#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from asyncio import Lock from kaikout.log import Logger from sqlite3 import connect, Error, IntegrityError import os import sys import time import tomli_w import tomllib # from eliot import start_action, to_file # # with start_action(action_type="list_feeds()", db=db_file): # # with start_action(action_type="last_entries()", num=num): # # with start_action(action_type="get_feeds()"): # # with start_action(action_type="remove_entry()", source=source): # # with start_action(action_type="search_entries()", query=query): # # with start_action(action_type="check_entry()", link=link): CURSORS = {} # aiosqlite DBLOCK = Lock() logger = Logger(__name__) class SQLite: def create_connection(db_file): """ Create a database connection to the SQLite database specified by db_file. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- conn : object Connection object or None. """ time_begin = time.time() function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name message_log = '{}' logger.debug(message_log.format(function_name)) conn = None try: conn = connect(db_file) conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") # return conn except Error as e: logger.warning('Error creating a connection to database {}.'.format(db_file)) logger.error(e) time_end = time.time() difference = time_end - time_begin if difference > 1: logger.warning('{} (time: {})'.format(function_name, difference)) return conn def create_tables(db_file): """ Create SQLite tables. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) with SQLite.create_connection(db_file) as conn: activity_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS activity ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, stanza_id TEXT, alias TEXT, jid TEXT, body TEXT, thread TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) filters_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS filters ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, key TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) outcast_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS outcast ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, alias TEXT, jid TEXT, reason TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) settings_table_sql = ( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS settings ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, key TEXT NOT NULL, value INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); """ ) cur = conn.cursor() # cur = get_cursor(db_file) cur.execute(activity_table_sql) cur.execute(filters_table_sql) cur.execute(outcast_table_sql) cur.execute(settings_table_sql) def get_cursor(db_file): """ Allocate a cursor to connection per database. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. Returns ------- CURSORS[db_file] : object Cursor. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) if db_file in CURSORS: return CURSORS[db_file] else: with SQLite.create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() CURSORS[db_file] = cur return CURSORS[db_file] async def import_feeds(db_file, feeds): """ Insert a new feed into the feeds table. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. feeds : list Set of feeds (Title and URL). """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) async with DBLOCK: with SQLite.create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() for feed in feeds: logger.debug('{}: feed: {}' .format(function_name, feed)) url = feed['url'] title = feed['title'] sql = ( """ INSERT INTO feeds_properties( title, url) VALUES( ?, ?) """ ) par = (title, url) try: cur.execute(sql, par) except IntegrityError as e: logger.warning("Skipping: " + str(url)) logger.error(e) async def add_metadata(db_file): """ Insert a new feed into the feeds table. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}' .format(function_name, db_file)) async with DBLOCK: with SQLite.create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT id FROM feeds_properties ORDER BY id ASC """ ) ixs = cur.execute(sql).fetchall() for ix in ixs: feed_id = ix[0] # Set feed status sql = ( """ INSERT INTO feeds_state( feed_id) VALUES( ?) """ ) par = (feed_id,) try: cur.execute(sql, par) except IntegrityError as e: logger.warning( "Skipping feed_id {} for table feeds_state".format(feed_id)) logger.error(e) # Set feed preferences. sql = ( """ INSERT INTO feeds_preferences( feed_id) VALUES( ?) """ ) par = (feed_id,) try: cur.execute(sql, par) except IntegrityError as e: logger.warning( "Skipping feed_id {} for table feeds_preferences".format(feed_id)) logger.error(e) async def insert_feed(db_file, url, title, identifier, entries=None, version=None, encoding=None, language=None, status_code=None, updated=None): """ Insert a new feed into the feeds table. