#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from datetime import datetime from email.utils import parseaddr from fastapi import FastAPI, Form, HTTPException, Request, Response from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from fastapi.responses import FileResponse, HTMLResponse from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates #import logging #from os import mkdir #from os.path import getsize, exists import os import qrcode import random import re from slixmpp import ClientXMPP, stanza from slixmpp.exceptions import IqError, IqTimeout, PresenceError from starlette.responses import RedirectResponse #import time import tomli_w from urllib.parse import urlsplit import uvicorn import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET try: import cv2 except: print('OpenCV (cv2) is required for dynamic background.') try: import numpy except: print('NumPy (numpy) is required for dynamic background.') try: import tomllib except: import tomli as tomllib class XmppInstance(ClientXMPP): def __init__(self, jid, password, jid_bare): super().__init__(jid, password) self.jid_bare = jid_bare self.register_plugin('xep_0030') # XEP-0030: Service Discovery self.register_plugin('xep_0045') # XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat self.register_plugin('xep_0054') # XEP-0054: vcard-temp self.register_plugin('xep_0060') # XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.on_session_start) async def on_session_start(self, event): self.send_presence() #self.disconnect() class HttpInstance: def __init__(self, jabber_id, password, alias): self.app = FastAPI() templates = Jinja2Templates(directory='xhtml') # TODO # 1) Mount at the same mountpoint /img. # 2) Image filename to be constant, i.e. /img/photo.png and /img/qr.png. self.app.mount('/photo', StaticFiles(directory='photo'), name='photo') self.app.mount('/qr', StaticFiles(directory='qr'), name='qr') self.app.mount('/css', StaticFiles(directory='css'), name='css') self.app.mount('/img', StaticFiles(directory='img'), name='img') # @self.app.get('/favicon.ico', include_in_schema=False) # def favicon_get(): # return FileResponse('graphic/hermes.ico') # @self.app.get('/hermes.svg') # def logo_get(): # return FileResponse('graphic/hermes.svg') @self.app.get('/v/{jid}') async def view_jid(request: Request, jid): """View messages of jabber id""" jid_path = urlsplit(jid).path if parseaddr(jid_path)[1] == jid_path: jid_bare = jid_path.lower() else: jid_bare = jid note = 'Jabber ID appears to be malformed' try: exception = node_title = note = number_of_pages = page_number = previous = selection = services_sorted = None node_name = 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?join'.format(jid_bare) link_text = 'Join' xmpp_uri = '{}'.format(jid_bare) # Start an XMPP instance and retrieve information xmpp_instance = XmppInstance(jabber_id, password, jid_bare) xmpp_instance.connect() # JID kind instance = message = node_id = None jid_info = await XmppXep0030.get_jid_info(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) jid_info_iq = jid_info['iq'] jid_kind = jid_info['kind'] links = [] if jid_info['error']: message = '{}: {} (XEP-0030)'.format(jid_info['text'], jid_info['condition']) action = 'Connect with' link_href = 'xmpp:{}'.format(jid_bare) links.append({'name' : 'Connect', 'href' : link_href, 'iden' : 'connect'}) xmpp_uri = jid_bare elif jid_kind in ('conference', 'server'): action = 'Discover' if jid_kind == 'conference': instance = 'conferences' elif jid_kind == 'server': instance = 'services' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?disco;type=get;request=items'.format(jid_bare) links.append({'name' : 'Discover', 'href' : link_href, 'iden' : 'discover'}) view_href = '/d/' + jid_bare xmpp_uri = jid_bare elif jid_kind in ('mix', 'muc'): #title = 'Group Chat ' + title # TODO Set group chat subject as description. action = 'Join to' instance = 'participants' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?join'.format(jid_bare) links.append({'name' : 'Join', 'href' : link_href, 'iden' : 'join'}) view_href = '/v/' + jid_bare xmpp_uri = jid_bare # room_info = await XmppXep0045.get_room_data(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) # breakpoint() elif jid_kind == 'pubsub': #node_name = request.query_params.get('node', '') if node_name: action = 'Subscribe to' instance = 'articles' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?pubsub;node={};action=subscribe'.format(jid_bare, node_name) view_href = '/d/{}/{}'.format(jid_bare, node_name) xmpp_uri = '{}?;node={}'.format(jid_bare, node_name) else: action = 'Browse' instance = 'nodes' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?disco;type=get;request=items'.format(jid_bare) links.append({'name' : 'Browse', 'href' : link_href, 'iden' : 'browse'}) view_href = '/d/' + jid_bare xmpp_uri = jid_bare else: action = 'Message' instance = 'articles' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?message'.format(jid_bare) links.append({'name' : 'Add', 'href' : 'xmpp:{}?roster'.format(jid_bare), 'id' : 'add'}) links.append({'name' : 'Message', 'href' : link_href, 'iden' : 'message'}) node_name = 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0' view_href = '/d/{}/{}'.format(jid_bare, node_name) xmpp_uri = jid_bare links.append({'name' : 'Subscribe', 'href' : 'xmpp:{}?pubsub;node={};action=subscribe'.format(jid_bare, node_name), 