/** * XMPP bot * * Create XMPP client, connect bot to server and handle interactions * * @exports xmpp * @file This files defines the XMPP bot * @author nioc * @since 2.0.0 * @license AGPL-3.0+ */ module.exports = (logger, config) => { const { client, xml, jid } = require('@xmpp/client') const outgoing = require('../outgoing') this.jid = null // declare send chat/groupchat function this.send = async (to, message, type) => { logger.debug(`Send ${type} message to ${to}: '${message}'`) const stanza = xml( 'message', { to, type }, xml( 'body', { }, message) ) await xmppClient.send(stanza) logger.debug(`${type} message successfully sent to ${to}`) } // declare close function this.close = async () => { await xmppClient.stop() } // create XMPP client const xmppClient = client(config.xmpp) // handle connection xmppClient.on('online', (address) => { logger.info(`XMPP connected on ${config.xmpp.service} with JID: ${address.toString()}`) this.jid = address // send presence xmppClient.send(xml('presence')) .then(() => { logger.debug('presence sent') }) .catch((error) => { logger.warn('presence returned following error:', error) }) // join rooms config.xmpp.rooms.forEach(function (room) { let occupantJid = room.id + '/' + address.local logger.debug(`Join room: ${room.id} ('${occupantJid}')`) const stanza = xml( 'presence', { to: occupantJid }, xml( 'x', { xmlns: 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc' } ) ) xmppClient.send(stanza) logger.info(`Joined room: ${room.id}`) }) }) // handle stanzas xmppClient.on('stanza', stanza => { if (!stanza.is('message')) { // not a message, do nothing return } let type = stanza.attrs.type switch (type) { case 'chat': case 'groupchat': let body = stanza.getChild('body') if (!body) { // empty body, do nothing return } let fromJid = jid(stanza.attrs.from) // for chat, "to" and "replyTo" must be something like "user@domain.ltd", "from" is local part "user" let to = this.jid.bare() let from = fromJid.local let replyTo = fromJid.bare() if (type === 'groupchat') { // for groupchat, "to" and "replyTo" is conference name, "from" is nickname to = fromJid.bare() from = fromJid.getResource() replyTo = to if (from === this.jid.local || stanza.getChild('delay')) { // message from bot or old message, do nothing return } } let message = body.text() // handle message delivery receipts for chat if (type === 'chat') { let request = stanza.getChild('request') if (request && request.attrs.xmlns && request.attrs.xmlns === 'urn:xmpp:receipts' && stanza.attrs.id) { logger.debug(`Message delivery receipt is requested and will be processed`) const receiptStanza = xml( 'message', { to: fromJid }, xml( 'received', { xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:receipts', id: stanza.attrs.id } ) ) xmppClient.send(receiptStanza) } } logger.info(`Incoming ${type} message from ${from} (${fromJid.toString()}) to ${to}`) logger.debug(`Message: "${message}"`) let xmppHook = config.getXmppHookAction(to.toString()) if (!xmppHook) { logger.error(`There is no action for incoming ${type} message to: "${to}"`) return } switch (xmppHook.action) { case 'outgoing_webhook': logger.debug(`Call outgoing webhook: ${xmppHook.args[0]}`) outgoing(logger, config, this, from.toString(), replyTo.toString(), message, type, xmppHook.args[0]) .catch(() => { this.send(replyTo.toString(), config.xmpp.errorReply, type) }) break default: break } break } }) // handle status xmppClient.on('status', (status) => { logger.trace(`Status changed to ${status}`) }) // trace input/output // xmppClient.on('input', (input) => { // logger.trace('<<<<', input) // }) // xmppClient.on('output', (output) => { // logger.trace('>>>', output) // }) // handle error xmppClient.on('error', (err) => { logger.error('XMPP client encountered following error:', err.message) process.exit(99) }) // connect xmppClient.start() .catch((error) => { logger.error('XMPP client encountered following error at connection', error) }) return this }