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str URL. title : str Feed title. identifier : str Feed identifier. entries : int, optional Number of entries. The default is None. version : str, optional Type of feed. The default is None. encoding : str, optional Encoding of feed. The default is None. language : str, optional Language code of feed. The default is None. status : str, optional HTTP status code. The default is None. updated : ???, optional Date feed was last updated. The default is None. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} url: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, url)) async with DBLOCK: with SQLite.create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ INSERT INTO feeds_properties( url, title, identifier, entries, version, encoding, language, updated) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """ ) par = (url, title, identifier, entries, version, encoding, language, updated) cur.execute(sql, par) sql = ( """ SELECT id FROM feeds_properties WHERE url = :url """ ) par = (url,) feed_id = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchone()[0] sql = ( """ INSERT INTO feeds_state( feed_id, status_code, valid) VALUES( ?, ?, ?) """ ) par = (feed_id, status_code, 1) cur.execute(sql, par) sql = ( """ INSERT INTO feeds_preferences( feed_id) VALUES( ?) """ ) par = (feed_id,) cur.execute(sql, par) async def remove_feed_by_url(db_file, url): """ Delete a feed by feed URL. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. url : str URL of feed. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} url: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, url)) with SQLite.create_connection(db_file) as conn: async with DBLOCK: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ DELETE FROM feeds_properties WHERE url = ? """ ) par = (url,) cur.execute(sql, par) async def remove_feed_by_index(db_file, ix): """ Delete a feed by feed ID. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. ix : str Index of feed. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} ix: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, ix)) with SQLite.create_connection(db_file) as conn: async with DBLOCK: cur = conn.cursor() # # NOTE Should we move DBLOCK to this line? 2022-12-23 # sql = ( # "DELETE " # "FROM entries " # "WHERE feed_id = ?" # ) # par = (url,) # cur.execute(sql, par) # Error? 2024-01-05 # sql = ( # "DELETE " # "FROM archive " # "WHERE feed_id = ?" # ) # par = (url,) # cur.execute(sql, par) sql = ( """ DELETE FROM feeds_properties WHERE id = ? """ ) par = (ix,) cur.execute(sql, par) def get_feeds_by_tag_id(db_file, tag_id): """ Get feeds of given tag. Parameters ---------- db_file : str Path to database file. tag_id : str Tag ID. Returns ------- result : tuple List of tags. """ function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name logger.debug('{}: db_file: {} tag_id: {}' .format(function_name, db_file, tag_id)) with SQLite.create_connection(db_file) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT feeds_properties.* FROM feeds_properties INNER JOIN tagged_feeds ON feeds_properties.id = tagged_feeds.feed_id INNER JOIN tags ON tags.id = tagged_feeds.tag_id WHERE tags.id = ? ORDER BY feeds_properties.title; """ ) par = (tag_id,) result = cur.execute(sql, par).fetchall() return result class Toml: def instantiate(self, room): """ Callback function to instantiate action on database. Parameters ---------- jid_file : str Filename. callback : ? Function name. message : str, optional Optional kwarg when a message is a part or required argument. The default is None. Returns ------- object Coroutine object. """ data_dir = Toml.get_default_data_directory() if not os.path.isdir(data_dir): os.mkdir(data_dir) if not os.path.isdir(data_dir + "/toml"): os.mkdir(data_dir + "/toml") filename = os.path.join(data_dir, "toml", r"{}.toml".format(room)) if not os.path.exists(filename): Toml.create_settings_file(self, filename) Toml.load_jid_settings(self, room, filename) return filename def get_default_data_directory(): if os.environ.get('HOME'): data_home = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), '.local', 'share') return os.path.join(data_home, 'kaikout') elif sys.platform == 'win32': data_home = os.environ.get('APPDATA') if data_home is None: return os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/kaikout_data') else: return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/kaikout_data') def get_data_file(data_dir, room): toml_file = os.path.join(data_dir, "toml", r"{}.toml".format(room)) return toml_file def create_settings_file(self, filename): data = self.defaults content = tomli_w.dumps(data) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(content) def load_jid_settings(self, room, filename): # data_dir = Toml.get_default_data_directory() # filename = Toml.get_data_file(data_dir, room) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: self.settings[room] = tomllib.load(f) def update_jid_settings(self, room, filename, key, value): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: data = tomllib.load(f) self.settings[room][key] = value data = self.settings[room] content = tomli_w.dumps(data) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(content)