet@jabber.de) async def _handle_promoted(self, iq, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare jid_full = str(session['from']) chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid_bare) if is_access(self, jid_bare, jid_full, chat_type): form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Subscribe') # NOTE Refresh button would be of use form['instructions'] = 'Featured subscriptions' url = action.pick_a_feed() # options = form.add_field(desc='Click to subscribe.', # ftype="boolean", # label='Subscribe to {}?'.format(url['name']), # var='choice') # form.add_field(var='subscription', # ftype='hidden', # value=url['link']) options = form.add_field(desc='Click to subscribe.', ftype="list-single", label='Subscribe', var='subscription') for i in range(10): url = action.pick_a_feed() options.addOption(url['name'], url['link']) # jid_bare = session['from'].bare if '@' in jid_bare: hostname = jid_bare.split('@')[1] url = 'http://' + hostname result = await crawl.probe_page(url) if not result: url = {'url' : url, 'index' : None, 'name' : None, 'code' : None, 'error' : True, 'exist' : False} elif isinstance(result, list): for url in result: if url['link']: options.addOption('{}\n{}'.format(url['name'], url['link']), url['link']) else: url = result # Automatically set priority to 5 (highest) if url['link']: options.addOption(url['name'], url['link']) session['allow_complete'] = False session['allow_prev'] = True # singpolyma: Don't use complete action if there may be more steps # https://gitgud.io/sjehuda/slixfeed/-/merge_requests/13 # Gajim: On next form Gajim offers no button other than "Commands". # Psi: Psi closes the dialog. # Conclusion, change session['has_next'] from False to True # session['has_next'] = False session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_subscription_new session['payload'] = form session['prev'] = self._handle_promoted else: if not is_operator(self, jid_bare): text_warn = 'This resource is restricted to operators.' elif chat_type == 'groupchat': text_warn = ('This resource is restricted to moderators of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) elif chat_type == 'error': text_warn = ('Could not determine chat type of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) else: text_warn = 'This resource is forbidden.' session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] return session async def _handle_admin_action(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) match payload['values']['action']: case 'bookmarks': form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Bookmarks') form['instructions'] = 'Managing bookmarks' options = form.add_field(desc='Select a bookmark to edit.', ftype='list-single', label='Jabber ID', required=True, var='jid') conferences = await XmppBookmark.get_bookmarks(self) for conference in conferences: options.addOption(conference['name'], conference['jid']) session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_bookmarks_edit case 'roster': form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Contacts') form['instructions'] = 'Organizing contacts' options = form.add_field(desc='Select a contact.', ftype='list-single', label='Contact', required=True, var='jid') contacts = await XmppRoster.get_contacts(self) for contact in contacts: contact_name = contacts[contact]['name'] contact_name = contact_name if contact_name else contact options.addOption(contact_name, contact) options = form.add_field(ftype='list-single', label='Action', required=True, var='action') options.addOption('Display', 'view') options.addOption('Edit', 'edit') session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_contact_action case 'subscribers': form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Subscribers') form['instructions'] = 'Committing subscriber action' options = form.add_field(ftype='list-single', label='Action', required=True, value='message', var='action') options.addOption('Request authorization From', 'from') options.addOption('Resend authorization To', 'to') options.addOption('Send message', 'message') options.addOption('Remove', 'remove') options = form.add_field(desc='Select a contact.', ftype='list-single', label='Jabber ID', required=True, var='jid') contacts = await XmppRoster.get_contacts(self) for contact in contacts: contact_name = contacts[contact]['name'] contact_name = contact_name if contact_name else contact options.addOption(contact_name, contact) form.add_field(var='subject', ftype='text-single', label='Subject') form.add_field(desc='Add a descriptive message.', ftype='text-multi', label='Message', var='message') session['allow_complete'] = True session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_subscribers_complete case 'nodes': form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'PubSub') form['instructions'] = ('Select a Publish-Subscribe service ' 'of which nodes you want to list.') # jid_bare = self.boundjid.bare # enabled_state = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'enabled') results = await