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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
from rivista.xmpp.utilities import XmppUtilities
from slixmpp.stanza.iq import Iq
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
class XmlAtom:
def error_message(text):
"""Error message in RFC 4287: The Atom Syndication Format."""
title = 'Rivista'
subtitle = 'XMPP Journal Publisher'
description = ('This is a syndication feed generated with Rivista, an XMPP '
'Journal Publisher, which conveys XEP-0060: Publish-'
'Subscribe nodes to standard RFC 4287: The Atom Syndication '
language = 'en'
feed = ET.Element("feed")
feed.set('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom')
ET.SubElement(feed, 'title', {'type': 'text'}).text = title
ET.SubElement(feed, 'subtitle', {'type': 'text'}).text = subtitle
ET.SubElement(feed, 'author', {'name':'Rivista','email':'rivista@schimon.i2p'})
ET.SubElement(feed, 'generator', {
'uri': 'https://git.xmpp-it.net/sch/Rivista',
'version': '0.1'}).text = 'Rivista XJP'
ET.SubElement(feed, 'updated').text = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.UTC).isoformat()
entry = ET.SubElement(feed, 'entry')
ET.SubElement(entry, 'title').text = 'Error'
ET.SubElement(entry, 'id').text = 'rivista-error'
ET.SubElement(entry, 'updated').text = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.UTC).isoformat()
ET.SubElement(entry, 'published').text = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.UTC).isoformat()
# ET.SubElement(entry, 'summary', {'type': summary_type_text}).text = summary_text
ET.SubElement(entry, 'content', {'type': 'text'}).text = text
return ET.tostring(feed, encoding='unicode')
def extract_atom(iq: Iq):
"""Extract data from an Atom Syndication Format (RFC 4287) of a Publish-Subscribe (XEP-0060) node item."""
jid = iq['from'].bare
node = iq['pubsub']['items']['node']
atom = {}
atom['title'] = jid
atom['subtitle'] = node
atom['language'] = iq['pubsub']['items']['lang']
atom['items'] = []
items = iq['pubsub']['items']
for item in list(items)[::-1]:
atom_item = {}
item_payload = item['payload']
namespace = '{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}'
title = item_payload.find(namespace + 'title')
links = item_payload.find(namespace + 'link')
if (not isinstance(title, ET.Element) and
not isinstance(links, ET.Element)): continue
title_text = 'No title' if title == None else title.text
atom_item['title'] = title_text
if isinstance(links, ET.Element):
atom_item['links'] = []
for link in item_payload.findall(namespace + 'link'):
link_href = link.attrib['href'] if 'href' in link.attrib else ''
link_type = link.attrib['type'] if 'type' in link.attrib else ''
link_rel = link.attrib['rel'] if 'rel' in link.attrib else ''
atom_item['links'].append({'href': link_href,
'rel': link_rel,
'type': link_type})
contents = item_payload.find(namespace + 'content')
atom_item['contents'] = []
if isinstance(contents, ET.Element):
for content in item_payload.findall(namespace + 'content'):
if not content.text: continue
content_text = content.text
content_type = content.attrib['type'] if 'type' in content.attrib else 'html'
content_type_text = 'html' if 'html' in content_type else 'text'
atom_item['contents'].append({'text' : content_text,
'type' : content_type_text})
summary = item_payload.find(namespace + 'summary')
summary_text = summary.text if summary else None
if summary_text:
summary_type = summary.attrib['type'] if 'type' in summary.attrib else 'html'
summary_type_text = 'html' if 'html' in summary_type else 'text'
# else:
# atom_item['contents'].append('No content.')
published = item_payload.find(namespace + 'published')
published_text = '' if published == None else published.text
atom_item['published'] = published_text
updated = item_payload.find(namespace + 'updated')
updated_text = '' if updated == None else updated.text
atom_item['updated'] = updated_text
atom_item['authors'] = []
authors = item_payload.find(namespace + 'author')
if isinstance(authors, ET.Element):
for author in item_payload.findall(namespace + 'author'):
atom_item_author = {}
author_email = author.find(namespace + 'email')
if author_email is not None:
author_email_text = author_email.text
if author_email_text:
atom_item_author['email'] = author_email_text
author_email_text = None
author_uri = author.find(namespace + 'uri')
if author_uri is not None:
author_uri_text = author_uri.text
if author_uri_text:
atom_item_author['uri'] = author_uri_text
author_uri_text = None
author_name = author.find(namespace + 'name')
if author_name is not None and author_name.text:
author_name_text = author_name.text
author_name_text = author_uri_text or author_email_text
atom_item_author['name'] = author_name_text
categories = item_payload.find(namespace + 'category')
atom_item['categories'] = []
if isinstance(categories, ET.Element):
for category in item_payload.findall(namespace + 'category'):
if 'term' in category.attrib and category.attrib['term']:
category_term = category.attrib['term']
identifier = item_payload.find(namespace + 'id')
if identifier is not None and identifier.attrib: print(identifier.attrib)
identifier_text = item['id'] if identifier == None else identifier.text
atom_item['id'] = identifier_text
#atom_item['id'] = item['id']
return atom
# generate_rfc_4287
def generate_atom_post(atom: dict, pubsub: str, node: str, link: str):
"""Generate an Atom Syndication Format (RFC 4287) from a Publish-Subscribe (XEP-0060) node items."""
