Add functionality for handling with PubSub nodes;
Add functionality to submit items from database to PubSub nodes; Change the fashion by which items are sent; Fix minor issues.
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 2853 additions and 1964 deletions
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ TODO
from asyncio.exceptions import IncompleteReadError
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from feedparser import parse
import hashlib
from http.client import IncompleteRead
import json
from slixfeed.log import Logger
@ -39,7 +40,6 @@ import slixfeed.crawl as crawl
import slixfeed.dt as dt
import slixfeed.fetch as fetch
import slixfeed.sqlite as sqlite
import slixfeed.url as uri
from slixfeed.url import (
@ -56,10 +56,11 @@ from slixfeed.xmpp.presence import XmppPresence
from slixfeed.xmpp.publish import XmppPubsub
from slixfeed.xmpp.upload import XmppUpload
from slixfeed.xmpp.utility import get_chat_type
from slixmpp.xmlstream import ET
import sys
from urllib import error
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlsplit
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETR
import tomllib
@ -174,10 +175,7 @@ async def xmpp_send_status_message(self, jid):
jid_file = jid.replace('/', '_')
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
enabled = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid, 'enabled')
if not enabled:
status_mode = 'xa'
status_text = '📪️ Send "Start" to receive updates'
if enabled:
jid_task = self.pending_tasks[jid]
if len(jid_task):
status_mode = 'dnd'
@ -202,7 +200,9 @@ async def xmpp_send_status_message(self, jid):
status_mode = 'available'
status_text = '📭️ No news'
status_mode = 'xa'
status_text = '📪️ Send "Start" to receive updates'
# breakpoint()
# print(await current_time(), status_text, "for", jid)
XmppPresence.send(self, jid, status_text, status_type=status_mode)
@ -215,69 +215,267 @@ async def xmpp_send_status_message(self, jid):
# )
async def xmpp_send_pubsub(self, jid_bare, num=None):
async def xmpp_pubsub_send_selected_entry(self, jid_bare, jid_file, node_id, entry_id):
function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
logger.debug('{}: jid_bare: {} jid_file: {}'.format(function_name, jid_bare, jid_file))
# jid_file = jid_bare.replace('/', '_')
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
report = {}
if jid_bare == self.boundjid.bare:
node_id = 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0'
node_subtitle = None
node_title = None
feed_id = sqlite.get_feed_id_by_entry_index(db_file, entry_id)
feed_id = feed_id[0]
feed_properties = sqlite.get_feed_properties(db_file, feed_id)
node_id = feed_properties[2]
node_title = feed_properties[3]
node_subtitle = feed_properties[5]
xep = None
iq_create_node = XmppPubsub.create_node(
self, jid_bare, node_id, xep, node_title, node_subtitle)
await XmppIQ.send(self, iq_create_node)
entry = sqlite.get_entry_properties(db_file, entry_id)
entry_dict = pack_entry_into_dict(db_file, entry)
node_item = create_rfc4287_entry(entry_dict)
entry_url = entry_dict['link']
item_id = hash_url_to_md5(entry_url)
iq_create_entry = XmppPubsub.create_entry(
self, jid_bare, node_id, item_id, node_item)
await XmppIQ.send(self, iq_create_entry)
await sqlite.mark_as_read(db_file, entry_id)
report = entry_url
return report
async def xmpp_pubsub_send_unread_items(self, jid_bare):
function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
logger.debug('{}: jid_bare: {}'.format(function_name, jid_bare))
jid_file = jid_bare.replace('/', '_')
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
enabled = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid_bare, 'enabled')
if enabled:
if num: counter = 0
report = {}
subscriptions = sqlite.get_active_feeds_url(db_file)
for url in subscriptions:
url = url[0]
if jid_bare == self.boundjid.bare:
node = 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0'
feed_title = None
feed_subtitle = None
feed_id = sqlite.get_feed_id(db_file, url)
feed_id = feed_id[0]
feed_title = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, feed_id)
feed_title = feed_title[0]
feed_subtitle = sqlite.get_feed_subtitle(db_file, feed_id)
feed_subtitle = feed_subtitle[0]
node = sqlite.get_feed_identifier(db_file, feed_id)
node = node[0]
xep = None
iq_create_node = XmppPubsub.create_node(
self, jid_bare, node, xep, feed_title, feed_subtitle)
await XmppIQ.send(self, iq_create_node)
entries = sqlite.get_unread_entries_of_feed(db_file, feed_id)
feed_properties = sqlite.get_feed_properties(db_file, feed_id)
feed_version = feed_properties[2]
# if num and counter < num:
report[url] = len(entries)
for entry in entries:
feed_entry = {'authors' : entry[3],
'content' : entry[6],
'content_type' : entry[7],
'contact' : entry[4],
'contributors' : entry[5],
'summary' : entry[8],
'summary_type' : entry[9],
'enclosures' : entry[13],
'language' : entry[10],
'link' : entry[2],
'links' : entry[11],