XmppPubsub.get_pubsub_services(self) options = form.add_field(desc='Select a PubSub service.', ftype='list-single', label='Jabber ID', value=self.boundjid.bare, var='jid') for result in results + [{'jid' : self.boundjid.bare, 'name' : self.alias}]: name = result['name'] jid_bare = result['jid'] options.addOption(name, jid_bare) session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_nodes case 'pubsub': form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'PubSub') form['instructions'] = ('Designate Publish-Subscribe services ' 'for IoT updates, news publishing, ' 'and even for microblogging on ' 'platforms such as Libervia and Movim.') form.add_field(desc='Select PubSub services to designate.', ftype='fixed', label='Jabber ID') # jid_bare = self.boundjid.bare # enabled_state = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'enabled') results = await XmppPubsub.get_pubsub_services(self) for result in results + [{'jid' : self.boundjid.bare, 'name' : self.alias}]: jid_bare = result['jid'] name = result['name'] enabled_state = Config.get_setting_value( self.settings, jid_bare, 'enabled') form.add_field(desc=jid_bare, ftype='boolean', label=name, value=enabled_state, var=jid_bare) session['allow_complete'] = True session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_pubsubs_complete # session['allow_prev'] = True session['payload'] = form # session['prev'] = self._handle_advanced return session def _handle_nodes(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] jid = values['jid'] form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'PubSub') options = form.add_field(desc='Select a desired action.', ftype='list-single', label='Action', value='browse', var='action') options.addOption('Browse', 'browse') # options.addOption('Edit', 'edit') options.addOption('Purge', 'purge') options.addOption('Delete', 'delete') form.add_field(var='jid', ftype='hidden', value=jid) session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_nodes_action session['allow_prev'] = True session['payload'] = form session['prev'] = self._handle_advanced return session async def _handle_nodes_action(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] action = values['action'] jid = values['jid'][0] form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'PubSub') match action: case 'browse': session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_node_browse form['instructions'] = 'Browsing nodes' options = form.add_field(desc='Select a node to view.', ftype='list-single', label='Nodes', var='node') case 'delete': session['allow_complete'] = True session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_nodes_delete form['instructions'] = 'Deleting nodes' options = form.add_field(desc='Select nodes to delete.', ftype='list-multi', label='Nodes', var='nodes') case 'edit': # session['allow_complete'] = False session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_node_edit form['instructions'] = 'Editing nodes' options = form.add_field(desc='Select a node to edit.', ftype='list-single', label='Nodes', var='node') case 'purge': session['allow_complete'] = True session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_nodes_purge form['instructions'] = 'Purging nodes' options = form.add_field(desc='Select nodes to purge.', ftype='list-multi', label='Nodes', var='nodes') iq = await XmppPubsub.get_nodes(self, jid) nodes = iq['disco_items'] for node in nodes: node_id = node['node'] node_name = node['name'] options.addOption(node_name, node_id) form.add_field(var='jid', ftype='hidden', value=jid) session['allow_prev'] = True session['payload'] = form return session async def _handle_node_browse(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] jid = values['jid'][0] node = values['node'] form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'PubSub') form['instructions'] = 'Browsing node items' options = form.add_field(desc='Select an item to view.', ftype='list-single', label='Items', var='item_id') iq = await XmppPubsub.get_items(self, jid, node) items = iq['pubsub']['items'] for item in items: item_id = item['id'] item_name = item_id options.addOption(item_name, item_id) form.add_field(var='jid', ftype='hidden', value=jid) form.add_field(var='node', ftype='hidden', value=node) session['next'] = self._handle_item_view session['payload'] = form return session async def _handle_item_view(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] item_id = values['item_id'] jid = values['jid'][0] node = values['node'][0] iq = await XmppPubsub.get_item(self, jid, node, item_id) form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'PubSub') # for item in iq['pubsub']['items']['substanzas']: # for item in iq['pubsub']['items']: # item['payload'] content = '' # TODO Check whether element of type Atom atom_entry = iq['pubsub']['items']['item']['payload'] for element in atom_entry: if element.text: content += element.text + '\n\n' # content += action.remove_html_tags(element.text) + '\n\n' if element.attrib: for i in element.attrib: content += element.attrib[i] + '\n\n' # if