215 lines
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215 lines
12 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Response
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
import os
from rivista.config import Cache, Data, Settings
from rivista.gmi.post import GmiPost
from rivista.json.index import JsonIndex
from rivista.xml.atom import XmlAtom
from rivista.xml.opml import XmlOpml
from rivista.xml.xhtml import XmlXhtml
from rivista.xml.xslt import XmlXslt
from rivista.xmpp.instance import XmppInstance
from rivista.xmpp.utilities import XmppUtilities
from rivista.xmpp.xep_0060 import XmppXep0060
class HttpInstance:
def __init__(self):
directory_settings = Settings.get_directory()
filename_settings = os.path.join(directory_settings, 'settings.toml')
credentials = Settings.get_setting(filename_settings, 'account')
settings = Settings.get_setting(filename_settings, 'settings')
default = Settings.get_setting(filename_settings, 'default')
operator = Settings.get_setting(filename_settings, 'settings')['operator']
directory_data = Data.get_directory()
directory_data_css = os.path.join(directory_data, 'css')
directory_data_graphic = os.path.join(directory_data, 'graphic')
directory_data_script = os.path.join(directory_data, 'script')
directory_data_xsl = os.path.join(directory_data, 'xsl')
filename_favicon = os.path.join(directory_data, 'img', 'favicon.ico')
directory_cache = Cache.get_directory()
directory_cache_json = os.path.join(directory_cache, 'json')
self.app = FastAPI()
# Mount static graphic, script and stylesheet directories
self.app.mount("/css", StaticFiles(directory=directory_data_css), name="css")
self.app.mount("/data", StaticFiles(directory=directory_cache_json), name="data")
self.app.mount("/graphic", StaticFiles(directory=directory_data_graphic), name="graphic")
self.app.mount("/script", StaticFiles(directory=directory_data_script), name="script")
self.app.mount("/xsl", StaticFiles(directory=directory_data_xsl), name="xsl")
@self.app.get('/favicon.ico', include_in_schema=False)
async def favicon():
return FileResponse(filename_favicon)
async def view_pubsub_nodes(request: Request):
xmpp = XmppInstance(credentials['xmpp'], credentials['pass'])
# xmpp.connect()
pubsub = request.query_params.get('pubsub', '')
result = None
if settings['service']:
if not settings['include'] or settings['include'] in pubsub:
if pubsub:
iq = await XmppXep0060.get_nodes(xmpp, pubsub)
if iq:
link = 'xmpp:{pubsub}'.format(pubsub=pubsub)
xml_opml = XmlOpml.generate_opml(iq)
result = XmlXslt.append_stylesheet(xml_opml, 'opml')
text = 'Please ensure that PubSub "{}" (Jabber ID) is valid and accessible.'.format(pubsub)
xml_atom = XmlAtom.error_message(text)
result = XmlXslt.append_stylesheet(xml_atom, 'atom')
text = 'The given domain {} is not allowed.'.format(pubsub)
xml_atom = XmlAtom.error_message(text)
result = XmlXslt.append_stylesheet(xml_atom, 'atom')
if not result:
if default['pubsub']:
if not pubsub:
pubsub = default['pubsub']
iq = await XmppXep0060.get_nodes(xmpp, pubsub)
link = 'xmpp:{pubsub}'.format(pubsub=pubsub)
xml_opml = XmlOpml.generate_opml(iq)
result = XmlXslt.append_stylesheet(xml_opml, 'opml')
elif not settings['service']:
pubsub = default['pubsub']
link = 'xmpp:{pubsub}'.format(pubsub=pubsub)
xml_opml = XmlOpml.generate_opml(iq)
result = XmlXslt.append_stylesheet(xml_opml, 'opml')
text = 'Please contact the administrator and ask him to set default PubSub and Node ID.'
xml_atom = XmlAtom.error_message(text)
result = XmlXslt.append_stylesheet(xml_atom, 'atom')
response = Response(content=result, media_type="application/xml")
return response
async def view_node_items(request: Request):
xmpp = XmppInstance(credentials['xmpp'], credentials['pass'])
# xmpp.connect()
pubsub = request.query_params.get('pubsub', '')
node = request.query_params.get('node', '')
item_id = request.query_params.get('item', '')
result = None
if settings['service']:
if not settings['include'] or settings['include'] in pubsub:
if pubsub and node and item_id:
iq = await XmppXep0060.get_node_item(xmpp, pubsub, node, item_id)
if iq:
link = XmppUtilities.form_an_item_link(pubsub, node, item_id)
if 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0:comments/' in node:
atom = XmlAtom.extract_atom(iq)
xml_atom = XmlAtom.generate_atom_comment(atom, pubsub, node, link)
atom = XmlAtom.extract_atom(iq)
xml_atom = XmlAtom.generate_atom_post(atom, pubsub, node, link)
gmi_text = GmiPost.generate_gmi(atom)
iq = await XmppXep0060.get_node_items(xmpp, pubsub, node)
if not '/' in node:
if iq:
JsonIndex.generate_json(iq, directory_cache_json)
json_data = [{'title' : 'Error retrieving node items.',
'link' : ('javascript:alert("Rivista has experienced an error '
'while attempting to retrieve the list of items for '
'Node {} of PubSub {}.")')
