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Movim works as a front-end for XMPP network. </p> <p> Movim can act as your decentralized messaging app or a full-fledged social media platform giving you an all-in-one experience without relying on a centralized network. </p> <p> Movim addresses the privacy concerns related to centralized social networks by allowing people to set up their own server (or "pod") to host content; pods can then interact to share status updates, photographs, and other social data. </p> <p> People can export their data to other pods or offline allowing for greater flexibility. </p> <p> Movim allows to host data with a traditional internet host, a VPS-based host, an ISP, or a friend. </p> <p> The framework, which is built upon PHP, is a free software and can be experimented with by external developers. </p> <h4> What is Movim? </h4> <p> Movim is a social and chat platform that acts as a frontend for the XMPP network. </p> <p> Once deployed Movim offers a complete social and chat experience for the decentralized XMPP network. It can easily connect to several XMPP servers at the same time. </p> <p> With a simple configuration it can also be restricted to one XMPP server and will then act as a powerful frontend for it. Movim is fully compatible with the most used XMPP servers such as ejabberd or Prosody. </p> <h4> Blogs & Communities </h4> <p> Movim simplifies the management of your publications and news articles. So forget the ads, forget the superfluous. We designed an interface that really focuses on your content. </p> <p> In Communities you can publish and subscribe to various nodes on different topics. Just click on the Communities link in your menu and start exploring! </p> <h4> Chats & Chatrooms </h4> <p> Start a conversation with a friend or join a multi-user chatroom in one click. </p> <p> Movim chats are coming with many features to give you the best chat experience across all your devices </p> <h4> Let's get started! </h4> <p> <a href="https://join.movim.eu/register"> Create an XMPP account </a> ​  and join one of our public instances on <a href="https://join.movim.eu"> join.movim.eu </a> ​  (If you already have a XMPP account, you can directly join). </p> <h4> Press </h4> <p> <ul> <li> <a href="https://itsfoss.com/movim/"> Movim: An Open-Source Decentralized Social Platform Based on XMPP Network </a> ​  (itsfoss.com) </li> <li> <a href="https://medevel.com/movim/"> Movim: a decentralized open-source XMPP-based messaging and social platform </a> ​  (medevel.com) </li> <li> <a href="https://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/reseaux-sociaux-decentralises-movim-peut-il-reussir-la-ou-diaspora-a-echoue-39791588.htm"> Réseaux sociaux décentralisés : Movim peut-il réussir là où Diaspora a échoué </a> ​  (zdnet.fr) </li> </ul> </p> <h4>Resources</h4> <p> <ul> <li> <a href="https://movim.eu"> Official Site </a> ​  (movim.eu) </li> <li> <a href="xmpp:movim@conference.movim.eu?join"> Official Group Chat </a> ​  (conference.movim.eu) </li> </ul> </p> <br/> <p class="quote bottom"> Blasta was inspired by Movim and Rivista. </p> </div> </div> <div id="footer" class="row"> <dl> <dd> <img src="/graphic/blasta.svg" alt="logo"/> <a href="/">blasta</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/help/about">about</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/help/about/xmpp">xmpp</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/help/about/xmpp/pubsub">pubsub</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="{{journal}}">journal</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/help">help</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/help/policy">policy</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/help/feeds">rss</a> </dd> <dd> <a href="/contact">contact</a> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> </body> </html>