
942 lines
41 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from email.utils import parseaddr
from fastapi import FastAPI, Form, HTTPException, Request, Response
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse, HTMLResponse
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from jabbercard.config import Cache, Settings, Data
from jabbercard.utilities.graphics import Graphics
from jabbercard.utilities.toml import Toml
from jabbercard.utilities.xml import Syndication
from jabbercard.xmpp.utilities import XmppUtilities
import os
from starlette.responses import RedirectResponse
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
class HttpInstance:
def __init__(self):
directory_settings = Settings.get_directory()
filename_settings = os.path.join(directory_settings, 'settings.toml')
settings = Toml.open_file_toml(filename_settings)
account = settings['account']
jabber_id = account['xmpp']
password = account['pass']
alias = account['alias']
brand = settings['brand']
brand_name = brand['name']
brand_site = brand['site']
chat_client = brand['chat']
news_client = brand['news']
directory_data = Data.get_directory()
directory_data_css = os.path.join(directory_data, 'css')
directory_data_graphic = os.path.join(directory_data, 'graphic')
directory_data_img = os.path.join(directory_data, 'img')
filename_favicon = os.path.join(directory_data, 'img', 'favicon.ico')
directory_data_template = os.path.join(directory_data, 'template')
directory_cache = Cache.get_directory()
directory_cache_qr = os.path.join(directory_cache, 'qr')
directory_cache_photo = os.path.join(directory_cache, 'photo')
self.app = FastAPI()
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory=directory_data_template)
# 1) Mount at the same mountpoint /img.
# 2) Image filename to be constant, i.e. /img/photo.png and /img/qr.png.
self.app.mount('/photo', StaticFiles(directory=directory_cache_photo), name='photo')
self.app.mount('/qr', StaticFiles(directory=directory_cache_qr), name='qr')
self.app.mount('/css', StaticFiles(directory=directory_data_css), name='css')
self.app.mount('/img', StaticFiles(directory=directory_data_img), name='img')
# @self.app.get(filename_favicon, include_in_schema=False)
# def favicon_get():
# return FileResponse('graphic/hermes.ico')
# @self.app.get('/hermes.svg')
# def logo_get():
# return FileResponse('graphic/hermes.svg')
async def view_jid(request: Request, jid):
"""View recent messages of a conference"""
jid_path = urlsplit(jid).path
if parseaddr(jid_path)[1] == jid_path:
jid_bare = jid_path.lower()
jid_bare = jid
note = 'Jabber ID appears to be malformed'
if jid_bare == jabber_id:
raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail='access-denied')
if True:
exception = jid_vcard = messages_10 = note = node_title = \
node_note = number_of_pages = page_number = previous = \
selection = services_sorted = subject = None
link_href = 'xmpp:{}?join'.format(jid_bare)
link_text = 'Join'
xmpp_uri = '{}'.format(jid_bare)
filename = os.path.join(directory_cache, 'details', jid_bare + '.toml')
if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.getsize(filename) > 0:
jid_details = Toml.open_file_toml(filename)
jid_details = await XmppUtilities.cache_jid_data(
jabber_id, password, jid_bare, alias=alias)
count = jid_details['count']
items = jid_details['items']
jid_info = {
'error' : jid_details['error'],
'text' : jid_details['error_text'],
'condition' : jid_details['error_condition']}
jid_kind = jid_details['kind']
jid_vcard = {
'name' : jid_details['name'],
'note' : jid_details['note'],
'type' : jid_details['image_type']}
messages = jid_details['messages']
nodes = jid_details['nodes']
note = jid_details['note']
subject = jid_details['subject']
title = jid_details['name']
# Group chat messages
page_number = request.query_params.get('page', '')
if page_number:
page_number = int(page_number)
ix = (page_number -1) * 10
ix = 0
page_number = 1
ix = 0
page_number = 1
messages_10 = messages[ix:][:10]
number_of_pages = int(len(messages) / 10)
if number_of_pages < len(messages) / 10: number_of_pages += 1
if jid_kind:
# Action and instance type
action, instance = XmppUtilities.set_action_instance_type(jid_kind)
else: # jid_info['error']
action = 'Contact'
instance = view_href = ''
message = '{}: {} (XEP-0030)'.format(jid_info['text'], jid_info['condition'])
xmpp_uri = jid_bare
# Query URI links
print('Query URI links')
links = XmppUtilities.get_query_uri_links(jid_bare, jid_kind)
link_href = XmppUtilities.get_link_href(jid_bare, jid_kind)
view_href = XmppUtilities.get_view_href(jid_bare, jid_kind)
xmpp_uri = XmppUtilities.get_xmpp_uri(jid_bare, jid_kind)
# Graphic files
filename, filepath, filetype, selection = Graphics.handle_photo(
jid_bare, jid_vcard, link_href)
#except Exception as e:
exception = str(e)
action = 'Error'
title = 'Slixmpp error'
xmpp_uri = note = jid
filename = jid_bare = link_href = link_tex = node_note = \
node_title = number_of_pages = page_number = previous = \
selection = services = services_sorted = url = None
#if title == 'remote-server-timeout':
# raise HTTPException(status_code=408, detail='remote-server-timeout')
template_file = 'conference.xhtml'
template_dict = {
'action' : action,
'brand_name' : brand_name,
'brand_site' : brand_site,
'chat_client' : chat_client,
'exception' : exception,
'filename' : filename,
'jid_bare' : jid,
'jid_note' : note,
'jid_title' : title,
'links' : links,
'messages' : messages_10,
'node_title' : node_title,
'node_note' : node_note,
'number_of_pages' : number_of_pages,
'page_number' : page_number,
'previous' : previous,
'request' : request,
'selection' : selection,
'subject' : subject,
'title' : title,
'url' : request.url._url,
'xmpp_uri' : xmpp_uri}
response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict)
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml'
return response
async def c_jid_get(request: Request, jid):
"""Display entries of a vCard4"""
jid_path = urlsplit(jid).path
if parseaddr(jid_path)[1] == jid_path:
jid_bare = jid_path.lower()
jid_bare = jid
note = 'Jabber ID appears to be malformed'
if jid_bare == jabber_id:
raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail='access-denied')
node_name_vcard4 = 'urn:xmpp:vcard4'
item_id_vcard4 = 'current'
if True:
entries = []
exception = jid_vcard = note = node_items = node_note = \
number_of_pages = page_number = previous = selection = \
title = None
filename = os.path.join(directory_cache, 'xep_0060', jid_bare, node_name_vcard4, item_id_vcard4 + '.xml')
if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.getsize(filename) > 0:
xml_data = Toml.open_file_xml(filename)
await XmppUtilities.cache_vcard_data(
jabber_id, password, jid_bare, node_name_vcard4, item_id_vcard4)
xml_data = Toml.open_file_xml(filename)
root_element = xml_data.getroot()
child_element = root_element[0]
#vcard_info = Syndication.extract_vcard_items(child_element)
vcard_info = Syndication.extract_vcard4_items(child_element)
# Action and instance type
action = 'Profile'
filename = os.path.join(directory_cache, 'details', jid_bare + '.toml')
if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.getsize(filename) > 0:
jid_details = Toml.open_file_toml(filename)
jid_details = await XmppUtilities.cache_jid_data(
jabber_id, password, jid_bare, alias=alias)
# Set node name to 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0'
jid_kind = jid_details['kind']
nodes = jid_details['nodes']
if (jid_kind not in ('conference', 'mix', 'muc') and
'@' in jid_bare and
'urn:xmpp:microblog:0' in nodes):
node_name = 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0'
# Query URI links
print('Query URI links')
jid_kind = 'account'