.format(node, pubsub)},
{'title' : 'Contact the operator.',
'link' : ('xmpp:{}?message;subject=Rivista;body=Greetings! '
'I am contacting you to inform you that there is an error listing '
'node items for Node {} on PubSub {}.').format(operator, node, pubsub)}]
filename = os.path.join(directory_cache_json, 'json', f'{node}.json')
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
json.dump(json_data, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
text = 'Please ensure that PubSub node "{}" and item "{}" are valid and accessible.'.format(node, item_id)
xml_atom = XmlAtom.error_message(text)
result = XmlXslt.append_stylesheet(xml_atom, 'atom')
# try:
# iq = await XmppXep0060.get_node_items(xmpp, pubsub, node)
# JsonIndex.generate_json(iq, node)
# except:
# json_data = [{'title' : 'Timeout retrieving node items from {}'.format(node),
# 'link' : 'xmpp:{}?message'.format(operator)}]
# filename = 'data/{}.json'.format(node)
# with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
# json.dump(json_data, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
elif pubsub and node:
iq = await XmppXep0060.get_node_items(xmpp, pubsub, node)
if iq:
link = XmppUtilities.form_a_node_link(pubsub, node)
if 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0:comments/' in node:
atom = XmlAtom.extract_atom(iq)
xml_atom = XmlAtom.generate_atom_comment(atom, pubsub, node, link)
atom = XmlAtom.extract_atom(iq)
xml_atom = XmlAtom.generate_atom_post(atom, pubsub, node, link)
gmi_text = GmiPost.generate_gmi(atom)
text = 'Please ensure that PubSub node "{}" is valid and accessible.'.format(node)
xml_atom = XmlAtom.error_message(text)
result = XmlXslt.append_stylesheet(xml_atom, 'atom')
elif pubsub:
text = 'Node parameter is missing.'
xml_atom = XmlAtom.error_message(text)
result = XmlXslt.append_stylesheet(xml_atom, 'atom')
elif node:
text = 'PubSub parameter is missing.'
xml_atom = XmlAtom.error_message(text)
result = XmlXslt.append_stylesheet(xml_atom, 'atom')
# else:
# text = ('Mandatory parameter PubSub and '
# 'optional parameter Node are missing.')
# xml_atom = XmlAtom.error_message(text)
# result = XmlXslt.append_stylesheet(xml_atom, 'atom')
text = 'The given domain {} is not allowed.'.format(pubsub)
xml_atom = XmlAtom.error_message(text)
result = XmlXslt.append_stylesheet(xml_atom, 'atom')
if not result:
if default['pubsub'] and default['nodeid']:
if not pubsub and not node:
pubsub = default['pubsub']
node = default['nodeid']
iq = await XmppXep0060.get_node_items(xmpp, pubsub, node)
if iq:
link = XmppUtilities.form_a_node_link(pubsub, node)
atom = XmlAtom.extract_atom(iq)
xml_atom = XmlAtom.generate_atom_post(atom, pubsub, node, link)
gmi_text = GmiPost.generate_gmi(atom)
text = 'Please ensure that PubSub node "{}" is valid and accessible.'.format(node)
xml_atom = XmlAtom.error_message(text)
elif not settings['service']:
pubsub = default['pubsub']
node = default['nodeid']
iq = await XmppXep0060.get_node_items(xmpp, pubsub, node)
if iq:
link = XmppUtilities.form_a_node_link(pubsub, node)
atom = XmlAtom.extract_atom(iq)
xml_atom = XmlAtom.generate_atom_post(atom, pubsub, node, link)
gmi_text = GmiPost.generate_gmi(atom)
text = 'Please ensure that PubSub node "{}" is valid and accessible.'.format(node)
xml_atom = XmlAtom.error_message(text)
result = XmlXslt.append_stylesheet(xml_atom, 'atom')
text = 'Please contact the administrator and ask him to set default PubSub and Node ID.'
xml_atom = XmlAtom.error_message(text)
result = XmlXslt.append_stylesheet(xml_atom, 'atom')
response = Response(content=result, media_type="application/xml")
return response