2020-10-24 12:40:39 +02:00

163 lines
3.8 KiB

package shared
import (
xpp "github.com/mmcdole/goxpp"
var (
emailNameRgx = regexp.MustCompile(`^([^@]+@[^\s]+)\s+\(([^@]+)\)$`)
nameEmailRgx = regexp.MustCompile(`^([^@]+)\s+\(([^@]+@[^)]+)\)$`)
nameOnlyRgx = regexp.MustCompile(`^([^@()]+)$`)
emailOnlyRgx = regexp.MustCompile(`^([^@()]+@[^@()]+)$`)
TruncatedEntity = errors.New("truncated entity")
InvalidNumericReference = errors.New("invalid numeric reference")
const CDATA_START = "<![CDATA["
const CDATA_END = "]]>"
// ParseText is a helper function for parsing the text
// from the current element of the XMLPullParser.
// This function can handle parsing naked XML text from
// an element.
func ParseText(p *xpp.XMLPullParser) (string, error) {
var text struct {
Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
InnerXML string `xml:",innerxml"`
err := p.DecodeElement(&text)
if err != nil {
return "", err
result := text.InnerXML
result = strings.TrimSpace(result)
if strings.Contains(result, CDATA_START) {
return StripCDATA(result), nil
return DecodeEntities(result)
// StripCDATA removes CDATA tags from the string
// content outside of CDATA tags is passed via DecodeEntities
func StripCDATA(str string) string {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
curr := 0
for curr < len(str) {
start := indexAt(str, CDATA_START, curr)
if start == -1 {
dec, _ := DecodeEntities(str[curr:])
return buf.String()
end := indexAt(str, CDATA_END, start)
if end == -1 {
dec, _ := DecodeEntities(str[curr:])
return buf.String()
buf.Write([]byte(str[start+len(CDATA_START) : end]))
curr = curr + end + len(CDATA_END)
return buf.String()
// DecodeEntities decodes escaped XML entities
// in a string and returns the unescaped string
func DecodeEntities(str string) (string, error) {
data := []byte(str)
buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
for len(data) > 0 {
// Find the next entity
idx := bytes.IndexByte(data, '&')
if idx == -1 {
data = data[idx:]
// If there is only the '&' left here
if len(data) == 1 {
return buf.String(), nil
// Find the end of the entity
end := bytes.IndexByte(data, ';')
if end == -1 {
// it's not an entitiy. just a plain old '&' possibly with extra bytes
return buf.String(), nil
// Check if there is a space somewhere within the 'entitiy'.
// If there is then skip the whole thing since it's not a real entity.
if strings.Contains(string(data[1:end]), " ") {
return buf.String(), nil
} else {
buf.WriteString(html.UnescapeString(string(data[0 : end+1])))
// Skip the entity
data = data[end+1:]
return buf.String(), nil
// ParseNameAddress parses name/email strings commonly
// found in RSS feeds of the format "Example Name (example@site.com)"
// and other variations of this format.
func ParseNameAddress(nameAddressText string) (name string, address string) {
if nameAddressText == "" {
if emailNameRgx.MatchString(nameAddressText) {
result := emailNameRgx.FindStringSubmatch(nameAddressText)
address = result[1]
name = result[2]
} else if nameEmailRgx.MatchString(nameAddressText) {
result := nameEmailRgx.FindStringSubmatch(nameAddressText)
name = result[1]
address = result[2]
} else if nameOnlyRgx.MatchString(nameAddressText) {
result := nameOnlyRgx.FindStringSubmatch(nameAddressText)
name = result[1]
} else if emailOnlyRgx.MatchString(nameAddressText) {
result := emailOnlyRgx.FindStringSubmatch(nameAddressText)
address = result[1]
func indexAt(str, substr string, start int) int {
idx := strings.Index(str[start:], substr)
if idx > -1 {
idx += start
return idx