element.text: content += element.text + '\n\n' form.add_field(ftype="text-multi", label='Content', value=content) session['allow_prev'] = True session['payload'] = form return session async def _handle_node_edit(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] jid = values['jid'][0] node = values['node'] properties = await XmppPubsub.get_node_properties(self, jid, node) form['instructions'] = 'Editing bookmark' jid_split = properties['jid'].split('@') room = jid_split[0] host = jid_split[1] options = form.addField(var='jid', ftype='list-single', label='Jabber ID', value=jid_bare) options.addOption(jid_bare, jid_bare) form.addField(var='alias', ftype='text-single', label='Alias', value=properties['nick'], required=True) form.addField(var='name', ftype='text-single', label='Name', value=properties['name'], required=True) form.addField(var='room', ftype='text-single', label='Room', value=room, required=True) form.addField(var='host', ftype='text-single', label='Host', value=host, required=True) form.addField(var='password', ftype='text-private', label='Password', value=properties['password']) form.addField(var='language', ftype='text-single', label='Language', value=properties['lang']) form.add_field(var='autojoin', ftype='boolean', label='Auto-join', value=properties['autojoin']) async def _handle_nodes_purge(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] jid = values['jid'][0] nodes = values['nodes'] for node in nodes: XmppPubsub.purge_node(self, jid, node) form = payload form['title'] = 'Done' session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['info', 'Nodes have been purged!']] session['payload'] = form return session async def _handle_nodes_delete(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] jid = values['jid'][0] nodes = values['nodes'] for node in nodes: XmppPubsub.delete_node(self, jid, node) form = payload form['title'] = 'Done' session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['info', 'Nodes have been deleted!']] session['payload'] = form return session async def _handle_pubsubs_complete(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] print(self.settings) for key in values: if key: jid_bare = key value = values[key] jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) if jid_bare not in self.settings: Config.add_settings_jid(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file) await Config.set_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file, 'enabled', value) print(self.settings) text_note = 'Done.' session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = None session['notes'] = [['info', text_note]] session['payload'] = None return session async def _handle_subscribers_complete(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] jid_bare = values['jid'] value_subject = values['subject'] message_subject = value_subject if value_subject else None value_message = values['message'] message_body = value_message if value_message else None match values['action']: case 'from': XmppPresence.subscription(self, jid_bare, 'subscribe') if not message_subject: message_subject = 'System Message' if not message_body: message_body = ('This user wants to subscribe to your ' 'presence. Click the button labelled ' '"Add/Auth" toauthorize the subscription. ' 'This will also add the person to your ' 'contact list if it is not already there.') case 'remove': XmppRoster.remove(self, jid_bare) if not message_subject: message_subject = 'System Message' if not message_body: message_body = 'Your authorization has been removed!' case 'to': XmppPresence.subscription(self, jid_bare, 'subscribed') if not message_subject: message_subject = 'System Message' if not message_body: message_body = 'Your authorization has been approved!' if message_subject: XmppMessage.send_headline(self, jid_bare, message_subject, message_body, 'chat') elif message_body: XmppMessage.send(self, jid_bare, message_body, 'chat') form = payload form['title'] = 'Done' form['instructions'] = ('has been completed!') # session["has_next"] = False session['next'] = None session['payload'] = form return session async def _handle_contact_action(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] jid_bare = values['jid'] form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Contacts') session['allow_complete'] = True roster = await XmppRoster.get_contacts(self) properties = roster[jid_bare] match values['action']: case 'edit': form['instructions'] = 'Editing contact' options = form.add_field(var='jid', ftype='list-single', label='Jabber ID', value=jid_bare) options.addOption(jid_bare, jid_bare) form.add_field(var='name', ftype='text-single', label='Name', value=properties['name']) session['allow_complete'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_contacts_complete case 'view': form['instructions'] = 'Viewing contact' contact_name = properties['name'] contact_name = contact_name if contact_name else jid_bare