diff --git a/blasta/http/instance.py b/blasta/http/instance.py
index 97f7f84..954282a 100644
--- a/blasta/http/instance.py
+++ b/blasta/http/instance.py
@@ -1274,20 +1274,21 @@ class HttpInstance:
                             response: Response,
                             jabber_id: str = Form(...),
                             password: str = Form(...)):
+            request_url_path = request.url.path
             function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
-            logger.debug(f'{function_name},{jabber_id},Start')
+            logger.debug(f'{function_name},{request_url_path},Start')
             if not UtilitiesHttp.is_jid_matches_to_session(accounts, sessions, request):
                 # Store a variable in the request's state
                 request.app.state.jabber_id = jabber_id
                 session_key = str(random.random())
                 request.app.state.session_key = session_key
                 accounts[jabber_id] = XmppInstance(jabber_id + '/blasta', password)
-                breakpoint()
-                # accounts[jabber_id].authenticated
-                # dir(accounts[jabber_id])
-                # accounts[jabber_id].failed_auth
-                # accounts[jabber_id].event_when_connected
-                sessions[jabber_id] = session_key
+                if accounts[jabber_id].is_connected:
+                    sessions[jabber_id] = session_key
+                else:
+                    del accounts[jabber_id]
+                    jabber_id = None
                 # Check if the user and password are present and valid
                 # If not valid, return "Could not connect to JID"
@@ -1348,7 +1349,7 @@ class HttpInstance:
                 message = 'Blasta system message ยป Authorization has failed.'
                 description = 'Connection has failed'
                 path = 'error'
-                logger.error(f'{function_name},{request_url_path},{description}')
+                logger.error(f'{function_name},{jabber_id},{description}')
                 response = result_post(request, jabber_id, description, message, path)
             return response
diff --git a/blasta/xmpp/instance.py b/blasta/xmpp/instance.py
index 179026d..c41b337 100644
--- a/blasta/xmpp/instance.py
+++ b/blasta/xmpp/instance.py
@@ -24,22 +24,22 @@ class XmppInstance(ClientXMPP):
         self.register_plugin('xep_0163') # XEP-0163: Personal Eventing Protocol
         self.register_plugin('xep_0223') # XEP-0223: Persistent Storage of Private Data via PubSub
-        self.connection_accepted = False
+        self.is_connected = False
     def on_connection_failed(self, event):
         function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
-        self.connection_accepted = False
+        self.is_connected = False
     def on_failed_auth(self, event):
         function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
-        self.connection_accepted = False
+        self.is_connected = False
     def on_session_start(self, event):
         function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
-        self.connection_accepted = True
+        self.is_connected = True