package shared import ( "bytes" "fmt" "" "net/url" "strings" "" ) var ( // HTML attributes which contain URIs // // To catch every possible URI attribute is non-trivial: // htmlURIAttrs = map[string]bool{ "action": true, "background": true, "cite": true, "codebase": true, "data": true, "href": true, "poster": true, "profile": true, "scheme": true, "src": true, "uri": true, "usemap": true, } ) type urlStack []*url.URL func (s *urlStack) push(u *url.URL) { *s = append([]*url.URL{u}, *s...) } func (s *urlStack) pop() *url.URL { if s == nil || len(*s) == 0 { return nil } var top *url.URL top, *s = (*s)[0], (*s)[1:] return top } func (s *urlStack) top() *url.URL { if s == nil || len(*s) == 0 { return nil } return (*s)[0] } type XMLBase struct { stack urlStack URIAttrs map[string]bool } // FindRoot iterates through the tokens of an xml document until // it encounters its first StartTag event. It returns an error // if it reaches EndDocument before finding a tag. func (b *XMLBase) FindRoot(p *xpp.XMLPullParser) (event xpp.XMLEventType, err error) { for { event, err = b.NextTag(p) if err != nil { return event, err } if event == xpp.StartTag { break } if event == xpp.EndDocument { return event, fmt.Errorf("Failed to find root node before document end.") } } return } // XMLBase.NextTag iterates through the tokens until it reaches a StartTag or // EndTag It maintains the urlStack upon encountering StartTag and EndTags, so // that the top of the stack (accessible through the CurrentBase() and // CurrentBaseURL() methods) is the absolute base URI by which relative URIs // should be resolved. // // NextTag is similar to goxpp's NextTag method except it wont throw an error // if the next immediate token isnt a Start/EndTag. Instead, it will continue // to consume tokens until it hits a Start/EndTag or EndDocument. func (b *XMLBase) NextTag(p *xpp.XMLPullParser) (event xpp.XMLEventType, err error) { for { if p.Event == xpp.EndTag { // Pop xml:base after each end tag b.pop() } event, err = p.Next() if err != nil { return event, err } if event == xpp.EndTag { break } if event == xpp.StartTag { base := parseBase(p) err = b.push(base) if err != nil { return } err = b.resolveAttrs(p) if err != nil { return } break } if event == xpp.EndDocument { return event, fmt.Errorf("Failed to find NextTag before reaching the end of the document.") } } return } func parseBase(p *xpp.XMLPullParser) string { xmlURI := "" for _, attr := range p.Attrs { if attr.Name.Local == "base" && attr.Name.Space == xmlURI { return attr.Value } } return "" } func (b *XMLBase) push(base string) error { newURL, err := url.Parse(base) if err != nil { return err } topURL := b.CurrentBaseURL() if topURL != nil { newURL = topURL.ResolveReference(newURL) } b.stack.push(newURL) return nil } // returns the popped base URL func (b *XMLBase) pop() string { url := b.stack.pop() if url != nil { return url.String() } return "" } func (b *XMLBase) CurrentBaseURL() *url.URL { return } func (b *XMLBase) CurrentBase() string { if url := b.CurrentBaseURL(); url != nil { return url.String() } return "" } // resolve the given string as a URL relative to current base func (b *XMLBase) ResolveURL(u string) (string, error) { if b.CurrentBase() == "" { return u, nil } relURL, err := url.Parse(u) if err != nil { return u, err } curr := b.CurrentBaseURL() if curr.Path != "" && u != "" && curr.Path[len(curr.Path)-1] != '/' { // There's no reason someone would use a path in xml:base if they // didn't mean for it to be a directory curr.Path = curr.Path + "/" } absURL := b.CurrentBaseURL().ResolveReference(relURL) return absURL.String(), nil } // resolve relative URI attributes according to xml:base func (b *XMLBase) resolveAttrs(p *xpp.XMLPullParser) error { for i, attr := range p.Attrs { lowerName := strings.ToLower(attr.Name.Local) if b.URIAttrs[lowerName] { absURL, err := b.ResolveURL(attr.Value) if err != nil { return err } p.Attrs[i].Value = absURL } } return nil } // Transforms html by resolving any relative URIs in attributes // if an error occurs during parsing or serialization, then the original string // is returned along with the error. func (b *XMLBase) ResolveHTML(relHTML string) (string, error) { if b.CurrentBase() == "" { return relHTML, nil } htmlReader := strings.NewReader(relHTML) doc, err := html.Parse(htmlReader) if err != nil { return relHTML, err } var visit func(*html.Node) // recursively traverse HTML resolving any relative URIs in attributes visit = func(n *html.Node) { if n.Type == html.ElementNode { for i, a := range n.Attr { if htmlURIAttrs[a.Key] { absVal, err := b.ResolveURL(a.Val) if err == nil { n.Attr[i].Val = absVal } break } } } for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling { visit(c) } } visit(doc) var w bytes.Buffer err = html.Render(&w, doc) if err != nil { return relHTML, err } // html.Render() always writes a complete html5 document, so strip the html // and body tags absHTML := w.String() absHTML = strings.TrimPrefix(absHTML, "") absHTML = strings.TrimSuffix(absHTML, "") return absHTML, err }