link_href = XmppUtilities.get_link_href(jid_bare, jid_kind)
xmpp_uri = XmppUtilities.get_xmpp_uri(jid_bare, jid_kind, node_name_vcard4)
links = XmppUtilities.get_query_uri_links(jid_bare, jid_kind, node_name)
# Graphic files
filename, filepath, filetype, selection = Graphics.handle_photo(
jid_bare, jid_vcard, link_href)
#except Exception as e:
exception = str(e)
action = 'Error'
title = 'Slixmpp error'
xmpp_uri = note = jid
filename = jid_bare = link_href = link_tex = node_note = \
node_title = number_of_pages = page_number = previous = \
selection = url = None
if 'fn' in vcard_info and vcard_info['fn']:
title = vcard_info['fn']
elif 'alias' in vcard_info and vcard_info['alias']:
title = vcard_info['alias']
title = jid_bare.split('@')[0]
if 'alias' in vcard_info and vcard_info['alias']:
alias = vcard_info['alias']
alias = jid_bare.split('@')[0]
#if title == 'remote-server-timeout':
# raise HTTPException(status_code=408, detail='remote-server-timeout')
template_file = 'vcard.xhtml'
template_dict = {
'action' : action,
'alias' : alias,
'brand_name' : brand_name,
'brand_site' : brand_site,
'chat_client' : chat_client,
'entries' : entries,
'exception' : exception,
'filename' : filename,
'jid_bare' : jid,
'jid_note' : note,
#'jid_title' : title,
#'node_title' : node_title,
'links' : links,
'node_name' : node_name_vcard4,
'number_of_pages' : number_of_pages,
'page_number' : page_number,
'previous' : previous,
'request' : request,
'selection' : selection,
'title' : title,
'url' : request.url._url,
'vcard_info' : vcard_info,
'xmpp_uri' : xmpp_uri}
response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict)
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml'
return response
async def b_jid_get(request: Request, jid):
response = await browse_jid_node_get(request, jid, 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0')
return response
# TODO Change to /p/ for pubsub
async def d_jid_node_get(request: Request, jid, node_name, item_id=None):
response = await browse_jid_node_get(request, jid, node_name, item_id)
return response
async def browse_jid_node_get(request: Request, jid, node_name, item_id=None):
"""Browse items of a pubsub node"""
jid_path = urlsplit(jid).path
if parseaddr(jid_path)[1] == jid_path:
jid_bare = jid_path.lower()
jid_bare = jid
note = 'Jabber ID appears to be malformed'
if jid_bare == jabber_id:
raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail='access-denied')
if True:
exception = jid_vcard = note = node_items = node_note = \
number_of_pages = page_number = previous = selection = None
filename = os.path.join(directory_cache, 'details', jid_bare + '.toml')
if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.getsize(filename) > 0:
jid_details = Toml.open_file_toml(filename)
jid_details = await XmppUtilities.cache_jid_data(
jabber_id, password, jid_bare, node_name, item_id)
# Node item IDs
nodes = jid_details['nodes']
#items = jid_details['items']
# for item in items:
# if item[1] == node_name:
# nodes[node_name]['title'] = item[2]
# break
supdirectory = os.path.join(directory_cache, 'xep_0060', jid_bare)
if not os.path.exists(supdirectory): os.mkdir(supdirectory)
directory = os.path.join(directory_cache, 'xep_0060', jid_bare, node_name)
if not os.path.exists(directory):
await XmppUtilities.cache_node_data(
jabber_id, password, jid_bare, node_name)
count = jid_details['count']
jid_info = {
'error' : jid_details['error'],
'text' : jid_details['error_text'],
'condition' : jid_details['error_condition']}
jid_kind = jid_details['kind']
jid_vcard = {
'name' : jid_details['name'],
'note' : jid_details['note'],
'type' : jid_details['image_type']}
messages = jid_details['messages']
#node_title = nodes[node_name]['title'] if 'title' in nodes[node_name] else jid_details['name']
node_title = node_name
note = jid_details['note']
