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                <h2>&nbsp; PubSub Bookmarks</h2>
                <p>» This is a help guide for feeds of Blasta.</p>
                <h3 id="introduction">An introduction to feeds</h3>
                    A feed, or "Atom", or "Syndication", or "RSS" (Really Simple
                    Syndication or Rich Site Summary) is a mean that allows you
                    to receive news articles and other updates from sites
                    quickly and conveniently through the installation of a Feed
                    Reader (also News Reader or RSS Reader) similar to e-mail.
                    Through RSS, you can easily receive news updates on your PC,
                    mobile and tablet without visiting the site yourself, which
                    spares the need for you to manually check the site for new
                <h4 id="atom-over-http">Atom Over HTTP</h4>
                    Blasta offers Atom feeds for you to subscribe with your News
                    The subscriptions to Atom Syndication Feeds are centralized
                    to the Blasta server.
                    If you do not have a News Reader yet, please refer to our
                    <a href="/help/syndication#software">
                    selection of News Readers</a>.
                <h4 id="atom-over-xmpp">Atom Over XMPP</h4>
                    Since Blasta is based upon XMPP, Blasta offers
                    <a href="/help/about/xmpp/pubsub">PubSub</a> feeds for you
                    to subscribe with XMPP clients such as
                    <a href="https://leechcraft.org">LeechCraft</a>,
                    <a href="https://libervia.org">Libervia</a>,
                    <a href="https://movim.eu">Movim</a> and
                    <a href="https://github.com/SeveFP/Reeder">Reeder</a>.
                    Generally, there are two types of PubSub subscriptions:
                            Peer to peer subscription which allows you to
                            subscribe directly to a Blasta node of a contact.
                            Peer to server subscription that is exclusive to
                            Blasta which offers its special nodes, such as
                            "popular", "recent", "tag" and "url" variants.
                    Technically, both PubSub subscriptions are the same, yet the
                    "peer to peer" type of subscription is entirely independent
                    from Blasta.
                <h4 id="http-xmpp">Which is better, HTTP or XMPP?</h4>
                <p>It depends on your use case.</p>
                    If you want to receive immediate updates and save bandwidth
                    then XMPP would be a good choice for you.
                    If you rather want to be anonymous to the Blasta system or
                    to a peer, and you do not care so much for bandwidth and,
                    perhaps, you also want to be behind a mixnet or proxy such
                    as I2P or Tor, then HTTP would be a good choice for you.
                    Please note, that most of the XMPP desktop clients do not
                    yet provide graphical interfaces for PubSub, so you might
                    have to resort to the HTTP method, until XMPP desktop
                    clients would provide graphical interfaces for PubSub.
                    For more information about Blasta feeds, please refer to the
                    feeds <a href="/help/syndication#patterns">legend</a>.
                <h4 id="conclusion">Conclusion</h4>
                    The syndication feeds of Blasta are available in two forms
                    (HTTP and XMPP) and can be utilized via any mean you think
                    is fit to you, be it a Feed Reader or an XMPP Client. You
                    can decide by your own personal preference.
                <p class="quote bottom">
                    “Syndication is, in fact, the technology that the
                    Fortune 500, so called, do not want you to know about”
                    ― Alex James Anderson
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