2024-09-15 14:52:10 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
from hashlib import sha256
2024-11-21 12:40:43 +01:00
from kaikout.database import DatabaseToml
2024-09-15 14:52:10 +02:00
from kaikout.log import Logger
from kaikout.xmpp.commands import XmppCommands
from kaikout.xmpp.message import XmppMessage
from kaikout.xmpp.moderation import XmppModeration
from kaikout.xmpp.muc import XmppMuc
logger = Logger(__name__)
class XmppObservation:
async def observe_inactivity(self, db_file, room):
# Check for inactivity
if self.settings[room]['check_inactivity']:
roster_muc = XmppMuc.get_roster(self, room)
for alias in roster_muc:
if alias != self.alias:
jid_bare = XmppMuc.get_full_jid(self, room, alias).split('/')[0]
result, span = XmppModeration.moderate_last_activity(
self, room, jid_bare, timestamp)
if result:
message_to_participant = None
if 'inactivity_notice' not in self.settings[room]:
self.settings[room]['inactivity_notice'] = []
noticed_jids = self.settings[room]['inactivity_notice']
if result == 'Inactivity':
if jid_bare in noticed_jids: noticed_jids.remove(jid_bare)
# FIXME Counting and creating of key entry "score_inactivity" appear not to occur.
score_inactivity = XmppCommands.raise_score_inactivity(self, room, jid_bare, db_file)
reason = 'Inactivity detected'
if score_inactivity > 10:
jid_bare = await XmppCommands.outcast(self, room, alias, reason)
# admins = await XmppMuc.get_affiliation_list(self, room, 'admin')
# owners = await XmppMuc.get_affiliation_list(self, room, 'owner')
moderators = await XmppMuc.get_role_list(
self, room, 'moderator')
# Report to the moderators.
message_to_moderators = (
'Participant {} ({}) has been banned from '
'groupchat {} due to being inactive for over {} times.'.format(
alias, jid_bare, room, score_inactivity))
for alias in moderators:
# jid_full = presence['muc']['jid']
jid_full = XmppMuc.get_full_jid(self, room, alias)
XmppMessage.send(self, jid_full, message_to_moderators, 'chat')
# Inform the subject.
message_to_participant = (
'You were banned from groupchat {} due to being '
'inactive for over {} times. Please contact the '
' moderators if you think this was a mistake'
.format(room, score_inactivity))
await XmppCommands.kick(self, room, alias, reason)
message_to_participant = (
'You were expelled from groupchat {} due to '
'being inactive for over {} days.'.format(room, span))
XmppCommands.remove_last_activity(self, room, jid_bare, db_file)
elif result == 'Warning' and jid_bare not in noticed_jids:
time_left = int(span)
if not time_left: time_left = 'an'
message_to_participant = (
'This is an inactivity-warning.\n'
'You are expected to be expelled from '
'groupchat {} within {} hour time.'
.format(room, int(span) or 'an'))
2024-11-21 12:40:43 +01:00
2024-09-15 14:52:10 +02:00
self, room, db_file, 'inactivity_notice', noticed_jids)
if message_to_participant:
self, jid_bare, message_to_participant, 'chat')
async def observe_jid(self, alias, jid_bare, room):
jid_to_sha256 = sha256(jid_bare.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
for jid in self.blocklist['entries']:
if jid not in self.settings[room]['rtbl_ignore']:
for node in self.blocklist['entries'][jid]:
for item_id in self.blocklist['entries'][jid][node]:
if jid_to_sha256 == item_id:
reason = 'Jabber ID has been marked by RTBL: Publisher: {}; Node: {}.'.format(
jid, node)
await XmppCommands.devoice(self, room, alias, reason)
async def observe_message(self, db_file, alias, message_body, room):
if self.settings[room]['check_message']:
reason = XmppModeration.moderate_message(self, message_body, room)
if reason:
score_max = self.settings[room]['score_messages']
score = XmppCommands.raise_score(self, room, alias, db_file, reason)
if score > score_max:
if self.settings[room]['action']:
jid_bare = await XmppCommands.outcast(self, room, alias, reason)
# admins = await XmppMuc.get_affiliation_list(self, room, 'admin')
# owners = await XmppMuc.get_affiliation_list(self, room, 'owner')
moderators = await XmppMuc.get_role_list(
self, room, 'moderator')