#title = nodes[node_name]['title'] if node_name else jid_details['name']
title = jid_details['name']
#link_href = 'xmpp:{}?pubsub;node={};action=subscribe'.format(
# jid_bare, node_name)
#link_text = 'Subscribe'
#xmpp_uri = '{}?;node={}'.format(jid_bare, node_name)
# TODO Support viewing of a single item
# Node items
entries = []
if item_id:
node_items = item_ids_10 = [item_id + '.xml']
node_items = os.listdir(directory)
if 'urn:xmpp:avatar:metadata.xml' in node_items:
page_number = request.query_params.get('page', '')
if page_number:
page_number = int(page_number)
ix = (page_number -1) * 10
ix = 0
page_number = 1
ix = 0
page_number = 1
item_ids_10 = node_items[ix:][:10]
number_of_pages = int(len(node_items) / 10)
if number_of_pages < len(node_items) / 10: number_of_pages += 1
if node_items:
for item in item_ids_10:
filename = os.path.join(directory, item)
xml_data = Toml.open_file_xml(filename)
root_element = xml_data.getroot()
child_element = root_element[0]
entry = Syndication.extract_atom_items(child_element)
if entry:
filename_without_file_extension = item[:len(item)-4]
entry['id'] = filename_without_file_extension
#if len(entries) > 10: break
if jid_kind:
# Action and instance type
action, instance = XmppUtilities.set_action_instance_type(jid_kind, node_name)
else: # jid_info['error']
action = 'Contact'
instance = view_href = ''
message = '{}: {} (XEP-0030)'.format(jid_info['text'], jid_info['condition'])
xmpp_uri = jid_bare
# Query URI links
print('Query URI links')
links = XmppUtilities.get_query_uri_links(jid_bare, jid_kind, node_name, item_id)
link_href = XmppUtilities.get_link_href(jid_bare, jid_kind, node_name)
view_href = XmppUtilities.get_view_href(jid_bare, jid_kind, node_name)
xmpp_uri = XmppUtilities.get_xmpp_uri(jid_bare, jid_kind, node_name)
node_note = xmpp_uri
# Graphic files
filename, filepath, filetype, selection = Graphics.handle_photo(
jid_bare, jid_vcard, link_href)
#except Exception as e:
exception = str(e)
action = 'Error'
title = 'Slixmpp error'
xmpp_uri = note = jid
filename = jid_bare = link_href = link_tex = node_note = \
node_title = number_of_pages = page_number = previous = \
selection = url = None
#if title == 'remote-server-timeout':
# raise HTTPException(status_code=408, detail='remote-server-timeout')
template_file = 'node.xhtml'
template_dict = {
'action' : action,
'brand_name' : brand_name,
'brand_site' : brand_site,
'chat_client' : chat_client,
'entries' : entries,
'exception' : exception,
'filename' : filename,
'jid_bare' : jid,
'jid_note' : note,
'jid_title' : title,
'links' : links,
'node_title' : node_title,
'node_note' : node_note,
'node_name' : node_name,
'number_of_pages' : number_of_pages,
'page_number' : page_number,
'previous' : previous,
'request' : request,
'selection' : selection,
'title' : node_title,
'url' : request.url._url,
'xmpp_uri' : xmpp_uri}
response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict)
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml'
return response
async def discover_jid_get(request: Request, jid):
"""View items of a selected service"""
jid_path = urlsplit(jid).path
if parseaddr(jid_path)[1] == jid_path:
jid_bare = jid_path.lower()
jid_bare = jid
note = 'Jabber ID appears to be malformed'
if jid_bare == jabber_id:
raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail='access-denied')
if True:
exception = note = selection = services_sorted = None
title = 'Services'
link_href = xmpp_uri = jid_bare
link_text = 'Reload'
# Start an XMPP instance and retrieve information
xmpp_instance = XmppInstance(jabber_id, password, jid_bare)
# JID services
action = 'Discover'
jid_info = await XmppXep0030.get_jid_info(xmpp_instance, jid_bare)
iq = jid_info['iq']
if iq:
jid_kind = jid_info['kind']
iq_disco_info = iq['disco_info']
for identity in iq_disco_info['identities']:
if jid_kind == identity[0] and identity[3]:
