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              <h1>{% if jid_title %}{{jid_title}}{% else %}Group Chat{% endif %}</h1>
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                <h2>{% if jid_note %}{{jid_note}}{% else %}{{jid_bare}}{% endif %}</h2>
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          {% if subject %}
            <pre id="subject">{{subject}}</pre>
          {% endif %}
          {% if messages %}
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              {% for message in messages %}
                  <div class="entry"
                    <div class="summary">{{message['body']}}</div>
                    <div class="date">{{message['timestamp']}}</div>
                    % if reactions %
                      <div class="reactions">
                        % for reaction in reactions %
                        % endfor %
                    % endif %
              {% endfor %}
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      {% if message %}
        <div id="xmpp-message">{{message}}</div>
      {% endif %}