'published' : entry[15],
'tags' : entry[12],
'title' : entry[1],
'updated' : entry[16]}
iq_create_entry = XmppPubsub.create_entry(
self, jid_bare, node, feed_entry, feed_version)
await XmppIQ.send(self, iq_create_entry)
ix = entry[0]
await sqlite.mark_as_read(db_file, ix)
# counter += 1
# if num and counter > num: break
return report
report = {}
subscriptions = sqlite.get_active_feeds_url(db_file)
for url in subscriptions:
url = url[0]
if jid_bare == self.boundjid.bare:
node_id = 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0'
node_subtitle = None
node_title = None
# feed_id = sqlite.get_feed_id(db_file, url)
# feed_id = feed_id[0]
# feed_properties = sqlite.get_feed_properties(db_file, feed_id)
# node_id = feed_properties[2]
# node_title = feed_properties[3]
# node_subtitle = feed_properties[5]
feed_id = sqlite.get_feed_id(db_file, url)
feed_id = feed_id[0]
node_id = sqlite.get_feed_identifier(db_file, feed_id)
node_id = node_id[0]
node_title = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, feed_id)
node_title = node_title[0]
node_subtitle = sqlite.get_feed_subtitle(db_file, feed_id)
node_subtitle = node_subtitle[0]
xep = None
iq_create_node = XmppPubsub.create_node(
self, jid_bare, node_id, xep, node_title, node_subtitle)
await XmppIQ.send(self, iq_create_node)
entries = sqlite.get_unread_entries_of_feed(db_file, feed_id)
report[url] = len(entries)
for entry in entries:
feed_entry = pack_entry_into_dict(db_file, entry)
node_entry = create_rfc4287_entry(feed_entry)
entry_url = feed_entry['link']
item_id = hash_url_to_md5(entry_url)
iq_create_entry = XmppPubsub.create_entry(
self, jid_bare, node_id, item_id, node_entry)
await XmppIQ.send(self, iq_create_entry)
ix = entry[0]
await sqlite.mark_as_read(db_file, ix)
return report
async def xmpp_send_message(self, jid, num=None):
def pack_entry_into_dict(db_file, entry):
entry_id = entry[0]
authors = sqlite.get_authors_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id)
entry_authors = []
for author in authors:
entry_author = {
'name': author[2],
'email': author[3],
'url': author[4]}
contributors = sqlite.get_contributors_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id)
entry_contributors = []
for contributor in contributors:
entry_contributor = {
'name': contributor[2],
'email': contributor[3],
'url': contributor[4]}
links = sqlite.get_links_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id)
entry_links = []
for link in links:
entry_link = {
'url': link[2],
'type': link[3],
'rel': link[4],
'size': link[5]}
tags = sqlite.get_tags_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id)
entry_tags = []
for tag in tags:
entry_tag = {
'term': tag[2],
'scheme': tag[3],
'label': tag[4]}
contents = sqlite.get_contents_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id)
entry_contents = []
for content in contents:
entry_content = {
'text': content[2],
'type': content[3],
'base': content[4],
'lang': content[5]}
feed_entry = {
'authors' : entry_authors,
'category' : entry[10],
'comments' : entry[12],
'contents' : entry_contents,
'contributors' : entry_contributors,
'summary_base' : entry[9],
'summary_lang' : entry[7],
'summary_text' : entry[6],
'summary_type' : entry[8],
'enclosures' : entry[13],
'href' : entry[11],
'link' : entry[3],
'links' : entry_links,
'published' : entry[14],
'rating' : entry[13],
'tags' : entry_tags,
'title' : entry[4],
'title_type' : entry[3],
'updated' : entry[15]}
return feed_entry
# NOTE Warning: Entry might not have a link
# TODO Handle situation error
def hash_url_to_md5(url):
url_encoded = url.encode()
url_hashed = hashlib.md5(url_encoded)
url_digest = url_hashed.hexdigest()
return url_digest
def create_rfc4287_entry(feed_entry):
node_entry = ET.Element('entry')
node_entry.set('xmlns', '')
# Title
title = ET.SubElement(node_entry, 'title')
if feed_entry['title']:
if feed_entry['title_type']: title.set('type', feed_entry['title_type'])
title.text = feed_entry['title']
elif feed_entry['summary_text']:
if feed_entry['summary_type']: title.set('type', feed_entry['summary_type'])
title.text = feed_entry['summary_text']
# if feed_entry['summary_base']: title.set('base', feed_entry['summary_base'])
# if feed_entry['summary_lang']: title.set('lang', feed_entry['summary_lang'])
title.text = feed_entry['published']
# Some feeds have identical content for contents and summary
# So if content is present, do not add summary
if feed_entry['contents']:
# Content
for feed_entry_content in feed_entry['contents']:
content = ET.SubElement(node_entry, 'content')
# if feed_entry_content['base']: content.set('base', feed_entry_content['base'])
if feed_entry_content['lang']: content.set('lang', feed_entry_content['lang'])
if feed_entry_content['type']: content.set('type', feed_entry_content['type'])
content.text = feed_entry_content['text']
# Summary
summary = ET.SubElement(node_entry, 'summary') # TODO Try 'content'