note = identity[3]
if not note: note = jid_bare
jid_items = await XmppXep0030.get_jid_items(xmpp_instance, jid_bare)
iq = jid_items['iq']
iq_disco_items = iq['disco_items']
iq_disco_items_items = iq_disco_items['items']
services = {}
#services_sorted = {}
category = 'unsorted'
for item in iq_disco_items_items:
jid_bare = item[0]
if len(iq_disco_items_items) > 20 or jid_kind and jid_kind in ('pubsub'):
identity = sub_jid_info = sub_jid_info_iq = ''
if jid_kind and jid_kind in ('conference', 'mix', 'muc'):
category = 'conference'
if jid_kind and jid_kind in ('pubsub'):
category = 'pubsub'
sub_jid_info = await XmppXep0030.get_jid_info(xmpp_instance, jid_bare)
sub_jid_info_iq = sub_jid_info['iq']
for identity_item in sub_jid_info_iq['disco_info']['identities']:
identity = identity_item
if sub_jid_info_iq:
category = identity[0] if (identity, list) and identity[0] else 'other'
identity = None
category = 'unavailable'
sub_jid_kind = sub_jid_info['kind'] if 'kind' in sub_jid_info else None
if category not in services: services[category] = []
{'identity' : identity,
'info' : sub_jid_info,
'jid' : jid_bare,
'kind' : sub_jid_kind,
'name' : item[2] or item[1] or item[0],
'node' : item[1]})
services_sorted = {k: v for k, v in services.items() if k != 'unavailable'}
if 'unavailable' in services: services_sorted['unavailable'] = services['unavailable']
message = '{}: {} (XEP-0030)'.format(jid_info['condition'], jid_info['text'])
services = services_sorted = None
#except Exception as e:
exception = str(e)
action = 'Error'
title = 'Slixmpp error'
xmpp_uri = note = jid
filename = jid_bare = link_href = link_text = selection = services = services_sorted = url = None
#if title == 'remote-server-timeout':
# raise HTTPException(status_code=408, detail='remote-server-timeout')
template_file = 'disco.xhtml'
template_dict = {
'action' : action,
'filename' : 'default.svg',
'brand_name' : brand_name,
'brand_site' : brand_site,
'chat_client' : chat_client,
'exception' : exception,
'jid_bare' : jid,
'note' : note,
'request' : request,
'services' : services_sorted,
'title' : title,
'url' : request.url._url,
'link_href' : link_href,
'link_text' : link_text,
'xmpp_uri' : xmpp_uri}
response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict)
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml'
return response
async def jid_node_get(request: Request, jid, node_name):
response = await main_jid_node_get(request, jid, node_name)
return response
async def jid_get(request: Request, jid):
node_name = request.query_params.get('node', '')
if node_name:
response = RedirectResponse(url='/j/{}/{}'.format(jid, node_name))
response = await main_jid_node_get(request, jid)
return response
async def main_jid_node_get(request: Request, jid, node_name=None):
jid_bare = jid
jid_path = urlsplit(jid).path
if parseaddr(jid_path)[1] == jid_path:
jid_bare = jid_path.lower()
jid_bare = jid
note = 'Jabber ID appears to be malformed'
if jid_bare == jabber_id:
raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail='access-denied')
if True:
action = alias = count_item = count_message = exception = \
instance = jid_vcard = jid_info = link_href = message = note = \
selection = title = vcard4 = view_href = xmpp_uri = None
#node_name = 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0'
filename = os.path.join(directory_cache, 'details', jid_bare + '.toml')
if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.getsize(filename) > 0:
jid_details = Toml.open_file_toml(filename)
jid_details = await XmppUtilities.cache_jid_data(
jabber_id, password, jid_bare, node_name, alias=alias)
# Set node name to 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0'
jid_kind = jid_details['kind']
nodes = jid_details['nodes']
count_message = jid_details['messages']
if (jid_kind not in ('conference', 'mix', 'muc') and
'@' in jid_bare and
