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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
import kaikout.config as config
from kaikout.config import Config
from kaikout.log import Logger
from kaikout.database import Toml
from kaikout.utilities import Documentation, Url
from kaikout.version import __version__
from kaikout.xmpp.bookmark import XmppBookmark
from kaikout.xmpp.muc import XmppMuc
from kaikout.xmpp.status import XmppStatus
from kaikout.xmpp.utilities import XmppUtilities
from slixmpp.exceptions import IqError, IqTimeout
import sys
import time
import tomllib
import tomli as tomllib
logger = Logger(__name__)
# for task in main_task:
# task.cancel()
# Deprecated in favour of event "presence_available"
# if not main_task:
# await select_file()
class XmppCommands:
async def clear_filter(self, room, db_file, key):
value = []
self.settings[room][key] = value
Toml.update_jid_settings(self, room, db_file, key, value)
message = 'Filter {} has been purged.'.format(key)
return message
async def devoice(self, room, alias, reason):
status_message = '🚫 Committing an action (devoice) against participant {}'.format(alias)
self.action_count += 1
task_number = self.action_count
if room not in self.actions: self.actions[room] = {}
self.actions[room][task_number] = status_message
XmppStatus.send_status_message(self, room)
jid_full = XmppMuc.get_full_jid(self, room, alias)
if jid_full:
jid_bare = jid_full.split('/')[0]
await XmppMuc.set_role(self, room, alias, 'visitor', reason)
await asyncio.sleep(5)
del self.actions[room][task_number]
XmppStatus.send_status_message(self, room)
return jid_bare
async def countdown(self, time, room, alias, reason):
while time > 1:
time -= 1
print([time, room, alias], end='\r')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await XmppCommands.devoice(self, room, alias, reason)
def fetch_gemini():
message = 'Gemini and Gopher are not supported yet.'
return message
def get_interval(self, jid_bare):
result = Config.get_setting_value(
self.settings, jid_bare, 'interval')
message = str(result)
return message
async def bookmark_add(self, muc_jid):
await XmppBookmark.add(self, jid=muc_jid)
message = ('Groupchat {} has been added to bookmarks.'
return message
async def bookmark_del(self, muc_jid):
await XmppBookmark.remove(self, muc_jid)
message = ('Groupchat {} has been removed from bookmarks.'
return message
async def invite_jid_to_muc(self, jid_bare):
muc_jid = 'slixfeed@chat.woodpeckersnest.space'
if await XmppUtilities.get_chat_type(self, jid_bare) == 'chat':
self.plugin['xep_0045'].invite(muc_jid, jid_bare)
async def kick(self, room, alias, reason):
status_message = '🚫 Committing an action (kick) against participant {}'.format(alias)
self.action_count += 1
task_number = self.action_count
if room not in self.actions: self.actions[room] = {}
self.actions[room][task_number] = status_message
XmppStatus.send_status_message(self, room)
jid_full = XmppMuc.get_full_jid(self, room, alias)
if jid_full:
jid_bare = jid_full.split('/')[0]
await XmppMuc.set_affiliation(self, room, 'none', jid_bare, reason)
await asyncio.sleep(5)
del self.actions[room][task_number]
XmppStatus.send_status_message(self, room)
return jid_bare
async def muc_join(self, command):
if command:
muc_jid = Url.check_xmpp_uri(command)
if muc_jid:
# TODO probe JID and confirm it's a groupchat
result = await XmppMuc.join(self, muc_jid)
# await XmppBookmark.add(self, jid=muc_jid)
if result == 'ban':
message = '{} is banned from {}'.format(self.alias, muc_jid)
await XmppBookmark.add(self, muc_jid)
message = 'Joined groupchat {}'.format(muc_jid)
message = '> {}\nGroupchat JID appears to be invalid.'.format(muc_jid)
message = '> {}\nGroupchat JID is missing.'