'iden' : 'subscribe'}) links.append({'name' : 'View', 'href' : 'xmpp:{}?pubsub;node={}'.format(jid_bare, node_name), 'iden' : 'view'}) links.append({'name' : 'vCard', 'href' : 'xmpp:{}?vcard'.format(jid_bare), 'iden' : 'vcard'}) # JID info # NOTE Group chat of Psi+ Project at jabber.ru has a note in its vCard. # TODO Retrieve group chat title (try also with xep_0045 vcard_data = await XmppXep0054.get_vcard_data(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) if vcard_data['error']: jid_detail = {} #jid_detail['note'] = '{}: {}'.format(vcard_data['text'], vcard_data['condition']) jid_detail['name'] = jid_detail['note'] = jid_detail['note'] = jid_detail['type'] = jid_detail['bin'] = None else: conference_title = None if jid_kind in ('mix', 'muc'): for identity in jid_info_iq['disco_info']['identities']: if identity[3]: conference_title = identity[3] break vcard_temp = vcard_data['iq']['vcard_temp'] jid_detail = { 'name' : vcard_temp['FN'] or conference_title, 'note' : vcard_temp['notes'] or node_id, 'type' : vcard_temp['PHOTO']['TYPE'], 'bin' : vcard_temp['PHOTO']['BINVAL'] } # Group chat messages action = 'Join' messages = [] # TODO Create configurations for group chat preview room_info_muc = await XmppXep0045.get_room_information(xmpp_instance, jid_bare, alias, maxstanzas=50) messages = room_info_muc['iq'][3] messages.reverse() subject = room_info_muc['iq'][1]['subject'] page_number = request.query_params.get('page', '') if page_number: try: page_number = int(page_number) ix = (page_number -1) * 10 except: ix = 0 page_number = 1 else: ix = 0 page_number = 1 messages_10 = messages[ix:][:10] number_of_pages = int(len(messages) / 10) if number_of_pages < len(messages) / 10: number_of_pages += 1 if not room_info_muc: action = 'Warning' node_title = jid_info['condition'] node_note = jid_info['text'] services = services_sorted = None elif isinstance(room_info_muc, IqTimeout): action = 'Warning' node_title = 'Timeout' node_note = 'Timeout error' services = services_sorted = None elif isinstance(room_info_muc, IqError): action = 'Warning' breakpoint() node_title = room_info_muc['condition'] node_note = room_info_muc['text'] services = services_sorted = None else: #title = title or node_name if not node_title: node_title = node_name node_note = jid_bare xmpp_instance.disconnect() # Notes jid_detail_note = jid_detail['note'] if isinstance(jid_detail_note, list) and len(jid_detail_note): note = jid_detail_note[0]['NOTE'] else: note = jid_detail_note #if not note and jid_detail['name'] and not 'undefined' in jid_detail['name'] and title != jid_detail['name']: # note = jid_detail['name'] # File type mimetype = filename = filepath = None if jid_detail['type']: mimetype = jid_detail['type'] if mimetype: filetype = mimetype.split('/')[1] if filetype == 'svg+xml': filetype = 'svg' filename = '{}.{}'.format(jid_bare, filetype) filepath = 'photo/{}.{}'.format(jid_bare, filetype) #img.save(filename) # Write the decoded bytes to a file with open(filepath, 'wb') as file: file.write(jid_detail['bin']) #from PIL import Image #img = Image.open(filepath) #rgb_im = im.convert("RGB") #rgb_im.save('{}_mod.jpg'.format(jid_bare)) # Default photo. Utilized, if there is no image file. if not filepath or not os.path.exists(filepath) or os.path.getsize(filepath) == 0: filename = 'default.svg' elif filetype == 'svg': selection = Graphics.extract_colours_from_vector(filepath) else: selection = Graphics.extract_colours_from_raster(filepath) # QR code Graphics.generate_qr_code_graphics_from_string(link_href, jid_bare) except Exception as e: exception = str(e) action = 'Error' title = 'Slixmpp error' xmpp_uri = note = jid filename = jid_bare = link_href = link_tex = node_note = node_title = number_of_pages = page_number = previous = selection = services = services_sorted = url = None #if title == 'remote-server-timeout': # raise HTTPException(status_code=408, detail='remote-server-timeout') #else: template_file = 'conference.xhtml' template_dict = { 'action' : action, 'exception' : exception, 'filename' : filename, 'jid_bare' : jid, 'jid_note' : jid_detail['note'], 'jid_title' : jid_detail['name'], 'links' : links, 'messages' : messages_10, 'node_title' : node_title, 'node_note' : node_note, 'node_name' : node_name, 'number_of_pages' : number_of_pages, 'page_number' : page_number, 'previous' : previous, 'request' : request, 'subject' : subject, 'title' : jid_detail['name'], 'url' : request.url._url, 'xmpp_uri' : xmpp_uri} response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml' return response # NOTE Was /b/ @self.app.get('/d/{jid}/{node_name}') @self.app.get('/d/{jid}/{node_name}/{item_id}') async def browse_jid_node_get(request: Request, jid, node_name, item_id=None): """Browse items of a pubsub node""" jid_path = urlsplit(jid).path if parseaddr(jid_path)[1] == jid_path: jid_bare = jid_path.lower() else: jid_bare = jid note = 'Jabber ID appears to be malformed' try: exception = note = number_of_pages = page_number = previous = selection = services_sorted = None node_title = node_name link_href = 'xmpp:{}?pubsub;node={};action=subscribe'.format(jid_bare, node_name) link_text = 'Subscribe' xmpp_uri = '{}?;node={}'.format(jid_bare, node_name) # Start an XMPP instance and retrieve information xmpp_instance = XmppInstance(jabber_id, password, jid_bare) xmpp_instance.connect() # JID