# link = XmppUtilities.form_a_node_link(pubsub, node)
# subtitle = 'XMPP PubSub Syndication Feed'
description = ('This is a syndication feed generated with Rivista, an XMPP '
'Journal Publisher, which conveys XEP-0060: Publish-'
'Subscribe nodes to standard RFC 4287: The Atom Syndication '
e_feed = ET.Element("feed")
e_feed.set('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom')
ET.SubElement(e_feed, 'title', {'type': 'text'}).text = atom['title']
ET.SubElement(e_feed, 'subtitle', {'type': 'text'}).text = atom['subtitle']
ET.SubElement(e_feed, 'link', {'rel': 'self', 'href': link})
ET.SubElement(e_feed, 'generator', {
'uri': 'https://git.xmpp-it.net/sch/Rivista',
'version': '0.1'}).text = 'Rivista XJP'
ET.SubElement(e_feed, 'updated').text = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.UTC).isoformat()
for item in atom['items']:
e_entry = ET.SubElement(e_feed, 'entry')
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'title').text = item['title']
links = item['links'] if 'links' in item else None
if links:
for link in links:
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'link', {'href': link['href'],
'rel': link['rel'],
'type': link['type']})
# NOTE What does this instruction line do?
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'content', {'href': ''})
link_xmpp = XmppUtilities.form_an_item_link(pubsub, node, item['id'])
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'link', {'href': link_xmpp,
'rel': 'alternate',
'type': 'x-scheme-handler/xmpp'})
contents = item['contents'] if 'contents' in item else None
if contents:
for content in contents:
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'content', {'type': content['type']}).text = content['text']
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'content').text = 'No content.'
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'published').text = item['published']
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'updated').text = item['updated']
authors = item['authors'] if 'authors' in item else None
if authors:
for author in authors:
e_author = ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'author')
if 'email' in author and author['email']:
ET.SubElement(e_author, 'email').text = author['email']
if 'uri' in author and author['uri']:
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'uri').text = author['uri']
ET.SubElement(e_author, 'uri').text = author['uri']
ET.SubElement(e_author, 'name').text = author['name'] or author['uri'] or author['email']
categories = item['categories']
if categories:
for category in categories:
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'category', {'term': category})
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'id').text = item['id']
return ET.tostring(e_feed, encoding='unicode')
# generate_rfc_4287
def generate_atom_comment(atom: dict, pubsub: str, node: str, link: str):
"""Generate an Atom Syndication Format (RFC 4287) from a Publish-Subscribe (XEP-0060) node items."""
# link = XmppUtilities.form_a_node_link(pubsub, node)
# subtitle = 'XMPP PubSub Syndication Feed'
description = ('This is a syndication feed generated with Rivista, an XMPP '
'Journal Publisher, which conveys XEP-0060: Publish-'
'Subscribe nodes to standard RFC 4287: The Atom Syndication '
e_feed = ET.Element("feed")
e_feed.set('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom')
ET.SubElement(e_feed, 'title', {'type': 'text'}).text = atom['title']
ET.SubElement(e_feed, 'subtitle', {'type': 'text'}).text = atom['subtitle']
ET.SubElement(e_feed, 'link', {'rel': 'self', 'href': link})
ET.SubElement(e_feed, 'generator', {
'uri': 'https://git.xmpp-it.net/sch/Rivista',
'version': '0.1'}).text = 'Rivista XJP'
ET.SubElement(e_feed, 'updated').text = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.UTC).isoformat()
for item in atom['items']:
e_entry = ET.SubElement(e_feed, 'entry')
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'title').text = item['authors'][0]['name']
links = item['links'] if 'links' in item else None
if links:
for link in links:
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'link', {'href': link['href'],
'rel': link['rel'],
'type': link['type']})
# NOTE What does this instruction line do?
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'content', {'href': ''})
link_xmpp = XmppUtilities.form_an_item_link(pubsub, node, item['id'])
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'link', {'href': link_xmpp,
'rel': 'alternate',
'type': 'x-scheme-handler/xmpp'})
contents = item['contents'] if 'contents' in item else None
if contents:
for content in contents:
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'content', {'type': content['type']}).text = content['text']
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'content').text = 'No content.'
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'published').text = item['published']
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'updated').text = item['updated']
authors = item['authors'] if 'authors' in item else None
if authors:
for author in authors:
e_author = ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'author')
if 'email' in author and author['email']:
ET.SubElement(e_author, 'email').text = author['email']
if 'uri' in author and author['uri']:
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'uri').text = author['uri']
ET.SubElement(e_author, 'uri').text = author['uri']
ET.SubElement(e_author, 'name').text = author['name'] or author['uri'] or author['email']
categories = item['categories']
if categories:
for category in categories:
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'category', {'term': category})
ET.SubElement(e_entry, 'id').text = item['id']
return ET.tostring(e_feed, encoding='unicode')