💡   PubSub bookmarks

{% if pager %} {% if page_next or page_prev %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if message %}

» {{message}} {% if message_link %} {{message_link['text']}}. {% endif %}

{% endif %}


{% if start %}

Start your PubSub bookmarks directory with Blasta!

{% endif %} {% if entries %}
{% for entry in entries %}


{% if jabber_id %} {% if restore %} restore {% elif delete %} confirm deletion {% elif jabber_id == jid or exist or path in ('private', 'read') %} edit / delete {% else %} add this {% endif %} {% endif %}


{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if pager %} {% if page_next or page_prev %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

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