<xsl:value-of select='atom:title'/>

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Blasta Syndication Feed

  • #blasta- *** No Title ***


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This Is An Automated Syndication Feed

Congratulations! You have reached to the final frontier that the XML technology has to offer to date, and as of yet!

This is an automated Blasta Syndication Feed which you can utilize to gracefully receive autmatic Blasta updates.

Click here for a selection of software and pick the ones that would fit to you best!

brand:atompub brand:atomsub brand:pubsub code:xslt filetype:atom filetype:rss filetype:xml niche:syndication software:akregator software:fraidycat software:liferea software:otter-browser software:raven-reader software:reeder

blasta- *** No Title ***

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Technical information. Please, read it!

This ASF (Atom Syndication Format) document is conveyed as an XHTML document. This document was produced by an XSLT stylesheet.

XSLT is a powerful technology which transforms XML documents into HTML, JSON, PDF, Text, XHTML, and (modified) XML documents; Learn more about The Extensible Stylesheet Language Family (XSL).