kind instance = message = node_id = None jid_info = await XmppXep0030.get_jid_info(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) jid_info_iq = jid_info['iq'] jid_kind = jid_info['kind'] links = [] if jid_info['error']: message = '{}: {} (XEP-0030)'.format(jid_info['text'], jid_info['condition']) action = 'Connect with' link_href = 'xmpp:{}'.format(jid_bare) links.append({'name' : 'Connect', 'href' : link_href, 'iden' : 'connect'}) xmpp_uri = jid_bare elif jid_kind in ('conference', 'server'): action = 'Discover' if jid_kind == 'conference': instance = 'conferences' elif jid_kind == 'server': instance = 'services' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?disco;type=get;request=items'.format(jid_bare) links.append({'name' : 'Discover', 'href' : link_href, 'iden' : 'discover'}) view_href = '/d/' + jid_bare xmpp_uri = jid_bare elif jid_kind in ('mix', 'muc'): #title = 'Group Chat ' + title # TODO Set group chat subject as description. action = 'Join to' instance = 'participants' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?join'.format(jid_bare) links.append({'name' : 'Join', 'href' : link_href, 'iden' : 'join'}) view_href = '/v/' + jid_bare xmpp_uri = jid_bare # room_info = await XmppXep0045.get_room_data(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) # breakpoint() elif jid_kind == 'pubsub': #node_name = request.query_params.get('node', '') if node_name: action = 'Subscribe to' instance = 'articles' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?pubsub;node={};action=subscribe'.format(jid_bare, node_name) view_href = '/d/{}/{}'.format(jid_bare, node_name) xmpp_uri = '{}?;node={}'.format(jid_bare, node_name) else: action = 'Browse' instance = 'nodes' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?disco;type=get;request=items'.format(jid_bare) links.append({'name' : 'Browse', 'href' : link_href, 'iden' : 'browse'}) view_href = '/d/' + jid_bare xmpp_uri = jid_bare else: action = 'Message' instance = 'articles' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?message'.format(jid_bare) links.append({'name' : 'Add', 'href' : 'xmpp:{}?roster'.format(jid_bare), 'iden' : 'add'}) links.append({'name' : 'Add', 'href' : link_href, 'iden' : 'message'}) node_name = 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0' view_href = '/d/{}/{}'.format(jid_bare, node_name) xmpp_uri = jid_bare if item_id: links.append({'name' : 'Subscribe', 'href' : 'xmpp:{}?pubsub;node={};item={};action=subscribe'.format(jid_bare, node_name, item_id), 'iden' : 'subscribe'}) links.append({'name' : 'View', 'href' : 'xmpp:{}?pubsub;node={};item={}'.format(jid_bare, node_name, item_id), 'iden' : 'view'}) else: links.append({'name' : 'Subscribe', 'href' : 'xmpp:{}?pubsub;node={};action=subscribe'.format(jid_bare, node_name), 'iden' : 'subscribe'}) links.append({'name' : 'View', 'href' : 'xmpp:{}?pubsub;node={}'.format(jid_bare, node_name), 'iden' : 'view'}) links.append({'name' : 'vCard', 'href' : 'xmpp:{}?vcard'.format(jid_bare), 'iden' : 'vcard'}) # JID info # NOTE Group chat of Psi+ Project at jabber.ru has a note in its vCard. vcard_data = await XmppXep0054.get_vcard_data(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) if vcard_data['error']: jid_detail = {} #jid_detail['note'] = '{}: {}'.format(vcard_data['text'], vcard_data['condition']) jid_detail['name'] = jid_detail['note'] = jid_detail['note'] = jid_detail['type'] = jid_detail['bin'] = None else: conference_title = None if jid_kind in ('mix', 'muc'): for identity in jid_info_iq['disco_info']['identities']: if identity[3]: conference_title = identity[3] break vcard_temp = vcard_data['iq']['vcard_temp'] jid_detail = { 'name' : vcard_temp['FN'] or conference_title, 'note' : vcard_temp['notes'] or node_id, 'type' : vcard_temp['PHOTO']['TYPE'], 'bin' : vcard_temp['PHOTO']['BINVAL'] } # Title # TODO /d/pubsub.nicoco.fr/blog/urn-uuid-53e43061-1962-3112-bb8a-1473dca61719 if '@' in jid_bare and node_name == 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0': node_title = 'Journal' else: jid_items = await XmppXep0030.get_jid_items(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) iq = jid_items['iq'] iq_disco_items = iq['disco_items'] iq_disco_items_items = iq_disco_items['items'] category = 'unsorted' for item in iq_disco_items_items: if item[2] and item[1] == node_name: node_title = item[2] break # Node items action = 'Browse' entries = [] if item_id: previous = True node_items = await XmppXep0060.get_node_items(xmpp_instance, jid_bare, node_name, item_ids=[item_id]) else: item_ids = [] node_item_ids = await XmppXep0060.get_node_item_ids(xmpp_instance, jid_bare, node_name) for item_id in node_item_ids['disco_items']['items']: item_ids.append(item_id[2]) # NOTE Consider to skip the reversal of order, because, then, items can be found at the same page. item_ids.reverse() page_number = request.query_params.get('page', '') if page_number: try: page_number = int(page_number) ix = (page_number -1) * 10 except: ix = 0 page_number = 1 else: ix = 0 page_number = 1 item_ids_10 = item_ids[ix:][:10] node_items = await XmppXep0060.get_node_items(xmpp_instance, jid_bare, node_name, item_ids=item_ids_10) number_of_pages = int(len(item_ids) / 10) if number_of_pages < len(item_ids) / 10: number_of_pages += 1 if not node_items: action = 'Warning' node_title = jid_info['condition'] node_note = jid_info['text'] services = services_sorted = None elif isinstance(node_items, IqTimeout): action = 'Warning' node_title = 'Timeout' node_note = 'Timeout error' services = services_sorted = None elif isinstance(node_items, IqError): action = 'Warning' breakpoint() node_title = node_items['condition'] node_note = node_items['text'] services = services_sorted = None else: #title = title or node_name if not node_title: node_title = node_name node_note = jid_bare for item in node_items['pubsub']['items']: item_payload = item['payload'] entry = Syndication.extract_items(item_payload) if entry: entry['id'] = item['id'] entries.append(entry) #if len(entries) > 10: break if entries: entries.reverse() xmpp_instance.disconnect() # Notes jid_detail_note = jid_detail['note'] if isinstance(jid_detail_note, list) and len(jid_detail_note): note = jid_detail_note[0]['NOTE'] else: note = jid_detail_note #if not note and jid_detail['name'] and not 'undefined' in jid_detail['name'] and title != jid_detail['name']: # note = jid_detail['name'] # File type mimetype = filename = filepath = None if jid_detail['type']: mimetype = jid_detail['type'] if mimetype: filetype = mimetype.split('/')[1] if filetype == 'svg+xml': filetype = 'svg' filename = '{}.{}'.format(jid_bare, filetype) filepath = 'photo/{}.{}'.format(jid_bare, filetype) #img.save(filename) # Write the decoded bytes to a file with open(filepath, 'wb') as file: file.write(jid_detail['bin']) #from PIL import Image #img = Image.open(filepath) #rgb_im = im.convert("RGB") #rgb_im.save('{}_mod.jpg'.format(jid_bare)) # Default photo. Utilized, if there is no image file. if not filepath or not os.path.exists(filepath) or os.path.getsize(filepath) == 0: filename = 'default.svg' elif filetype == 'svg': selection = Graphics.extract_colours_from_vector(filepath) else: selection = Graphics.extract_colours_from_raster(filepath) # QR code Graphics.generate_qr_code_graphics_from_string(link_href, jid_bare) except Exception as e: exception = str(e) action = 'Error' title = 'Slixmpp error' xmpp_uri = note = jid filename = jid_bare = link_href = link_tex = node_note = node_title = number_of_pages = page_number = previous = selection = services = services_sorted = url = None #if title == 'remote-server-timeout': # raise HTTPException(status_code=408, detail='remote-server-timeout') #else: template_file = 'node.xhtml' template_dict = { 'action' : action, 'entries' : entries, 'exception' : exception, 'filename' : filename, 'jid_bare' : jid, 'jid_note' : jid_detail['note'], 'jid_title' : jid_detail['name'], 'links' : links, 'node_title' : node_title, 'node_note' : node_note, 'node_name' : node_name, 'number_of_pages' : number_of_pages, 'page_number' : page_number, 'previous' : previous, 'request' : request, 'title' : node_title, 'url' : request.url._url, 'xmpp_uri' : xmpp_uri} response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml' return response @self.app.get('/d/{jid}') async def discover_jid_get(request: Request, jid): """View items of a selected service""" jid_path = urlsplit(jid).path if parseaddr(jid_path)[1] == jid_path: jid_bare = jid_path.lower() else: jid_bare = jid note = 'Jabber ID appears to be malformed' try: exception = note = selection = services_sorted = None title = 'Services' link_href = xmpp_uri = jid_bare link_text = 'Reload' # Start an XMPP instance and retrieve information xmpp_instance = XmppInstance(jabber_id, password, jid_bare) xmpp_instance.connect() # JID services action = 'Discover' jid_info = await XmppXep0030.get_jid_info(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) iq = jid_info['iq'] if iq: jid_kind = jid_info['kind'] iq_disco_info = iq['disco_info'] for identity in iq_disco_info['identities']: if jid_kind == identity[0] and identity[3]: note = identity[3] if not note: note = jid_bare jid_items = await XmppXep0030.get_jid_items(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) iq = jid_items['iq'] iq_disco_items = iq['disco_items'] iq_disco_items_items = iq_disco_items['items'] services = {} #services_sorted = {} category = 'unsorted' for item in iq_disco_items_items: jid_bare = item[0] if len(iq_disco_items_items) > 20 or jid_kind and jid_kind in ('pubsub'): identity = sub_jid_info = sub_jid_info_iq = '' if jid_kind and jid_kind in ('conference', 'mix', 'muc'): category = 'conference' if jid_kind and jid_kind in ('pubsub'): category = 'pubsub' else: sub_jid_info = await XmppXep0030.get_jid_info(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) sub_jid_info_iq = sub_jid_info['iq'] try: for identity_item in sub_jid_info_iq['disco_info']['identities']: identity = identity_item break if sub_jid_info_iq: category = identity[0] if (identity, list) and identity[0] else 'other' except: identity = None category = 'unavailable' sub_jid_kind = sub_jid_info['kind'] if 'kind' in sub_jid_info else None if category not in services: services[category] = [] services[category].append( {'identity' : identity, 'info' : sub_jid_info, 'jid' : jid_bare, 'kind' : sub_jid_kind, 'name' : item[2] or item[1] or item[0], 'node' : item[1]}) services_sorted = {k: v for k, v in services.items() if k != 'unavailable'} if 'unavailable' in services: services_sorted['unavailable'] = services['unavailable'] else: action = 'Warning' title = jid_info['condition'] note = jid_info['text'] services = services_sorted = None xmpp_instance.disconnect() except Exception