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                <h2>&nbsp; PubSub Bookmarks</h2>
                    ยป This is a referential guide for features of Blasta.
                <h3 id="synopsis">
                    Blasta offers utilities such as bookmarklet buttons,
                    extensions and even userscripts and userstyles that would
                    extend it features with extra functionalities, and change
                    its appearance.
                <h4 id="buttons">
                    Bookmarklet and home buttons
                    Blasta offers a bookmarklet to facilitate the task of saving
                    HTTP links to your collection. Pin this
                    <span id="bookmarklet">
                        <img alt="Blasta"
                        <a href="javascript:{{bookmarklet}}"
                           title="Pin this link to your bookmarks bar.">
                    bookmarklet to your bookmarks bar, and click on it
                    when you want to save a link of a given page to your
                    You can also pin these links to your bookmarks bar, in order
                    to swiftly navigate to your bookmarks with a single click.
                    <span id="bookmarklet">
                        <img alt="Blasta"
                        <a href="/jid"
                           title="Pin this link to your bookmarks bar.">
                    <span id="bookmarklet">
                        <img alt="Blasta (Private)"
                        <a href="/private"
                           title="Pin this link to your bookmarks bar.">
                    <span id="bookmarklet">
                        <img alt="Blasta (Read)"
                        <a href="/read"
                           title="Pin this link to your bookmarks bar.">
                            Reading List</a></span>.
                <h4 id="software">
                    Blasta works together with other XMPP clients; currently,
                    there are two clients, and these are:
                    <a href="https://libervia.org">Libervia</a> and
                    <a href="https://movim.eu">Movim</a>.
                <h4 id="falkon">
                    Falkon extension
                    Blasta offers a simple extension for the
                    <a href="https://falkon.org">Falkon</a> browser, that would
                    allow you to save links from your browser, without the need
                    to open the page. This is useful in case you want to save a
                    link which is not intended to be open in a browser, for
                    instance: <code>irc</code>, <code>magnet</code>,
                    <code>mailto</code>, <code>monero</code>, <code>tel</code>,
                    <code>xmpp</code> etc.
                <h4 id="greasemonkey">
                    Greasemonkey userscripts and userstyles
                    Blasta offers userscripts to extend its set of features, and
                    userstyles to custom its appearance, layout
                    and its colors.
                    The features offered are: "favicon", "preview", "themes" to
                    name just a few. You are not bound to the userscripts and
                    userstyles that are offered by Blasta, and you are
                    encouraged to install, write and share your own scripts!
                <h4 id="references">
                    Herein links to repositories that offer userscripts and
                    <a href="https://greasyfork.org">
                        Greasy Fork
                    <a href="https://openuserjs.org">
                    <a href="http://usa.x10host.com/mybb/index.php">
                        UserScripts Archive
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