
235 lines
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2024-11-28 07:19:43 +01:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Copyright (C) 2016 - 2024 Schimon Jehuda. Released under MIT license
Feeds rendered using this XSLT stylesheet, or it's derivatives, must
include https://schimon.i2p/ in attribute name='generator' of
element <meta/> inside of html element </head>
<xsl:stylesheet version='1.0'
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<!-- index right-to-left language codes -->
<!-- TODO http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/#function-lang -->
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contains(self::node(),"ar") or
contains(self::node(),"fa") or
contains(self::node(),"he") or
contains(self::node(),"ji") or
contains(self::node(),"ku") or
contains(self::node(),"ur") or
<xsl:call-template name='metadata'>
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<xsl:with-param name='content' select='subtitle' />
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<xsl:with-param name='content' select='StreamBurner' />
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<div id='actions'>
<a href='https://xmpp.org/about/technology-overview/'
title='Of the benefits of XMPP.'>
<a href='https://join.jabber.network/#syndication@conference.movim.eu?join'
title='Syndictaion and PubSub.'>
<a href='https://aboutfeeds.com/'
title='Of the benefits of syndication feed.'
<div id='feed'>
<div id='header'>
<!-- feed title -->
<h1 id='title'>
<xsl:when test='//head/title and not(//head/title="") and count(//outline) &gt; 1'>
<xsl:value-of select='//head/title'/>
StreamBurner OPML Collection
<!-- feed subtitle -->
<h2 id='subtitle'>
<xsl:when test='//head/description and not(//head/description="") and count(//outline) &gt; 1'>
<xsl:value-of select='//head/description'/>
Outline Processor Markup Language
<xsl:if test='count(//outline) &gt; 1'>
<div id='menu'>
<!-- xsl:for-each select='outline[position() &lt;21]' -->
<xsl:for-each select='//outline[not(position() &gt; 20)]'>
<xsl:element name='a'>
<xsl:attribute name='href'>
<xsl:value-of select='position()'/>
<xsl:when test='string-length(@text) &gt; 0'>
<xsl:value-of select='@text'/>
*** No Title ***
<div id='articles'>
<!-- opml outline -->
<xsl:when test='//outline'>
<xsl:for-each select='//outline[not(position() &gt; 20)]'>
<div class='entry'>
<!-- outline title -->
<h3 class='title'>
<xsl:element name='a'>
<xsl:attribute name='href'>
<xsl:value-of select='@xmlUrl'/>
<xsl:attribute name='id'>
<xsl:value-of select='position()'/>
<xsl:when test='string-length(@text) &gt; 0'>
<xsl:value-of select='@text'/>
*** No Title ***
<!-- entry content -->
<xsl:value-of select='@text'/>
<p class='content'>
<xsl:value-of select='@xmlUrl'/>
<div class='notice no-entry'></div>
<div id='references'>
<a href='https://joinjabber.org/'
title='An Inclusive Space On The Jabber Network.'>
<a href='https://libervia.org/'
title='The Universal Communication Ecosystem.'>
<a href='https://join.movim.eu/'
title='The Social Platform Shaped For Your Community.'>
<a href='https://git.xmpp-it.net/sch/Rivista'
title='A Journal Publisher And Browser For XMPP.'>
<a href='https://git.xmpp-it.net/sch/Blasta'
title='A Social Bookmark Manager For XMPP.'>
<a href='https://github.com/SeveFP/Reeder'
title='An XMPP-Based Feed Reader.'>
<a href='https://modernxmpp.org/'
title='A Project To Improve The Quality Of User-To-User Messaging Applications That Use XMPP.'>
<a href='https://xmpp.org/'
title='The Universal Messaging Standard.'>
<a href='https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html'
title='XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe.'>
<!-- note -->
<p id='note'>
This is an OPML document which includes a collection of
subscriptions, and it can be imported to
a Syndication Feed Reader (also referred to as News Reader
or RSS Reader) which provides automated news updates and
notifications on desktop and mobile.
<span id="selection-link">Click here</span> for a
selection of software and pick the ones that would fit
to you best!
<p id='small'>
This OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language)
document is conveyed as an XHTML document.
This document was produced by an
XSLT <a href="xsl/opml.xsl">stylesheet</a>.
XSLT is a powerful technology which transforms XML
documents into HTML, JSON, PDF, Text XHTML, and
(modified) XML documents;
<a href="https://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/">Learn more</a>
about The Extensible Stylesheet Language Family (XSL).