as e: exception = str(e) action = 'Error' title = 'Slixmpp error' xmpp_uri = note = jid filename = jid_bare = link_href = link_text = selection = services = services_sorted = url = None #if title == 'remote-server-timeout': # raise HTTPException(status_code=408, detail='remote-server-timeout') #else: template_file = 'disco.xhtml' template_dict = { 'action' : action, 'exception' : exception, 'filename' : 'default.svg', 'jid_bare' : jid, 'note' : note, 'request' : request, 'services' : services_sorted, 'title' : title, 'url' : request.url._url, 'link_href' : link_href, 'link_text' : link_text, 'xmpp_uri' : xmpp_uri} response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml' return response @self.app.get('/v/{jid}') async def view_jid_get(request: Request, jid): """View recent messages of a conference""" pass #TODO @self.app.get('/{jid}/{node_name}') async def jid_node_get(request: Request, jid, node_name): response = await main_jid_node_get(request, jid, node_name) return response @self.app.get('/{jid}') async def jid_get(request: Request, jid): node_name = request.query_params.get('node', '') if node_name: response = RedirectResponse(url='/{}/{}'.format(jid, node_name)) else: response = await main_jid_node_get(request, jid) return response async def main_jid_node_get(request: Request, jid, node_name=None): jid_bare = jid jid_path = urlsplit(jid).path if parseaddr(jid_path)[1] == jid_path: jid_bare = jid_path.lower() else: jid_bare = jid note = 'Jabber ID appears to be malformed' try: exception = note = selection = title = view_href = None # Start an XMPP instance and retrieve information xmpp_instance = XmppInstance(jabber_id, password, jid_bare) xmpp_instance.connect() # JID kind instance = message = node_id = None jid_info = await XmppXep0030.get_jid_info(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) jid_info_iq = jid_info['iq'] jid_kind = jid_info['kind'] links = [] if jid_info['error']: message = '{}: {} (XEP-0030)'.format(jid_info['text'], jid_info['condition']) action = 'Connect with' link_href = 'xmpp:{}'.format(jid_bare) links.append(['Connect', link_href]) xmpp_uri = jid_bare elif jid_kind in ('conference', 'server'): action = 'Discover' if jid_kind == 'conference': instance = 'conferences' elif jid_kind == 'server': instance = 'services' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?disco;type=get;request=items'.format(jid_bare) links.append(['Discover', link_href]) view_href = '/d/' + jid_bare xmpp_uri = jid_bare elif jid_kind in ('mix', 'muc'): #title = 'Group Chat ' + title # TODO Set group chat subject as description. action = 'Join to' instance = 'participants' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?join'.format(jid_bare) links.append(['Join', link_href]) view_href = '/v/' + jid_bare xmpp_uri = jid_bare # room_info = await XmppXep0045.get_room_data(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) # breakpoint() elif jid_kind == 'pubsub': #node_name = request.query_params.get('node', '') if node_name: action = 'Subscribe to' instance = 'articles' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?pubsub;node={};action=subscribe'.format(jid_bare, node_name) links.append(['Subscribe', link_href]) links.append(['View', 'xmpp:{}?pubsub;node={}'.format(jid_bare, node_name)]) view_href = '/d/{}/{}'.format(jid_bare, node_name) xmpp_uri = '{}?;node={}'.format(jid_bare, node_name) else: action = 'Browse' instance = 'nodes' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?disco;type=get;request=items'.format(jid_bare) links.append(['Browse', link_href]) view_href = '/d/' + jid_bare xmpp_uri = jid_bare else: action = 'Message' instance = 'articles' link_href = 'xmpp:{}?message'.format(jid_bare) links.append(['Add', 'xmpp:{}?roster'.format(jid_bare)]) links.append(['Message', link_href]) node_name = 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0' view_href = '/d/{}/{}'.format(jid_bare, node_name) xmpp_uri = jid_bare links.append(['vCard', 'xmpp:{}?vcard'.format(jid_bare)]) # JID item count count = None if jid_kind in ('mix', 'muc', 'conference', 'server'): jid_items = await XmppXep0030.get_jid_items(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) count = len(jid_items['iq']['disco_items']['items']) elif jid_kind in ('account', 'pubsub'): node_items = await XmppXep0060.get_node_item_ids(xmpp_instance, jid_bare, node_name) if isinstance(node_items, stanza.iq.Iq): count = len(node_items['disco_items']['items']) # JID info # NOTE Group chat of Psi+ Project at jabber.ru has a note in its vCard. vcard_data = await XmppXep0054.get_vcard_data(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) if vcard_data['error']: jid_detail = {} #jid_detail['note'] = '{}: {}'.format(vcard_data['text'], vcard_data['condition']) jid_detail['name'] = jid_detail['note'] = jid_detail['note'] = jid_detail['type'] = jid_detail['bin'] = None else: conference_title = None if jid_kind in ('mix', 'muc'): for identity in jid_info_iq['disco_info']['identities']: if identity[3]: conference_title = identity[3] break vcard_temp = vcard_data['iq']['vcard_temp'] jid_detail = { 'name' : vcard_temp['FN'] or conference_title, 'note' : vcard_temp['notes'] or node_id, 'type' : vcard_temp['PHOTO']['TYPE'], 'bin' : vcard_temp['PHOTO']['BINVAL'] } # Title if jid_kind == 'pubsub': jid_items = await XmppXep0030.get_jid_items(xmpp_instance, jid_bare) iq = jid_items['iq'] iq_disco_items = iq['disco_items'] iq_disco_items_items = iq_disco_items['items'] for item in iq_disco_items_items: if item[2] and item[1] == node_name: title = item[2] break if jid_kind == 'server': if jid_info_iq: for identity in jid_info_iq['disco_info']['identities']: if jid_kind == identity[0] and identity[1] == 'im' and identity[3]: title = identity[3] print(jid_bare) print(identity) print(jid_info) # String 'undefined' is sourced from JID discuss@conference.conversejs.org if not title: if jid_detail['name'] and not 'undefined' in jid_detail['name']: title = jid_detail['name'] else: title = jid_bare.split('@')[0] xmpp_instance.disconnect() # Notes jid_detail_note = jid_detail['note'] if isinstance(jid_detail_note, list) and len(jid_detail_note): note = jid_detail_note[0]['NOTE'] else: note = jid_detail_note #if not note and jid_detail['name'] and not 'undefined' in jid_detail['name'] and title != jid_detail['name']: # note = jid_detail['name'] # File type mimetype = filename = filepath = None if jid_detail['type']: mimetype = jid_detail['type'] if mimetype: filetype = mimetype.split('/')[1] if filetype == 'svg+xml': filetype = 'svg' filename = '{}.{}'.format(jid_bare, filetype) filepath = 'photo/{}.{}'.format(jid_bare, filetype) #img.save(filename) # Write the decoded bytes to a file with open(filepath, 'wb') as file: file.write(jid_detail['bin']) #from PIL import Image #img = Image.open(filepath) #rgb_im = im.convert("RGB") #rgb_im.save('{}_mod.jpg'.format(jid_bare)) # Default photo. Utilized, if there is no image file. if not filepath or not os.path.exists(filepath) or os.path.getsize(filepath) == 0: filename = 'default.svg' elif filetype == 'svg': selection = Graphics.extract_colours_from_vector(filepath) else: selection = Graphics.extract_colours_from_raster(filepath) # QR code Graphics.generate_qr_code_graphics_from_string(link_href, jid_bare) except Exception as e: exception = str(e) print(exception) action = 'Error' title = 'Slixmpp error' xmpp_uri = jid count = filename = jid_bare = jid_kind = links = message = selection = url = None template_file = 'jid.xhtml' template_dict = { 'action' : action, 'count' : count, 'instance' : instance, 'exception' : exception, 'filename' : filename, 'jid_bare' : jid_bare, 'jid_kind' : jid_kind, 'links' : links, 'message' : message, 'note' : note, 'request' : request, 'selection' : selection, 'title' : title, 'url' : request.url._url, 'view_href' : view_href, 'xmpp_uri' : xmpp_uri} response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml' return response @self.app.exception_handler(404) def not_found_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: HTTPException): action = 'Warning' title = 'Not Found' return result_get(request, action, title) @self.app.exception_handler(500) def internal_error_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: HTTPException): action = 'Error' title = 'Internal Server Error' return result_get(request, action, title) def result_get(request: Request, action: str, title: str): template_file = 'result.xhtml' template_dict = { 'action' : action, 'request' : request, 'title' : title, 'url' : request.url._url} response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml' return response @self.app.get('/') async def main_get(request: Request): jabber_id = request.query_params.get('jid', '') if jabber_id: response = RedirectResponse(url='/' + jabber_id) else: template_file = 'main.xhtml' template_dict = { 'request' : request, 'url' : request.url._url} response = templates.TemplateResponse(template_file, template_dict) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml' return response class Data: def open_file_toml(filename: str) -> dict: with open(filename, mode="rb") as fn: data = tomllib.load(fn) return data def save_to_toml(filename: str, data: dict) -> None: with open(filename, 'w') as fn: data_as_string = tomli_w.dumps(data) fn.write(data_as_string) class Graphics: def extract_colours_from_raster(filepath): try: img = cv2.imread(filepath) #thresholded = cv2.inRange(img, (50, 100, 200), (50, 100, 200)) thresholded = cv2.inRange(img, (90, 90, 90), (190, 190, 190)) #thresholded = cv2.bitwise_not(thresholded) #thresholded = cv2.inRange(img, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) #res = img + cv2.cvtColor(thresholded, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) #result = numpy.clip(img, 90, 190) #result = numpy.clip(img, 50, 200) #result = numpy.clip(img, 100, 150) result = numpy.clip(img, 100, 200) res = cv2.cvtColor(result, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) """ img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) mask = numpy.all(numpy.logical_and(img >= 90, img <= 190), axis=2) result = numpy.where(mask[...,None], img, 255) res = cv2.cvtColor(result, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) """ """ # Thresholding for black: lower_black = numpy.array([0, 0, 0]) upper_black = numpy.array([50, 50, 50]) # Adjust this value for the black range black_mask = cv2.inRange(img, lower_black, upper_black) # Thresholding for white: lower_white = numpy.array([250, 250, 250]) upper_white = numpy.array([255, 255, 255]) white_mask = cv2.inRange(img, lower_white, upper_white) # Combine the masks combined_mask = cv2.bitwise_or(black_mask, white_mask) # Invert the combined mask inverted_mask = cv2.bitwise_not(combined_mask) # Apply