# feed-to-muc ## about **feed-to-muc is no more actively developed.** It works ok enough and I am not interested to add more features or fix corner cases where it might fail. If you're looking for an actively developed alternative you might want to have a look at [Morbot](https://codeberg.org/TheCoffeMaker/Morbot). *feed-to-muc* is an XMPP bot which queries Atom or RSS newsfeeds and posts the short summary to a XMPP MUC if there is a new article. ## disclaimer I am no programmer and this bot is a result of a lot of *try and error*. There are probably lots of quirks that are remains of some wrong paths I went in between. Also a lot is probably solved in a *hacky way* due to missing experience. Anyway, it works (for me at least) and so I upload this here. Recommendations about what can be done better improved and so on are very welcome. ## requirements * [go](https://golang.org/) >= 1.18 ## installation You will find the binary in `$GOPATH/bin` or, if set, `$GOBIN`. ```plain $ go install salsa.debian.org/mdosch/feed-to-muc@latest ``` ## configuration If the flag `-config` is not used the configuration is expected at `$HOME/.config/feed-to-muc/config.json` in this format: ```json { "ServerAddress": "example.com:5222", "BotJid": "feedbot@example.com", "Password": "ChangeThis!", "Muc": "muc-to-feed@conference.example.com", "MucNick": "feedbot", "Contact": "xmpp:botadmin@example.com", "MaxArticles": 5, "RefreshTime": 30, "NoExcerpt": false, "Quiet": false, "Filter": [ "submitted by", "[link]" ], "FilterMessage": [ "Block me!", "Block me too!" ], "Feeds": [ "https://www.debian.org/News/news", "https://www.debian.org/security/dsa-long", "https://www.reddit.com/r/FDroidUpdates/new.rss" ] } ``` `MaxArticles` is the maximum number of articles that are sent per feed and query. If `NoExcerpt` is set to *true* no excerpt will be posted. `RefreshTime` defines the interval for checking the feeds in seconds. With `Filter` you can specify strings for filtering out lines beginning with those strings, with `FilterMessage` you can filter out complete postings containing the string. `Contact` is for providing contact information about who is running the bot. If you don't want additional noise in the MUC you can set `Quiet` to disable bot queries (e.g. *contact*) in the MUC (queries per private message are still available).