not node_name and
'urn:xmpp:microblog:0' in nodes):
node_name = 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0'
items = jid_details['items']
jid_info = {
'error' : jid_details['error'],
'text' : jid_details['error_text'],
'condition' : jid_details['error_condition']}
jid_vcard = {
'name' : jid_details['name'],
'note' : jid_details['note'],
'type' : jid_details['image_type']}
messages = jid_details['messages']
#note = nodes[node_name]['title'] if node_name in nodes else jid_details['note']
#note = jid_details['note']
# vCard4
node_name_vcard4 = 'urn:xmpp:vcard4'
item_id_vcard4 = 'current'
directory = os.path.join(directory_cache, 'xep_0060', jid_bare, node_name_vcard4)
filename = os.path.join(directory, item_id_vcard4 + '.xml')
if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.getsize(filename) > 0:
xml_data = Toml.open_file_xml(filename)
root_element = xml_data.getroot()
child_element = root_element[0]
#vcard_info = Syndication.extract_vcard_items(child_element)
vcard_info = Syndication.extract_vcard4_items(child_element)
title = vcard_info['fn']
alias = vcard_info['alias']
#note = vcard_info['note']
await XmppUtilities.cache_vcard_data(
jabber_id, password, jid_bare, node_name_vcard4, item_id_vcard4)
if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.getsize(filename) > 0:
vcard4 = True
# Node item IDs
supdirectory = os.path.join(directory_cache, 'xep_0060', jid_bare)
if not os.path.exists(supdirectory): os.mkdir(supdirectory)
if node_name:
directory = os.path.join(directory_cache, 'xep_0060', jid_bare, node_name)
if not os.path.exists(directory):
await XmppUtilities.cache_node_data(
jabber_id, password, jid_bare, node_name)
# JID or node items
if jid_kind in ('mix', 'muc', 'conference', 'server'):
count_item = jid_details['count']
elif jid_kind in ('account', 'pubsub'):
node_items = os.listdir(directory)
if 'urn:xmpp:avatar:metadata.xml' in node_items:
count_item = len(node_items)
# if ('@' in jid_bare and
# 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0' not in nodes and
# jid_kind not in ('conference', 'mix', 'muc')):
# count_item = 0
# else:
# count_item = len(node_items)
if jid_kind == 'pubsub' and node_name:
items = jid_details['items']
for item in items:
if item[1] == node_name:
#nodes[node_name]['title'] = item[2]
title = item[2]
if not title: title = node_name
title = jid_details['name']
# TODO Consider also the existence of a node /j/pubsub.movim.eu/i2p
if jid_kind:
# Action and instance type
action, instance = XmppUtilities.set_action_instance_type(jid_kind, node_name)
view_href = XmppUtilities.get_view_href(jid_bare, jid_kind, node_name)
xmpp_uri = XmppUtilities.get_xmpp_uri(jid_bare, jid_kind, node_name)
else: # jid_info['error']
action = 'Contact'
instance = view_href = ''
if jid_info['condition']: message = '{}: {} (XEP-0030)'.format(jid_info['text'], jid_info['condition'])
xmpp_uri = jid_bare
link_href = XmppUtilities.get_link_href(jid_bare, jid_kind, node_name)
# Query URI links
print('Query URI links')
links = XmppUtilities.get_query_uri_links(jid_bare, jid_kind, node_name)
# Graphic files
filename, filepath, filetype, selection = Graphics.handle_photo(
jid_bare, jid_vcard, link_href)
#except Exception as e:
exception = str(e)
action = 'Error'
title = 'Slixmpp error'
xmpp_uri = jid
alias = count_item = count_message = filename = jid_bare = \
jid_vcard = jid_kind = links = message = selection = url = \
vcard4 = None
#note_500 = note[:500]
#note = note_500 + ' …' if note_500 < note else note_500
# NOTE Handling of variables "title" and "note" in case of '/j/{jid}/{node_name}' is confusing.
# TODO Add new keys that are of 'node' and be utilized for nodes, instead of reusing a variable for several roles.
# FIXME If no title be provided to 'node name', use 'node name' itself as title (to be done at XmppUtilities.cache_jid_data).