the mask to the original image res = cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=inverted_mask) """ selection = [] ix_1st = random.randint(1, len(res)-1) res_ix_1st = res[ix_1st] ix_ix_1st = random.randint(1, len(res_ix_1st)-1) res_ix_ix_1st = res_ix_1st[ix_ix_1st] selection.append(numpy.array(res_ix_ix_1st).tolist()) ix_2nd = random.randint(1, len(res)-1) res_ix_2nd = res[ix_2nd] ix_ix_2nd = random.randint(1, len(res_ix_2nd)-1) res_ix_ix_2nd = res_ix_2nd[ix_ix_2nd] selection.append(numpy.array(res_ix_ix_2nd).tolist()) print(selection) except Exception as e: selection = None exception = str(e) print(exception) return selection def extract_colours_from_vector(filepath): # Parse the SVG file tree = ET.parse(filepath) root = tree.getroot() # Set to store unique colours colours_hex = set() colours_rgb = [] # SVG namespace namespace = {'svg': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'} # Find all possible elements for elem in root.findall('.//svg:circle', namespace) + \ root.findall('.//svg:ellipse', namespace) + \ root.findall('.//svg:line', namespace) + \ root.findall('.//svg:path', namespace) + \ root.findall('.//svg:polygon', namespace) + \ root.findall('.//svg:rect', namespace) + \ root.findall('.//svg:text', namespace): fill = elem.get('fill') stroke = elem.get('stroke') # Add colours to the set if they are not None or 'none' if fill and fill.startswith('#') and len(fill) > 4 and fill.lower() != 'none': colours_hex.add(fill) if stroke and stroke.startswith('#') and len(stroke) > 4 and stroke.lower() != 'none': colours_hex.add(stroke) for colour in colours_hex: hex = colour.lstrip('#') rgb = list(int(hex[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) rgb.reverse() colours_rgb.append(rgb) selection = [] if len(colours_rgb) > 1: for i in range(2): ix = random.randint(0, len(colours_rgb)-1) selection.append(colours_rgb[ix]) del colours_rgb[ix] elif len(colours_rgb) == 1: selection = [colours_rgb[0], colours_rgb[0]] return selection def generate_qr_code_graphics_from_string(text, jid_bare): #qrcode_graphics = qrcode.make(text) qr = qrcode.QRCode(border=2, box_size=10) qr.add_data(text) qrcode_graphics = qr.make_image(fill_color='#333', back_color='#f2f2f2') qrcode_graphics.save('qr/{}.png'.format(jid_bare)) class Syndication: def extract_items(item_payload, limit=False): namespace = '{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}' title = item_payload.find(namespace + 'title') links = item_payload.find(namespace + 'link') if (not isinstance(title, ET.Element) and not isinstance(links, ET.Element)): return None title_text = '' if title == None else title.text if isinstance(links, ET.Element): for link in item_payload.findall(namespace + 'link'): link_href = link.attrib['href'] if 'href' in link.attrib else '' if link_href: break contents = item_payload.find(namespace + 'content') content_text = '' if isinstance(contents, ET.Element): for content in item_payload.findall(namespace + 'content'): content_text = content.text or '' if content_text: break summaries = item_payload.find(namespace + 'summary') summary_text = '' if isinstance(summaries, ET.Element): for summary in item_payload.findall(namespace + 'summary'): summary_text = summary.text or '' if summary_text: break published = item_payload.find(namespace + 'published') published_text = '' if published == None else published.text categories = item_payload.find(namespace + 'category') tags = [] if isinstance(categories, ET.Element): for category in item_payload.findall(namespace + 'category'): if 'term' in category.attrib and category.attrib['term']: category_term = category.attrib['term'] if len(category_term) < 20: tags.append(category_term) elif len(category_term) < 50: tags.append(category_term) if limit and len(tags) > 4: break identifier = item_payload.find(namespace + 'id') if identifier and identifier.attrib: print(identifier.attrib) identifier_text = '' if identifier == None else identifier.text instances = '' # TODO Check the Blasta database for instances. entry = {'content' : content_text, 'href' : link_href, 'published' : published_text, 'summary' : summary_text, 'tags' : tags, 'title' : title_text, 'updated' : published_text} # TODO "Updated" is missing return entry class XmppXep0030: async def get_jid_items(self, jid_bare): try: condition = text = None error = False iq = await self['xep_0030'].get_items(jid=jid_bare) except (IqError, IqTimeout) as e: #logger.warning('Chat type could not be determined for {}'.format(jid_bare)) #logger.error(e) iq = None error = True condition = e.iq['error']['condition'] text = e.iq['error']['text'] or 'Error' #if not text: # # NOTE We might want to set a specific photo for condition remote-server-not-found # if condition: # text = 'Could not determine JID type' # else: # text = 'Unknown Error' result = { 'condition' : condition, 'error' : error, 'iq' : iq, 'text' : text} return result # NOTE # Feature "urn:xmpp:mucsub:0" is present in both, MUC local and MUC hostname # Feature "urn:xmpp:serverinfo:0" is present in both, MUC hostname and main hostname async def get_jid_info(self, jid_bare): jid_kind = None try: error = False condition = text = None iq = await self['xep_0030'].get_info(jid=jid_bare) iq_disco_info = iq['disco_info'] if iq_disco_info: features = iq_disco_info['features'] if 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#unique' in