'use strict' /* eslint-disable handle-callback-err */ process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production' const sinon = require('sinon') const should = require('chai').should() const nock = require('nock') const Outgoing = require('./../lib/outgoing') require('chai').should() describe('Outgoing webhook component', () => { let logger, config, xmppSendStub, xmpp, scope, scopeUnauthorized, scopeWithError, reqSpy before('Setup', () => { // create default logger logger = require('./../lib/logger')() // get configuration config = require('./../lib/config')(logger, './test/config.json') // update logger with configuration logger.updateConfig(config.logger) // mock xmpp component xmppSendStub = sinon.stub() xmpp = { send: xmppSendStub } // spy nock requests reqSpy = sinon.spy() }) beforeEach('Reset XMPP stub history', function (done) { xmppSendStub.resetHistory() reqSpy.resetHistory() // mock remote server scope = nock('https://domain.ltd:port') .post('/path/resource') .reply(200, { reply: 'This is a reply' }) scope.on('request', reqSpy) scopeUnauthorized = nock('https://domain.ltd:port') .post('/path/protectedresource') .reply(401, {}) scopeUnauthorized.on('request', reqSpy) scopeWithError = nock('https://domain.ltd:port') .post('/path/errorresource') .replyWithError('') scopeWithError.on('request', reqSpy) done() }) describe('Unkwnow outgoing webhook', () => { it('Should not execute request', (done) => { Outgoing(logger, config, xmpp, 'user', 'destination', 'message', true, 'code', (error, response, body) => { should.not.equal(error, null) sinon.assert.notCalled(reqSpy) done() }) }) }) describe('POST with basic authorization and JSON content-type and reply message to XMPP', () => { it('Should send basic authentication and JSON content-type in header and send an XMPP message', (done) => { Outgoing(logger, config, xmpp, 'user', 'destination', 'This a first message', true, 'w1', (error, response, body) => { should.equal(error, null) sinon.assert.calledOnce(reqSpy) const req = reqSpy.args[0][0] const bodyReq = JSON.parse(reqSpy.args[0][2]) req.headers.authorization.should.equal('Basic dXNlcjM6M3Bhc3M=') req.headers['content-type'].should.equal('application/json') bodyReq.from.should.equal('user') bodyReq.channel.should.equal('destination') bodyReq.message.should.equal('This a first message') sinon.assert.calledOnce(xmppSendStub) const xmppSendArgs = xmppSendStub.args[0] xmppSendArgs[0].should.equal('destination') xmppSendArgs[1].should.equal('This is a reply') xmppSendArgs[2].should.equal(true) done() }) }) }) describe('POST with bearer authorization and JSON content-type', () => { it('Should send basic authentication in header', (done) => { Outgoing(logger, config, xmpp, 'user', 'destination', 'This a second message', true, 'w2', (error, response, body) => { should.equal(error, null) sinon.assert.calledOnce(reqSpy) const req = reqSpy.args[0][0] const bodyReq = decodeURIComponent(reqSpy.args[0][2]) req.headers.authorization.should.equal('Bearer abcdefgh') req.headers['content-type'].should.equal('application/x-www-form-urlencoded') bodyReq.should.equal('from=user&message=This a second message&channel=destination') done() }) }) }) describe('POST without authorization', () => { it('Should not send authorization in header and handle 401', (done) => { Outgoing(logger, config, xmpp, 'user', 'destination', 'This a second message', true, 'w3', (error, response, body) => { should.not.equal(error, null) sinon.assert.calledOnce(reqSpy) done() }) }) }) describe('POST with HTTP error', () => { it('Should handle error', (done) => { Outgoing(logger, config, xmpp, 'user', 'destination', 'This a second message', true, 'w4', (error, response, body) => { should.not.equal(error, null) sinon.assert.calledOnce(reqSpy) done() }) }) }) })