# if feed_entry['summary_base']: summary.set('base', feed_entry['summary_base'])
# TODO Check realization of "lang"
if feed_entry['summary_type']: summary.set('type', feed_entry['summary_type'])
if feed_entry['summary_lang']: summary.set('lang', feed_entry['summary_lang'])
summary.text = feed_entry['summary_text']
# Authors
for feed_entry_author in feed_entry['authors']:
author = ET.SubElement(node_entry, 'author')
name = ET.SubElement(author, 'name')
name.text = feed_entry_author['name']
if feed_entry_author['url']:
uri = ET.SubElement(author, 'uri')
uri.text = feed_entry_author['url']
if feed_entry_author['email']:
email = ET.SubElement(author, 'email')
email.text = feed_entry_author['email']
# Contributors
for feed_entry_contributor in feed_entry['contributors']:
contributor = ET.SubElement(node_entry, 'author')
name = ET.SubElement(contributor, 'name')
name.text = feed_entry_contributor['name']
if feed_entry_contributor['url']:
uri = ET.SubElement(contributor, 'uri')
uri.text = feed_entry_contributor['url']
if feed_entry_contributor['email']:
email = ET.SubElement(contributor, 'email')
email.text = feed_entry_contributor['email']
# Category
category = ET.SubElement(node_entry, "category")
category.set('category', feed_entry['category'])
# Tags
for feed_entry_tag in feed_entry['tags']:
tag = ET.SubElement(node_entry, 'category')
tag.set('term', feed_entry_tag['term'])
# Link
link = ET.SubElement(node_entry, "link")
link.set('href', feed_entry['link'])
# Links
for feed_entry_link in feed_entry['links']:
link = ET.SubElement(node_entry, "link")
link.set('href', feed_entry_link['url'])
link.set('type', feed_entry_link['type'])
link.set('rel', feed_entry_link['rel'])
# Date updated
if feed_entry['updated']:
updated = ET.SubElement(node_entry, 'updated')
updated.text = feed_entry['updated']
# Date published
if feed_entry['published']:
published = ET.SubElement(node_entry, 'published')
published.text = feed_entry['published']
return node_entry
async def xmpp_chat_send_unread_items(self, jid, num=None):
Send news items as messages.
@ -292,56 +490,54 @@ async def xmpp_send_message(self, jid, num=None):
logger.debug('{}: jid: {} num: {}'.format(function_name, jid, num))
jid_file = jid.replace('/', '_')
db_file = config.get_pathname_to_database(jid_file)
enabled = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid, 'enabled')
if enabled:
show_media = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid, 'media')
if not num:
num = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid, 'quantum')
num = int(num)
results = sqlite.get_unread_entries(db_file, num)
news_digest = ''
media = None
chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid)
for result in results:
ix = result[0]
title_e = result[1]
url = result[2]
summary = result[3]
feed_id = result[4]
date = result[5]
enclosure = sqlite.get_enclosure_by_entry_id(db_file, ix)
if enclosure: enclosure = enclosure[0]
title_f = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, feed_id)
title_f = title_f[0]
news_digest += await list_unread_entries(self, result, title_f, jid)
# print(db_file)
# print(result[0])
# breakpoint()
await sqlite.mark_as_read(db_file, ix)
show_media = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid, 'media')
if not num:
num = Config.get_setting_value(self.settings, jid, 'quantum')
num = int(num)
results = sqlite.get_unread_entries(db_file, num)
news_digest = ''
media = None
chat_type = await get_chat_type(self, jid)
for result in results:
ix = result[0]
title_e = result[1]
url = result[2]
summary = result[3]
feed_id = result[4]
date = result[5]
enclosure = sqlite.get_enclosure_by_entry_id(db_file, ix)
if enclosure: enclosure = enclosure[0]
title_f = sqlite.get_feed_title(db_file, feed_id)
title_f = title_f[0]
news_digest += await list_unread_entries(self, result, title_f, jid)
# print(db_file)
# print(result[0])
# breakpoint()
await sqlite.mark_as_read(db_file, ix)
# Find media
# if url.startswith("magnet:"):
# media = action.get_magnet(url)
# elif enclosure.startswith("magnet:"):
# media = action.get_magnet(enclosure)
# elif enclosure:
if show_media:
if enclosure:
media = enclosure
media = await extract_image_from_html(url)
if media and news_digest:
# Send textual message
XmppMessage.send(self, jid, news_digest, chat_type)
news_digest = ''
# Send media
XmppMessage.send_oob(self, jid, media, chat_type)
media = None
if news_digest:
# Find media
# if url.startswith("magnet:"):
# media = action.get_magnet(url)
# elif enclosure.startswith("magnet:"):
# media = action.get_magnet(enclosure)
# elif enclosure:
if show_media:
if enclosure:
media = enclosure
media = await extract_image_from_html(url)
if media and news_digest:
# Send textual message
XmppMessage.send(self, jid, news_digest, chat_type)
news_digest = ''
# Send media
XmppMessage.send_oob(self, jid, media, chat_type)
media = None
if news_digest:
XmppMessage.send(self, jid, news_digest, chat_type)
