-`file`, `console` and `stdout` define log appenders (see [log4js doc](https://log4js-node.github.io/log4js-node/appenders.html))
### Webhooks listener
-`path` and `port` define the listening endpoint
-`ssl` define key and certificat location and port used for exposing in https, make sure that user of the process is allowed to read cert
-`users` is an array of user/password for basic authentication
-`accessLog` define the listener logger
### XMPP Server
-`host` and `port` define XMPP server
-`jid` and `password` define XMPP "bot" user credentials
-`rooms` list rooms (and optionnal password) where bot will listen
### Incoming webhooks (list)
-`path` is the webhook key:a POST request on this path will trigger corresponding `action`
-`action` among enumeration:
-`send_xmpp_message` will send message (`message` in request body) to `destination` (from request body) ; if `destination` is found in `config.xmppServer.rooms` array, message will send as a groupchat). Request exemple:
POST /webhooks/w1 HTTP/1.1
Host: domain.ltd:8000
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjE6cGFzczE=
Content-Length: 70
"message":"Hi, there something wrong."
-`send_xmpp_template` will send template with merged variables (using JMESPath) to `destination` (user or room if `sendToGroup` set to true)
### XMPP hooks (list)
-`room` is the XMPP hook key: an incoming groupchat (or chat) from this room (or this user) will trigger corresponding `action`
-`action` among enumeration:
-`outgoing_webhook` will execute a request to corresponding webhook with `args` as webhook code