features: jid_kind = 'conference' elif 'urn:xmpp:mix:core:1' in features: jid_kind = 'mix' elif ('muc_moderated' in features or 'muc_open' in features or 'muc_persistent' in features or 'muc_public' in features or 'muc_semianonymous' in features or 'muc_unmoderated' in features or 'muc_unsecured' in features): jid_kind = 'muc' else: for identity in iq_disco_info['identities']: if identity[0] == 'pubsub' and identity[1] == 'service': #if 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub' in features: #if 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#access-authorize' in features: #if 'http://jabber.org/protocol/rsm' in features: jid_kind = 'pubsub' break if identity[0] == 'server' and identity[1] == 'im': jid_kind = 'server' break #if identity[0] == 'pubsub' and identity[1] == 'pep': if identity[0] == 'account': #if 'urn:xmpp:bookmarks:1#compat-pep' in features: #if 'urn:xmpp:bookmarks:1#compat' in features: #if 'urn:xmpp:push:0' in features: #if 'urn:xmpp:pep-vcard-conversion:0' in features: #if 'urn:xmpp:sid:0' in features: # Also in MIX #if 'urn:xmpp:mam:2' in features: #if 'urn:xmpp:mam:2#extended' in features: jid_kind = 'account' break if identity[0] == 'client' and identity[1] == 'bot': jid_kind = 'bot' #logger.info('Jabber ID: {}\n' # 'Chat Type: {}'.format(jid_bare, result)) else: iq = condition = text = None except (IqError, IqTimeout) as e: #logger.warning('Chat type could not be determined for {}'.format(jid_bare)) #logger.error(e) iq = None error = True condition = e.iq['error']['condition'] text = e.iq['error']['text'] or 'Error' #if not text: # # NOTE We might want to set a specific photo for condition remote-server-not-found # if condition: # text = 'Could not determine JID type' # else: # text = 'Unknown Error' result = { 'condition' : condition, 'error' : error, 'iq' : iq, 'text' : text, 'kind' : jid_kind} return result class XmppXep0045: async def get_room_information(self, jid, alias, maxchars=None, maxstanzas=None, seconds=None): #logger.info('Joining groupchat\nJID : {}\n'.format(jid)) #jid_from = str(self.boundjid) if self.is_component else None if not maxchars: maxchars = 1000 if not maxstanzas: maxstanzas = 50 if not seconds: seconds = 864000 try: error = False condition = text = None #since = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()-seconds) iq = await self['xep_0045'].join_muc_wait( jid, alias, #maxchars=maxchars, maxstanzas=maxstanzas, #password=None, #presence_options = {"pfrom" : jid_from}, #seconds=seconds, #since=since, #timeout=30 ) except (IqError, IqTimeout, PresenceError) as e: error = True iq = None condition = e.iq['error']['condition'] text = e.iq['error']['text'] result = { 'error' : error, 'condition' : condition, 'text' : text, 'iq' : iq} return result async def get_room_data(self, jid_bare): return await self['xep_0045'].get_room_config(jid_bare) async def get_room_participants(self, jid_bare): return await self['xep_0045'].get_roster(jid_bare) # NOTE: "Item not found", yet is a group chat # That is, JID has no vcard # messaging-off@conference.movim.eu class XmppXep0054: async def get_vcard_data(self, jid_bare): try: error = False condition = text = None iq = await self['xep_0054'].get_vcard(jid_bare) except (IqError, IqTimeout) as e: error = True condition = e.iq['error']['condition'] text = e.iq['error']['text'] if not text: if condition: text = 'Could not retrieve vCard' else: text = 'Unknown Error' iq = None result = { 'error' : error, 'condition' : condition, 'text' : text, 'iq' : iq} return result class XmppXep0060: async def get_node_items(self, jid_bare, node_name, item_ids=None, max_items=None): try: if max_items: iq = await self['xep_0060'].get_items( jid_bare, node_name, timeout=5) it = self['xep_0060'].get_items( jid_bare, node_name, timeout=5, max_items=max_items, iterator=True) q = rsm.Iq() q['to'] = jid_bare q['disco_items']['node'] = node_name async for item in rsm.ResultIterator(q, 'disco_items', '10'): print(item['disco_items']['items']) else: iq = await self['xep_0060'].get_items( jid_bare, node_name, timeout=5, item_ids=item_ids) result = iq except IqError as e: if e.iq['error']['text'] == 'Node not found': result = 'Node not found' elif e.iq['error']['condition'] == 'item-not-found': result = 'Item not found' else: result = None except IqTimeout as e: result = e return result async def get_node_item_ids(self, jid_bare, node_name): try: iq = await self['xep_0030'].get_items( jid_bare, node_name) # Broken. See https://codeberg.org/poezio/slixmpp/issues/3548 #iq = await self['xep_0060'].get_item_ids( # jid_bare, node_name, timeout=5) result = iq except IqError as e: if e.iq['error']['text'] == 'Node not found': result = 'Node not found' elif e.iq['error']['condition'] == 'item-not-found': result = 'Item not found' else: result = None except IqTimeout as e: result = e return result class XmppXep0369: async def get_room_data(self, jid_bare): return await self['xep_0369'].get_channel_info(jid_bare) def main(): filename_configuration = 'configuration.toml' data = Data.open_file_toml(filename_configuration) account = data['account'] jabber_id = account['xmpp'] password = account['pass'] alias = account['alias'] http_instance = HttpInstance(jabber_id, password, alias) return http_instance.app app = main() # FIXME if __name__ == '__main__': uvicorn.run(app, host='', port=8000, reload=True)