# TODO Add while loop to assure delivery.
# print(await current_time(), ">>> ACT send_message",jid)
# NOTE Do we need "if statement"? See NOTE at is_muc.
@ -807,25 +1003,25 @@ def export_to_opml(jid, filename, results):
function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
logger.debug('{} jid: {} filename: {}'
.format(function_name, jid, filename))
root = ET.Element("opml")
root = ETR.Element("opml")
root.set("version", "1.0")
head = ET.SubElement(root, "head")
ET.SubElement(head, "title").text = "{}".format(jid)
ET.SubElement(head, "description").text = (
head = ETR.SubElement(root, "head")
ETR.SubElement(head, "title").text = "{}".format(jid)
ETR.SubElement(head, "description").text = (
"Set of subscriptions exported by Slixfeed")
ET.SubElement(head, "generator").text = "Slixfeed"
ET.SubElement(head, "urlPublic").text = (
ETR.SubElement(head, "generator").text = "Slixfeed"
ETR.SubElement(head, "urlPublic").text = (
time_stamp = dt.current_time()
ET.SubElement(head, "dateCreated").text = time_stamp
ET.SubElement(head, "dateModified").text = time_stamp
body = ET.SubElement(root, "body")
ETR.SubElement(head, "dateCreated").text = time_stamp
ETR.SubElement(head, "dateModified").text = time_stamp
body = ETR.SubElement(root, "body")
for result in results:
outline = ET.SubElement(body, "outline")
outline = ETR.SubElement(body, "outline")
outline.set("text", result[1])
outline.set("xmlUrl", result[2])
# outline.set("type", result[2])
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
tree = ETR.ElementTree(root)
@ -835,7 +1031,7 @@ async def import_opml(db_file, result):
.format(function_name, db_file))
if not result['error']:
document = result['content']
root = ET.fromstring(document)
root = ETR.fromstring(document)
before = sqlite.get_number_of_items(db_file, 'feeds_properties')
feeds = []
for child in root.findall(".//outline"):
@ -1789,6 +1985,9 @@ def generate_txt(text, filename):
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
# This works too
# ''.join(xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(text).itertext())
def remove_html_tags(data):
function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ subtitle = "Slixfeed, slixmpp and more"
name = "Slixfeed"
about = "XMPP news bot"
desc = "XMPP news bot"
info = ["""
Slixfeed is a news broker bot for syndicated news which aims to be \
an easy to use and fully-featured news aggregating bot.
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ url = ""
name = "slixmpp"
about = "Slixmpp XMPP Library"
desc = "XMPP library"
info = ["""
Slixmpp is an MIT licensed XMPP library for Python 3.7+. It is a fork of \
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ url = ""
name = "SleekXMPP"
about = "SleekXMPP XMPP Library"
desc = "XMPP library"
info = ["""
SleekXMPP is an MIT licensed XMPP library for Python 2.6/3.1+, and is \
featured in examples in the book XMPP: The Definitive Guide by Kevin Smith, \
@ -57,18 +57,22 @@ url = ""
name = "XMPP"
about = "Previously known as Jabber"
desc = "Messaging protocol (also known as Jabber)"
info = ["""
XMPP is the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol, a set of open \
technologies for instant messaging, presence, multi-party chat, voice and \
video calls, collaboration, lightweight middleware, content syndication, and \
generalized routing of XML data.
video calls, collaboration, lightweight middleware, content syndication, \
and generalized routing of XML data.