return message
async def muc_leave(self, room):
XmppMuc.leave(self, room)
await XmppBookmark.remove(self, room)
async def outcast(self, room, alias, reason):
status_message = '🚫 Committing an action (ban) against participant {}'.format(alias)
self.action_count += 1
task_number = self.action_count
if room not in self.actions: self.actions[room] = {}
self.actions[room][task_number] = status_message
XmppStatus.send_status_message(self, room)
jid_full = XmppMuc.get_full_jid(self, room, alias)
if jid_full:
jid_bare = jid_full.split('/')[0]
await XmppMuc.set_affiliation(self, room, 'outcast', jid_bare, reason)
# else:
# # Could "alias" ever be relevant?
# # Being a moderator is essential to be able to outcast.
# # JIDs are visible to moderators.
# await XmppMuc.set_affiliation(self, room, 'outcast', alias, reason)
await asyncio.sleep(5)
del self.actions[room][task_number]
XmppStatus.send_status_message(self, room)
return jid_bare
async def print_bookmarks(self):
conferences = await XmppBookmark.get_bookmarks(self)
message = '\nList of groupchats:\n\n```\n'
for conference in conferences:
message += ('Name: {}\n'
'Room: {}\n'
.format(conference['name'], conference['jid']))
message += ('```\nTotal of {} groupchats.\n'.format(len(conferences)))
return message
def print_help():
result = Documentation.manual('commands.toml')
message = '\n'.join(result)
return message
def print_help_list():
command_list = Documentation.manual('commands.toml', section='all')
message = ('Complete list of commands:\n'
return message
def print_help_specific(command_root, command_name):
command_list = Documentation.manual('commands.toml',
if command_list:
command_list = ''.join(command_list)
message = (command_list)
message = 'KeyError for {} {}'.format(command_root, command_name)
return message
def print_help_key(command):
command_list = Documentation.manual('commands.toml', command)
if command_list:
command_list = ' '.join(command_list)
message = ('Available command `{}` keys:\n'
'Usage: `help {} <command>`'
.format(command, command_list, command))
message = 'KeyError for {}'.format(command)
return message
def print_info_list():
config_dir = config.get_default_config_directory()
with open(config_dir + '/' + 'information.toml', mode="rb") as information:
result = tomllib.load(information)
message = '\n'.join(result)
return message
def print_info_specific(entry):
config_dir = config.get_default_config_directory()
with open(config_dir + '/' + 'information.toml', mode="rb") as information:
entries = tomllib.load(information)
if entry in entries:
# command_list = '\n'.join(command_list)
message = (entries[entry]['info'])
message = 'KeyError for {}'.format(entry)
return message
def print_options(self, room):
message = ''
for key in self.settings[room]:
val = self.settings[room][key]
steps = 18 - len(key)
pulse = ''
for step in range(steps):
pulse += ' '
message += '\n' + key + pulse + ' = ' + str(val)
return message
# """You have {} unread news items out of {} from {} news sources.
# """.format(unread_entries, entries, feeds)
def print_statistics(db_file):
Print statistics.
db_file : str
Path to database file.
msg : str
Statistics as message.
function_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
logger.debug('{}: db_file: {}'
.format(function_name, db_file))
entries_unread = sqlite.get_number_of_entries_unread(db_file)
entries = sqlite.get_number_of_items(db_file, 'entries_properties')
feeds_active = sqlite.get_number_of_feeds_active(db_file)
feeds_all = sqlite.get_number_of_items(db_file, 'feeds_properties')
message = ("Statistics:"
"News items : {}/{}\n"
"News sources : {}/{}\n"
return message
def print_support_jid():
muc_jid = 'slixfeed@chat.woodpeckersnest.space'
message = 'Join xmpp:{}?join'.format(muc_jid)
return message
def print_unknown():
message = 'An unknown command. Type "help" for a list of commands.'
return message
def print_version():
message = __version__
return message
def raise_score(self, room, alias, db_file, reason):
Raise score by one.
room : str
Jabber ID.
alias : str
db_file : str
Database filename.
reason : str
status_message = '✒️ Writing a score against {} for {}'.format(alias, reason)
self.action_count += 1
task_number = self.action_count
if room not in self.actions: self.actions[room] = {}
self.actions[room][task_number] = status_message
XmppStatus.send_status_message(self, room)
scores = self.settings[room]['scores'] if 'scores' in self.settings[room] else {}
jid_full = XmppMuc.get_full_jid(self, room, alias)
if jid_full:
jid_bare = jid_full.split('/')[0]
scores[jid_bare] = scores[jid_bare] + 1 if jid_bare in scores else 1
Toml.update_jid_settings(self, room, db_file, 'scores', scores)
del self.actions[room][task_number]
XmppStatus.send_status_message(self, room)
result = scores[jid_bare] if jid_full and jid_bare else 0
return result
def update_score_ban(self, room, jid_bare, db_file):
Update ban score.
room : str
Jabber ID.
jid_bare : str
Jabber ID.
db_file : str
Database filename.