template_file = 'jid.xhtml'
template_dict = {
'action' : action,
'alias' : alias,
'brand_name' : brand_name,
'brand_site' : brand_site,
'chat_client' : chat_client,
'count_item' : count_item,
'count_message' : count_message,
'instance' : instance,
'exception' : exception,
'filename' : filename,
'jid_bare' : jid_bare,
'jid_kind' : jid_kind,
'links' : links,
'message' : message,
'news_client' : news_client,
'note' : note, # TODO node_note or title of PubSub JID
'request' : request,
'selection' : selection,
'title' : title, # TODO node_title
'url' : request.url._url,
'vcard4' : vcard4,
'view_href' : view_href,
'xmpp_uri' : xmpp_uri}
response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict)
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml'
return response
async def selection_get(request: Request):
filename = os.path.join(directory_data, 'systems.toml')
software = Toml.open_file_toml(filename)['systems']
template_file = 'software.xhtml'
template_dict = {
'brand_name' : brand_name,
'brand_site' : brand_site,
'chat_client' : chat_client,
'request' : request,
'software' : software,
'url' : request.url._url}
response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict)
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml'
return response
#async def download_select_get(request, software=None):
async def download_software_get(request: Request, software):
response = await download_get(request, featured=True, software=software)
return response
async def download_software_all_get(request: Request, software):
response = await download_get(request, featured=False, software=software)
return response
async def download_get(request: Request, featured=True, software=None):
# Fearured clients '/download/{software}'
# All clients '/download/{software}/all'
# Select software '/download/select'
skipped = False
if not software:
user_agent = request.headers.get("user-agent")
user_agent_lower = user_agent.lower()
match user_agent_lower:
case _ if 'bsd' in user_agent_lower:
software = 'bsd'
case _ if 'linux' in user_agent_lower:
software = 'linux'
case _ if 'haiku' in user_agent_lower:
software = 'haiku'
case _ if 'android' in user_agent_lower:
software = 'android'
case _ if 'reactos' in user_agent_lower or 'windows' in user_agent_lower:
software = 'windows'
case _ if 'ios' in user_agent_lower or 'macos' in user_agent_lower:
software = 'apple'
name = software.title()
if software == 'bsd': name = 'BSD'
if software == 'posix': name = 'POSIX'
if software == 'ubports': name = 'UBports'
if name.endswith('os'): name = name.replace('os', 'OS')
filename_clients = os.path.join(directory_data, 'clients.toml')
clients = Toml.open_file_toml(filename_clients)
client_selection = []
clients_software = 0
for client in clients:
if software in clients[client]:
clients_software += 1
if featured and 'featured' not in clients[client]['properties']:
skipped = True
client_selected = {
'name' : clients[client]['title'],
'about' : clients[client]['about'],
'href' : clients[client][software],
'iden' : client,
'properties' : clients[client]['properties'],
'resources' : clients[client]['resources'] if 'resources' in clients[client] else ''}
skipped = False if len(client_selection) == clients_software else True
template_file = 'download.xhtml'
template_dict = {
'brand_name' : brand_name,
'brand_site' : brand_site,
'chat_client' : chat_client,
'client_selection' : client_selection,
'featured' : featured,
'skipped' : skipped,
'request' : request,
'software' : software,
'title' : name,
'url' : request.url._url}
response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict)
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml'
return response
def access_denied_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: HTTPException):
action = 'Warning'
title = 'Access Denied'
return result_get(request, action, title)
def not_found_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: HTTPException):
action = 'Warning'
title = 'Not Found'
return result_get(request, action, title)
def internal_error_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: HTTPException):
action = 'Error'
title = 'Internal Server Error'
return result_get(request, action, title)
def time_out_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: HTTPException):
action = 'Warning'
title = 'Time Out'
return result_get(request, action, title)
def result_get(request: Request, action: str, title: str):
template_file = 'result.xhtml'
template_dict = {
'action' : action,
'brand_name' : brand_name,
'brand_site' : brand_site,
'chat_client' : chat_client,
'request' : request,
'title' : title,
'url' : request.url._url}
response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict)
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml'
return response
async def main_get(request: Request):
jabber_id = request.query_params.get('jid', '')
if jabber_id:
response = RedirectResponse(url='/j/' + jabber_id)
template_file = 'main.xhtml'
template_dict = {
'brand_name' : brand_name,
'brand_site' : brand_site,
'chat_client' : chat_client,
'request' : request,
'url' : request.url._url}
response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict)
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml'
return response