XMPP was originally developed in the Jabber open-source community to \
provide an open, decentralized alternative to the closed instant messaging \
services at that time.
url = ""
name = "RSS Task Force"
about = "Swiss Organization"
desc = "Swiss organization"
info = ["""
The RSS Task Force (previously known as The Syndication Society) is an \
international organization headquartered in Switzerland.
@ -117,17 +121,17 @@ title = "Contributors"
subtitle = "People who have contributed to Slixfeed"
name = "grym from #python"
name = "grym from IRC channel #python"
role = "Contributor"
info = ["""
Correcting code structure to be better prepared for packaging 18c93083.
Correcting code structure to be better prepared for packaging (18c93083).
name = "Guus der Kinderen"
role = "XMPP server administrator"
info = ["""
Providing OpenFire server for testing various of features.
Providing an Openfire server for testing various of features.
XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe
XEP-0114: Jabber Component Protocol
@ -139,7 +143,7 @@ url = ""
name = "Simone (roughnecks) Canaletti"
role = "XMPP server administrator"
info = ["""
Providing Prosody server and Movim instance for testing PubSub.
Providing a Prosody server and a Movim instance for testing PubSub.
XEP-0472: Pubsub Social Feed
@ -616,7 +620,7 @@ All your data belongs to us.
title = "Recommended Clients"
title = "Clients"
subtitle = """
As a chat bot, Slixfeed works with any XMPP messenger, yet we have deemed it \
appropriate to list the software that work best with Slixfeed, namely those \
@ -625,8 +629,14 @@ that provide support for XEP-0050: Ad-Hoc Commands.
name = "Cheogram"
info = "XMPP client for mobile"
desc = "XMPP client for mobile"
info = ["""
The Cheogram Android app allows you to join a worldwide communication network. \
It especially focuses on features useful to users who want to contact those on \
other networks as well, such as SMS-enabled phone numbers.
url = ""
platform = "Android"
# [[clients]]
# name = "Conversations"
@ -635,8 +645,13 @@ url = ""
name = "Converse"
info = "XMPP client for desktop and mobile"
desc = "XMPP client for desktop and mobile"
info = ["""
Converse is a free and open-source XMPP chat client that runs in a web browser \
or on your desktop.
url = ""
platform = "HTML (Web)"
# [[clients]]
# name = "Gajim"
@ -650,13 +665,31 @@ url = ""
name = "monocles chat"
info = "XMPP client for mobile"
desc = "XMPP client for mobile"
info = """
monocles chat is a modern and secure Android XMPP chat client. Based on \
|||| and Conversations with a lot of changes and additional features \
to improve usability and security.
url = ""
platform = "Android"
name = "Movim"
info = "XMPP client for desktop and mobile"
desc = "XMPP client for desktop and mobile"
info = ["""
Movim is a social and chat platform that acts as a frontend for the XMPP network.
Once deployed Movim offers a complete social and chat experience for the \
decentralized XMPP network users. It can easily connect to several XMPP \
servers at the same time.
With a simple configuration it can also be restricted to one XMPP server \
and will then act as a powerful frontend for it. Movim is fully compatible \
with the most used XMPP servers such as ejabberd or Prosody.
url = ""
platform = "HTML (Web)"
# [[clients]]
# name = "Moxxy"
@ -665,18 +698,50 @@ url = ""
name = "Poezio"
info = "XMPP client for console"
desc = "XMPP client for console"
info = ["""
Poezio is a free console XMPP client (the protocol on which the Jabber IM \
network is built).
Its goal is to let you connect very easily (no account creation needed) to \
the network and join various chatrooms, immediately. It tries to look like \
the most famous IRC clients (weechat, irssi, etc). Many commands are identical \
and you won't be lost if you already know these clients. Configuration can be \
made in a configuration file or directly from the client.
url = ""
platform = "FreeBSD and Linux"
name = "Psi"
info = "XMPP client for desktop"
desc = "XMPP client for desktop"
info = ["""
Instant messaging as free and open as it should be.
Psi is a free instant messaging application designed for the XMPP network. \
Fast and lightweight, Psi is fully open-source and compatible with Windows, \
Linux, and macOS.