scores = self.settings[room]['score_ban'] if 'score_ban' in self.settings[room] else {}
scores[jid_bare] = scores[jid_bare] + 1 if jid_bare in scores else 1
Toml.update_jid_settings(self, room, db_file, 'score_ban', scores)
# result = scores[jid_bare]
# return result
def update_score_kick(self, room, jid_bare, db_file):
Update kick score.
room : str
Jabber ID.
jid_bare : str
Jabber ID.
db_file : str
Database filename.
scores = self.settings[room]['score_kick'] if 'score_kick' in self.settings[room] else {}
scores[jid_bare] = scores[jid_bare] + 1 if jid_bare in scores else 1
Toml.update_jid_settings(self, room, db_file, 'score_kick', scores)
# result = scores[jid_bare]
# return result
def update_last_activity(self, room, jid_bare, db_file, timestamp):
Update last message activity.
room : str
Jabber ID.
db_file : str
Database filename.
jid_bare : str
Jabber ID.
timestamp :
Time stamp.
activity = self.settings[room]['last_activity'] if 'last_activity' in self.settings[room] else {}
activity[jid_bare] = timestamp
Toml.update_jid_settings(self, room, db_file, 'last_activity', activity)
2024-07-30 17:12:16 +02:00
def remove_last_activity(self, room, jid_bare, db_file):
Remove last message activity.
room : str
Jabber ID.
db_file : str
Database filename.
jid_bare : str
Jabber ID.
activity = self.settings[room]['last_activity'] if 'last_activity' in self.settings[room] else {}
del activity[jid_bare]
Toml.update_jid_settings(self, room, db_file, 'last_activity', activity)
def raise_score_inactivity(self, room, alias, db_file):
Raise score by one.
room : str
Jabber ID.
alias : str
db_file : str
Database filename.
status_message = '✒️ Writing a score against {} for {}'.format(alias, 'inactivity')
self.action_count += 1
task_number = self.action_count
if room not in self.actions: self.actions[room] = {}
self.actions[room][task_number] = status_message
XmppStatus.send_status_message(self, room)
scores_inactivity = self.settings[room]['scores_inactivity'] if 'scores_inactivity' in self.settings[room] else {}
jid_full = XmppMuc.get_full_jid(self, room, alias)
if jid_full:
jid_bare = jid_full.split('/')[0]
scores_inactivity[jid_bare] = scores_inactivity[jid_bare] + 1 if jid_bare in scores_inactivity else 1
Toml.update_jid_settings(self, room, db_file, 'scores_inactivity', scores_inactivity)
del self.actions[room][task_number]
XmppStatus.send_status_message(self, room)
result = scores_inactivity[jid_bare] if jid_full and jid_bare else 0
return result
async def restore_default(self, room, db_file, key=None):
if key:
value = self.defaults[key]
self.settings[room][key] = value
# data_dir = Toml.get_default_data_directory()
# db_file = Toml.get_data_file(data_dir, jid_bare)
Toml.update_jid_settings(self, room, db_file, key, value)
message = ('Setting {} has been restored to default value.'
self.settings = self.defaults
data_dir = Toml.get_default_data_directory()
db_file = Toml.get_data_file(data_dir, room)
Toml.create_settings_file(self, db_file)
message = 'Default settings have been restored.'
return message
def set_filter(self, room, db_file, keywords, filter, axis):
db_file : str
Database filename.
keywords : str
keyword (word or phrase).
filter : str
'allow' or 'deny'.
axis : boolean
True for + (plus) and False for - (minus).
keyword_list = self.settings[room][filter] if filter in self.settings[room] else []
new_keywords = keywords.split(',')
processed_keywords = []
if axis:
action = 'added'
for keyword in new_keywords:
if keyword and keyword not in keyword_list:
keyword_trim = keyword.strip()
action = 'removed'
for keyword in new_keywords:
if keyword and keyword in keyword_list:
keyword_trim = keyword.strip()
Toml.update_jid_settings(self, room, db_file, filter, keyword_list)
message = 'Keywords "{}" have been {} to list "{}".'.format(
', '.join(processed_keywords), action, filter)
return message
async def set_interval(self, db_file, jid_bare, val):
val_new = int(val)
val_old = Config.get_setting_value(
self.settings, jid_bare, 'interval')
await Config.set_setting_value(
self.settings, jid_bare, db_file, 'interval', val_new)
message = ('Updates will be sent every {} minutes '
'(was: {}).'.format(val_new, val_old))
except Exception as e:
message = ('No action has been taken. Enter a numeric value only.')
return message
def update_setting_value(self, room, db_file, key, value):
Toml.update_jid_settings(self, room, db_file, key, value)