# This file lists default settings per database. # See file /usr/share/kaikout/settings.toml [defaults] action = 0 # 1 to ban, or 0 to devioce. check_inactivity = 0 # Enable inactivity detection. check_message = 1 # Enable detection of message abuse. check_moderation = 0 # Enable moderation abuse detection. check_status = 1 # Enable detection of status message abuse. count = 9 # The maximum allowed number of instances of a word or a phrase in a message. enabled = 1 # Work status (Value 0 to disable). finished = 0 # Send an extra message which indicates of the amount of time of a done task (Value 1 to enable). frequency_messages = 1 # The maximum allowed frequency (in seconds) of sent messages. frequency_presence = 180 # The maximum allowed frequency (in seconds) of changed status messages. inactivity_span = 30 # The maximum allowed time (in days) of inactivity. inactivity_warn = 300 # The time (in minutes) of inactivity to send a warning upon before action. Value can not be higher than of inactivity_span. rtbl_ignore = [] # A list of RTBL lists to exclude. score_messages = 3 # The maximum allowed number of message faults to act upon. score_outcast = 10 # The maximum allowed number of ban and kick actions. score_presence = 10 # The maximum allowed number of presence faults to act upon. timer = 180 # Timer value (in seconds) for countdown before committing an action. allow = [ "jesus saves", "oracle broadcasting radio", "real liberty media", "woop ass" ] deny = [ "666", "arse", "arsehead", "arsehole", "ass hole", "asshole", "bollocks", "bugger", "christ on a bike", "christ on a cracker", "cock sucker", "cocksucker", "damm it", "damn it", "dammit", "damnit", "dick head", "dickhead", "dumb ass", "dumbass", "frigger", "fuck you", "fucker", "fucking", "god damn", "god damnit", "god damm", "god dammit", "goddammed", "goddammit", "goddamn", "goddamned", "goddamnit", "holy shit", "holyshit", "horseshit", "in shit", "jack-ass", "jackarse", "jackass", "jesus fuck", "jesus wept", "nigga", "shite", "son of a bitch", "son of a whore", "wanker" ] [ipc] bsd = 0 # IPC (BSD/UDS) POSIX sockets