With Psi's full Unicode support and localizations, easy file transfers, \
customizable iconsets, and many other great features, you'll learn why users \
around the world are making the switch to free, open instant messaging.
url = ""
platform = "Any"
name = "Psi+"
info = "XMPP client for desktop"
desc = "XMPP client for desktop"
info = ["""
In 2009 a Psi fork named Psi+ was started. Project purpose are: implementation \
of new features, writing of patches and plugins for transferring them to upstream. \
As of 2017 the most of active Psi+ developers have become official Psi developers, \
but Psi+ still has a number of unique features. From developers point of view Psi+ \
is just a development branch of Psi IM client which is hosted at separate git \
repositories and for which rolling release development model is used.
url = ""
platform = "Any"
# [[clients]]
# name = "Swift"
@ -689,7 +754,7 @@ url = ""
# url = ""
title = "Recommended News Services"
title = "Online Services"
subtitle = ["""
Below are online services that extend the syndication experience by means \
of bookmarking and multimedia, and also enhance it by restoring access to \
@ -706,7 +771,7 @@ link = ""
name = "Kill the Newsletter"
info = "Kill the Newsletter converts email newsletters into Web feeds."
info = ["Kill the Newsletter converts email newsletters into Web feeds."]
link = ""
@ -737,7 +802,7 @@ It's capable of generating RSS feeds from pretty much everything.
link = ""
title = "Recommended News Software"
title = "News Software"
subtitle = ["""
Take back control of your news. With free, quality, software for your \
desktop, home and mobile devices.
@ -749,7 +814,7 @@ info = ["""
A self-hosted RSS reader, based on Dropwizard and React/TypeScript.
link = ""
os = "Any (HTML)"
platform = "HTML (Web)"
name = "FreshRSS"
@ -758,7 +823,7 @@ FreshRSS is a self-hosted RSS and Atom feed aggregator.
It is lightweight, easy to work with, powerful, and customizable.
link = ""
os = "Any (HTML)"
platform = "HTML (Web)"
name = "Liferea"
@ -769,7 +834,7 @@ it easy to organize and browse feeds. Its GUI is similar to a desktop \
mail/news client, with an embedded web browser.
link = ""
os = "FreeBSD and Linux"
platform = "FreeBSD and Linux"
name = "NetNewsWire"
@ -787,7 +852,7 @@ can switch to NetNewsWire to get news directly and more reliably from the \
sites you trust.
link = ""
os = "MacOS"
platform = "MacOS"
name = "Newsboat"
@ -796,7 +861,7 @@ Newsboat is an RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console. It’s an actively \
maintained fork of Newsbeuter
link = ""
os = "Any"
platform = "HTML (Web)"
name = "Spot-On"
@ -806,7 +871,7 @@ search and other forms of communications into a single communications \
link = ""
os = "Any"
platform = "Any"
name = "Vienna RSS"
@ -816,7 +881,7 @@ help you make sense of the flood of information that is distributed via \
these formats today.
link = ""
os = "MacOS"
platform = "MacOS"
title = "Useful Resources"
@ -824,15 +889,34 @@ subtitle = "Technologies which Slixfeed is based upon"
name = "feedparser"
info = "Syndication Library"
info = "Syndication library"
desc = "Parse Atom and RSS feeds in Python."
url = ""
name = "Slixmpp"
info = "XMPP Library"
info = "XMPP library"
desc = """
Slixmpp is an MIT licensed XMPP library for Python 3.7+. It is a fork of \
Slixmpp's goals is to only rewrite the core of the SleekXMPP library \
(the low level socket handling, the timers, the events dispatching) \
in order to remove all threads.
url = ""
name = "XMPP"
info = "Messaging Protocol"
info = "Messaging protocol (also known as Jabber)"
desc = """
XMPP is the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol, a set of open \
technologies for instant messaging, presence, multi-party chat, voice and \
video calls, collaboration, lightweight middleware, content syndication, \
and generalized routing of XML data.
XMPP was originally developed in the Jabber open-source community to \
provide an open, decentralized alternative to the closed instant messaging \
services at that time.
