process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production' const should = require('chai').should() const sinon = require('sinon') const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter const mock = require('mock-require') // create default logger let logger = require('./../lib/logger')() // get configuration let config = require('./../lib/config')(logger, './test/config.json') // update logger with configuration logger.updateConfig(config.logger) // mock simple-xmpp module const simpleXmppEvents = new EventEmitter() let xmppJoinStub = sinon.stub() mock('simple-xmpp', { connect: () => {}, join: xmppJoinStub, on: (eventName, callback) => { simpleXmppEvents.on(eventName, callback) }, getRoster: () => {} }) // mock outgoing let outgoingStub = sinon.stub() mock('./../lib/outgoing', outgoingStub) describe('XMPP component', () => { beforeEach('Reset outgoing stub history', function () { outgoingStub.resetHistory() }) describe('Connect to XMPP server', () => { it('Should connect to XMPP server and join rooms when application start', (done) => { require('./../lib/xmpp')(logger, config) simpleXmppEvents.emit('online', { jid: { user: 'bot' } }) sinon.assert.called(xmppJoinStub) let roomsLength = config.xmpp.rooms.length sinon.assert.callCount(xmppJoinStub, roomsLength) for (let index = 0; index < roomsLength; index++) { const args = xmppJoinStub.args[index] args.should.have.length(2) args[0].should.equal(config.xmpp.rooms[index].id + '/' + 'bot') if (config.xmpp.rooms[index].password === null) { should.equal(args[1], null) } else { args[1].should.equal(config.xmpp.rooms[index].password) } } done() }) }) describe('Bot receive a message from someone', () => { it('Should trigger outgoing webhook with valid arguments', (done) => { simpleXmppEvents.emit('chat', 'someone', 'This is the message text') sinon.assert.calledOnce(outgoingStub) const args = outgoingStub.args[0] args.should.have.length(8) args[3].should.equal('someone') args[4].should.equal('someone') args[5].should.equal('This is the message text') args[6].should.equal(false) args[7].should.equal('w1') done() }) }) describe('Bot receive a message from himself in a room', () => { it('Should not trigger outgoing webhook', (done) => { simpleXmppEvents.emit('groupchat', '', 'bot', 'This is the message text', null) sinon.assert.notCalled(outgoingStub) done() }) }) describe('Bot receive a message in an unknown room', () => { it('Should not trigger outgoing webhook', (done) => { simpleXmppEvents.emit('groupchat', '', 'someone', 'This is the message text', null) sinon.assert.notCalled(outgoingStub) done() }) }) describe('Bot receive an old message in a room', () => { it('Should not trigger outgoing webhook', (done) => { simpleXmppEvents.emit('groupchat', '', 'someone', 'This is the message text', 'stamp') sinon.assert.notCalled(outgoingStub) done() }) }) describe('Bot receive a message in a room', () => { it('Should trigger outgoing webhook with valid arguments', (done) => { simpleXmppEvents.emit('groupchat', '', 'someone', 'This is the message text', null) sinon.assert.calledOnce(outgoingStub) const args = outgoingStub.args[0] args.should.have.length(8) args[3].should.equal('someone') args[4].should.equal('') args[5].should.equal('This is the message text') args[6].should.equal(true) args[7].should.equal('w1') done() }) }) describe('XMPP server send an error', () => { it('Should log error only', (done) => { let error = 'This the error text' simpleXmppEvents.emit('error', error) require('fs').readFile(config.logger.file.path + config.logger.file.filename, 'utf8', (err, data) => { if (err) { throw err } data.should.match(new RegExp(error + '\n$')) done() }) }) }) })