form.add_field(var='name', ftype='text-single', label='Name', value=properties['name']) form.add_field(var='from', ftype='boolean', label='From', value=properties['from']) form.add_field(var='to', ftype='boolean', label='To', value=properties['to']) form.add_field(var='pending_in', ftype='boolean', label='Pending in', value=properties['pending_in']) form.add_field(var='pending_out', ftype='boolean', label='Pending out', value=properties['pending_out']) form.add_field(var='whitelisted', ftype='boolean', label='Whitelisted', value=properties['whitelisted']) form.add_field(var='subscription', ftype='fixed', label='Subscription', value=properties['subscription']) session['allow_complete'] = None session['next'] = None # session['allow_complete'] = True session['allow_prev'] = True session['has_next'] = False # session['next'] = None session['payload'] = form session['prev'] = self._handle_contacts_complete return session def _handle_contacts_complete(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) values = payload['values'] jid_bare = values['jid'] name = values['name'] name_old = XmppRoster.get_contact_name(self, jid_bare) if name == name_old: message = ('No action has been taken. Reason: New ' 'name is identical to the current one.') session['payload'] = None session['notes'] = [['info', message]] else: XmppRoster.set_contact_name(self, jid_bare, name) form = payload form['title'] = 'Done' form['instructions'] = ('has been completed!') session['payload'] = form session['next'] = None return session async def _handle_bookmarks_edit(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = payload['values']['jid'] properties = await XmppBookmark.get_bookmark_properties(self, jid_bare) form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Bookmarks') form['instructions'] = 'Editing bookmark' jid_split = properties['jid'].split('@') room = jid_split[0] host = jid_split[1] options = form.addField(var='jid', ftype='list-single', label='Jabber ID', value=jid_bare) options.addOption(jid_bare, jid_bare) form.addField(var='alias', ftype='text-single', label='Alias', value=properties['nick'], required=True) form.addField(var='name', ftype='text-single', label='Name', value=properties['name'], required=True) form.addField(var='room', ftype='text-single', label='Room', value=room, required=True) form.addField(var='host', ftype='text-single', label='Host', value=host, required=True) form.addField(var='password', ftype='text-private', label='Password', value=properties['password']) form.addField(var='language', ftype='text-single', label='Language', value=properties['lang']) form.add_field(var='autojoin', ftype='boolean', label='Auto-join', value=properties['autojoin']) # options = form.add_field(var='action', # ftype='list-single', # label='Action', # value='join') # options.addOption('Add', 'add') # options.addOption('Join', 'join') # options.addOption('Remove', 'remove') session['allow_complete'] = True # session['allow_prev'] = True session['has_next'] = False session['next'] = self._handle_bookmarks_complete session['payload'] = form # session['prev'] = self._handle_admin_action # FIXME (1) Not realized (2) Should be _handle_advanced return session async def _handle_bookmarks_complete(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('result', 'Done') form['instructions'] = ('Bookmark has been saved') values = payload['values'] await XmppBookmark.add(self, properties=values) for i in values: key = str(i) val = str(values[i]) if val and key == 'password': val = '**********' # if not val: val = 'None' # form_type = 'text-single' if key != 'password' else 'text-private' if val: form.add_field(var=key, ftype='text-single', label=key.capitalize(), value=val) session['next'] = None session['payload'] = form # session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] return session async def _handle_settings(self, iq, session): """ Respond to the initial request for a command. Arguments: iq -- The iq stanza containing the command request. session -- A dictionary of data relevant to the command session. Additional, custom data may be saved here to persist across handler callbacks. """ jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid_bare) if is_access(self, jid_bare, jid_full, chat_type): jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) if jid_bare not in self.settings: Config.add_settings_jid(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file) form = self['xep_0004'].make_form('form', 'Settings') form['instructions'] = 'Editing settings of {}'.format(jid_bare) value = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'enabled') value = str(value) value = int(value) if value: value = True else: value = False form.add_field(desc='Enable news updates.', ftype='boolean', label='Enabled', value=value, var='enabled') value = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'media') value = str(value) value = int(value) if value: value = True else: value = False form.add_field(desc='Send audio, images or videos if found.', ftype='boolean', label='Display media', value=value, var='media') value = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'old') value = str(value) value = int(value) if value: value = True else: value = False form.add_field(desc='Treat all items of newly added subscriptions ' 'as new.', ftype='boolean', # label='Send only new items', label='Include old news', value=value, var='old') value = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'interval') value = str(value) value = int(value) value = value/60 value = int(value) value = str(value) options = form.add_field(desc='Interval update (in hours).', ftype='list-single', label='Interval', value=value, var='interval') options['validate']['datatype'] = 'xs:integer' options['validate']['range'] = { 'minimum': 1, 'maximum': 48 } i = 1 while i <= 48: x = str(i) options.addOption(x, x) if i >= 12: i += 6 else: i += 1 value = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'quantum') value = str(value) options = form.add_field(desc='Amount of items per update.', ftype='list-single', label='Amount', value=value, var='quantum') options['validate']['datatype'] = 'xs:integer' options['validate']['range'] = { 'minimum': 1, 'maximum': 5 } i = 1 while i <= 5: x = str(i) options.addOption(x, x) i += 1 value = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'archive') value = str(value) options = form.add_field(desc='Number of news items to archive.', ftype='list-single', label='Archive', value=value, var='archive') options['validate']['datatype'] = 'xs:integer' options['validate']['range'] = { 'minimum': 0, 'maximum': 500 } i = 0 while i <= 500: x = str(i) options.addOption(x, x) i += 50 session['allow_complete'] = True # session['has_next'] = True session['next'] = self._handle_settings_complete session['payload'] = form else: if not is_operator(self, jid_bare): text_warn = 'This resource is restricted to operators.' elif chat_type == 'groupchat': text_warn = ('This resource is restricted to moderators of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) elif chat_type == 'error': text_warn = ('Could not determine chat type of {}.' .format(jid_bare)) else: text_warn = 'This resource is forbidden.' session['notes'] = [['warn', text_warn]] return session async def _handle_settings_complete(self, payload, session): jid_full = str(session['from']) function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: jid_full: {}' .format(function_name, jid_full)) jid_bare = session['from'].bare jid_file = jid_bare db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file) if jid_bare not in self.settings: Config.add_settings_jid(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file) # In this case (as is typical), the payload is a form values = payload['values'] for key in values: val = values[key] if key in ('enabled', 'media', 'old'): if val == True: val = 1 elif val == False: val = 0 if key in ('archive', 'interval', 'quantum'): val = int(val) if key == 'interval': if val < 1: val = 1 val = val * 60 is_enabled = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'enabled') if (key == 'enabled' and val == 1 and str(is_enabled) == 0): logger.info('Slixfeed has been enabled for {}'.format(jid_bare)) status_type = 'available' status_message = 'šŸ“«ļø Welcome back!' XmppPresence.send(self, jid_bare, status_message, status_type=status_type) await asyncio.sleep(5) key_list = ['check', 'status', 'interval'] await task.start_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare, key_list) if (key == 'enabled' and val == 0 and str(is_enabled) == 1): logger.info('Slixfeed has been disabled for {}'.format(jid_bare)) key_list = ['interval', 'status'] task.clean_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare, key_list) status_type = 'xa' status_message = 'šŸ“Ŗļø Send "Start" to receive updates' XmppPresence.send(self, jid_bare, status_message, status_type=status_type) await Config.set_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file, key, val) val = self.settings[jid_bare][key] # if key == 'enabled': # if str(setting.enabled) == 0: # status_type = 'available' # status_message = 'šŸ“«ļø Welcome back!' # XmppPresence.send(self, jid, status_message, # status_type=status_type) # await asyncio.sleep(5) # await task.start_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid, ['check', 'status', # 'interval']) # else: # task.clean_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid, ['interval', 'status']) # status_type = 'xa' # status_message = 'šŸ“Ŗļø Send "Start" to receive Jabber updates' # XmppPresence.send(self, jid, status_message, # status_type=status_type) if key in ('enabled', 'media', 'old'): if val == '1': val = 'Yes' elif val == '0': val = 'No' if key == 'interval': val = int(val) val = val/60 val = int(val) val = str(val) # match value: # case 'enabled': # pass # case 'interval': # pass # result = '{}: {}'.format(key.capitalize(), val) # form.add_field(var=key, # ftype='fixed', # label=result) form = payload form['title'] = 'Done' form['instructions'] = 'has been completed!' # session['allow_complete'] = True # session['has_next'] = False # session['next'] = self._handle_profile session['payload'] = form return session