url = ""
@ -160,6 +160,30 @@ name = "Κόμμα Πειρατών Ελλάδας – Pirate party of Greece"
link = ""
tags = ["greece", "party", "pirate"]
lang = "en"
name = "Cycling Together with Fiona and Marc"
link = ""
tags = ["sports", "cycling", "adventure", "life"]
lang = "en"
name = "Lagrange Gemini Client"
link = ""
tags = ["gemini", "gopher", "browser", "telecommunication", "internet"]
lang = "en"
name = "[] | blog"
link = ""
tags = ["computer", "service", "technology", "telecommunication", "xmpp"]
lang = "en"
name = "The SWORD Project"
link = ""
tags = ["bible", "religion", "christianity", "history", "education", "life"]
lang = "en-au"
name = "Pirate Party Australia"
@ -268,11 +292,23 @@ name = "The Brexit Party"
link = ""
tags = ["europe", "politics", "uk"]
lang = "en-us"
name = "4chan /diy/ - Do It Yourself"
link = ""
tags = ["design", "diy", "household"]
lang = "en-us"
name = ""
link = ""
tags = ["conspiracy", "health", "government", "war", "world"]
lang = "en-us"
name = "153 News - Videos Being Watched"
link = ""
tags = ["news", "politics", "usa", "video"]
tags = ["europe", "news", "politics", "usa", "video", "world"]
lang = "en-us"
@ -290,7 +326,7 @@ tags = ["lifestyle", "men"]
lang = "en-us"
name = "BlackListed News"
link = ""
tags = ["news", "politics", "usa", "world"]
tags = ["conspiracy", "health", "government", "news", "politics", "usa", "world"]
lang = "en-us"
@ -518,7 +554,7 @@ tags = ["gemini", "internet"]
lang = "en-us"
name = "Public Intelligence Blog"
link = ""
tags = ["cia", "conspiracy", "health", "government", "war"]
tags = ["cia", "conspiracy", "health", "government", "war", "world"]
lang = "en-us"
@ -694,6 +730,12 @@ name = "Disroot Blog"
link = ""
tags = ["decentralization", "privacy"]
lang = "ch-fr"
name = "Demoniak Network"
link = ""
tags = ["computer", "technology"]
lang = "fr-fr"
name = "Agate Blue"
@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ def get_feed_properties(db_file, feed_id):
FROM feeds_properties
WHERE feed_id = ?
WHERE id = :feed_id
par = (feed_id,)
@ -1406,20 +1406,20 @@ def get_entries_rejected(db_file, num):
return result
def get_enclosure_by_entry_id(db_file, ix):
def get_enclosure_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id):
function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} ix: {}'
.format(function_name, db_file, ix))
logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} entry_id: {}'
.format(function_name, db_file, entry_id))
with create_connection(db_file) as conn:
cur = conn.cursor()
sql = (
FROM entries_properties_links
WHERE entry_id = :ix AND rel = "enclosure"
WHERE entry_id = :entry_id AND rel = "enclosure"
par = (ix,)
par = (entry_id,)
result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone()
return result
@ -1831,6 +1831,24 @@ async def set_feed_title(db_file, feed_id, title):
cur.execute(sql, par)
def get_entry_properties(db_file, ix):
function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} ix: {}'
.format(function_name, db_file, ix))
with create_connection(db_file) as conn:
cur = conn.cursor()
sql = (
FROM entries_properties
WHERE id = :ix
par = (ix,)
title = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone()
return title
def get_entry_title(db_file, ix):
function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} ix: {}'
@ -2516,6 +2534,98 @@ async def maintain_archive(db_file, limit):
cur.execute(sql, par)
def get_authors_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id):
function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
logger.debug('{} db_file: {} entry_id: {}'
.format(function_name, db_file, entry_id))
with create_connection(db_file) as conn:
cur = conn.cursor()
sql = (
FROM entries_properties_authors
WHERE entry_id = :entry_id
par = (entry_id,)
result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall()
return result
def get_contributors_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id):
function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
logger.debug('{} db_file: {} entry_id: {}'
.format(function_name, db_file, entry_id))
with create_connection(db_file) as conn:
cur = conn.cursor()
sql = (
FROM entries_properties_contributors
WHERE entry_id = :entry_id
par = (entry_id,)
result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall()
return result
def get_links_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id):
function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} entry_id: {}'
.format(function_name, db_file, entry_id))
with create_connection(db_file) as conn:
cur = conn.cursor()
sql = (
FROM entries_properties_links
WHERE entry_id = :entry_id
par = (entry_id,)
result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall()
return result
def get_tags_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id):
function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} entry_id: {}'
.format(function_name, db_file, entry_id))
with create_connection(db_file) as conn:
cur = conn.cursor()
sql = (
FROM entries_properties_tags
WHERE entry_id = :entry_id
par = (entry_id,)
result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall()
return result
def get_contents_by_entry_id(db_file, entry_id):
function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} entry_id: {}'
.format(function_name, db_file, entry_id))
with create_connection(db_file) as conn:
cur = conn.cursor()
sql = (
FROM entries_properties_contents
WHERE entry_id = :entry_id
par = (entry_id,)
result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall()
return result
# TODO Move entries that don't exist into table archive.
# NOTE Entries that are read from archive are deleted.
# NOTE Unlike entries from table entries, entries from
@ -2538,7 +2648,7 @@ def get_entries_of_feed(db_file, feed_id):
cur = conn.cursor()
sql = (
SELECT id, title, link, identifier, published, read
SELECT id, title, link, identifier, published
FROM entries_properties
WHERE feed_id = ?