# Report to the moderators.
message_to_moderators = (
'Participant {} ({}) has been banned from '
'groupchat {}.'.format(alias, jid_bare, room))
for alias in moderators:
jid_full = XmppMuc.get_full_jid(self, room, alias)
XmppMessage.send(self, jid_full, message_to_moderators, 'chat')
# Inform the subject
message_to_participant = (
'You were banned from groupchat {}. Please '
'contact the moderators if you think this was '
'a mistake.'.format(room))
XmppMessage.send(self, jid_bare, message_to_participant, 'chat')
await XmppCommands.devoice(self, room, alias, reason)
async def observe_status_message(self, alias, db_file, jid_bare, presence_body, room):
if self.settings[room]['check_status']:
reason, timer = XmppModeration.moderate_status_message(self, presence_body, room)
if reason and timer and not (room in self.tasks and
jid_bare in self.tasks[room] and
'countdown' in self.tasks[room][jid_bare]):
print('reason and timer for jid: ' + jid_bare + ' at room ' + room)
score_max = self.settings[room]['score_presence']
score = XmppCommands.raise_score(self, room, alias, db_file, reason)
if room not in self.tasks:
self.tasks[room] = {}
if jid_bare not in self.tasks[room]:
self.tasks[room][jid_bare] = {}
# if 'countdown' in self.tasks[room][jid_bare]:
# self.tasks[room][jid_bare]['countdown'].cancel()
if 'countdown' not in self.tasks[room][jid_bare]:
seconds = self.settings[room]['timer']
self.tasks[room][jid_bare]['countdown'] = asyncio.create_task(
XmppCommands.countdown(self, seconds, room, alias, reason))
message_to_participant = (
'Your status message "{}" violates policies of groupchat '
'You have {} seconds to change your status message, in '
'order to avoid consequent actions.'
.format(presence_body, room, seconds))
XmppMessage.send(self, jid_bare, message_to_participant, 'chat')
elif reason and not (room in self.tasks
and jid_bare in self.tasks[room] and
'countdown' in self.tasks[room][jid_bare]):
print('reason for jid: ' + jid_bare + ' at room ' + room)
score_max = self.settings[room]['score_presence']
score = XmppCommands.raise_score(self, room, alias, db_file, reason)
if score > score_max:
if self.settings[room]['action']:
jid_bare = await XmppCommands.outcast(
self, room, alias, reason)
# admins = await XmppMuc.get_affiliation_list(self, room, 'admin')
# owners = await XmppMuc.get_affiliation_list(self, room, 'owner')
moderators = await XmppMuc.get_role_list(
self, room, 'moderator')
# Report to the moderators.
message_to_moderators = (
'Participant {} ({}) has been banned from '
'groupchat {}.'.format(alias, jid_bare, room))
for alias in moderators:
# jid_full = presence['muc']['jid']
jid_full = XmppMuc.get_full_jid(self, room, alias)
XmppMessage.send(self, jid_full, message_to_moderators, 'chat')
# Inform the subject.
message_to_participant = (
'You were banned from groupchat {}. Please '
'contact the moderators if you think this was a '
XmppMessage.send(self, jid_bare, message_to_participant, 'chat')
await XmppCommands.devoice(self, room, alias, reason)
elif (room in self.tasks and
jid_bare in self.tasks[room] and
'countdown' in self.tasks[room][jid_bare]) and not reason:
print('cancel task for jid: ' + jid_bare + ' at room ' + room)
if self.tasks[room][jid_bare]['countdown'].cancel():
message_to_participant = 'Thank you for your cooperation.'
XmppMessage.send(self, jid_bare, message_to_participant, 'chat')
del self.tasks[room][jid_bare]['countdown']
async def observe_strikes(self, db_file, presence, room):
if self.settings[room]['check_moderation']:
status_codes = presence['muc']['status_codes']
if (301 in status_codes or 307 in status_codes):
actor_jid_bare = presence['muc']['item']['actor']['jid'].bare
actor_alias = presence['muc']['item']['actor']['nick']
if 301 in status_codes:
presence_body = 'User has been banned by {}'.format(actor_alias)
XmppCommands.update_score_ban(self, room, actor_jid_bare, db_file)
elif 307 in status_codes:
presence_body = 'User has been kicked by {}'.format(actor_alias)
XmppCommands.update_score_kick(self, room, actor_jid_bare, db_file)
if 'score_ban' in self.settings[room] and actor_jid_bare in self.settings[room]['score_ban']:
score_ban = self.settings[room]['score_ban'][actor_jid_bare]
score_ban = 0
if 'score_kick' in self.settings[room] and actor_jid_bare in self.settings[room]['score_kick']:
score_kick = self.settings[room]['score_kick'][actor_jid_bare]
score_kick = 0
score_outcast = score_ban + score_kick
if score_outcast > self.settings[room]['score_outcast']:
reason = 'Moderation abuse has been triggered'
await XmppMuc.set_affiliation(self, room, 'member', jid=actor_jid_bare, reason=reason)
await XmppMuc.set_role(self, room, actor_alias, 'participant', reason)