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<h2> PubSub Bookmarks</h2>
<p>» This is a help guide for XMPP PubSub of Blasta.</p>
Blasta manages and posts information on PubSub nodes of your
own XMPP account.
The technologies (i.e. standards and specifications) that
are being served for this task are Atom Syndication Format
(ASF) and Publish-Subscribe.
<h4>Atom Syndication Format (RFC 4287)</h4>
The Atom Syndication Format or ASF is a standard for
syndication which was yielded from RSS. The ASF was
approved by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
as <a href="https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4287">
RFC 4287</a> in december 2005.
This standard is an XML-based document format that describes
lists of related information known as "feeds". Feeds are
composed of a number of items, known as "entries", each with
an extensible set of attached metadata. For example, each
entry has a title.
The primary use case that Atom addresses is the syndication
of content such as journals and news headlines to sites as
well as directly to user agents.
<h4>Publish-Subscribe (XEP-0060)</h4>
Publish-Subscribe or PubSub is an XEP specification for
XMPP which was approved by the XMPP Standard Foundation (XSF)
as <a href="https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html">
XEP-0060</a> in november 2002.
This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for
generic publish-subscribe functionality. The protocol
enables XMPP entities to create nodes (topics) at a pubsub
service and publish information at those nodes; an event
notification (with or without payload) is then broadcasted
to all entities that have subscribed to the node. Pubsub
therefore adheres to the classic Observer design pattern and
can serve as the foundation for a wide variety of applications,
including news feeds, content syndication, rich presence,
geolocation, workflow systems, network management systems,
and any other application that requires event notifications.
Atomsub, or Atom Over XMPP, is the combination of PubSub and
Atom. <a href="/help/about/xmpp/atomsub">Learn more</a>.
The location at which Blasta stores your information is inside
node <code>urn:xmpp:bibliography:0</code> of
<code>{% if jabber_id %}{{jabber_id}}{% else %}your@jabber.id{% endif %}</code>
which interpretes to <a href="
xmpp:{% if jabber_id %}{{jabber_id}}{% else %}your@jabber.id{% endif %}?;node=urn:xmpp:bibliography:0">
xmpp:{% if jabber_id %}{{jabber_id}}{% else %}your@jabber.id{% endif %}?;node=urn:xmpp:bibliography:0</a>
and is where you can find all of your information, even if
this Blasta instance be offline.
This is an illustrated example of a node item which stores
as an Atom entry.
JID : {% if jabber_id %}{{jabber_id}}{% else %}your@jabber.id{% endif %}
Node : urn:xmpp:bibliography:0
Item : 3d0db4c019a01ebbbab1cf0723ed7ddd
The item ID is a an MD5 string which was yielded by a URL
which was hashed by the MD5 algorithm, and is used as a
representation of a URL ID for referential purposes in the
Blasta system.
This is an illustrated example of an Atom Syndication Format
entry which is stored in item
Title : The Pirate Bay - The most resilient BitTorrent site
Summary : Download music, movies, games, software!
Category : brand:the-pirate-bay
Category : directory:torrent
Category : service:search
Link : https://tpb.party/
Published : {{date_now_iso}}
Updated : {{date_now_iso}}
<p>This is the data as retrieved by an XMPP IQ Stanza.</p>
<item xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub" id="3d0db4c019a01ebbbab1cf0723ed7ddd">
<entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<title type="text">The Pirate Bay - The most resilient BitTorrent site</title>
<summary type="text">Download music, movies, games, software!</summary>
<category term="brand:the-pirate-bay" />
<category term="directory:torrent" />
<category term="service:search" />
<link href="https://tpb.party/" />
Which be realized in Blasta as follows.
<a href="https://tpb.party/">
The Pirate Bay - The most resilient BitTorrent site
<p class="summary">Download music, movies, games, software!</p>
<div class="details">
<a href="/?tags=brand:the-pirate-bay">
2024-08-25 12:44:59 +03:00
2024-08-22 17:09:04 +03:00
<a href="/?tags=directory:torrent">
2024-08-25 12:44:59 +03:00
2024-08-22 17:09:04 +03:00
<a href="/?tags=service:search">
2024-08-25 12:44:59 +03:00
2024-08-22 17:09:04 +03:00
<a href="/jid/fionn@jabber.i2p">Fionn</a>
2024-08-25 12:44:59 +03:00
2024-08-22 17:09:04 +03:00
<a href="/url/3d0db4c019a01ebbbab1cf0723ed7ddd">
<span class="instances-degree-fourth">and 57,293 other people</span>
2024-08-25 12:44:59 +03:00
2024-08-22 17:09:04 +03:00
<span class="date">{{date_now_readable}}</span>
This was an illustrative representation of how your data is
stored by Blasta as Atom feed entries on Publish-Subscribe
node <code>urn:xmpp:bibliography:0</code> of your XMPP
2024-08-25 12:44:59 +03:00
<a href="https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/PubSub_message_types">
PubSub message types
<a href="https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Tech_pages/PubSub">
Tech pages/PubSub
2024-08-22 17:09:04 +03:00
<p class="quote bottom"
title="Arthur Schopenhauer speaks about Bob Wyman, Jérôme Poisson, Joe Hildebrand, Peter Saint-Andre, and Timothée Jaussoin.">
“Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see.”
― Arthur Schopenhauer
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