ORDER BY published DESC
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ async def task_publish(self, jid_bare):
if jid_bare not in self.settings:
Config.add_settings_jid(self.settings, jid_bare, db_file)
while True:
await action.xmpp_send_pubsub(self, jid_bare)
await action.xmpp_pubsub_send_unread_items(self, jid_bare)
await asyncio.sleep(60 * 180)
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ async def task_message(self, jid_bare):
await sqlite.update_last_update_time(db_file)
await sqlite.set_last_update_time(db_file)
await action.xmpp_send_message(self, jid_bare)
await action.xmpp_chat_send_unread_items(self, jid_bare)
refresh_task(self, jid_bare, task_message, 'interval')
await start_tasks_xmpp_chat(self, jid_bare, ['status'])
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
__version__ = '0.1.57'
__version_info__ = (0, 1, 57)
__version__ = '0.1.58'
__version_info__ = (0, 1, 58)
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class XmppBookmark:
return conferences
async def properties(self, jid):
async def get_bookmark_properties(self, jid):
result = await self.plugin['xep_0048'].get_bookmarks()
groupchats = result['private']['bookmarks']['conferences']
for groupchat in groupchats:
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ from slixfeed.xmpp.connect import XmppConnect
from slixfeed.xmpp.muc import XmppGroupchat
from import XmppIQ
from slixfeed.xmpp.message import XmppMessage
import slixfeed.xmpp.process as process
from import Chat
import slixfeed.xmpp.profile as profile
from slixfeed.xmpp.publish import XmppPubsub
# from slixfeed.xmpp.roster import XmppRoster
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ class SlixfeedComponent(slixmpp.ComponentXMPP):
self.pending_tasks[jid_bare] = {}
# if jid_full not in self.pending_tasks:
# self.pending_tasks[jid_full] = {}
await process.message(self, message)
await Chat.process_message(self, message)
# chat_type = message["type"]
# message_body = message["body"]
# message_reply = message.reply
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Functions create_node and create_entry are derived from project atomtopubsub.
import hashlib
import slixmpp.plugins.xep_0060.stanza.pubsub as pubsub
from slixmpp.xmlstream import ET
@ -32,6 +31,33 @@ class XmppPubsub:
return results
async def get_node_properties(self, jid, node):
config = await self.plugin['xep_0060'].get_node_config(jid, node)
subscriptions = await self.plugin['xep_0060'].get_node_subscriptions(jid, node)
affiliations = await self.plugin['xep_0060'].get_node_affiliations(jid, node)
properties = {'config': config,
'subscriptions': subscriptions,
'affiliations': affiliations}
return properties
async def get_nodes(self, jid):
nodes = await self.plugin['xep_0060'].get_nodes(jid)
# 'self' would lead to slixmpp.jid.InvalidJID: idna validation failed:
return nodes
async def get_item(self, jid, node, item_id):
item = await self.plugin['xep_0060'].get_item(jid, node, item_id)
return item
async def get_items(self, jid, node):
items = await self.plugin['xep_0060'].get_items(jid, node)
return items
def delete_node(self, jid, node):
jid_from = str(self.boundjid) if self.is_component else None
self.plugin['xep_0060'].delete_node(jid, node, ifrom=jid_from)
@ -87,9 +113,11 @@ class XmppPubsub:
return iq
def create_entry(self, jid, node, entry, version):
# TODO Consider to create a separate function called "create_atom_entry"
# or "create_rfc4287_entry" for anything related to variable "node_entry".
def create_entry(self, jid, node_id, item_id, node_item):
iq = self.Iq(stype="set", sto=jid)
iq['pubsub']['publish']['node'] = node
iq['pubsub']['publish']['node'] = node_id
item = pubsub.Item()
@ -102,33 +130,8 @@ class XmppPubsub:
# cross reference, and namely - in another project to utilize PubSub as
# links sharing system (see - to share node entries.
# NOTE Warning: Entry might not have a link
# TODO Handle situation error
url_encoded = entry['link'].encode()
url_hashed = hashlib.md5(url_encoded)
url_digest = url_hashed.hexdigest()
item['id'] = url_digest
node_entry = ET.Element("entry")
node_entry.set('xmlns', '')
title = ET.SubElement(node_entry, "title")
title.text = entry['title']
updated = ET.SubElement(node_entry, "updated")
updated.text = entry['updated']
# Content
content = ET.SubElement(node_entry, "content")
content.set('type', 'text/html')
content.text = entry['description']
# Links
link = ET.SubElement(node_entry, "link")
link.set('href', entry['link'])
item['payload'] = node_entry
item['id'] = item_id
item['payload'] = node_item
return iq
Add table
Reference in a new issue